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OBSOLETE SPORTSTERCENTER STAND—New from “Sporty Specialties Inc.” an exact reproduction of the Harley-Davidson Sportster accessory center stand. (H.D. part no#49700-57) 100% Made in the U.S.A. from aircraft quality heat treated 356-T6 aluminum, this center stand comes with N.O.S. mounting hardware (clips and spring) andfits all 1952-1956 “K” models and 1957-1981 Sportsters.
Suggested retail price is $159.95 and dealer pricing is available. Sporty Specialties Inc. isentering its 10th year of supplying hard to find and obsolete parts for Harley-Davidson Sportsters and “K” models.
For more information please contact;
Sporty Specialties Inc. LACONIA UPDATE–The 25th.Annual Weirs Beach Drive-In Theater International Motorcycle Swapmeet and Show will be held in conjunction with the 80th. Annual Laconia Bikeweek Rally, from June, 5th. through June, 15th. 2003., This is the Grandaddy of them all!Bikes, Bands and Babes. Vendors from around the world. On-Site Camping. Visit us at: –from Bud Woods WORDS OF WISDOM, I SUPPOSE–“In elementary school, in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic? Do tall people burn slower?” – Warren MONSTER ART, BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS– Here’s a couple of samples of Chris Kallas 8.5 by 11 inch pen and ink drawings. They are not expensive. Drop him a note to SOUTH CAROLINA HOG RALLY LEAVES MYRTLE BEACH–The Columbia, SC area will host the 2003 S.C. H.O.G. Rally on September 25ththrough the 27th. Several factors spurred the move from Myrtle Beach to thenew headquarters, the Sheraton Hotel in Lexington County. H.O.G. wanted tomake the rally a true state event by traveling to different cities eachyear. Amongst up to 45,000 bikers in Myrtle Beach each year, and due todeclining H.O.G. attendance, state coordinator David Pugh said, “It got to apoint where you didn’t hardly know who was a Harley Owners Group member ornot.” Harley-Davidson has left its image of outlaw motorcycle riders farbehind. “The riffraff was piggybacking off the Harley owners and became anegative force,” Pugh said. “H.O.G. is very much a family oriented group.Basically, if you can’t bring your kids, your mother, and grandmother, itisn’t a Harley Owners Group event.” To back this up, activities at thisyear’s rally will include bike games, bingo and a miniature track withbattery powered mini-motorcycles for the children of H.O.G. members. Thepublic is welcome to view the events, but participation will be limited toH.O.G. members. –from the January 2003 Full Throttle Magazine BIKERNET BREAKS DAYTONA BIKE WEEK SECRET CODE– –from agent Rogue BIKERNET JOB OF THE WEEK– Wall street Journal 1/7/03. Indian Riders Group seeks a new leader of the pack-sorry, an executivedirector. The nonprofit membership organization links devoted owners of bikes madeby Indian Motorcycle Corp.,of Gilroy Calif. The company originally based inMassachusetts,built motorcycles from 1901 to 1953,when financial woes causeda halt. In 1998,an investor group festarted the company;production resumedin 1999. The nonprofit organizes group rides,provides member benefits like roadsideassistance and distributes patches and other paraphernalia.The companyestimates roughly 40,000 people own pre-1953 Indian motorcycles,while about11,000 own new-era bikes. The nonprofit group wants all of them to join,andcurrently has 3,500 members The executive director will attend motorcycle events throughout thecountry and frequently go along on group rides,says Fran O’Hagan senior vicepresident of sales,service and marketing at Indian motorcycle.The new hirewill earn a five-figure salary and be based in Gilroy. — Kris Maher DAMN, ANOTHER JOB–Custom Chrome is looking for a new marketing executive. Jump on it, if you want to rule the custom motorcycle industry through building the biggest distributor in the market. Send your resume to Kip Woodring THE STELLA AWARDS–It’s time once again to consider the candidates for the annual Stella Awards.The Stellas are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonalds. That case inspired the Stella Awards for the most frivolous successful lawsuits in the United States. Here’s a great one:Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $780,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson’s son. THE MF EGAN REPORT–I’m getting down to the wire on that ’50 Panhd. I’ll make sure you get somedigital photos of it.Really close to finishing Chad McQueen’s ’29 45″ DL that Steve gave himright before he took the checkered flag. The building retrofit has kept us off m/c focus and will probably continuetill it’s finished this Summer. I’m really thinking of writing a couple ofwell illustrated how-to manuals on repairing or restoring the 45″ solo andthe VL side-valve models. The printed stuff that’s out there was authoredby patron’s of Oakie’s Bar and Grill after closing time! –“mfegan” CODE OF THE WEST– May you have the strength –from Miss Kris Official terrorist hunting license from the department head Concrete Pete. THAT’S IT–A crazed batch of news for a wild week that went from blistering cold and rain to a summer heat wave. It’s a wonder the earth doesn’t crack like a soft bat against a smoldering fast ball and split right down the seam. I shouldn’t mention anything catastrophic. The world still hasn’t grown up enough to work together. We still want to kick the other guys ass twice a day. It’s strange out there and maybe a bunch of throat slitting aliens like the bunch from “Signs” would make us realize how fragile life really is. All right, enough. We’ve got to focus on paying the bills, publishing Chance, writing the next King tech and the ’48 Pan air cleaner build. May the world never crack and we chase women and ride free forever. –Bandit
Of eagles’ wings,
The faith and courage to
Fly to new heights,
And the wisdom Of the universe
To carry you there?. Indian Blessing