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AMD’S CHOPPER PARTS PRO-GUIDE–Production of AMD’s PRO-GUIDE special on aftermarket CHOPPER PARTS is now underway.
If you have any product news, catalogs or other information that you would like to have considered for inclusion, please let us know by return e-mail, or call us TOLL FREE (from USA & Canada) on 866 849 5704. Full contact details are below. As always, our requirements for images are 300dpi resolution JPEG/TIFF/EPS and a minimum 4 inches width whilst at that resolution.
Advertising spaces in this valuable marketing opportunity are filling fast and advertisers are more than welcome to utilize the facilities and services of our full time design studio.
As with all monthly AMD editions, mailing will be to over 10,400 Harley aftermarket dealers, distributors and parts manufacturers. More than 7,700 of these businesses are in the United States.
AMD can proudly and uniquely claim to offer its advertisers access to more market-specific potential trade buyers, in more countries, than any other trade journal produced by anyone, anywhere. Our Pro-Guides have proved to be respected and influential long-term reference tools for dealers.
For more information contact either Group Advertising Manager Steve Rix,
Publisher Robin Bradley
Editor Fraser Addecott mailto:
Kenwood House
1 Upper Grosvenor Road
Tunbridge Wells
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1892 511516
USA TOLL FREE: 866 849 5704

OLD SCHOOL CHOPPER MONSTER GARAGE UPDATE–The air date for the episode #50 Old School Chopper is October 11th.
Hope Moore
Associate Producer
Below is a letter from one of the Chopper team, John Reed, a life-long product designer for Custom Chrome Inc.:
I just want to tell you guys that it was an honor working with you atMonster Garage, I wish they could have brought us there a month or sobefore, so we could get some tools jigs etc and organize it so we couldmake things closer than we do at home.
I was a lot more nervous than yourealized at the start, because I don’t like working with people becauseof all the egos and B/S, so for me it was a unique situation, and I can’tbelieve how comfortable I felt with you all the last half of theweek, especially when Carls two boys came visiting while we weresitting outside our rooms in the evenings solving all the world’sproblems and they realized that I wasn’t as bad as they thought and Don (Hotop)and Mark (Rowe) were really the ones who got me in trouble by winding me up.
I don’t think the situation will arise to allow it to happenagain, but if it does, I would jump at it, and if any of you guys wantanything from me just ask. I enjoyed the hell out of it. I know thatyou were all at the top of the game, and I was just the grindingbitch, but it as cool. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but for some reason I almostfeel like I miss you all.
It will stay in my minds all my life,
John Reed..

CHRISTMAS IN JULY SALE — ONE WEEK ONLY — EXCLUSIVE FOR WHITEHORSE ENEWSCUSTOMERSPlace an online order no later than midnight, July 31, 2004, and save 10% onevery item you order. Follow the link below to search or browse our onlinecatalog for new books, gear, tools, accessories, t-shirts, bargains, andgifts. We’ll deduct 10% when we process your order. This is a rare chanceto get a reduced price on that special item from our catalog that you’vealways wanted, but you do need to use this link or refer to EN0406 toqualify for the discount.
Everyone at Whitehorse Press wishes you happy shopping in July and goodriding for the rest of the summer. We appreciate your business and yoursupport. If we can assist you in any way, don’t hesitate to phone ustoll-free at 800-531-1133 or email
Whitehorse Press
107 East Conway Road
Center Conway, NH 03813-4012
4TH OF JULY ROADBLOCK IN HOUSTON– There was a road block on the southbound I-45 @ Rayford Rd on the 3rd of July from 11:00 PM thru 1:00 AM on the 4th. It was supposedly a ” zero tolerance” stop by Harris County and HPD to check for drunks. However, EVERY motorcycle was pulled over, but not one car. Some 49 bikes were stopped from what I understand, and none were even ticketed? What the Hell?
If anyone out there did get a ticket or get hauled off, let me know. Oh, and 49 bikes with no drunks? My congratulations.
–Jan the Man, West Houston BMC

LAND SPEED RECORDS UNDER THREAT–BUB ENTERPRISES, organisers of the International Speed Trials by BUB, has been in touch with the latest information on the event, which is scheduled for Bonneville Salt Flats on September 6th-10th, 2004.
Obviously taking advantage of the infrastructure that will be in place for the Trials, we are told there are three serious contenders for the ‘World’s Fastest’ crown.
This title is currently held by Dave Campos at 322 mph, and the bike he used, the Easyriders Streamliner, will be on display at Bonneville.
Other display bikes, representing a history of record breaking, include the Triumph-engined Texas Ceegar, the Plymouth Monster, Tenacious ll (fastest motorcycle in Australia) and The Tramp lll (fastest conventional single-engined motorcycle).
Anyone else wishing to enter should note that the deadline for registering an FIM world record attempt has now passed and the pre-entry deadline for the event is just days away.However, there is still time to pre-enter and save $100.Entry forms can be downloaded from the event web site.The site also features an impressive list of sponsors who are helping to make the event a success.
Grass Valley, California, USA
Tel: 530 477 7490 (x209)
Fax: 530 477 7489

CALIFORNIA SUPERBIKE SCHOOL INSTRUCTORMISTI HURST GRABS INTERNATIONAL RACINGSPONSORSHIP FROM HONDA ITALY–At 24 she bought her first motorcycle. At 26 she was taking checkeredflags and thrilling crowds with her stunt riding at racetracks throughoutWestern Canada. Today, at a seasoned 28, California Superbike School instructor Misti Hurst is about to embark on the ride of her life — in Septembershe’ll crank the throttle of a new Honda CBR600RR and go head-to-headwith some of Europe’s best in the Italian CBR Cup Series, thanks to arecently signed sponsorship deal with Honda Italy.
“Riding for the Honda team is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – oneI’m training hard for,” said Hurst, whose instructional duties with KeithCode’s traveling Superbike School will keep her busy until late August,at which time she’ll travel to Italy to get familiar with how the CBRhandles on local tracks.

Hurst, a bona fide “natural born rider”, said her skills on two wheelshave increased markedly due to her involvement with Code’s school… firstas student, then as instructor.
“In November of 2002 I arrived at the school to learn the technical aspectsof riding. Until that point, I had been riding intuitively, but withno real idea of the how’s and why’s of riding, or what to do if I foundmyself in trouble on the road or the track. The instruction was amazingand my confidence, speed, and control of the motorcycle improved tremendously,” said Hurst.
As she neared completion of her training as student, Hurst tried outfor a position as instructor and was accepted. “My continuous training as instructor has been intense but extremelyrewarding. I learn something new every time I’m out on the track,” saidHurst.
“My ultimate goal in life is to make my passion my job. With my roleas instructor at the Superbike School along with the opportunity Hondais giving me, I really feel like I’m living my dream,” said Hurst.
“It’s really great to see our staff doing well in racing, “said SuperbikeSchool founder Code. “It validates our riding technology and keeps thementhusiastic about the whole process of learning the Art of Cornering.”
BIKERNET COMPUTER ADVICE– I was having trouble with my computer. So I called Haroldthe computer guy, to come over. Harold clicked a couple of buttons andsolved the problem. He gave me a bill for a minimum service call.
As he was walking away, I called after him, “So, what waswrong?”
He replied, “It was an ID ten Terror.”
I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired,”An, ID ten T error? What’s that. in case I need to fix it again?”
The computer guy grinned…. “Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?”
“No,” I replied.
“Write it down,” he said, “and I think you’ll figure itout.”
So I wrote out …….. I D 1 0 T
I used to like Harold…
–from Skooter

THIS SATURDAY NITE – JULY 24th “Under The Lites”
Its the – “Texas Style Party Drags” HOUSTON CHAMPIONSHIPS
Top Fuel Harleys – Top Alcohol Harleys – Nostalgia Fuel Harleys & 32 Sportsman Trophy Classes for any type of Harley Davidson Motorcycle from Stock to Drag Modified!- If you LOVE Hot Rod Harleys – You Just Gotta See THIS RACE !!! –
Sponsored By: Ancira RV & Fatboyz Racing With Associate Sponsorship by: Bad Boys of Texas, Inc., Goe Cycles, MC Creations, & KT?s Cycle Service.
Gates Open: 2pm – Time Trials & Pro Qualifying 4pm – Eleminations 8pm
Admission: Adults $20 – Kids 5-14$5 – Under 5 Free
Track Phone:281-383-RACE
Track Location:I-10 East from Houston to exit 798, go 3 miles south on Hwy 146 turn left at the sign on FM 1405 & follow the signs on in!!
Continued On Page 3