I?m here at Bikernet headquarters trying to bang out somethinglike the Thursday news. I got one finger swathed in a raggedy, oil-soakedBand-aid, I got a hell of a hangnail on the other and them?s the only fingersthat can operate on this here damned keyboard.
If any of you out there depend seriously on the Bandit?s stuntedprose to guide your miserable, misbegotten lives, you?re fucked. Whateverwriting I do, I usually scrawl stuff with a crayon I stole from some whinykid down the block. My vocabulary has been blistered by too much acid in the’60s, too much coke in the ’70s, too much crank in the ’80s and too muchecstasy in the ’90s. Now I survive on a daily pint or two of Jack Daniels. I?m lucky to string three words together. So don?t be whining about thequality of the news, ya? ungrateful assholes:
RUN FOR BREATH IN CHARLOTTE, UPDATE–It’s hard to believe we’re a little more than two weeks away from the Run For Breath (July 22, Charlotte H-D). We’ve been organizing and planning since January!
Last night we had a dozen bikes ride to Camp Air Care, which is where the proceeds from this year’s run will go. This is a camp for kids (ages 6-12) with asthma. What a beautiful spot! Swimming pool, wooded areas, playgrounds, baseball diamond, basketball court, everything a kid could want. There were stock cars, a helicopter, fire engines, and, of course, the bikes. Would you believe we were the biggest attraction for the kids? They heard us as we came roaring into the park and they lined up to greet us.
We spent a lot of time talking to the volunteers at the camp. What wonderful people they are to devote their time and energy to these kids. The kids have a regular day at camp, just like any other kid, but at least once during each day they are involved in asthma education. One of the nurses there told us that most of these kids go to the emergency room with every asthma attack because they have no education about the disease.
All of the funds that are donated this year will go to the Justin Pullin Scholarship Fund for kids who couldn’t otherwise afford to go.
Also, yesterday’s Monroe, N.C., Enquirer-Journal newspaper featured a front-page article about Mike, Justin and the Run For Breath. It was a well-done story, with pictures of Mike and the bike he built in memory of Justin.
We have been able to get the run posted on a Charlotte web site, GoCarolinas.com, which lists local events.
Charlotte H-D

BRAND NEW JOKER MACHINE ROCKER BOXES–Precision machined, billet aluminum with a no-worries gasket seal, these are the hottest, cleanest rocker boxes on the market. Drag Specialties carries them or check the Joker Machine area right here in downtown Bikernet.
IT’S ALL IN THE ATTITUDE– A new business was opening and one of the owner’s friends wanted to send him flowers for the occasion. They arrived at the new business site and the owner read the card, “Rest in Peace.”
The owner was angry and called the florist to complain.
After he had told the florist of the obvious mistake and how angry he was, the florist replied, “Sir, I’m really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry, you should imagine this: Somewhere there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, ‘Congratulations on your new location.'”
STURGIS HOUSING UPDATE–Because there are less expected rally-goers this year, housing has not been so difficult to find. There are quite a few private houses still available. Of course finding a tent space has never really been a problem, even for the record-breaking 60th. I’ve heard of a few hotel/motel openings too… not many, but a few. All the lodging info we provide is located at: http://www.Sturgis-Rally.com/lodging.html
We’re also going to continue the Black Hills map special… Buy anyfour 2001 T-shirts and we’ll send you this great map for free! It’s a very hard to destruct, detailed map of the greater Black Hills region. We work with many of the different local Sturgis T-shirt producers and places that sell their own T’s, (like the Buffalo Chip or the Full Throttle Saloon, etc) and are able to offer you one place to get T-Shirts from several different places… saves you time and money because you don’t have to go online to several different places and pay separate shipping and handling charges. And of course you don’t have to fight the crowds and figure out a way to haul more stuff back home!
Rally Patch collectors… Check out http://www.sturgis-rally.com/mall/pins.html We’ve actually found some older patches and have made some patch sets available… Obviously, these are VERY limited sets. When they are gone, it’s doubtful that we’ll be able to find any more.

WILD INTAKE/CARB SET-UP–I recently received a shot of this engine and freaked. I needed to know more so I contacted the owner, Cronin. We’ll feature it shortly, but this is a recent shot–“TRANSMISSION IS 6-SPEED, BAKER, DELKRON, ANDREW COMBINATION.WE JUST “SHOVED” THIS ONE IN THE SOFTAIL. “
Here are more specs:
Manufacturer: Keck
Materials: Billet 6061
Modifications: DR-2 style bearings by Delkron
Manufacturer: Proflow
Manufacturer: JIMS
Modifications: Balanced at 180 degrees from the crank pin using 1-1/4 inches
Tungsten Pins, by J.B. Customs
Manufacturer: Carrillo, 8 inch w/ .927 Wristpins
Manufacturer: J.E., 4-3/8 inches
Manufacturer: Hy-Performance
Materials: Ductile Iron 4-3/8 inch bore
Modifications: Hydraulic fit using 7/16 inch studs
Manufacturer: R@R
Materials: 6061 Aluminum
Modifications: Breather vents and O-ring intake ports by J.B. Customs,
Manufacturer: PowerHouse, 620m
Manufacturer: Ferrea
Manufacturer: Jims
Manufacturer: Delkron
Manufacturer: J.B. Customs
Materials: 403 Stainless Steel
Note: Port Flow Analyzed @ 321.2 C.F.M. @ 700 Lift / 313.5 c.f.m. @ 600 Lift(mounted on heads w/carburetors and stacks complete)
Manufacturer: Keihin, (4) 39 m.m.
Modifications: Blueprinted, shortened throttle shafts, synchronized, matchedthroats and constructed velocity stacks. By J.B. Customs
Manufacturer: J.B.Customs
Materials: 2-1/8 inch Stainless Steel
Manufacturer: Sprocket Shaft (+ 0.750 inch), Pinion Shaft (+ 0.370 inch), Crank Pin,
Rod Bearings, and Cages all By JIMS
Rods By Carrillo
Notes: Total weight = 32.28 pounds (compared with a stock Harley 80″ EVO @ 31.52 poundsPiston set = 3.60 pounds (compared with a stock Harley 80″ EVO @ 2.41 poundsThat is only .76 pounds + 1.19 pounds = 1.95 pounds (884.51 grams) of additionalweight! *Head and crankcase is vented and pressure monitored upper and lower,by J.B. Customs

SUPER VEE REPORT, SURVIVED ANOTHER 700 MILES– Just back from another 700 miler over the mountains to Vernon.Vintage flattracking with Indian Sport Scouts, Harley WRs, Rotaxtwin (snowmobile engine) ice-racer sidehack, a variety of British twins andsingles, etc. Had a great time, apart from my buddy beating all the Indianson his WR, and the Vee ran great. I’ll be writing this one up, and justfinished a report on the Isle of Lamb run last weekend (another old bikecampout).
Generally they run 300 to 1,000 words, may even send you one forthe flavour.
WRONG GRILS–Come on Bandit, you can do better than that. Put real biker woman on gril of the day, not ones I have seen in magazines. That sucks. DON’T USE MODELS, there are lots of GREAT biker ladies, use them.
–The undertaker
Continued on Page 2