This year is going to be wild in so many respects. I’ll touch on one major effort, our Bonneville Run. Bikernet is sponsoring Bubs Bonneville Motorcycle Only speed week in September 3-7, produced by Dennis Manning and his wife Delvene. “Chris Carr has just signed to ride our streamliner,” Dennis excitedly told me.

There are currently four streamlines lined up to go after the Easyriders World Land Speed Record for motorcycles, 321 mph. Mike’s Hyabusa has hit 340 in one pass (you need a two-pass average to beat the record), Sam Wheeler’s Kawasaki streamliner broke 330 mph one way, Dennis Manning’s Bub line is rolling over 200, and there’s a Vincent double engine job in the running. “Did you know that a 50cc (3 cubic inch) streamlined motorcycle did 140 mph,” Dennis said? “Incredible.” This will be the third year on the salt and with the World’s Fastest Indian movie, released in February, should drive interest.
Dennis is looking for a handful of sponsors. For more or any information regarding the September salt effort drop a line to DelveneM@bub.com or call (530) 477-7490. He worked with the AMA and FIM to rewrite their rule books and make the effort more standardized and universal. “It’s all on line on our web site,” Dennis told me. If you break a record at his event it’s entered into both the AMA and FIM records.
Bikernet is involved with two, maybe three bikes and three teams heading to the salt. There’s the 5-Ball Racing Team based at the Bikernet headquarters. The Chop And Grind team working in a desert sand dune in 15 Palms, Calif and Custom Performance Turbo’d V-Rod Racers out of Phoenix. We’ll be riding out and everyone is invited.
Let’s hit the news:

BIKER BUILD-OFF STORMING AHEAD– “Got a call on Tuesday from Hugh King with Discovery. Kim hasbeen selected for the series along with Yaffe and Dave Perewitz. We’ve beenwaiting for this for a long time. Filming starts March 22nd for the Perewitz/Yaffe Build-Off.”
–Kim and Cheryl Suter

AVON GOES TALL– Leading tire manufacturer Avon introduces two new sizes to suit custom bikes. The new tires, a 130/60R23 64V AM41 (front) and 280/40R20 89V AM42 (rear) will be the latest additions to Avon’s top-selling Venom range.
The front 130/60R23 AM41 Venom will fit rims between 3.5 and 4.00 inches, and will have a nominal width of 130mm and an approximate overall diameter of 740mm. The rear 280/40R20 AM42 Venom has been designed for rims between 9.5 and 10.5 inches and will measure an estimated 280mm wide, with an overall diameter of approximately 732mm.
The new Venom pairing reflects an emerging trend in the custom market for tires that not only show off wheel manufacturers’ latest designs, but which are also true road tires, capable of matching the performance potential of the machines to which they are fitted. Both new tires are V-rated for speeds of up to 149mph/240 kph.
The 280/40R20 is the world’s first 20-inch D.O.T. approved rear custom tire. With Aramid belts for added stability, its radial construction means it can be paired with a radial, bias belted or crossply front tire. As well, the wind-on zero-degree aramid belt restricts tire growth.
Both front and rear tires boast special ‘rim protectors’ to help prevent damage to wheels from potholes. Usually only seen on top of the range car tires, the Avon rim protection system has proved to be a welcome feature for riders investing in expensive custom wheels.
Commenting on the new tires, Larry Hoppe of Avon North America said, “This pairing has been the subject of a very considerable design process to ensure that the tires are not only proportionally matched for maximum aesthetic effect but are also dynamically compatible for sure-footed performance.
Major custom builders are already tooling up in anticipation of the new Venoms, which will be on sale from spring 2006.
The tires will be previewed at Avon’s booth, at the V-Twin Motorcycle Show in Cincinnati February 4-6th, 2006 and Dealernews show in Indianapolis Feb. 18-20th, 2006.
Avon customer service
6911 216 St. SW,
Lynnwood,WA 98036
Phone (800) 624-7470
Fax (425) 771-4246

PATRIOT GUARD CALL TO WVA MINERS MEMORIAL RALLY–Patriot Guard Riders are being called to rally in Upshur County WestVirginia to pay respects to the miners and their families at the publicMemorial Service, Sunday January 15th.In addition, a protest group from Kansas calling themselves the WesboroBaptist Church has applied and made arrangements to protest this MemorialService.
The community of Buckhannon, WV has requested the Patriot Guard Riders showand help block these hate mongers.
Will you come and help us pay our respects to the miners, and also help usprotect the family from these protesters?You do not have to ride a motorcycle! Cars and trucks are fine. Or carpooland come stand with us!
I have made contact with the local law enforcement and they are aware wewill be there.Everything is in place.Now we need you to come and show your support!(Extended weather forecast for Sunday in Buckhannon – High of 37 deg, 30%chance of precipitation. Could easily be 10 degrees warmer by the time theweekend gets here).Thank you,
Rick Gifford
Patriot Guard Riders
WVA Captain

BIKERNET BONNEVILLE SPONSORS–This week we’ll run our first Bonneville build story, featuring the chassis construction of the first 120-inch Panhead Sport Bike (Custom Chrome) and our 45 Flathead being built by Departure Bike Works in Richmond, VA. Hang on as you’ll see them both come together. The sportbike will be powered by an Accurate Engineering exclusive 120-inch Panhead and a Baker 6-speed transmission.

VIRGINA MC TRAINING BILLS NEEDS ATTENTION–In the meantime, there is one specific bill that currently requires ourattention. HB 280 is a bill that requires a person to pass an MSFcertified motorcycle rider training course before a license to operate amotorcycle is granted. There are a few reasons we take issue with thisbill. First, the Virginia Rider Training Program is administered by theDMV, which is extremely experienced and competent in this area.
Itshould be up to the DMV to decide which particular certified motorcyclerider training course is best for riders in Virginia. Additionally, theVirginia Rider Training Program does not have the facilities orresources to meet the demand that would result in requiring this coursefor all new riders. And finally, this bill is discriminatory ? there isno required certification before being granted a drivers license tooperate an automobile, why should motorcycles be singled out?
Pleasetake a moment and contact this bill’s patron (Del. Mamye Bacote) and lether know that while we support motorcycle safety, we are against thistype of legislation. As always, be respectful. There is no e-mail addresslisted on the legislative website for Del. Bacote, but here are herphone numbers. You will likely reach an aid, so I would call both ofthem. In Richmond – (804) 698-1095 and in Newport News (757) 244-4415.
This is the first of many calls to action you will be receiving duringthis legislative session.
Lobby Day was January 16th at the Capitol. VCOM is once again offering apre-Lobby Day meeting on January 15 where upcoming legislation andtalking points will be discussed
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitateto contact me.
Ride safe, ride free.
VIRGINIA GOVERNER, WARNER, CREATES MOTORCYCLE ADVISORY COUNCIL–“Virginia has worked to expand its tourism markets in so many areas – and motorcycle tourism is a great opportunity for us,” said Governor Warner. “As an example, the annual Gold Wing Road Riders Association state rally in Roanoke generates over $320,000 each year for the Roanoke Valley; and we know motorcyclists are generous with their time and resources in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for charities in communities across the Commonwealth. Additionally, as the Commonwealth grapples with the transportation challenges of the next decade, motorcyclists need to have a voice in that debate.”
Council members are appointed by the Governor and include one member of the House of Delegates and the Senate of Virginia as well as a representative from each of the following state agencies: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of State Police, Department of Transportation, and the Virginia Tourism Authority. The Council includes representatives from the Virginia’s sheriffs, police chiefs, and the Board of Transportation Safety and sixteen citizen members appointed by the Governor. The Secretaries of Commerce and Trade, Public Safety, and Transportation serve as ex officio members.
Governor Warner appointed the following individuals to the Governor’s Motorcycle Advisory Council:
* Bernard A. Adams of Front Royal, IT specialist with the U.S. Department of the Navy; member of Freedom Riders M.C.
* Richard E. Becker of Boston, retired from the U.S. Air Force and owner of two small businesses; member of Orange Harley Owners Group;
* Colonel Charles Bennett, Jr., of Lynchburg, Chief of Police for the City of Lynchburg;
* James T. Cannon of Ashland, Director of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists;* Robert P. Crouch, Jr., of Mechanicsville, Counselor to the Governor; Chairman; chair of the Governor’s 2004-2005 “MotorcycleVIRGINIA!” initiative;
* Dale Coyner of Herndon, self-employed writer; author of Motorcycle Journeys Through the Appalachians;”
* The Honorable Steve M. Draper of Martinsville, Sheriff of the City of Martinsville, and Security Director, Martinsville Speedway;
* Charles S. Finley, Jr., of Richmond, Executive Vice President of the Virginia Motorcycle Dealers Association;
* Melissa S. Franklin of Mechanicsville, Founder of the Supreme Ladies M.C.;
* Julia Ciarlo Hammond of Richmond, Director of Government Relations for the Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association;
* Richard S. Holman of Monterey, owner of The Gallery of Mountain Secrets;
* David L. Jennings, Sr., Mechanicsville, American Motorcyclist Association Virginia Community Council;
* Keith N. Lindgren of Chesapeake, President of the Motorcycle Safety League of Virginia, Inc.;
* Joseph R. Marshall of Richmond, member, Richmond Riders M.C.;
* John V. Mazza, Jr., of Mataoca, President of Medallion Pool Company,Inc.and former member of Virginia Transportation Safety Board;
* The Honorable Samuel A. Nixon, Jr., of Richmond, Member of the Virginia House of Delegates;
* The Honorable Phillip P. Puckett, of Lebanon, Member of the Virginia State Senate;
* James M. Ramsey, Jr., of Annandale, Supervisor in the ConstructionDepartment of the Washington Gas Company;
* Patrick Sanders of Nellysford, Director of Dealer Development, California Sidecar;
* Lora Sharkey of Manassas, Fire and Rescue Lieutenant with the Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue, member Fire and Iron(firefighters) M.C.;
* Charles E. Talley of Richmond, Founder and President of Cobra-One M.C. and Commander of American Legion Post 210.
Agency Representatives:
* Virginia Economic Development Partnership: Rick Richardson
* Virginia State Police: Captain Richard Denney
* Virginia Department of Transportation: Mark Hodges
* Department of Motor Vehicles: Bruce Biondo
* Virginia Tourism Authority: Ralph Earnhardt
* Alcohol Beverage Control: Shawn Walker
* Transportation Safety Board: J. Thomas McGrath
For more information go to http://www.motorcycleva.com

COLORADO FIRST FALLEN BIKER SIGN–Below is a link to a slide show of pictures taken yesterday at the memorial for Brian Fales. Brian was killed by a ROW violation in Nov. 04. The sign does not indicate he was a biker, but, this is a first step. At least we have them recognizing us a citizen. The DA is the suit at the microphone that prosecuted the woman who killed Brian. I am not sure what she was charged with, but she is still walking around free. If there is any picture you would like to copy, feel free to do so. Just right click and save as. If you have a problem with this link, let me know.

SOUNDS LIKE A BIKER EVENT–ST. LOUIS (AP) — Ken Ortmann, an alderman who owns a local tavern wants to lower the penalties for public urination before the Feb. 25 Mardi Gras Parade.Ortmann said his bill would allow police to issue different citations for public urinators who try to be discreet than they might for those who are more open about it.
“There’s a difference between going in the middle of the street, in front of God and country, and somebody who is behind a Dumpster,” Ortmann said.
Public urination is now classified as lewd and lascivious conduct, which carries a penalty of 90 days in jail, a $100 to $500 fine, or both. Ortmann’s proposal doesn’t change the maximum penalties, but he hopes the actual penalty would be much less.
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

POKER RUNS–Thanks possibly to our AG the South Carolina AG has just issued an identicalRuling. Other states look at Texas to see how we handle issues such as this.Hopefully we can come up with a successful solution.
We are currently awaitingopinion from an attorney who is considering our proposals for getting aroundthe ruling. If we receive word that we would possibly have a winnable case incourt if called on to do so then we will become a test case.
We put PokerRun on our Flyer for the Texas Independence Day Freedom Rally to be held inGroesbeck on March 3-5. Come out and join us and be a part of seeing how itplays out.
Who better than our politically active Warriors and Allies to do this? We havebeen protecting biker’s rights for the last 14 years with less than 1/10 of 1%of Texas riders doing their part. This is a real let down from days of old whenriders were Bros and worked together for the good of all who ride.
URGENT ************* URGENT ************* URGENT
WE HAVE just RECEIVED WORD FROM THE ATTORNEY THAT MY IDEAS HAVE MERIT AND WILLPROBABLY BE A WINNABLE CASE. He will be on hand to watch it play out.I will personally host the Run so no one but me will be charged in the Event ofa court case.
Taking a page from our Pennsylvania brothers and sisters playbook I shall host a RUN-N-GUN Event. We did one of these in Iowa at last yearsSOLR Tea Party. It was a lot of fun and my little Brother ( a petite lady namedPenny) won the event by scoring a Royal Heart Flush using a 357 Magnum.
Be there and enjoy the fun.
Continued On Page 2