It’s a strange and wonderful week. I paid off another doctor bill from Wyoming after my deer accident. As a self-employed nut, I had inquired about a new health insurance plan. All was lined up until the insurance company requested my files from my Doctor. Seems the good doctor’s copy machine was down so his staff failed to send the copies and I didn’t have health insurance as a plowed into that critter on a dark Wyoming night.
Harley-Davidson helped, but that only covered a quarter of the pricey doctor bills. Grappling from one project to the next, I handle the bills as best I can, like most of us do.
It looks as though I will attempt to see three books to completion this year. I’ve been contacted by Rodale publishing to write a book about the Monster Garage. Hang on for that one. We’ll finish the Badlands project with Motorbooks and my first book in the series about Chance Hogan will be released by hook or crook.
One of the staff of bikernet went on vacation to Oregon this week and called with drunken reports daily. That left me sequestered here with the Evil Blonde. I’ll get to that more later, a guy just strolled past the headquarter carrying a 10 foot pole adorned with a cotten candy swirls. It’s strange around here. Let’s hit the news.

CYRIL HUZE 2003 CATALOG–Cyril Huze 2003 Catalog is 124-page and features 235 parts (55% are new) with, as a bonus, double spread color pictures of Cyril’s most recent custom motorcycles. A must for any individual and professional builder looking for fresh ideas and state-of-the-art custom parts & accessories.
Cyril Huze DEAR ABBY COMES TO BIKERNET–My husband is a lying cheat. He tells me he loves me, but he has cheated our entire marriage. He is a good provider and has many friends and supporters. They know he is a lying cheat, but they just ignore the issue. He is a hard worker but many of his coworkers are leery of him. Every time he gets caught, he denies it all. Then he admits that he was wrong and begs me to forgive him. This has been going on for so long, everyone in town knows he is a lying cheat. To top it off, he ignores me just because I am a lesbian. Abby, I just don’t know what to do. Signed, Frustrated Dear Frustrated: You should dump him. Now that you are finally a New York Senator, you don’t need him anymore. –from Bob T. HELMET LAWS AGAIN– Ever since bikers came together across the country to successfully repeal the national helmet law in 1995, there have been no real helmet law threats in any of the freedom of choice states, while five states have succeeded in repealing mandatory helmet laws beginning with Arkansas in 1997. Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana and, most recently, Florida have followed suit, making 30 free choice states and only 20 requiring helmets for all riders. However, for the first time in nearly 8 years, motorcycle rights organizations will be on the defensive and must gear up for helmet law battles in their state legislatures. Two of the five states that recently won their freedom of choice, Arkansas (HB1024) and Louisiana (HB41), will have helmet bills introduced this session and will have to fight to maintain their hard-earned rights. Louisiana legislators received a list of proposals from the state insurance commissioner aimed at stabilizing rising insurance costs, and “mandatory motorcycle helmet laws” was among the suggestions.FROM THE “I TOLD YOU SO” DEPARTMENT Scott McCool of ABATE of California writes that he was watching TV recently when “I heard an interesting item… ‘Are bicycle helmets unsafe?’ So, I thought I’d listen for a bit longer. It seems that two studies have been done by Universities that show that bicycle helmets do NOT prevent brain injury as they have been advertised! According to these academic studies, ‘More often, the wearing of a bicycle helmet causes risky riding behavior…in many cases, especially with children, the helmets reduce visibility. EPA COMMENT DEADLINE PASSES? WHAT NEXT?– With the passing of the January 7 deadline for public comment, the federal Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release their final emissions regulations for street motorcycles, but can bikers do more than just wait and see what the EPA has in store for our future? Contacting your Congressman and U.S. Senator to let them know your feelings about the stringent standards should be your first priority, if you value your right to ride. While you’re at it, send a copy of your letter or memo of your phone call to Christie Todd Whitman, EPA Administrator, at 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20460, so that the agency is well aware of motorcyclists’ concerns over their pending rules. “It’s not so much what the EPA standards do that concern us most as consumers,” lectured Bill Bish at a recent NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) Regional Meeting in Ohio, “It’s what they potentially open the door to that could sound a death knell for motorcycle enthusiasts.” Above are excerpts from an AIM legislative news report. The full report can be seen in the Bikernet Bikers Rights column tomorrow. EASYRIDERS OF DALLAS ROCKS–If you’re traveling through town and need a beer, parts or a girl, stop in. The shop has everthing you need for your bike and next door the Strokers IceHouse has the girls, chow and booze. You can’t go wrong. Continued On Page 2
Tel: 561-392-5557