Continued From Page 1

EYECANDY CUSTOMS ? TAILIGHTS–Bandit,You featured one of our bikes a few weeks ago on your site. It was theEyecandy Custom Cycles Black/Blue chopper. Check out our taillights. We currently have the model A and Caddy ones available(the caddy picture attached is an unfinished unit). I have had some greatresponses from people looking at your site.

Thanks Vincent
DALLAS CHOPPER SHOW–Weather Looks GREAT This SUNDAY forThe 2nd Annual DALLAS CHOPPER SHOW & Swap Meet SEE TEXAS BEST – Home Built – Shop Built – Manufacturer Built Choppers & Vote For Your Favorite for – Peoples Choice
CHECK OUT – Bargains on Accessories & Parts – Giant Leather DiscountersUsed Parts – Garage “Clean Outs” – Lifestyle Accessories – Jewelry – NoveltiesDrag Racin? Motorcycle Display – Wall to Wall Good Deals – accompanied by -Mad Max & Max Attack – “Rock & Blues, just like we like it” –
ADMISSION – $8 ADULTS, $5 5-14, Under 5 FREE
INFORMATION – Show 254-687-9066, Day of Show 214-428-4500
-Vendor Info 254-687-2362 & More on the web WWW.TEXASSCOOTER.COM
LOCATION – Corner of Industrial Blvd. & Corinth.
Take Industrial Blvd Exit from I-30 or I-35 at Downtown Dallas, Go South 5 Blocks on Industrial Blvd. Look fer the COW
Hey folks,Chop-art moto illustration will take a photo of your prized two-wheeled possessionand turn it into an illustration. A great way to display your baby at home or inoffice. You get a finished print, cd with the finished art work as well as a fileto put on your computers desktop. Please contact me with any questions. I look forwardto speaking with you and checkin’ out that sweet ride.
Dave Seymour
A MESSAGE FROM BULLITT–Sin and all non-harley bikers – Hey lady, it was nice of you to say that Bikernet is an equal oppotunity motorcycle site.Especially when ya got wankers like Jose calling anyone who don’t own a Harley a fucking wannabe.That’s certainly the way to encourage more readers and promote your site to a wider audience.
Keep up the good work Jose.
Whenever I come across guys like this I am constantly reminded of why I DON’T own a fucking Hog.
I always have a good laugh at the Harley guys who go around telling all and sundry that they are “individuals”.Like yeah, sure. Taken a good look at yourselves lately?Black rebel boots, black jeans, black t-shirts, black jackets, black gloves, black open face helmets, black attitudes to riders on other brands of bikes.
You’re just a bunch of clones. Do they manufacture you at a factory somewhere?
Individuals my ass!
Get a life for fucks sake.
On a lighter note. I am just off to Sri Lanka as part of an Emergency Disaster Response Team. Thanks to everyone, Aussie and American and UK who has made a donation or helped out in some way.If you want to see what the Tsunami really did in terms of damage check out the site below;
Now there’s reports of pedophiles kidnapping young children. We’re really hoping to come across some of these fuckers, it’s chaos over there, a few more bodies won’t attract much attention.
Oh yeah, Jaqhama’s my Bro. He is a REAL biker. He’s ridden more bikes, in more countries, for more miles, than anyone I know. You guys (and gals) should tell him to stop writing his fictional stories and put down some of his real life riding tales. He’s had some adventures!
Got a plane to catch people.
Ride on.
V-Max’s rule.
Bullitt, everyone has there own opinion and I appreciated those of you that take to time and have the nerve to tell us yours. That is what makes Bikernet so unique, you readers and writers. I do think we?re an equal opportunity site, anyone can submit whatever they want and as long as it?s not racial, or in really, really poor taste, We?ll run it. We?ve featured more than just Harley?s here, but basically H-D?s are what we?re all about, and motorcycle riders. I had a thought today, that maybe guys who ride H-D?s should be called bikers, cause they like that, and all other bike riders should be called riders? Just a dopey thought?
As for Jaqhma, he?s the best! I would love to read some real-life stories from him, but in addition to his fiction, not in place of. I enjoy it too much too.

TSUNAMI SURVIVOR ? LETTER TO A FRIEND OF A FRIEND–So now that we are heading out to sea we feel safe. The scope of what has happened is not even beginning to hit me yet and now I know it will be weeks before it does. To this day I am still unsure if at the time I knew what was truly going on. So we head back to Phuket. Longtails are everywhere, these are local wood boats used for everything. All the drivers are wearing life preservers. The Thais are all really freaking out. I would say that the ocean sucked out and came in over 30 times that day. Not as big as the first three times.
I am now off Chalong Bay and waves are actually coming back out to sea. Some are almost 6 feet high and breaking for hundreds of yards. We start heading north up the west coast to Patong. We are amazed at all the debris floating in the water. Thousands of chaise lounges, chairs, coolers filled with ice and sodas. Ladies purses with cell phones and wallets. Capsized boats, manikins from the clothes shops, refrigerators. The list goes on and on.

Now as we head into Patong Bay we can see the damage to the beach road. The trees are clear the first 30 feet. No leaves or bushes on the shore. Boats are in the trees, in buildings, its so scary. Not one to sit back and relax at a time like this, Jeff and I set the anchor and go into the beach for a closer look. On the way we notice another surf charter boat Freedom, is dragging anchor. We board the boat start her up and move her farther offshore. Then off to another boat for the same reason. As we near the beach it starts to suck again and we get nervous and head back to the wombat. Went to sleep early must be the stress that makes me feel so tired. In the morning we all get up early to go ashore. This will haunt me for the rest of my life. I saw cars and trucks in locations they don?t belong, In swimming pools in the sides of buildings. Dead bodies being loaded into trucks. People walking around dazed. I can?t explain in words what I saw.
Thai ladies in front of the jewelry store digging in the sand for treasure. They had found giant diamond and ruby rings and they where trading with one another based on the size of there fingers rather the value. Amazing! I saw cars that had been stacked on one another 3 high. I was stunned.

Next day I get to the internet. 63 messages from concerned friends and family. The next day 48 and so on. During these two days I get a hold of everyone sending e-mails and watching the news. I can not believe I am alive. How close I came to cheating death. I get an e-mail from Eric, Rob Greens cousin telling me he knows of two people missing from Koh lak. I go straight to all the local hospitals. I get there names registered on the missing persons website. At one hospital I meet a man looking for the same couple. Off to the city Hall. Bodies are being flown in on helicopters and being kept at the city hall till they are identified. Its like a war zone. Consulates are trying to help family members find there families. Billboards with fotos of the missing next to billboards of the dead. The fotos of the dead are so graphic. The faces had the fear of death on them. Eyes popping out of their sockets in sheer terror. It was herd to tell their race from the head trauma. Arms torn off legs missing. Lots had no clothes on as they were sleeping when the wave hit.
In the city hall building computers were set up. I log on to get more info, next to me sits a young couple from Seattle. We start sharing stories. They were staying at the same resort as the people I am looking for. They show me fotos of the resort. I am in shock. They stayed on the second floor. The husband had grabbed his wife and took her up the stairwell and onto the roof. On the roof with them were only ten other survivors. They were the only Americans to make it out alive. I immediately lost hope. I spoke to the American consulate and he had been to Koh Lak the day before. He asked me the names then told me they were not on his list of survivors. Then he said to tell the friends and family to prepare them for the news.

It?s hard to explain how I knew after seeing all that I had seen no one could make it out of this alive. This was the hardest day for me. All the pictures of the dead will forever be in my head. Those poor children playing on the beach one minute, the next gone. More to come. Leo
–From Chris T.

HARLEY DEAL OF THE WEEK–A bone stock 1979 Sportster.It has original paint, new shocks, chrome goodiesand at $ 3700 OBO, it’s a rare offer.An excellent Ladies Choice of ride.Call 772-468-8539 (Home) or 561-252-4608 (Cell)
Bruce, 49, got dealt a bad hand with a nasty Cancer diagnosis this past November, he was given six months…His Flatheads, Super Glide and FLH wait patiently for a progress report from theTampa Bay doctors. He is a brother hailing from Clifton, New Jersey twenty five years ago.His wife Linda needs your prayers. They live in Ft. Pierce, Florida.

How Mercedes Benz got its Logo
Ray Russell
THE PREISTS–Two priests decided to go to Hawaii on vacation. They were determined tomake this a real vacation by not wearing anything that would identifythemas clergy. As soon as the plane landed, they headed for a store andboughtsome really outrageous shorts, shirts, sandals, and sunglasses.
The next morning, they went to the beach, dressed in their “tourist”garb.They were sitting on beach chairs, enjoying a drink, the sunshine, andthescenery when a “drop dead gorgeous” topless blonde in a thong bikini camewalking straight towards them. They couldn’t help but stare.
As the blonde passed them, she smiled and said, “Good morning, Father.Goodmorning, Father,” nodded and addressed each of them, then moved on.
They were both stunned. How in the world did she know they were priests?The next day, they went back to the store and bought even more outrageousoutfits. These were so loud you could HEAR them before you even sawthem.
Once again, the two priests (incognito) settled on the beach, in theirchairs, to enjoy the sunshine. After a while, the same gorgeous toplessblonde, wearing a string bikini, taking her sweet time, came walkingtowardthem.
Again, she nodded at each of them, said “Good morning, Father,”andstarted to walk away.
One of the priests couldn’t stand it any longer and said, “Just a minute,young lady…”
“Yes?” she replied.
“We ARE priests, and proud of it, but I have to know . How in the worlddid you KNOW we are priests, dressed as we are?”
“Father,” she replied, “it’s me, Sister Mary Francis.”
Chris T.

CYCLE EXPO 2005March 18-20Richmond, Va @ The ShowplaceThe Mid-Atlantic’s hottest bike show featuring The Agony & Ecstasy tattoo Convention. Balls to the wall motorcycle mayhem. Hardcore customs, bone stock and classic vintage motorcycles of all make and models compete in over 30 classes for the coveted Excalibur Sword Trophies. $1,000.00 for Best in Show
Live in person direct from The Discovery Channel-
Star of the new hit series Southern Steel; Randy Simpson & Milwaukee Iron
Indian Larry Legacy w/ Paul Cox & Keino
Chopper Madman Suicide Jack
With special guest- Monster Garage MC and host of Monster Nation- THE BIG SCHWAG!
NOBODY has more variety, unique and bizarre merchandise from the BEST vendors in the industry. Over 100 Leather, jewelry, motor clothes, memorabilia, parts, accessories, patches, trailers, t-shirts and everything else under the sun. If it’s not here you don’t need it! Let’s not forget the dealers and manufacturers in attendance Cycle Expo 2005 has them all! .
Babes? Beauties? Bombshells? FORGET ABOUT IT!!! We got the hottest honeys in the world live and in the flesh for your viewing pleasure pictures, autographs and more!?!?!
Over the years we have showcased the wildest women anywhere like Penthouse Pet and Adult film stars Melissa Wolf, Dana Leigh, Amber Waves, Bodacious Babbette. WWF Bombshell Sable, The Purrfect Angels and much, much more
The Agony & Ecstasy Tattoo Convention at the Cycle Expo has been the backdrop for some awesome art and amazing artists. 25 tattoo booths with 50 feature artists blazing away all weekend long will give every tattoo fan a chance at something new. Find that piece you’ve been looking for or have an original created just for you! The Agony & Ecstasy awaits you.
Red Hot & Smokin’ Bikini Contest $500.00 in cash and prizes. Ladies bring your thongs and show whatcha got. Jell-O Wrestling- what more can we say? Topless Mechanical Bull Riding and strip poker -we have done it all, and Excalibur Productions will always strive to bring you more. We don’t push the envelope we tear it to shreds.
Entertainment is never lacking at the Expo either, over the years Excalibur Productions has set the standard for outrageous entertainment and motorcycle mayhem, with Indian Larry?s Coney Island Sideshow, The Bayonet Brothers, J.J. Steels Faces of Death Stuntshow, WWE Superstars and Discovery Channel Chopper Legends.
This is not a weekend for the faint of heart or weak-kneed ninnies who just want a spin around the block. Excalibur Productions pulls out all the stops to make this a bike show to remember. Don’t worry, security is great and everyone goes home happy. Some content (brief nudity, adult language) may be unsuitable for children so use your best judgment if you plan to visit. Everyone is always very cordial and accommodating so saddle up and putt on in for?The Greatest Show on Wheels. Cycle Expo 2005
Sponsored by- Velocity Vintage Motorcycles, Richmond Harley-Davidson, Milwaukee Iron, Carolina Custom Products, Grumpy?s Customs, High Rollers Seats, MAC Tools Chix Custom Cycles, , Brians Kustom Paint, Metzeler Tyres, Suicide Jack Choppers
Admission $15.00 Kids 12 & under free with adult. For more info call
Excalibur Productions at 804-501-0006
Continued On Page 3