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EASYRIDERS INC. ANNOUNCES CHAPTER 11 FILING–Easyriders Inc. today announced that the public holding company, Easyriders Inc., and its principal operating subsidiary, Paisano Publications Inc. (collectively “Easyriders”) have filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California, San Fernando Valley Division.
The bankruptcy court filings were prompted by various repayment demands and other disputes that Easyriders was having with its primary secured lender, Nomura Holding America Inc. (“Nomura”).
Notwithstanding these disputes, the parties entered into a cash collateral stipulation prior to Easyriders’ bankruptcy filings, which will enable Easyriders to continue to operate in the ordinary course of business and pay all necessary operating expenses. Easyriders intends to seek emergency Bankruptcy Court approval of its cash collateral stipulation with Nomura.
Easyriders plans to emerge from their Chapter 11 cases with a comprehensive restructuring of all of their debt. With Nomura’s consent, Easyriders has engaged the Westlake Village-based investment banking firm of Murphy Noel Capital to provide financial advisory services to them and to assist them in connection with their debt restructuring.
Read recently the following in the business section of the L.A. Times about Clive Davis formerly of Arista Records–“People forget what this business is about. Raw talent. Great songs. Hip artists. All anybody seems to care about now is numbers. The fact is you can’t make numbers without creativity.”
I wish Easyriders continued luck and success for the staff and the shareholders who believed in the brand.–Bandit

STURGIS ALERT–On some of the bulletin boards there is talk of groups of more than 4patch holders being pulled over in SD…some bullshit new law…FYI..later-
STURGIS BIKE RALLY NEWS– Wanted to know if you might be able to help me regarding the Sturgis Rally held in August. I want to rent out my cabin. It’s an historic log cabin on 4 acres outside of Deadwood in the Black Hills. It is about 20-25 minutes from Sturgis along Hwy. 385.
I have finally gotten the place fixed up and am rather late getting it rented out during the rally. It sleeps 4-8 comfortably, has a fully stocked kitchen, TV, stereo and is in a beautiful meadow that joins 104 acres of parkland. Deer and a small trout stream out front make this an idea location for privacy and relaxation.
Do you know of anyone who might be interested in renting it for the August 4-14th rally? There may also be 1-2 camper trailers available for rent on the property for larger groups.
— Thanks for your help.
Nanci Vold
Phone- 650.528.4258
WANTED, ’57 STRAIGHT LEG RIGID–I’m looking for a ’57 straight leg rigid to put my ’67 shovel 84″ motor in.
Want to rake the neck 3/4″ don’t know how many degrees that would run a old style 12″ over Harley springer. I’d like to find one of the original early 70’s Performance Machine 15″ rear wheels for this build. I haven’t been in the South Bay in awhile, is Walker’s Engine and frame works still out there in Torrance ? Any help would be appreciated.
–“TEA Ball, Michael”

Bandit and Miss Beach Ride 2001.
VENTURA, CALIFORNIA BEACH RIDE A SUCCESS–Well, we went and did it again. Beach Ride 10. It seemed like the year would never end and that July 15 would never get here. Yet now it seems to swept by in a blur. I don’t know any of the results yet and all of us will be getting an official report at the rap up meeting. Time and date will be announced as soon as possible. It certainly seemed to me that our attendance was up. I am expecting this to have been our best event.
Congratulations on your hard work for the Exceptional Children’s Foundation. Your efforts were extraordinary and your dedication throughout this past year showed.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Steve Romero
Committee Chairman
Thank you all! Your determination, passion, hard work and big hearts assuredthat Beach Ride 10 was the most successful ever! ECF is truly blessed to havesuch awesome support. I too am blessed to work with all of you, and for yourfriendship and support. We’re planning a little get-together here soon aswell as a follow-up critique meeting.I was thinking of renaming ourselves right after the event –EXHAUSTED MC ?
Kia Andersson – L.A Chapter Secretary
ARTHRITIS–ArthritisAn old geezer in an old people’s home takes a fancy to a woman who is also staying there. One day he plucks up the courage to go and talk to her and after a while he says he would like to make love to her. She agrees thatwhen everybody else goes on a day trip they both stay behind at the homeandget down to it.
The old man goes to the woman’s room and asks her how she likes to be madelove to. She tells him that she loves a man to go down on her and asks himif he would mind. He says he would love to do that for her and goes for it.
After about 30 secs he comes back up and says that he is sorry but it justsmells too bad down there. She thinks for a minute and tells him that itmust be the arthritis. He looks at her confused and states that surely youcan’t get arthritis down there and even if you could it wouldn’t cause thatsmell.
She says “No it’s the arthritis in my shoulder, I can’t wipe my ass!”

Let’s try to hook up.–Bandit
SPEED WEEK PHOTO EXHIBIT–Just in time for Speedweek this year will be my new Bonneville “photo show” CD-Rom for computers.
A collection of more than 100 images taken from my book, Bonneville Salt Flats, as well as shots from my private collection, the CD allows full-screen viewing of images in a slide show format.
Not just a “screen saver”, this product gives you a dynamic, revolving photo show of roadsters, lakesters, streamliners, motorcycles, trucks, cars from 1914 through present day.
Take a peek at the cover by logging onto:
Catch me during?the book signings in the lobby of?the State Line Hotel and Casino Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You may also find me Monday night during the FREE SAE presentation of “How to build the World’s Fastest Car”?with ThrustSSC engineer Glynne Bowsher at the State Line’s Bonneville Room banquet facility. Or catch up with me on the salt — look for the?pewter-colored Hummer!
Speedy Regards,
“LandSpeed” Louise Ann Noeth
THE VARIED AND BIZARRE–An esoteric collection of some of the shit that I receive via e-maileveryday! Like I don’t have enough stuff to read!!!!!! BTW – I’ve beenspending a shit load of time out in SoCal, but mostly in Ventura andB’Field, not much time down south. My oldest son graduates USN BasicTraining at Great Lakes on August 3rd and my youngest graduates USMC Basicon August 31st in San Diego. A fuckin squid and jarhead home atChristmas!!!!!!! What’s a father to do?
More info, the Brothers Fast M/C in Denver re-patched to HA a couple ofmonths ago. Presently going through their probationary period. It has thevarious law enforcement communities all up in arms, plus I understand thatthe Bandidos and the Sons of Silence are pretty much staying out of it. Itwas good to see the Red and White represented at the All Harley Drags inJune.
The web-site is kicking ass and you’ve had some good articles on it lately.You ought to do a feature on Liberator Motorcycles, they are based here inDenver and they do offer some cool scoots.
Ride Hard……….. THE BLONDE One day a blonde decides that she is sick and tired of all these blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, so she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat at the same time. He goes over and asks her if she is OK. She replies, “Yes, just really hot and tired”. He asks, “Well, what are you doing?” She replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb and she wanted to do it by painting the house. He then asked her, “Why the hell do you have a ski jacket on over a fur coat?” She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and they said…. FOR BEST RESULTS PUT ON TWO COATS !!!!! HARLEY-DAVIDSON EXPANSION– Harley-Davidson Inc. plans to add 275 new positions at it’s YorkCounty plant as part of a $145 million expansion of the facility. The new workers will join the 3,000 workers already at the plant. The Milwaukee-based company has been producing motorcycles in York since1973. The new plans call for a 350,000-addition to the current 1.2million-square-foot facility. The plant manufactures several Harley-Davidson motorcycle models,as well ascurrent and non-current replacement parts. The state will provide the company a 9.4 million financial package ofgrants and tax credits to support the planned expansion. BANDIT’S CANTINA DOOR PRIZES–If you join the Cantina one of the benefits is a regular door prize drawing with a twist. We ask what the contestants want to win. If we happed to have their dream gift it’s theirs. Of course if they ask for a big-titted redhead, they don’t get shit. I get all the redheads. Just for your entertainment here’s a couple of the unlucky requests: “An evening of romance with Lawless Lorraine, but I’ll take a leather vest.” “I would like to win and it better be fucking good.” 1. The complete collection of Keith Ball’s books autographed. “A Harley tank top to show off my tits!” We’re working on this prize– “A Bandit Bed Roll or a T-shirt you cheap bastards!” “Give me a free book. PLEASE!!!!! The new one, Mr. Orwell. I bet it is a kick-ass book. The other ones were awesome! Fuck the world…….C-YA in HELL! PUB GUY– A guy walked into a pub and immediately noticed a young lady at the bar on her own. After a couple of drinks he decided to offer her a drink and make small talk. She accepted. “What’s your name?” he asked her. “Carmen,” she replied. “That’s a nice name. Did your mother or father name you that?” “Neither. I changed my name when I was eighteen from Linda to Carmen.” “Why did you do that?” he asked. “Well,” she explained, “I like men and I like cars, so that is how I got my name. What’s your name?” “Beerpussy,” the man replied. Continued On Page 3
Gunracer <
Jesse Russell
Apex, NC
Keith Wahl
Saline, MI
2. Harley in a basket.
3. A Bikernt T-shirt & patch.
4. A divorce from that dirty rotten bastard.
Miss BB Free
Huntington Beach, CA
Kim Dunn
Pleasant Hill, CA
Scott Armstrong
Kenwood, CA
Keith Murray
Mechanicville, New Fuckin’ York
Here is a photo actually taken at the US/Mexico border. They caught this guy trying to be smuggled into the U.S.