Continued From Page 1

The Old Man, the Boy and the Donkey– An old man and a young boy were traveling through their village with their donkey. The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked.
As they went along they passed some people who remarked it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding.
The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.
Later, they passed some people that remarked, “What a shame, he makes that little boy walk.”
They then decided they both would walk!
Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride. So, they both rode the donkey.
Now they passed some people that shamed them by saying “how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey”.
The boy and man said they were probably right, so they decided to carry the donkey. As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and he fell into the river and drowned.
The moral of the story?
If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your ass good-bye!
Rick S.

Here’s an aerial shot of the landslide that devastated the La Conchita community.
Chris T.
Harley breaks $5 billion revenue barrier and re-confirm 400,000 goal for 2007IN RELEASING details of the 2004 full-year financials, Harley-Davidson has revealed that its total sales revenue for the year has topped $5 billion for the first time. Total sales revenue from all sectors of the firm’s activities was $5.015 billion for the twelve months, compared to $4.624 billion for 2003 an 8.5 percent increase.
Net income for the year was $889.8 million, a 16.9 percent increase versus last year’s $760.9 million. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) for the full year was $3.00, a 20.0 percent increase compared with the $2.50 earned per share in 2003.
Revenue for the final quarter of 2004 was $1.22 billion compared with $1.16 billion in the year-ago quarter (a 5.4 percent increase); net income for the quarter was $209.0 million compared to $182.4 million, an increase of 14.5 percent over 2003. Fourth quarter diluted EPS was 71 cents, an 18.3 percent increase compared with last year’s 60 cents.
“Once again Harley-Davidson achieved record revenue and earnings, making 2004 the nineteenth consecutive record year for the Company,” said Jeffrey L. Bleustein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “We focused on exceeding the impressive results of our 100th Anniversary year by increasing motorcycle availability to improve customer satisfaction and by stimulating interest among prospective customers. U.S. retail sales for Harley-Davidson motorcycles increased more than 7 percent over last year, demonstrating that the dream of owning a Harley-Davidson remains extremely powerful,” said Bleustein.

BIKERNET STEALTH REPORT–There is a lot of excitement around Charlotte this week as the Easyrider Bike Show comes to town.The local shops are getting the last minute details done on their projects. This years show should prove to be a big one. The show has been extended to 2 days instead of just one. That’s right both Saturday and Sunday! The weather man says their is a chance for some slippery weather here this weekend but it should not dampen the spirits. I hope to have pictures of the show next week.
Onto another subject, The 7th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory Of Justin Pullin” will be held here in Charlotte on Sunday July 24th. Carolina BBQ has agreed to be the new spot where the bike show will be held this year. Anyone out there who would like to be a sponsor can contact me through the “your shot’ section of Bikernet. We are also looking for award builders. The awards are made from used motorcycle parts. The awards have turned into a show between the builders. We also give awards for long distance riders. We have already had calls where people have been asking to be stops on the poker run route. I think the route may change a little this year.
Have any of you been watching the bike build offs? That is a stupid question, of course you have. I always pick the bike that loses. There really are not any losers though, all the bikes are great! I guess it just depends where your taste lies. I guess I will close with that.
Until next time!

From Bob T.
A Greek and an Italian were sitting down one day debating who had thesuperior culture.
The Greek says: “We have the Parthenon.”
The Italian says: “We have the Colosseum.”
The Greek says: “We had great Mathematicians.”
The Italian says: “We had the Roman Empire.”
So the Greek not to be outdone, says: “Well, we invented sex!”
The Italian says: “That’s true, but it was the Italians who introduced it to women!”
Chris T.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–I missed last weeks news, I have decided to take 2005 easy. I’m not going to bust just to do what I need to do, if it happens cool, if it does not, Oh well. My plate is always pretty full, and what is the use of doing so much if you can’t actually enjoy it? Sure I do enjoy writing the news week after week, but then again, we all need a rest. Besides I don’t even remember what the hell I was doing then, but to give you a lame ass excuse for some news I rather not do it at all.
I know many of you are expecting me to lash at something, for those, too bad, I really have nothing to lash about. Sure I could talk about TV and flame throwing skulls and shit like that, but why? Or maybe a very cool handmade bike from Zero vs a ridiculous over raked chop. I guess many of you have been glued to the TV and know what I’m talking about. I guessI have to live with this since not everyone has my taste and not everyone rewards labor vs mega bling, but anyway, let’s keep on.

It’s no secret that I’ve been spending every free minute in Rincon (yeap the same place that we had the Bike Weekend) besides being a really cool town and the best waves in the Atlantic, my cell has no signal, there’s no phone and no TV at my friends house. Yes getting away from it all. By the amount of hours I work I should be able to have a house there, no problem, but life is not all cotton candy. I noticed my gain is the same working 8 hours or working 16, so why do it. The decisions made this year will evolve in maximum exposure and gain from my time. Sure friends and my word always comes first, but that commitment should have a payback, (and not necessarily in monetary value) or at least should leave a sense of accomplishment. So for now I will keep enjoying myself and relaxing as much as I can. Speaking of exposure if you have a chance get the new issue of Street Chopper, the guys there gave me a chance to say what I had to in ?Busted Knuckles?. Also a few of us are heading over to Las Vegas in February, come by if you have the chance.
Project wise we are working on a 63, a 51 and on my Horse Chop Off project. Bikes that I enjoy doing and you will soon see in the pages of some of your favorite magazines. There are a few other projects for major companies in the making, but don’t hold your breath cause we need to sit down and make specific plans on how it will all evolve. Money for nothing and the chicks for free, don’t fucking cut it.
It’s really funny that all this is being written in the most relaxed of situations. Not a care in the world and I’m not trying to keep on stepping up. Some reggae, the super NW storm creating havoc on the sea and a cool rain……I’m really sorry for all the chaos that rain caused in California this past week, but I really enjoy when it rains here. Everything cools down and the city turns quiet. I don’t know why, and I really don’t care, but it’s cool. More so, all those mega snow storms in the US turn into fronts here that do nothing else than bring a bit of rain and very good waves…. Life is good….

For those of you that are freezing your ass off, and in no way to rub it in, here’s a couple photos from Rincon. One is the view from the house deck, the other our favorite spot; maybe they will warm you up a bit. Now all I need is a really hot California girl to share all this with….
See you guys next week, you know where I’m heading this week end……Leave a message at my cell, I might call back Monday.I want to thank Custom Chrome, Ed Martin at Jammer Cycles and Jireh cycles for hooking me up with a bunch of cool parts for my Chop Off build……Take it easy, and don’t take life too seriously…you won’t get out of it alive anyway.
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter
MARINE– As the crowded airliner is about to take off, the peace is shattered by a five-year-old boy who picks that moment to throw a wild temper tantrum.
No matter what his frustrated, embarrassed mother does to try to calm him down the boy continues to scream furiously and kick the seats around him.
Suddenly, from the rear of the plane, a man in a U.S. Marine Corps uniform is seen slowly walking forward up the aisle. Stopping the flustered mother with an upraised hand, the courtly, soft-spoken Marine leans down and, motioning toward his chest, whispers something into the boy’s ear. Instantly, the boy calms down, gently takes his mother’s hand, and quietly fastens his seat belt.
All the other passengers burst into spontaneous applause. As the Marine slowly makes his way back to his seat, one of the cabin attendants touches his sleeve. “Excuse me, sir,” she ask quietly, “but could I ask you what magic words you used on that little boy?”
The Marine smiles serenely and gently confides, “I showed him my pilot’s wings, service stars, and battle ribbons, and explained that they entitle me to throw one passenger out the plane door, on any flight I choose, and that I was just about to make my selection for this flight.”
Bob T.

THIS IS NOT A GOOD LAW!– I can see it Being Used Against Bikers just as some of the other laws recently passed have been. The Government is praying off the fears of its citizens do to terrorism.
It is already a proven fact that information in many people?s files are untrue or at least the government?s version of what happened. I for one know this to be true because there is an error in my Motor Vehicle File. The person typing it in made a clerical error and though I have to have it corrected they refuse to do so.
The Government already has files on everyone from the days they are born. Let them be truthful for once and just say we are issuing a National ID Card.
Driving is a completely different issue.
Driver s license at center of privacy debate
Question: How to balance security, individual rights
That plastic card, the one? with the lousy photo that?s jammed into your wallet or purse, isn?t just a license to drive.
It?s the green light to buy a drink, the ticket to federal benefits, the must-have document to get aboard airplanes.
Now it?s also the flash point for an argument about how best to balance America?s security needs with worries that personal privacy could be swept away.
The federal intelligence over haul that became law last month? while creating a new national intelligence director and beefing up border patrols ? also aims to close loopholes for identity fraud that some of the Sept. 11 terrorists used to get aboard the jets they hijacked
Privacy advocates warn that the new federal standards for driver?s licenses will effectively create a national ID card, centralizing information that can be misused ?by letting the government track the whereabouts of innocent people, for instance. Government officials say they?re just making the cards more secure, and that the worries are overblown.
Strong sense
?There is a strong sense of protection of privacy by all of the administrators of DMV records, be cause we know the value of the in formation we?ve been entrusted with,? said George Tatum, North Carolina?s Department of Motor Vehicle chief. ?We just want you to be who you say you are.?
The small provision in the massive intelligence overhaul doesn?t take effect immediately. It requires a year-and-a-half of deliberation by state and federal officials, and others.
States can opt out ? refuse to make changes to their driver?s licenses that will be required under the federal law ? but then the licenses would be useless for any federal purpose, from getting benefits to boarding an airplane guarded by federal screeners.
The intelligence law aims to standardize the documents drivers present to get a license, the ways DMV workers verify that those documents are authentic, the information included on a II cense and the steps authorities take to ensure licenses can?t be forged. The law also requires that licenses can be read by machines. In years past, the market forfake driver?s licenses was driven by teenagers hoping to get into a nightclub or repeat drunk drivers ho lost their licenses trying to get back on the road.
Bigger problem
Now, identity theft is a bigger problem, and terrorists a bigger fear.
Many of the law?s specifics have yet to be decided. Will licenses include biometric information like fingerprints or retinal scans?
Some state groups, including the National Conference of State Legislatures, opposed the proposals to have the federal government take control of what has traditionally been solely under states? control ? though states have already been moving ahead to tighten the licensing process.
Advocates in Congress were given a big boost by recommendations from the Sept. 11 com mission, which noted the ease with which terrorists got licenses. Still, language the House approved that would have barred driver?s licenses for illegal immigrants was struck from the mea sure that became law.
At least nine states now allow such licenses.
Civil libertarians warn the push to make the driver?s license the ?gold standard? will make it easier to steal someone?s identity.
?Let?s say someone steals your driver?s license and substitutes their biometrics on there, and basically puts their identity on that card. They then have an official document that says they are you,? said Maw Johnson at the American Civil Liberties Union. ?How do you prove you are you??
New standards
? The new card: New federal standards aim to com bat identity fraud ? and terrorism ? by beefing up requirements for driver?s li censes. The law standardizes the documents needed to obtain a license and demands that they can be read by machine.
? Privacy concerns: Critics warn the new regulations will violate people?s privacy by consolidating personal information in the government?s hands and possibly making it easier to steal someone?s identity.
? Takes effect? The standards require more than a year of deliberation by state and federal officials. States also can opt out.
Florida Today Newspaper 1/16/2005
That?s It For The News– The workers are gone for the day but the smell of plaster remains. They?ll be back bright and early tomorrow to continue and sometime early next week they?ll finish. Progess?

Here?s the panhead with the new highbars, whatcha think? I think it looks good and will fit Bandit?s 6? 4? frame better and he won?t look like a baby Huey riding it anymore. And, the finished Pope motor on the stand. Like I said before, the stand is an old base to a kitchen table that our tenants left. I hesitated throwing it away all these months and now it?s a work of art.

I hope you all have a nice weekend; Saturday is my birthday and I think I?m gonna get Bandit and my kids to cook for me instead of going to dinner. That?s if I?m feeling lucky. Or, maybe a quiet dinner at my favorite restaurant by the ocean with just Bandit, and me, then maybe I?ll get lucky?
Take care, Layla