Continued From Page 2

BEVERLY HILLS CHOPPERS UNVEILS $250,000 SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL-INCRUSTED ‘PARIS HILTON BIKE’– BEVERLY HILLS, CA – Beset with more than 100,000 Swarovski crystals, Beverly Hills Choppers announces the completion of the most unbelievable custom chopper ever fabricated. After 6 months of fabrication and embellished with countless crystals by hand, the bike was finally given to the pop icon and self proclaimed “original Beverly Hills Angel,” Paris Hilton.
This bike has been so anticipated by the press, that the paparazzi have stopped at nothing to try and get a picture of the bike before it’s unveiling. One resourceful picture bandit climbed five stories to the top of co-founder and alleged mafia figure, Johnny Lew Fratto’s, penthouse apartment in Beverly Hills where the bike was being stored. Caught red handed unwrapping the finished midi from its protective plastic covering, he was thrown out before he could get the “money shot.” The bike was promptly moved to an undisclosed and secure indoor location.
In addition to the crystals, which also spell out the name Paris on the tank, the bike sports a custom pink paint job and pin striping from renowned pinstriper, Bob Iverson. The pint sized powerhouse has a 6 horsepower, 2-stroke, fully automatic Tecumseh engine with electric start and can reach speeds up to 70 miles an hour without having to shift. The engine is fully chromed and includes custom modified exhaust that is sure to turn heads, if Paris doesn’t already. Other custom features that make this bike unique include an Ipod dock, a custom Tom-Tom navigation system that says “that’s hot” in Paris’s voice upon start up and a gas cap that doubles as a compact mirror.
No motorcycle would be complete without the proper rider decked out in the right gear. Ever the fashion plate, Paris will also be presented with matching Swarovski crystal covered riding shoes, helmet and a Beverly Hills Angels jacket created by rockstar designer Eric “G-Man” Gottesman.
Beverly Hills Choppers is a division of Fratto-Beich Productions; an entertainment production and brand creation company owned by Johnny Fratto and Wally Beich currently in development of a television series called “Son of a Gun.” A perfect mix of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “The Sopranos,” the series follows the day-to-day happenings of the company’s co-founder, Johnny Lew Fratto (a real life Chili Palmer), the son of a Midwest Mafia boss in Al Capone’s notorious Midwest army.
Through its demi-reality format, The Beverly Hills Choppers crew takes the viewer through a hilarious series of events that involve reputed gangsters, the Hollywood elite and well known business moguls. Be sure that the Choppers and Beverly Hills Angels apparel, which recently entered into a licensing deal with clothing manufacturer Larry Levine and Impulsewear, will have a starring role in this series.
–from Crazy Horse
(from Create Magazine)

CHOP N GRIND RACE TEAM AT HIGH DESERT PERFORMANCE SUPPORTS BIKERNET.COM–Sorta. Ever since last week’s Bonneville announcements, including the Sand-snorting bastards in the desert there has been a flurry of treacherous activity in the desert. Rumor has it that guns are loaded, the nitrous bottles filled and meetings set.
On the agenda for the next Chop N Grind board of directors meeting, an ominous item tops the list bringing Bandit up for a vote. “After some of his comments I believe he should be thrown out of the Bikernet Bonneville Racing Association,” said Sammy Scorpion of the one-week-old association of Bikernet Bonneville racing teams. Currently there’s three teams: Chop N Grind in 32 Palms, California; Custom Performance in Phoenix and the Salt Shakers in Los Angeles in Conjunction with Departure Bike Works in Richmond, Virginia, Accurate Engineering, Baker Transmissions and Custom Chrome.
We’ll bring you more reports as the dust settles or bullets fly.
–Bob T

RALLY IN THE ROCKIES ROCKS AGAIN–Hope all had Happy Holidays and we here at the Four Corners Rally in the Rockies wish all a great New Year.
This year as you are making plans to attend some National Motorcycle Rallies, please keep us in mind. This is the 15th year the Four Corners has hosted a motorcycle rally and last year we had around 100,000 come to our area from almost every state in the US, plus bikers from Canada and Mexico
The press always labels our event as one of the “must do events of the year” calling it one of the best parties anywhere.
This year we will be adding more events and bigger names at our concerts, along with our favorite events. Biker Bull Riding, Pineapple Pit Wrestling, Biker Rodeo, $5,000 Cruising for Cash and our large Beer Garden will all be back.
We are aware that with gas being so high and with more and more rallies, bikers must make a choice as to where to go and what to see. Why not come to the best party in the West with the best concerts, and the very best in riding anywhere in the US? Our daily lineup of activities is worth every penny. Tickets and camping are now on sale, and we will no doubt sell out several concerts. Rooms and camping were sold out last year so get your rooms and camping spots early.
For more details and updates check out our official website at:

BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS LESSON–Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarmclock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6am. While his coffee pot(MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with hiselectric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dressshirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE INSINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). Aftercooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet(MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADEIN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. Aftersetting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADEIN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) (filledit with GAS from Saudi Arabia) and continued hissearch for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end ofyet another discouraging and fruitless day checkinghis Computer (Made In Malaysia), Joe decided to relaxfor a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL)poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) andturned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and thenwondered why he can’t find a good paying jobin AMERICA . . .

1924 CLASSIC, MASSIVE, AMAZING, PANORAMIC CLUB PORTRIATS–5 feet long. Taken straight from negatives found in grandmas safety deposit box, these 5-foot long historic portriats feature the nearly finished Pismo Beach pier south of San Francisco. Everyone from the Golden Gate MC to Oakland boys are there. This 10 x 60-inch panoramic view of the 1924 W.F.M. Rally is printed on the finest vintage style archival paper, and delivered to you unframed.
Price Includes ship and handling: $90.
1929 Historical Motorcycle Club Photograph
Unbelievable. This shot was taken only a few short years later on the same beach and shows the finished pier from the other side. All club banners were held high in this 8×42-inch (3.5 feet) panoramic view of the 1929 W.F.M Rally. It’s also printed on the finest archival paper.
Price Includes ship And Handling: $55..
To The Black Market

The Bikernet Deal is for both panoramic shots delivered, quickly, unframed for only $125. Sorry we can’t break a set, but you won’t be disappointed. You can make out every club logo, a classic Valvoline banner, a bi-plane parked at the edge of the sea. The bros were partying and one is passed out in the sand. You can make out hairstyles, the attire of the era and the makes and models of the bikes. We feel very fortunate to be able to offer these wild classics in the Bikernet Black Market.

BIKERNET CHILDRENS TALE–Little Red Riding Hood is skipping down the road when she sees the Big Bad Wolf crouched down behind a log.
“My what big eyes you have, Mr. Wolf,” says Little Red Riding Hood.
The surprised wolf jumps up and runs away. Further down the road Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again, this time he is crouched behind a tree stump.
“My what big ears you have Mr. Wolf,” says Little Red Riding Hood.
Again the foiled wolf jumps up and runs away. About 2 miles down the road, Little Red Riding Hood sees the wolf again, this time crouched down behind a road sign. “My what big teeth you have Mr. Wolf,” taunts Little Red Riding Hood.
With that the Big Bad Wolf jumps up and screams, ” For Chrissakes!! Will you get lost?! I’m trying to take a dump!”
–from Jester

PONCE INLET POLICE CHIEF INJURED IN MOTORCYCLE CRASH–This old lady is in trouble. Will try to monitor this if it stays in the news. You can guarantee she will be charged with more than if it was you or I, But maybe it will set a president.
By SETH ROBBINS,Staff Writer
DAYTONA BEACH — Ponce Inlet’s police chief was injured in a traffic accident Sunday afternoon on Ridgewood Avenue when his motorcycle collided with a sedan at the Beville Road intersection, authorities said.Chief Steven R. Thomas, 51, was riding north on South Ridgewood Avenue shortly after 12:30 p.m. when the crash occurred, said Sgt. Al Tolley, Daytona Beach police spokesman.
Police said that according to witnesses, Lucille Bussiere Anderson, 82, of Port Orange, who was headed east on Beville Road, failed to stop at a red light. But Anderson said later she was stopped and watched the light turn green before proceeding into the intersection.
Ejected from the bike, Thomas hit the hood of the sedan and landed on the roadway. After driving onto the sidewalk, the sedan struck two signs before coming to stop on the east side of South Ridgewood Avenue.
EVAC ambulance took Thomas, who may have suffered a broken leg, to Halifax Medical Center where he was listed in stable condition later. He was not wearing a helmet.Anderson, who was not injured, was listed as the driver at fault due to a violation of right of way, Tolley said.
Anderson denied that she was at fault. In a phone interview late Sunday, she said, “I never went through a red light. The other cars were crossing so I went with the flow.”Tolley said charges are pending. Police detoured traffic off Ridgewood Avenue until the accident scene was cleared.

TEXAS SCOOTER TIMES EVENTS–If you attend TST Motorcycle Shows and Swap Meets, you have enjoyed themusic of Mad Max and the Max Attack. Our ole buddy Max was hospitalized acouple of times in the last few months and has required massive bloodtransfusions. Scooter Times is working with Carter Blood Care to set up a blooddrive for Max to help with the cost of the blood. Carter Blood Care is bringingout their ” Bloodmobile” to take donations at the Dallas Chopper Show and SwapMeet on Sunday, January 8, at the Longhorn Ballroom in Downtown Dallas.They are scheduling donors from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The actual timerequired for the several steps of the donation process may require from 45minutes to 1 hour.
You can fill out their online form from the link below. Therewill also be a sign up sheet at the front gate of the swap meet.Here is the deal…. If ya give MAX some blood… We’re gonna let ya into theChopper Show for FREE!
So, roll up your sleeves for a good buddy!!!! We?ll see ya there.Check out for more info.

BIKERNET REPORTER EMBEDDED IN DAKAR–Aussie Andy Coldecott won yesterdays stage over the whole field. Started in 25th place, overtook all bikes in front and came in 3 minutes ahead of everyone else.
Simon Pavey and Charley Boorman came up 20 postions to finish day’s stage at 154 mark.
The guy I met at bike show recently, Chris Barrire Varju went from an unbelivable 163 postion to 62.
The V-Rod guys, Scott and Duane are at the rear of the bike field and had some problem that kept them motionless for almost two hours. I was watching on the live postion feed at If you have broadband dial up you can pay 14 bucks usa and watch the race live on your computer 24/7 from now until it finishes by the way.It’s at the Raid Live . com site The USA KTM guys , one is in tenth postion. This is early stages of race, just arrived in Africa, guys will crash and have mech probs, so it’s always worth knowing that quite possibly none of these guys will be in anything like the same postion in a few days time. The Hummer truck (USA) is in tenth place and the guy on the russian Ural seems to have stopped or disappeared completely. That’s it from Jaq, Bikernet Paris(Lisbon) Dakar Reporter.Adieu (as us French say!) HARLEY DEALERSHIPS RATED–Hey Bandit, I was scanning the net last month and cameacross a site or page that rates the H-D dealerships.The riders would bitch, complain or complement abouttheir experiences with the dealerships. Well, I havebeen looking around the net for it and can no longerfind it, for a friend. Thought maybe it was on Bikernetor you knew what I was talking about and give me ahand, –Roger BUILDING THE ULTIMATE TACTICAL 870 SHOTGUN FOR HOME SECURITY–Turn your hundred dollar gun show special competition worthy weapon. With over 6 million Remington standard 12-gauge shotguns sold since it?s inception in1949, they?re a natural security device. Many different products willenhance the users experience, in particular, accuracy. We?re working closely with Larry Crow of Competitive Gun Works. He has developed felt recoils, grip an trigger pulls, magazine capacity enhancers and even combat light options. In this program, master gunsmith Larry Crow details and installs all of the latest accessories you can add to your 870 shotgun to make it perform outstanding. We?re going to sell Larry?s DVDs on how to rebuild your shotgun for less recoil and more accuracy. If there?s interest, Larry will customize a line of Shotguns called the Bandit, that we will sell on Bikernet.
To The Black Market

CHARITY BIKE BUILD 2006–South Side Kustoms and Club Diablo ( are proud to sponsor CHARITY BIKE BUILD 2006.
Bike will be raffled off at end of summer 2006 at Club Diablo. All proceeds will benefit The Western New York Food Bank and The Make A Wish Foundation ? of WNY (
Western New York Food Bank ( has been a big contributor of hurricane relief as well as a staple in the Western New York Area.
If you would like to be a part of this spectacular event by contributing motorcycle parts and/or funds for this build. Please contact one of the following.
Jason – South Side Kustoms email =
Jesse – Club Diablo email =
Lori Stachowiak- Western New York Food Bank email =
Leslie Lewis – Make a Wish Foundation of WNY =
Continued On Page 4