to D&D Performance Enterprises for more details and experience great power and economy today. –Jeff Najar>

NEW CCW PROJECT BIKE–Hope your day is going well. I just wanted to get in touch with you about a bike we just finished up. I just wanted to see if we could get this bike a feature spot. Jada II is our first Complete in house build from the frame, front end, and motor down to the fenders, bars, and pipes. It was all basically done in our shop and we are quite pleased with the way it turned out. a quick rundown on the bike is
Frame: CCW Featuring a 37 ford front axle downtube
Front End: CCW Springer with stainless Rockers
Bars: CCW Old man comfort bars
Seat: CCW stainless pan Covered By JADA
Shocks: Chopper shox
Pipes: CCW/ cocktail shaker Mufflers
Fender: CCW
Hand Controls: Joker Machine
Brakes: Front PM dual piston / Rear PM 4 Piston
Tail light: Fab Kevin Dual ShotHeadlight: 7″

Our shop has been open for 5 years now and in that time we have built a couple of very cool bikes (well at least I think so), and we have also been into land speed racing. We have set 43 land speed records since 2000 and we are currently working on breaking into the 200 MPH club on our naked 122″ sportster. We are currently working on a new fuel injection setup to get us there.
CCW/Death Wish Industries
NEW BAGGER SHOCK FROM THE SHOTGUN GUYS–The bagger shock works with the same technology as the shotgunshock. Each shock has four internal electro mechanical solenoids allowing the rider infinite adjustment of both height and rebound. The air enters the shock through a one way valve, making this the only leak proof air suspension for baggers. This design has great potential and the next step will be to create electronically controlled air suspension.
–J.D. Braun
Phone: 323.359.4914

READER REQUEST BIKERNET DATING SERVICE–My friend Perry said he is going to start dating homeless women. No matter where he drops them off they will be home.

WHEEL OF THE WEEK FROM BLACK BIKE–Now that Harley has moved forward on the wide rear tire scene with the new 200 rear tire bikes, Black Bike Wheels felt compelled to take it one step further. With all the room for a huge tire engineered into the back of these bikes, Black Bike Wheels found several ways to enhance the look and performance.
We offer several choices to add a wire spoke wheel to these bikes, presently not offered by the factory itself. The most outstanding is a whopping 18×7 rear, which was engineered to be the absolutely widest assembly possible for these bikes WITHOUT any frame, brake, or drive train modifications.
Coupled to a 200 tire, the bike is transformed to a Super Wide Drive bike, and it?s Direct Bolt On! Give Black Bike Wheels a call for all the options for the new 22 tire Harley Davidson.
Phone: (818) 341-2550

NEW ARTIST COMES TO BIKERNET–Shawn’s outstanding use of color and knowledge of motorcycles make his work outstanding. We hope to present more examples in the future. For information contact Jessica Blandori.
–Jessica Blandori

DARWIN AWARDS FROM BIKERNET– 1. When his 38-caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a hold-up in Long Beach , California , would-be robber James Elliot did something that can only inspire wonder. He peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again. This time it worked. And now, the honorable mentions: 2. The chef at a hotel in Switzerland lost a finger in a meat-cutting machine and, after a little shopping around, submitted a claim to his insurance company. The company expecting negligence sent out one of its men to have a look for himself. He tried the machine and he also lost a finger. The chef’s claim was approved.
3. A man who shoveled snow for an hour to clear a space for his car during a blizzard in Chicago returned with his vehicle to find a woman had taken the space.
Understandably, he shot her.
BIKERNET STUDIO – INTERVIEW WITH THE CHIEF OF CRAZY HORSE–John White of Crazy Horse LLC builds Indian-style engines as a replacement for Indian Motorcycle Company built in Gilroy, California.
Win The Engine – No Purchase Necessary
These EVO-based powerplants were purchased from Performance Assembly Solutions (PAS), a Michigan based company and division of Roush Racing/Ford. White made over 17 significant improvements on the engine and renamed the original Power Plus engine to V-Plus.
We are building the Bikernet/ Brass Balls Bobbers/IronWorks giveaway motorbike with the Crazy Horse mil on the pages of IronWorks Magazine and in the website at”> >.More details are located at”> >. His engine is the muscle in the Brass Balls Bobbers / Bikernet / IronWorks Giveaway Bobber. To win the engine and the bobber checkout”> >.
–Jeff Najar

BIKERNETMETRIC.COM IS ALIVE AND KICKIN’– Hope everyone had a great Holiday. It is another year of Bikernet Metric and this is going to be THE year. All of the big manufacturers are sending us their news releases regularly so check the blog often to see what is new and cool.
Also, make sure you check out the feature on Jimmy the Mortician. Many purists would consider what he did to his bike an embalm-ination but we here are looking for the true heart and soul of metric riders and Jimmy em-body-s just that.
I am also going to be going to the Easyriders event here in Sacramento and I will report back on what I see. AFT Customs will be there so there will be some extra shots of him, his bike and the GIRLS! Hopefully the metric inclusion in this historically Harley event has increased from years before.
Either way, the spirit of the builder will be there and I will do my best trying to capture it for all the readers. So, come on over to the metric site and take a look and keep sending me pictures of your rides. I will adding them to the website soon.
MOTORCYCLE TRAUMA BEST PRACTICE–ASMI is leading an initiative to develop a Best Practice model for motorcycle trauma outcomes. Communities will be encouraged to adopt the model that is meant to give them guidance to implement a seamless process for care of motorcyclists who have been involved in a crash. There are 4 initiatives that need to be addressed in order to implement this Model.
1. Motorcycle Rider Coaches need to be trained in Motorcycle Specific Trauma Response.
Currently there is no requirement for this type of training for Motorcycle Rider Coaches. Some state programs have required CPR and or First Aid but even that is not required on a National basis. Because CPR applied to Motorcycle Trauma could actually hurt the injured person, it is important that Rider Coaches be trained not just because they might use the information to treat new riders, but also so they can correctly answer students questions re: what to do if someone goes down.
2. Encourage Motorcyclists to be trained.
Because Motorcyclists often travel in groups, the most likely person to be first at the scene of a motorcycle crash is another motorcyclist! For this reason incentives should be given to motorcycle groups and training made available. Despite over 13,000 motorcyclists being trained in the past 12 years, that is a small number nationally. Rescue Riders is an important part of providing both an incentive and placing trained people where they can be of assistance.
3. Develop National Dispatch recommendations and Protocols specific to Motorcycle Crashes.
Currently EMD (a popular flip card type of dispatch) only classifies Motorcycle Trauma as a high level trauma. They recently added ?remove the helmet? if a helmet is on and the person has ?ineffective breathing? but they do not say what kind of helmet or give guidance in removal.
4. Require EMT Basics to complete training on Motorcycle Trauma.
Currently, national training does not require EMTs to have training specific to motorcycle trauma, not even helmet removal. EMTs would complete a 3 hour in-service that would include a minimum of: Helmet Removal, review of Jaw Thrust Rescue Breathing, address Safety Aspects of Bike Handling, Mechanisms of Injury & Psychosocial Concerns. Continuing education credit would be issued.
This model was presented by ASMI and reviewed by a group that consisted of: WI EMS Director Dr. Schultz, WI Emergency Response Coordinator Sherri Stigler, WI MSF state coordinator Greg Patzer, Waukesha Co. Executive Dan Vrakas, ABATE of WI. Public Relations Officer Dave Charlebois and several Fire Chiefs. All in attendance believed this was a good model. Discussion about studying and funding this initiative took place. A follow-up meeting was held in Madison Wisconsin last week at Senator Mary Lazich?s office with a representative from Health and Human Services & WI DOT to discuss funding to implement initiatives. ASMI Director Vicki Sanfelipo is in Washington D.C. this week presenting this model to the D.O.T. at a Motorcycle Safety Network Meeting. Stay tuned!
We will feature Matt’s bike real soon.LOCK AND LOAD–It’s not bad enough that our economy is a virtual rollercoaster ride, now we’re going to face-off with every safety freak in the country. We’re generally a simple bunch. We just want to build cool, fast motorcycles and ride free. Plus we like to have a cool shop and chase a woman around the block once in a while. Simple.

We don’t want to take over the world, but there’s a movement in this country that flies in the face of freedom-loving risk takers. They seem to want to take over the world and make it secure for everyone. Scary shit. Let’s fight back. I don’t know about you, but I live for freedom.

Let’s Ride,
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