Continued From Page 3

NEW BIKERNET CORRESPONDENT IN KOREA– Here a few more pics from Asia.. Korea Japan.. Vietnam… I went for a ride on Sunday.. washed the bike up.. got the gear on.. took my camera and a bottle of poweraid ( Hang over cure like mother’s milk ). Got on the bike… headed to Jiri san ( Jiri Mountain ). Stopped for a smoke and a cut of hangover cure… Thought I’d take a pick, and wouldn’t you know it. I forgot my fucking camera on the roof of my car in a fucking apartment complex.

Got on the phone called the wife. She went out to look and see if it was still there, and it was. Holy shit, couldn’t believe it. Now I know why my mother always gave me those stupid fucking mittens with the yarn to connect them together, but anyway, was a great sunny day, about 10 degrees Celsius. I was alone on the bike– good times. I will pin the fucking camera to my forehead the next time I head out.
I’m retiring from the service in April, gonna stay in Korea. May go home for a trip in around May-June. I want to get on a salmon river back home… fuck I miss that, brilliant times… All you can hear is the water and the gears in yer head meshing, provided there is enough lash not to drive you over the bend.

PROGRESSIVE SUSPENSION SHOCKS LIGHTS–When are shocks more than just shocks? When Progressive Suspension adds their new Shock Lights to them! Designed to bolt onto the PSI 812 and 412 Series shocks, the Shock Lights can be wired into brake or turn signal systems.
Chromed aluminum caps features hidden hardware and an integrated LED that blends nicely into the cap until the super bright LED’s are activated. Kit includes load balancer, two Shocks Lights and required hardware. Contact your local Progressive Suspension dealer for more information.
Progressive Suspension
6900 Marlin Circle.
La Palma, CA 90623

JUST ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK– Bruce Springsteen to headline the 105th Anniversary in Milwaukee. 105th Anniversary Celebration ticket holders will be eligible for the opportunity to purchase one general admission ticket to the Springsteen concert. The 105th ticket holders can purchase the concert tickets on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. Cost of the separate ticket for the Springsteen concert is $40.00, plus $2.50 shipping and handling.
ABOUT THE EVENT: Harley-Davidson will celebrate its 105th Anniversary with thousands of loyal Harley enthusiasts riding home to Milwaukee via 105 different starting points. The Milwaukee event is scheduled for August 28-31, 2008. Not only is Harley celebrating their 105th, but H.O.G. will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary.
Seven months out, hotel rooms are hard to find, but Biker InCite has planned for this event and has a number of rooms left under their housing bureau. The best point is they are within minutes of all the events!
**Click HERE

BIKERNET FINANCIAL SEMINAR–Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.
The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest, and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again.
Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!
The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him.
In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. “Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for $50 each.”
The villagers rounded up with all their savings and bought all the monkeys. Then they never saw the man nor his assistant, only monkeys everywhere!
Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works.
–from Nick Roberts
MORE ON TWIN CAM GEAR CAM TECH– Nice shot of the gear drive on the home page! Just put some of those in myself a couple of years back…you probably know this, but one thing to check, if it’s not in the installation instructions….look at the photo, see where the large gear (cam gear) looks like it’s touching the casing by the bolt hole, left side, third from bottom? On the cam cover, make sure you grind a little meat away from that area so the gear doesn’t hit there when it spins. Not much has to come off. Maybe 1/8th inch, max…..
Ride on!
–Snivelin’ Hiway….

PROGRESSIVE SUSPENSION, 430 SERIES SHOCKS– Always the innovator in the custom suspension market, Progressive Suspension has once again upped the ante with the street rod styled 430 series of shocks. Utilizing a high pressure gas mono tube design with deflective disk damping to insure high performance ride control the 430 Series can also be mounted rod up or rod down, depending on your application.
Threaded pre-load adjusters allow for tool-less adjustment, and effortless tuning of ride quality. First of their kind, machined aluminum spring perches and street rod styling of the new 430 Series are complimented by smooth lines and a polished chrome body.
Available in chrome or contrast cut black anodized finish to match the look of your bike.
Contact your local Progressive Suspension dealer for more information.
–Progressive Suspension
6900 Marlin Circle
La Palma, CA 90623

A ZEN MOMENT FROM SIN WU–A group of graduates, well established in their careers, were talking at areunion and decided to go visit their old university professor, now retired. During their visit, the conversation turned to complaints about stress intheir work and lives. Offering his guests hot chocolate, the Professor wentinto the kitchen and returned with a large pot of hot chocolate and anassortment of cups – porcelain, glass, crystal, some plain looking, someexpensive, some exquisite – telling them to help themselves to the hotchocolate.
When they all had a cup of hot chocolate in hand, the professor said,”Notice that all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken, leaving behindthe plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the bestfor yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
The cup that you’re drinking from adds nothing to the quality of the hot chocolate.In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides whatwe drink.
What all of you really wanted was hot chocolate, not the cup; butyou consciously went for the best cups…and then you began eyeing eachother’s cups.
Now consider this: LIFE is the hot chocolate; your job, money and positionin society are the CUPS. They are just tools to hold and contain life. Thecup you have does not define, nor change the quality of life you have.
Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the hotchocolate God has provided us. God makes the hot chocolate, man chooses thecups. The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just makethe best of everything that they have
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. And enjoy yourHOT CHOCOLATE!”
–from Rev CarlR

NEWS FLASH, RACCOON NAMED BANDIT AFTER BANDIT– Doris had been hearing something in the attic and when I checked I found four baby raccoons. Mom Raccoon was nowhere to be found. The one in photos here is named Bandit.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters

I Shoveled A Path
From The Road to The Shed,
Again Today,
A Foot Of White Stuff Is
Now Cleared Away
I Opened The Shed
And There She Laid
Under A Blanket
She Awaits
It’s Thirty Degrees Out
And The Roads Are A Mess
How I’d Love To Wake
That Old Bobber
From Her Winter Rest
It Wouldn’t Take Long
To Get Her On The Road
I Got A Warm Leather
It Wouldn’t Be That Cold!
Some Fresh Gas,
3 Quarts Of Oil,
A New Set Of Plugs
Is All I Need
To Ride Her Through
The Snow That’s Brown
As Mississippi Mud
It’s Only January
But I’d Sure Love To
Go For A Putt,
Ahhh The Kids
Are Hollering And Their
Mommas At Work
So I Guess The Ride
Will Have To Be
Saved For Another Day
Another Day When I Can
Sneak Out The Door
And Slip Out The
Back Way
–by Panhead Josh Griffith

MOVE OVER GUYS, ALLSTATE PUTS WOMEN IN THE RIDERS’S SEAT AT THE 27TH ANNUAL CYCLE WORLD INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOW, FEB 8-10–Chicago 2008 – They love the open road and the wind in their hair. They wear the same leather jackets, bandanas and grease spots as the next guy. The thing is – they are not the next guy.
Women are the fastest-growing segment in motorcycling. From 1998 to 2003, women riders increased 36 percent – or an increase of 167,600 new women riders in five years, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council.
This year’s show headlines Women in Motorcycling. To help promote motorcycle safety and rider education among women riders, Allstate will sponsor Gina Woods’ XX Chromes-All Woman Bike Build at the 27th Annual Cycle World International Motorcycle Show, Feb. 8 – 10.
Gina Woods’ XX Chromes -All Woman Bike Build is a team of four women bike builders who will roll into Chicago and descend upon the convention center for three awesome days of wrist-wrenching, tool-torqueing, knuckle-busting, bike-building in front of a live audience to benefit Mooseheart Child City & School. The “Moose Bike” will go on a raffle tour across the country, with a stop at the International Moose Convention in Las Vegas this June!
“It’s not about taking the backseat anymore, it’s about taking the reins and heading down the Open Road” , said Woods, a motorcycle talk show host of Open Road Radio (airs – Sunday 11a-12p on 9 FM: 92.5, 92.7 & 99.9 ) and creator of the XX Chromes-All Woman Bike Build.
“I think women joining the ranks of men riders, motorcycle mechanics, & motorcycle business owners is fantastic! The women of today are confident & feel empowered to fulfill their dreams & destiny – women can be & do anything they set their mind to. Women have helped to improve this industry through their products, services, safety training & leadership” Woods said. “It’s not just the guys building anymore – Our All Woman Bike Building team’s record is 5 hours & 5 minutes!
“Women call into our show all the time with questions about bikes and great comments like – Attta Girl!” remarks Gina
The Builders are:
Laura Klock – From Klockwerks – Fastest Woman on a bagger
Jasmine Clark – Owns Bluecreek Art Works and Motorcycle Training Co.; Author and certified MSF instructor
Jessi Combs – Custom metal fabricator, leading TV personality, motorcycle enthusiast.
Kim Jordan – Harley mechanic that left Las Vegas Harley Davidson in 2006 to take a break and build a log cabin with her dad. Kim is looking forward to getting back into the motorcycle Industry
2006 was a motorcycle industry first showcasing an All Women Bike Build created by Gina Woods. The first ever event was held at Open Road Radio’s Fat Fest 2006 for Breast Cancer Awareness. The second All Woman Bike build was completed at the 3rd Annual Midwest Cyclemania show in Green Bay, WI on April 21st, 2007. And they built the bike in just 5 hours and 5 minutes for Cancer Charities!
Open Road Radio -92.5, 92.7 & 99.9 will emcee three days of excitement, thrills, entertainment and a LIVE broadcast from the Allstate stage Sunday Feb 10th starting at 11 am on 9 FM.To add to the festivities there will be autograph sessions with the builders, on stage interviews with Motorcycle Industry experts, contests, prizes, giveaways and more!
“Allstate is committed to educating motorcyclists about the potential risks and best safety practices,” said John Anderson, Director of Marketing, Allstate. “Riding is a great way to leave life’s cares behind, but there are hazards on the road. That’s why simple precautions like helmet use are so important.”
Allstate representatives will be on site at the show, offering show goers free insurance quotes and answering insurance-related questions. In addition, the Allstate Chopper will be available for visitors to view and register to win, built by Chicago hometown boys Clutch Creal and his crew from Chopper College?.www.choppercollege.comTo learn more about motorcycle safety and insurance please visit www/ or click on the link to find out more about TORIAN CHOPPER LEATHERS’ RACE JACKET– The Torian Chopper Leathers’ Race Jacket is a traditional styled jacket featuring 4 external and 4 inside pockets. Designed with a generous fit for miles of comfortable riding. Supple leather * 10 year warranty * Security & stash pockets * Supple leather – feels comfortable and soft. Click here for the greatest riding leather available today. RACK BAGS–Waterproof, four point secure mounting. Easy On/Off, light weight with three exterior pockets. –Road Ready MANY THINGSI liked some of the Zen notes in the news. I believe we’ve scrambled our lives with way too much crap. On the other hand nothing slows down. Ah, but what was said is the truth. Find adventure everyday. Find some time to spend with friends and soft seductive women, and dig up some time to relax and tinker in the shop. But don’t go away from Bikernet. Fortunately, we archive every goddamn thing on the site, so you can roll over here any time, night or day, Sundays, Holidays, whenever, and find something new, or that old article or tech you need. Here’s what’s coming up. Paul is going to follow his bike accident on Bikernet and let us know how Geico treats him. Chris Callen just sent me a report on the evil Walmart empire. We have a short succinct tech on a brake component from Rogue, a Knockout Boardtrack feature, a couple more features, some new Girls of Bikernet are headed this way and we find ourselves dedicating a lot of space to Sportsters this year. Paul Garson is going to retro his new 2004 Sportster Custom. Jon Towle is performing a series of illustrative 2008 Sportster roadtests and there’s another Sportster series in the wings. What the fuck is it? It escapes me. And I’m going to build another Panhead desk. You’ll see it come together here on Bikernet. Plus, as of tomorrow, I’m starting to work on my next book. The first rough draft is in the Cantina, but I’m going to shake it up, and you’ll find a reworked Vince and Chance series, then Change strikes out on his own. Hang on, have a helluva weekend and don’t let these snivelin’ financial bastards get you down. Ride Forever, –Bandit
(717) 647-7902