JIMS Brake Fluid and Corrosion Detection Strips

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We know the hydraulic fluid in brake and clutch systems may need to be changed or flushed. The question is: When? At JIMS, we have the answer. These detection strips reveal the condition of the fluid, as well as the hydraulic system itself. For obvious safety reasons, we feel these are a must for service departments as well as the home mechanic. BrakeStrip detection strips also determine whether there is DOT 3, 4 or a combination of the two fluids in the system. The Brake Fluid ID and Corrosion Detection Strips are part #757 and are $122.00 (MSRP) for a quantity of 100 test strips. For more information contact us at sales@jimsusa.com, visit www.jimsusa.com, or call (805)-482-6913.

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