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BIKERNET GOLF WORKSHOP–After exhaustive research we’re revealing this map to Golf success. In fact one of our Bikernet University (BU) board members wrote the book of Golf Health, Dr. Hamster. Keep in mind that playing golf is also Against the Code of The West, according to Bob T. We have heated discussions at every board meeting.
–Joe Lankau
Dean of sports
Bikernet University

INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOWS SURVEY–All participants are entered to win 1 of 5 $100 Gift Cards!The International Motorcycle Shows would like to learn about your experience at our 2006/2007 shows and how to better serve your needs. Please help us by completing this brief 5-minute survey.
Your response is important even if you didn’t attend any of the 2006/2007 International Motorocycle Shows. Thank you for your time. We greatly appreciate your feedback, which will be kept strictly confidential.
Just click on the link below or copy and paste into your browser: –The International Motorcycle Shows CHARLOTTE RUN FOR BREATH UPDATE–Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we have been preparing for the 8th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” Everything seems to be in place. The RFB is Sunday July 22nd. Registration for the poker run is at SBW 10am –12 noon. Registration for the bike show is from 12 noon–2pm. The proceeds from the RFB go to the American Lung Association and their Camp Air care. A week long camp for kids with asthma. All week the kids have a great time and are educated concerning asthma. The proceeds from the Run For Breath pays for every kid to attend. This means that kids that normally would not attend due to financial reasons have the opportunity to attend. The Run For Breath demands a lot of time and effort from our volunteers, but it is worth it, just knowing how many kids we have helped. The poker run draws between 400-500 riders and the bike show draws around 100 bikes. One of the most fun parts of the RFB is the bike show awards. They are all hand made from used or damaged bike parts. I will have pictures next week. The award that always gets the most attention is Mr. Bandits “Best of Show” award. We can’t wait to see what he has come up with this year! That about wraps it up for this week. If anyone would like to make a donation to the Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin,” you can send your donation to me at STEALTH BIKE WORKS, 14113 East Independence Blvd., Matthews NC. 28104 or give me a call at 704-882-0889. I thank you and the kids thank you in advance! Until next week, RIDE! HOLLISTER RALLY SAVED OR RUINED?– I’m thinking that 85% of the attendee’s go to see the spectacle of all the bikes lined up on the main street, with running bikes parading up and down that street. This year, was a joke in comparison. I didn’t see many bikes, and only heard a couple. What’s the point? I doubt I’ll return for another Hollister rally, if the layout stays the same. It Sucked! All you have to do is, CHARGE every bike $10 or $15 (or $25 for the weekend) to park and ride in that main street area… problem solved. This yrs layout SUCKED!! That’s the end of the Hollister rally if you don’t change it back. –Jeff K. A NEW H-D DEALERSHIP ROLLS INTO TOWN.CHICAGOLAND’S CITY LIMITS HARLEY-DAVIDSONHUGE KICK OFF PARTY!THIS SATURDAY JULY 14TH 9AM – 9PM!–Suburban H-D is changing names and Chicagoland’s All New City Limits Harley-Davidson will be unleashed & take Chicago by storm this Saturday, July 14th from 9am to 9pm We’ll be partying well into the evening with tons of awesome stuff going on. Join us at 2200 N. Rand Rd. in Palatine for a party that will go down in the record books. We’ll have: Unbeatable Deals! So, don’t miss this awesome party. The All New Chicagoland’s City Limits is The Place to be on July 14th!!! This will never happen again and it’s something you don’t want to miss. City Limit’s Harley-DavidsonRide with the Dealer Night…Tonight, Thursday, July 12th at 7pm Join the gang from City Limits Harley-Davidson on an awesome night out. We’ll meet at the dealership then ride! We’ll be grilling free food before, so get here early. The ride is FREE & everyone’s welcome…so come & join us tonight for this great ride!!! We’ll Beat Any Bike Deal in Chicagoland! JULY 2007 STOCK UPFOR STURGISWITH CRUZ TOOLS–10% OFF DISCOUNTPLUS – GET ONE “OUTBACK’R 13 IN 1 MULTI-TOOL”645530 FREE WITH A STOCKING ORDER OF 6 TOOLS/KITS -MIX & MATCH YOUR CHOICE!
Live Music from Acclaimed Led Zeppelin Tribute
Band Kashmir and Local Chicago Act DoubleWide!
Free Pig Roast & Drinks!
Corn Roast!
Parade Ride at Noon!
Bikini Bike Wash for Charity!
Free Raffles!
Free Give-Aways!
Baggo Tournament with Cash Prizes!
Burn Out Pit!
“Dunk the Dealer” in a Dunk Tank for Charity!
A Fireworks Show!
Outside Vendors!
Tons More!


MATT HOTCH DESIGNS KICKSTANDS–Fullerton, CA – June, 2007For that custom, smooth look, Matt Hotch Designs offers the original Internal Spring Kickstand System. Our patented designs are now available in weld-on styles to fit 1-1/8-inch, 1-1/4-inch and 1-1/2-inch framerails. If welding is out of the question, check out our Bolt-On Internal Spring Kickstand.
Both applications are available in bent or straight leg, show chrome or black chrome finish. All Matt Hotch Designs kickstands are made in the USA.
For ordering or additional information call Pat at (714) 525-4011, or email
CELEBRITY CHOPPER BUILDER, WILD BILL, MAKES NASHVILLE HOME– “Master Builder” is the name that is given to only a select few chopper builder’s worldwide. Wild Bill has rightfully earned that designation for his original, hand crafted bikes. Each and every one is a mind-blowing masterpiece on wheels. Wild Bill is the name that is synonymous with customizing Harley Davidson motorcycles since 1985. This “Headliner” and “Best of Show” winner has had his creations featured in/on many recognizable national periodicals, networks and television shows, including The Wheel of Fortune and The Price is Right.
Nashville recently became home to Wild Bill’s Underground Chopper Studio/Gallery and Garage. He has the distinction of having been warmly embraced by many recording artists and celebrities, worldwide. Wild Bill received special recognition for creating the only original Willie Nelson fully customized chopper.
His interest in Harley’s was developed at the tender age of two and his passion for wild, wicked and innovative designs never ceased. Wild Bill also developed a reputation for his outlandish and crazy design promotions within the tourism industry. This “Master of His Craft” and owner of Nashville’s only “Underground Chopper Garage, has the only patented true center wide tire kit for sportsters and softails with a tag line that reads, “Smoke a Fattie”. Of course, he’s referring to the wide tire. “Individuality is the key. I will never create two of the same bike,” emphatically states Wild Bill.
Originally from Louisiana, this Cajun “Master Builder” has appreciated the southern hospitality he has found here in Nashville and is proud to call the city his new home. With a rugged biker’s exterior, many are surprised to find out that Wild Bill has a heart for children and willingly donates his time and resources for charitable organizations. During an exclusive interview with Wild Bill, it was discovered that he is also an accomplished artist. His medium is primarily metal and his work ranges from sculpture to wall art to commissioned pieces. What are the prices for an original one of a kind work of art or custom chopper by Wild Bill? It all depends upon you. However, in our opinion, a one of a kind work by this artist is most certainly priceless.
One thing is for sure, Wild Bill plays by his own rules, so you never know what to expect when he opens his Underground Chopper Studio and Gallery this summer. All we know is that you don’t want to miss what all of Nashville will be talking about!! You can check out Wild Bill and his crazy and outlandish, head turning and adrenaline pumping creations at 104 5th Ave. South– right off Broadway —
For more with Wild Bill check him out at

H.O.G. TURNS SILVER INTO CHROME–MILWAUKEE – (July 9, 2007) The Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) kicks off its 25th Anniversary on August 28, 2008, in Milwaukee, Wis. Highlights of the silver anniversary event include free admission to CLUB H.O.G. 25 for H.O.G. members plus one guest per member. Located on the grounds of Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers, CLUB H.O.G. 25 will feature live entertainment, a Ride-In Show with the chance to win awards, including the 7th Annual Willie G. Award, MDA fund-raising activities, and performances by stunt riders and motorcycle drill teams. In addition, the H.O.G. 25th Anniversary Concert Celebration, a private concert for H.O.G. members and their guests, is planned for the evening of August 28 inside the 40,000-plus seat Miller Park. The concert is a separate ticketed event with headline entertainment, ticket pricing and purchase information to be announced at a future date. Additional details about Club H.O.G. 25 and the H.O.G. 25th Anniversary Concert will be announced in future issues of Hog Tales magazine and on the members’ only site at “The excitement is nearing an all-time high for H.O.G.’s 25th Anniversary and anticipation for next year’s celebration at Miller Park in Milwaukee couldn’t be greater. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to hold our 25th Anniversary Celebration at Miller Park, which is an outstanding facility,” said Mike Keefe, Vice President, Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Director, Harley Owners Group. “CLUB H.O.G. 25 will be an exclusive premier event that will attract tens of thousands of Harley Owners Group members from around the country and around the world.” Come early and stay all weekend because the celebration continues during Harley-Davidson’s 105th Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee at Henry Maier Festival Park along the lakefront in downtown Milwaukee. H.O.G. Island, a free, exclusive H.O.G. hospitality area will be located on Milwaukee’s all-new Lakeshore State Park during the Harley-Davidson 105th Anniversary Celebration. HO.G. members and their guests can also kick back at H.O.G. Haven, a low cost RV and camp ground featuring food and beverage concessions, vendors and plenty of live entertainment from August 27-September 1 at Washington County Fair Park in West Bend, Wis., the site of H.O.G.’s 20th Anniversary – Club H.O.G. XX in 2003. SICKO’S SUCCESSFUL WEEKEND PUTS MY MOVIE IN 200 MORE CITIES TODAY–The results are in from the weekend — and they are amazing! “Sicko” more than doubled what industry insiders had predicted it would do for the weekend and, as I predicted, it did indeed have the second largest opening weekend in film history for a documentary (after F911). It also had the second highest per screen average for the weekend (after the Pixar animated film, “Ratatouille”). All this in spite of the fact, as Variety wrote, it’s not been a very good year for documentaries at the box office. According to Variety, there have been 29 docs released in theaters in 2007, and they have grossed less than two million combined. What does it say about the state of affairs for non-fiction films if, in just three days, one film more than doubles what all 29 of them did together? I’ve decided I want to do something about this. I see so many great documentaries and it’s a shame that most of you don’t get to see them. Later this year, I will announce a new project that will help other f! ilmmakers get the distribution they deserve. Of course, if you live in Lincoln, NE; Bangor, ME; Reno, NV; New Haven, CT; Columbia, SC; or Oklahoma City, you didn’t get to see “Sicko” this weekend either. But thanks to the massive turnout in the 440 theaters who had it, the studio has decided to expand “Sicko,” TODAY (Tuesday, July 3) to 200 more theaters! And this Friday, they will add another 100 cities. Those of you who went to see it in the last few days have made it possible for others around the country to see my movie. Thank you. On Sunday, Canada celebrated the 45th anniversary of its free, universal health care system — with its built-in bonus of living longer than we do. Why do they have this and not us? We’ve already taken their Stanley Cup from them for good. Let’s demand we get to live as long as they do, too! What good is a dumb ol’ Cup if we aren’t around long enough to use it? –Michael Moore TWO DROPS OF WATER–A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water. As the bartender gives her the drink she says, “I’m on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it’s today..” The bartender says, “Well, since it’s your birthday, I’ll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me.” As the woman finishes her drink, the woman to her right says, “I would like to buy you a drink, too.” The old woman says, “Thank you. Bartender, I want a Scotch with two drops of water.” “Coming up,” says the bartender. As she finishes that drink, the man to her left says, “I would like to buy you one, too.” The old woman says, “Thank you. Bartender, I want another Scotch with two drops of water.” “Coming right up,” the bartender says. As he gives her the drink, he says, “Ma’am, I’m dying of curiosity. Why the Scotch with only two drops of water?” The old woman replies, “Sonny, when you’re my age, you’ve learned how to hold your liquor. Holding your water, however, is a whole other issue.” –from Nick Roberts NOISE ORDINANCE IN DENVER–DENVER – It’s been about a week since an ordinance seeking to crack down on loud motorcycles went into effect in Denver. From the police perspective there’s been a noticeable change in the short time. “Generally I would always hear a lot of these motorcycles from several blocks away, when they’re accelerating rapidly. I’ve seen a decrease in that and also I haven’t had any complaints,” said Officer Jim Pelloni, who is with the Denver Police Department’s traffic enforcement division. The ordinance requires motorcycle owners to keep their bikes’ “noise” or sound, depending on which side of the debate a person falls on, to 82 decibels. It also requires bikes made after 1982 to carry an EPA compliance seal or sticker, as it’s more commonly known, to be displayed on the pipes. The sticker would serve as verification that the pipes have been modified to meet the established decibel level. Many bikers are not complying. “I’ve already spent a thousand dollars on my bike (to make it louder). Why would I spend another thousand to get it back to where it was?” asked Kelly Murphy. From the biker perspective, loud pipes are vital for safety. Murphy says his bike idles at 105 decibels, clearly in violation of Denver’s ordinance. Some bikers spend hundreds of dollars to make their bikes louder because they say it help drivers hear them when they may not be able to see them. “I do believe loud pipes save lives and that’s kind of why we do that to our bikes,” said Al Galperin. “The response to that is that if you ride safe I think you have a better chance of surviving out there than if you ride aggressively with loud motorcycle mufflers and try to bring attention to yourself,” Pelloni said. I find these reports interesting. Last week a kid riding his bike to a church was killed by a motorist who pulled directly into his path. So what’s the deal: Ride Safely and quietly and we’ll kill you anyway? We need to make noise because of all the idiots on the road–Bandit AMERICAN PERFORMANCE CYCLE/APC INTRODUCES THE HIGH ROLLER–Las Vegas, NV – American Performance Cycle, a market leading world class custom production bike manufacturer located in Las Vegas, NV introduces their High Roller a softail chopper that features a 36 degree rake in the neck and 3 degrees in the trees for a total rake of 39 degrees and is stretched 4″ with 7″ added on the downtubes. Its 114″ wheelbase and superb rake and trail make this chopper easy to maneuver and a kick to ride. This is one bike that doesn’t like to sit still. It is extremely comfortable cruising the boulevards or blasting through the largest canyons. The High Roller starts at only $28,995. American Performance Cycles was started in 1996 and has become a well-known manufacturer of high class, affordable custom production bikes that are approved for sale and use in all 50 states. As APC’s reputation for value and quality spread throughout the motorcycle industry, so did the demand for parts to build them. Early on, APC became concerned with all of their venders and their ability to deliver products in a timely manner so they began buying all of their own equipment and got into the manufacturing of all of their own products. This successful business decision has allowed them to control their own destiny and today, they build bikes as fast as needed. Dealers and customers alike never have to wait for product. “Mike Sample Jr. stated, “We got tired of waiting for products from outside sources and now manufacture most of our own parts so that we don’t have to rely on anyone.” “We also have one of the best in-house paint facilities in the industry” added Mike Sample Jr.All APC models are CARB and DOT approved. For dealers interested in adding APC bikes to their current product line up and getting up to 12 months of free flooring, please call (702) 314-5272 or check out their website at>
Click for this weeks specials.
Continued On Page 5