Continued From Page 2

CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST HARLEY-DAVIDSON–Everyone who owns a 1999 and early 2000 Twin Cam engine H-D; and isinterested in finding out more about cam bearing failure and what you can doabout it, should go to and follow the links about the caseagainst H-D.
January 14, 2003, Milwaukee, Wisconsin — The Wisconsin Court of Appealsreversed the trial court’s dismissal of a consumer fraud lawsuit againstHarley-Davidson, finding that plaintiffs had properly alleged claims underthe Wisconsin Deceptive Trade Practices Act and for fraudulent concealment.The lawsuit was brought by Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners with 1999 orearly-2000 models equipped with Twin Cam 88 or Twin Cam 88B (together,TC-88) engines. Plaintiffs allege that the TC-88 engine was defectivelydesigned and potentially dangerous due to the propensity for premature camfailure, which causes sudden and total engine failure.Read more here:Harley Class Action Suit Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP, Announcesthat Wisconsin Court of Appeals Reinstates Consumer Fraud Class ActionAgainst Harley-Davidson
MILWAUKEE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jan. 14, 2003– An Estimated One HundredThousand 1999 and Early-2000 Model Harley Motorcycles Are Equipped withAllegedly Defective Engines Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP,plaintiff’s co-counsel in Tietsworth, et al. v. Harley-Davidson, Inc., andHarley-Davidson Motor Company, a consumer fraud class action lawsuit,announced that in a unanimous decision the Wisconsin Court of Appeals todayreversed the trial court’s dismissal of the lawsuit, finding that plaintiffshad properly alleged the necessary elements of claims under the WisconsinDeceptive Trade Practices Act and for common law fraudulent concealment.
“Weare gratified that the Court of Appeals recognized the merits of our case,and thrilled that our clients and all of the other consumers who bought andride these motorcycles will have their day in court, and a chance to showthatthey got something less than what they paid for,” commented Lieff Cabraserpartner Lisa J. Leebove.
–from Rogue
Screamin? Eagle SYN3 Designed for Engine, Transmission and Primary Chaincase Lubrication
MILWAUKEE, WIS. – (January 30, 2003) Harley-Davidson recently announced it has developed a new synthetic lubricant designed to meet the unique needs of Harley-Davidson and Buell engine, transmission and primary chaincase lubrication. Screamin? Eagle Synthetic Motorcycle Lubricant (SYN3) can take the place of engine oil, transmission lubricant and primary chaincase oil, making SYN3 a multi-purpose synthetic lubricant in a category of its own.
Developed by Harley-Davidson engineers in conjunction with industry leaders in the lubricant business, SYN3 was created and extensively tested for maximum performance in Harley-Davidson and Buell engines, transmissions and primary chaincases. The versatile SAE 20W50 lubricant will be sold exclusively through Harley-Davidson and Buell dealerships starting in February (Part Number 99824-03/00QT, MSRP $8.25/quart bottle).
SYN3 is especially appealing to two groups of riders: Performance-minded riders whose motorcycles run hotter when pushed to the limit and those who ride in areas with warmer temperatures. Both types of riders know how crucial it is to ensure proper oil cooling to maintain performance and reliability.
More than three years of laboratory bench testing, dynamometer testing under accelerated conditions, open road and closed course durability testing, wear and deposit rating analysis and sophisticated used lubricant analysis went into producing the optimal combination of three synthetic basestocks and carefully chosen mixture of additives which offer superior lubrication and cooling, as well as protection against rust and oxidation. Screamin? Eagle?s more than half a million miles and 500-plus hours of dyno testing proved that in addition to reduced oil consumption, SYN3 also provides high temperature film strength, which means the lubricant maintains film thickness in high power output and high engine speed conditions, keeping the metal parts from rubbing against each other and resulting in less wear.
AIRPORT SECURITY– airport securityAlmost 150 years ago, President Lincoln found it necessary to hire aprivate investigator – Alan Pinkerton – for protection. That was the beginningof the Secret Service. Since that time, the federal government has produceda large number of multi-letter agencies such as: FBI, CIA, INS, IRS, DEA,BATF, etc.
Now we have the “Federal Air Transportation Airport Security Service”.
Can’t you see them now, these highly trained men and women in theirblack outfits with jackets saying across the backs: “F.A.T.A.S.S.”
I feel safer already.
TAHITI RUN IS ON FOR LATE MARCH– Just got this from Tahiti. todays exchange rate is appx 110 cfp = $1so I was able to get the price down for Jim and JoAnn and what ever other couple to about $350 per person taxes included with the $515 air fare thats $865 per person. Not bad down from $1425. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get meals or transfers included for this price. I’m working on getting a discount on transfers and the ferry trip from another source. They want $125 per person extra for 6 breakfasts. Or about $21 per person per day. Screw that!
I still have 3 seats and an extra room I’m holding on to in case Billy Lane or Jose change their minds or someone else pops up.
POLICE WANT BIKERS DECLARED TERRORISTS–The federal justice minister is considering declaring theHells Angels Motorcycle Club a terrorist organization,based on a secretive seizure by the RCMPat Montreal’s Dorval airport. Although Canadian authoritiesare saying little about the criminal investigation involving a member of theclub, and have refused to identify what was found, according to publishedreports a seizure of a club member’s colors and questions about anunexplained quantity of cash at the international airport has triggered acall for the club to be added to the federalgovernment’s list of terrorist organizations.
The seizure occurred after several members of the Hells Angels returned toCanada on December 2, 2002, from a meeting in Europe, and althoughauthorities remain tight-lipped, sources told the National Post newspaperthat a jacket and other items of clothing bearing theHells Angels logo were confiscated.$2,600 in cash was questioned, but not seized,and no charges have been filed.The colors were being carried in the member’s luggagewhile passing through Canada Customs. Authorities told the newspaper thatthe club has no known ties to well-known terrorist groups, but the way thegroup is run falls within parameters of the current anti-terrorism law.
Canada currently lists 16 groups as being involved in terrorism, includingal Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas. The incident has prompted discussion aboutapplying the wide-ranging powers approved after the Sept. 11 terroristattackson the United States to fight criminal organizations.
Such a move would make it far easier to prosecute and seize the assets ofoutlaw motorcycle club members. “I’d love to see it get easier for us [toprosecute them].We are always open for that,”said Commander Mario Plante, head of the organized crime division ofMontreal police.
A member of the Hells Angels, who spoke on condition he notbe named, said linking the club to terrorist activity is offensive. “Itbelittles how important the fight against terrorism is,” he said.”Our parents fought in World War II,”he told the newspaper.”The Hells Angels’ original members were born out ofhaving fought the Nazis and every Hells Angelwould be the first to line upin defense of their country.”
–from Rogue

E-BAY TIP–Thought this might interest your readers. 2000 Ford : F-Series Pickup H-D F150,Harley F150,2000 FXST,Trailer Combo This rig draws stares and compliments wherever it is seen. The Harley-Davidson F-150 is lowered, flamed and just plain gorgeous. There were only 7500 of these trucks produced in 2000. This is the first year these trucks were offered and this is Unit #4852, built Aug. 17, 2000. The bike is a 2000 FXST that is also flamed and has a built 95″ Twin Cam Engine making over 100 hp. and over 100 ft,lbs. of torque. The trailer is a Lehman Hawg-Hauler that is painted to match the truck and bike. This is truly one of the finest custom packages around today. You won’t see another one anywhere with such a unified design package. BANDIT LOSES SUPERBOWL BET!–Blaaaaahaaahaaa……. sucker bet! Now you not only have to buy Tbeardrinks, you have to post your ass before the entire world! Jeeeeziskeyrist…..please tell me what page it’s on so I don’t have tohurt my eyes looking at it. I know I said I would do image work foryou….. I draw the line at air brushing your south side. Goooooooooo Bucs! Florida rocks! –FTW,Stroker This gruff lookin’ sonuvabitch is the gruff hardworking leader of the Texas motorcycle rights movement. He’s Sputnik, a rider dedicated to keeping motorcyclists free in the big state. Maybe he’ll be at the meet? DALLAS SWAP MEET FEBRUARY 2ND!Howdy, The Texas Scooter Times here reminding everyone about the Texas Scooter Times upcoming Swap Meet in Dallas-February 2nd at the Historic Longhorn Ballroom! Bikers will find motorcycle parts manufactures and distributors that travel the country, selling by the volume at deep discounts. There’ll be Motorcycle Shops that sell the good used parts that are taken off bikes in their shops when customers want to change up their rides. There’ll be Jewelry Vendors, T-Shirt Hawkers, Leather Sellers and people peddling oddities of all kinds. What ever it is you are looking for, IT’S HERE! – Live Band – Bargains – Parts & Party – Door prizes and other contests – TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! – Don’t miss them!HOURS: Gates open at 11am – Limited Vendor Space Still Available- please call the Texas Scooter Times for reservations. NEW! – the Texas Scooter Times Paper is online now! Go to and click on the TST ONLINE! Tab to read. For more info on a specific show and driving directions visit: or call 254-687-9066 BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Let me start this week by excusing myself for missing last weeks news..Incase some people did not notice…But yeap my award winning report wasMIA…Just so you know, and I really don’t care if you care or not, I had areally hot date with a certain tall chick…Such a hot date that we havebeen spending weeks and weeks together, to put it mildly I have not gottenhome before 4:00 am since the time we have been seeing each other…Yeap,you might wonder when do I get my loonie pills..I’m comparing that fuckingchopper with a chick..that is sad very sad.Anyway, enough bullshit, I ain’t no politician trying to feed my ego andlooking like the Keebler elves..(I guess that’s my political viewpoint ofthe week) Remember that some time ago I promised a sneak peek at the Finnishmagazine, Kopteri, well here it is …Finally !Also speaking of the devil, the guys from Kopteri are coming to ourtropical shores in February for some fun in the sun and to check thechopper “culture” in our small island…I will certainly be reporting aboutthat in following weeks. I’ve spent several nights banging (metal that is) inserting nuts, grinding,and many other dual inuendo words on my new chopper, I have managed to dothe whole mock up tonight, so I hope that by the end of the week it will beon the paint booth, so, since you are such faithful readers and to keep asecret amongst us, (yeap all three million of us) here’s a photo of my newchopper… BTW, since there’s so many rats and copycats checking Bikernetevery week (you know who you are..Weasels !!) I have kept the photo in aspy proof mode…If you happen to go to Daytona you might see the real bikethere…If not I promise I will post it here the week before the bike getsthere. So let’s get to the very brief news (since I’ve been hiding in my fuckinggrease monkey palace for the last month and I don’t know jack of what’sgoing on)I’m very sorry to report that our good friend Georgie Jupin is riding hischopper in the sky…We will miss him, his antics and charisma. It’s sad toloose a friend, more so under those circumstances.. Hasta pronto bro..Cinci is taking place this week end, yeap I cancelled all my plans thanksto the chopper, as well as Indy. I guess Bandit is going, so he will takecare of getting to bed early and having his protein shake, hum maybe I’llgo to visit Sin and the girls, like the old saying..When the cat’s away… We have a few Bobbers on build right now, I’m going to chance it and see ifI can get another one done for Daytona, (yes I lost it big time…) Whoknow’s I might manage to , or maybe not…We also have secured the spot in Beach Street for The Horse, Choppers Incand Caribbean Custom Cycles…Come by and shoot the shit, there’s going tobe some cool bikes there, and even my choppers… I’ve been trying to make up some of the stuff you guys like so much (orhate) but I have not been able to, anyway, once more it’s 4:00 am here andI’m still writing this.. Also there’s so many friends out there that havebent over backwards to help me out on this new choppers, Thanks guys ! I’llpost a detailed list later on .Gotta hit the Sealy before I get a total brain meltdown. Later —Jose LAWSUIT OF THE WEEK–Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas, was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbor’s beagle. The beagle was on a chain in its owner’s fenced yard. The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun. –from RFR ESCAPE HATCH–I don’t much like the news this week. I don’t like law suits, bikers being called terrorists, or the accident rates going through the roof. I say stiff penalities for anyone in a car or truck who hits a motorcyclists. I say we all move to the midwest were we can still ride free and escape the cities. I vote we legalize prostitution and improve morale.