Continued From Page 2

We’d like to introduce all our readers to our esteemed web master, the Digital Gangster. What a nice guy.–Bandit
BIKERNET TRAVEL SERVICE–At a small air terminal in the Texas Panhandle, three strangers areawaiting their shuttle flight. One is a Native American passing through fromOklahoma. Another, a local ranch hand on his way to Ft. Worth for astock show. The third passenger is an Arab student, newly arrived at the Texasoil patch from the Middle East.
The cowpoke leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazinetable,tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outsideblows tumbleweeds and the old windsock flaps, but no plane comes.
To pass the time the other two strike up a conversation on recent eventsand the discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon the Westernerslearn that the Arab is a devout Muslim. The conversation falls into an uneasylull.
Finally, the Native American clears his throat and softly, he speaks:”Once my people were many, now we are few.”
The Muslim raises an eyebrow and leans forward, “Once my people werefew,” he sneers, “and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?”
The Texan shifts the toothpick to one side of his mouth and from thedarkness beneath his Stetson says “Cause we ain’t played Cowboys andMuslims…yet”
–from Al Friedman
BIKERNET WEB SITE RESEARCH–Great web-site for bike events! Enjoy, RC –Ron Copple BIKERNET PEASHOOTER RESEARCH–Since selling the Bikernet 1931 VL restored by Mike Egan, we’ve been on a search for a motorcycle of that era to replace the VL. Bandit was intrigued by Peashooters, or singles that were built from 1926-33, a 30.5 model. Actually the Peashooter title was given to the racing units. Well, we’re looking for part, pieces, a basket to get started. Our first contact was with a European gentleman who is selling his ’29 on the website George’s Antique Bike Trader. Here’s what he had to say, but never gave us a price: “I find it in the north part of Finland for some years ago. I went up some 700 kms and bought it prompt. The Peashooter is an original bike with original register papers and original register sign as well, and as far as I know I am the third ownner. ” The Engine is in good order and I took part of or tradional parade with the bike 1st of may this year, so it is runnable. My personal interest as always been among British and some Italians which make the reason why I might sell the bike. “Anyway I do not think it is easy to find a “Peashooter” as used original bike like this with complete known history. And it has not been on the local market or any attempt from me here to sell it. “As far as I know, H-D started production of “Peashooters” one year afterIndian did.The reason why, was actually two, I think. Any way my knowledge in the area of H-Ds is not particulary good, but thisbike I could not resist so when I find it, I bought it prompt about a yearago.” Regards and all the best for 2003 –Harry W. Nordlund WORKING–I don’t know about your area of the country but a growing trend here isforpeople to get lazy. It is not uncommon for as many as 14 to 18peopleto stand around and watch only one person work. The situation isalmostout of hand, hope it is not happening in your area asmuch………………… –from Bob T. DYNA FAT TIRE KIT–Big Boar products now offers a complete fat tire kit for all Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide model motorcycles. If your Dyna Glide is making big ponies you need a fat rear tire to ghet that power to the ground. The Big Boar kit includes: Wide Swing arm, Wide rear composite fender, motor sporocket shaft extension., extra length transmission main shaft & fifth gear, primary cover spacers, transmission pulley spacer, all required gaskets & seals, extra length clutch push rod, fender rail bolts and shock top bolts & spacers. Absolutely everything you need to go fat with your Dyna is included. Big Boar quality is present in every component. BIKERNET HELMET LAW HISTORY–BY BILL BISH 1961 The first compulsory helmet law in the world took effect in Victoria, Australia, on January 1st. 1966 Georgia adopts the first helmet law in the U.S. Later that year, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) threatens to withhold millions of dollars in highway funds from states failing to enact helmet laws. By 1969, 41 states comply. 1969 Illinois repeals their helmet law as unconstitutional. 1975 Helmet use is required in 47 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The Secretary of Transportation initiates legal proceedings against California, Utah and Illinois to withhold highway funds due to non-compliance. 1976 Congress amends the Highway Safety Act, revoking DOT authority to require states to adopt helmet laws and preventing the Secretary from imposing fiscal sanctions. By 1977, 23 states repeal or modify their helmet laws. 1983 Wyoming passes an under 18 amendment to their mandatory helmet law, leaving only 19 states with a helmet requirement for all riders. 1988 – 91 Helmet laws reinstated in Oregon (passed by public referendum, effective 6/16/88), Nebraska (eff. 1/1/89), Texas (eff. 9/1/89), Washington (eff. 6/7/90) and California (eff. 1/1/92). 1991 – 95 Congress passes the Intermodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), a massive highway bill which includes a requirement that states pass both helmet and seat belt laws by Sept 31, 1993 or transfer certain federal highway funds into safety programs. Only Maryland complies (10/1/92), making 25 states with full helmet laws, 22 states with modified laws excluding most adults, and 3 states with no helmet law. 1995 On November 28, President Clinton signs the National Highway System Designation Act (NHS), a highway bill which includes a repeal of the federal ISTEA helmet mandates. 1997-present Effective August 1, 1997, Arkansas repeals their mandatory helmet law to apply only to those under 21. Texas soon follows, repealing their helmet law effective September 1, 1997 for riders 21 and older who have either completed a motorcycle safety course or carry a minimum $10,000 medical insurance. Effective July 15, 1998, the state of Kentucky repeals mandatory helmet law for riders 21 and older who can show proof of medical insurance. Effective August 15, 1999, Louisiana amends its helmet law to exempt riders 18 and older with a minimum $10,000 in medical insurance. Effective July 1, 2000, Florida amends their helmet law to exempt riders 21 and older with $10,000 minimum medical insurance. –Bill Bish, THE GRAND FINALE (I LOVE THIS ONE!!!)– Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert, anhour east of Bakersfield, California, some folks, new to boating,were having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t gettheirbrand new 22 ft. boat going. It was very sluggish in almost everymaneuver, no matter how much power was applied. After about an hour oftrying to makeit go, they putted to a nearby marina, thinking someone there could tellthemwhat was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything inperfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out drive went up anddown,and the prop was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marinaguys jumped in the water to check underneath. He came up choking on water,he waslaughing so hard. NOW REMEMBER… THIS IS TRUE … Under the boat,still strapped securely in place, was the trailer. –from Rogue DAVE BARR SETS NEW RECORD– “I’ve established my second world record. I road a Sportster to the 4 extreme compass points of the continent of Australia, much of it through the outback. I’m working with a company that is making a documentary of the journey and is aiming to get it on to mainstream TV,” Dave told recently. He’ll be in the Guiness world book for records for this trip. We carry a book on some of Dave’s other exploits. You can pick one up in the Gulch. –Dave Barr “Sometimes I think war is God’s way of teaching us geography.” – – Paul Rodriguez –from Kris B. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES–I don’t get as much time in the garage as I would like, so when I’m working with tools, I want to knock out each project with aplomb and success. In other words I want to get the job done and get back on the road, quick. So I started tinkering with some tubing a local muffler shop gave me to work with. This is aluminum coated steel tubing. I cut the chunks I needed and attempted to dovetail the rings together with the center strap. According to the mechanic at the shop this was a doable procedure. Sorta, if you want to fight through the aluminum coating with a torch. From that point on my perfectly thought-out design fell apart until I was forced to give up and return to the headquarters. If the news is scrambled in one aspect or another, it’s because my mind has been locked into solving the shaky underpinnings of the carburetor system on my Panhead. It’s either that or sex. The bike is running so well I’m tempted to ride it to Sturgis. If only I can muster the ingenuity to solve the mounting/air cleaner complexities of dual carbs, I may make it out of town. Have a helluva weekend. –Bandit
-The Eurpean market
Besides racers there were 3 diffrent types: A,AB and B
-One ohv with magneto
-One sv with magneto
-One sv with generator and same ignition system and frame like the 750
-Mine is one of the last named type.