Continued From Page 4

BIKERNET LIVING WILL– Now this is the best representation of a Living Will I have come across. There might be a few more legal sentences required. I wouldJust be a little bit more specific on the “reasonable time” portion.
Living Will
I, __________________________, being of sound mind and body, do not wishto be kept alive indefinitely by artificial means.Under no circumstances should my fate be put in the hands of pinhead politicians who couldn’t pass ninth-grade biology if their lives depended on it or lawyers/doctors interested in simply running up the bills.
If a reasonable amount of time passes and I fail to ask for at leastone of the following:
______a Bloody Mary,
______a Margarita
______a Scotch and soda
______a Martini
______a Vodka and Tonic
______a Steak
______Lobster or crab legs
______The remote control
______a Bowl of ice cream
______The sports page
it should be presumed that I won’t ever get better.When such a determination is reached, I hereby instruct my appointed person and attending physicians to pull the plug, reel in the tubes and call it a day. At this point it is time to call the New Orleans Jazz Funeral Band to come do their thing at my funeral, and ask all of my friends to raise their glasses to toast the good times we have had.
Signature: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________
–from Joe Lankau

STEALTH REPORT FROM NC–My buddy Ben Jordan just walked in with a load of powder coated parts. The frame, swingarm, wheels and triple trees for our 78 Shovel project. The parts look brand new! Here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we are excited about this bike along with our 71 Shovel project. The 71 is an old school basic chopper and the 78 is a restoration with a few twist. Both are going to be nice!
A chrome plating and polishing shop just opened up right down the road from us. Man that makes things a lot easier. No more shipping parts out! We have parts from the 78 Shovel there beings polished right now. The name of the shop is It’s Finished.

Hey Concrete Pete I was reading where your shop is going good! Good to hear it! I hear what you say about how much time you spend at the shop, but in a way that is cool. The time spent at the shop is time well spent on ouselves and fellow bikers and not some corporate greed machine.
The weather around Charlotte remains spring like and there are bikes on the road eveyrday. Spring is getting closer everyday and that is good for all of us.
One thing I have found to true since opening SBW is that a ‘Brotherhood” exist between the aftermarket and custom shops and I very proud to be a small part of it.
Until next week, RIDE!

Bonneville or Bust – Chop N Grind Racing So. Cal. Report–Things are a little quit around here. Been going after a lot of sponsors with little luck. We got a few bites but nothing to speak about just yet. AMSOIL is the first to step up to the plate to help. Down sized the crew to five. Got two motors we are building, one 80 inch and a 100 inch EVO with a Twin Cam top. Jim Leinweber is busy grinding our cams and has a few old tricks up his sleeve. It?s great to have him on the crew. The way we look at things we are going with or without sponsors even if we have to push the bike to Bonneville.
Talked to Dave Campos the other day after 30 years. It was really great to talk to him again, a lot of water under the bridge. He now has the Easyrider Streamliner in his garage and still holds the worlds fastest motorcycle record. He is talking about coming out to Bonneville to see us and bring the Liner. How cool is that. I know things will pick up soon.
We maybe the under dog right now but that 5 Ball Salt Snaken Crew will be shaken` when we are done. We would like to take this opportunity to thank ?Brother Speed? up north for their help.
–Bob T & Larry Petrie
Sand Snorting Desert Bastards

ALL AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE MADNESS HITS PASADENA– The West Coast motorcycle world comes alive on June 24th and 25th 2006 for this annual show in Pasadena, CA. Ride out from the stress of the city to the scenic hills of Pasadena is why The Rose Bowl is the perfect venue for this event. This site will be able to handle the steady growth of this show.
Builders from the California area such as Scott Long of Central Coast Cycles, Gard Hollinger from LA County Chop Rods, Lucky 7 Choppers will mix with talents from far away like the Martin Bros just to name a few. The Incubus Alloy Custom Bike Show will be showcasing all the hottest bikes around.
The Rose Bowl Motorcycle Marketplace will be filled with the industries top manufactures and vendors selling everything from custom motorcycles to the hottest apparel and more for any motorcycle enthusiast.
The summer heat should be just right for the Ultimate Bikini Contest and great live music playing all weekend on the Lifestyle Cycles stage. This all makes for a great ticket price of only $15.00 with free bike parking.
For more info visit or call (805) 686-2007

BIKERNET JOINS LA CALENDAR LONG BEACH SHOW–Los Angeles, CA Jan 25th – Keith Randall Ball, aka “Bandit” the well know American V-Twin industry editor, author and personality and his web based company has entered into an expanded associate partnership with the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show beginning immediately. The announcement was made by Jim Gianatsis of Gianatsis Design Associates, the Los Angeles based motorsports advertising agency and producer of the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show. In his expanded role with the Calendar Show, Keith and his staff partner Nyla Olsen will assist as Associate Partners in Exhibitor and Sponsorship Marketing, Event Production, as well as in future growth plans for the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show.Keith Ball comes to the Los Angels Calendar Motorcycle Show, America’s premier custom and high performance motorcycle show held every 3rd July weekend at the Queen mary Event park in Long Beach, CA, , with an impressive list of credentials including having previously served as Editorial Director at Paisano Publications (including Easyriders and V-Twin magazines) and the Primedia American Motorcycle Group (including Hot Bike and Street Choppers magazines). Working under the nom de plume “Bandit” he is currently best known for his popular V-Twin fan based news website now celebrating its 10th anniversary. At previous Calendar Motorcycle Shows where has participated as both a co sponsor and exhibitor, Keith has also assisted with bike contest judging and on stage hosting.
For additional information go to:

WORLD’S FASTEST INDIAN,Magnolia FilmsStarring Anthony Hopkins– The true story of Burt Munro – a New Zealand man who spent decades perfecting his classic 1920 Indian motorcycle.At age 68, he risked everything, including his own life, taking the bike to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah to break the world speed record. Due to be released in February.
Official Website:
FINALLY! A NEW motorcycle movie! However, I believe it’s only in limited release right now….showing only in artsy little venues around the country. It looks pretty darn good, from the clips I’ve seen. I’m gonna get the Bikers in my area to buy tickets at our little art house theatre in Palm Springs….maybe build an event around it.
I especially liked the clip showing Munro approaching an oncoming Nevada Highway Patrol unit at 150-160 mph, and talking himself out of the ticket/impound.

MIKE KIDD ENTERTAINMENT GROUP TAKES CONTRO OF BOOKOO–Ft. Worth, TX January 19, 2006 Mike Kidd Entertainment Group ? announced today that Gary Becker, former CEO of PACE Motor Sports, has joined Mike Kidd Entertainment Group which will now direct the BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series as well as other motor sports events that Becker and Kidd are developing.
Gary Becker helped lead PACE Motor Sports to become one of the largest motor sport promotion companies in the world; a company known for its premiere Supercross series that Becker himself helped build, which was then acquired by SFX Entertainment and then Clear Channel.Mike Kidd began promoting events as Mike Kidd Productions in the mid 1980?s in Texas following a successful career as a racer in the AMA Grand National Series ? winning the 1981 Grand National Championship.Mike Kidd Promotions was the largest and most successful AMA Arenacross promoters throughout the 1980s and 1990s before selling the company to Gary, while he was CEO of PACE Motor Sports in 1997.
For more information about the K&N presents BooKoo Arenacross Championship Series Brought to you by Toyota, log on to or call 817-595-5844.

S&S CYCLE ANNOUNCES RELEASE DATE FOR NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE CLUTCH–LA CROSSE , WI (January 26, 2006) S&S Cycle announces plans to start shipping its new high performance clutch in early February 2006.
After thousands of street miles and rigorous testing at the drag strip with over 200+ passes per test unit, the new S&S High Performance Clutch will be ready to ship to dealers during the week of February 6, 2006. S&S Customer Support is prepared to take orders starting immediately. Dealers can reference the S&S Dealer Catalog #17, page number 7-6, for details regarding this product.
Knowing that S&S engines produce incredibly high-horsepower, the Research and Innovation team designed the clutch to handle anything an S&S engine could throw at it–even the brute power of an S&S 145. To create additional grip the friction discs of the S&S High Performance Clutch utilize a narrow band, larger diameter design positioned further out on the plate than any other performance clutch on the market. This combination allows the S&S clutch to transmit engine torque better and get more power to the rear wheel. Additionally, the clutch uses a 66-tooth ring gear to add strength and durability in the event of engine kick-back on starting.
“We developed the S&S 11-plate clutch to optimize torque handling capacity while maintaining the lightest lever effort and smoothest engagement characteristics,” said Justin Bramstedt , S&S Research and Innovation Powersports Lead. “I would put our clutch up against anything else on the market, especially since I have personally put this clutch through well over 150 back-to-back drag-strip passes with our S&S 145ci engine–and all the shifts were WOT slip-clutch shifting. I’m convinced that this clutch is, without a doubt, the best wet-clutch on the market.”
While designed to handle up to 150 horsepower with the stock spring pack, clutch lever effort is slightly less than that of a stock Harley-Davidson motorcycle. S&S also offers a heavy-duty spring pack that lets the clutch handle up to 200 horsepower–even at the drag strip.
Chip Ellis, rider for G-Squared Motorsports said, “The modulation of the S&S clutch is smooth enough to help me put our 124ci S&S Challenge Class bike down the quarter-mile in 9.40 seconds at 144 mph. But what really amazed me is how light the feel is for street riding, even though it can handle race bike power,” concluded Ellis.
The S&S high performance clutch fits 1991-2006 big twin models, (except 2006 Dyna(TM)), features a 66-tooth ring gear and has matching pinion gear available. With all of the tremendous power and torque handling capacity of the S&S high performance clutch, it requires only very slight modifications to be used in stock primary cases, which are not visible when the primary is assembled. All of the specifications and application information can be found in the Products section of the S&S website, .

IT’S HAPPY HOUR–The news is finished, the sun’s shining, our troops are doing the job, girls look better daily, Bonneville efforts are moving along and somewhere in this rat infested build is a bottle of Jack Daniels.
This Hardbikes banner reminds me that Bree from Steeds in Phoenix may become the spokesperson for Hardbikes design centers. You may see them pop up around the country in shop/dealers for their bikes. I’d buy any motorcycle Bree straddled. She’s no only hot, but very active, like in stunts, hand-gliding, wild dangerous shit. She loves it.

I mentioned JIMS tools several times in my first Salt Shaker tech. I’m trying to get them to send me a press release on a tool every week. Just one way we can find out what tools they have available.

US Choppers is working on our 45 frame, strengthening it for high speed runs. So far we’ve named it the Bonne Belle and we’ll have a bomber girl painted on the tanks. The engine and trans are with the crew of Departure Bike Works in Richmond, Virginia for rebuilds and hop-ups. Check this feature:
Hang on next week for our first Bikernet Radio interview with Bill Rucker. That’s just the tip of the mountain representing the content that’s waiting. Hang on. I’m taking the Sturgis Shovel out for a ride. I need to feel that rigid rattle my bones.
Ride Forever,