Continued From Page 2

HOLLISTER’S 60TH LOGO– 60 is old but Hollister’s 60th has a brand new look. The new Hollister Motorcycle Rally committee commissioned local Hollister Resident Jim Wood at Sage Blanc Inc. to design a brand new logo for the next 60 years July 6th 7th and 8th. With the help and input of motorcycle industry icons like Mike Corbin, the finished logo is awesome!
“This is going to be everywhere” stated Seth Doulton of Horse Power Promotions. Horse Power Promotions has the job of promoting and producing this years rally.
“We have already licensed it to company’s for sunglasses, seats, helmets,wheels and we are working on about a dozen other things right now” Seth said.
To receive a license to use the 60th anniversary Hollister logo to helpMarket your company all year and be the exclusive in your product segment. contact Horse Power Promotions at 805-686-2007 or e-mail

SUZUKI INFO REQUEST–Read your article on the Suzuki M-109R. Don’t know if you’re Paul Garson, however since I noticed DIST plates on the bike perhaps you might be more alert to used bikes, particularly the silver (not available for 2006) or second choice black on sale in SoCal?
Any alerts or recs to find the bike would be appreciated.
–E Suzuki>

Originally $29.99
Now Just $25.00
This is the hit movie starring Anthony Hopkins that every motorcyclist wants to own. Order your copy in the next two weeks and save 20%. You can still receive a

PRUGH DESIGNS NOW OPEN–Michael Prugh, best known for his attention to detail and his industry changing chassis designs, has opened Prugh Design. Two-time runner-up in the AMD World Championship and seen on Discovery’s Biker Build-Off, Michael has been an inspiration to the world of two-wheeled machines.
Prugh Design’s primary aim is to support all companies, independent of size, in the design development process. Offering advanced motorcycle concept design and development from conceptual sketching to project management.Michael also plans to keep his flawless, ever original bikes coming off the lifts and look for a new line of Prugh Design parts coming soon!
T 605.718.7521

REQUESTS FLOODING IN FOR JJ’S FIRST BOOK–It’s a biker novel like no other, a classic, soon to be made into a television commercial.
Holy shit, you’re still at it. did you mention thispiece of shit product of mine on your site orsomething?….or is it just word of mouth stuff toyour pals that they’re gettin’ back to you about. imean, i appreciate the interest yer generatin’ but idont want to piss these bastards off either makin’ ’emfrustrated. i want to piss everyone in the world offEXCEPT bikers. especially the thug type bikers YOUhang out with. so calm these fine people down. tell’em it’s kind of like Halo 3: it’s comin’; and thatyou’ll be happy to provide full details just as soon asthat fuck solari tells you. unless you can think ofsomething better. and by that i dont mean “hey, here’shis address, go ask him yourself.” over and above allthis, it’s nice that you’re lettin’ me know at leasttwo people want the thing. even though yer makin’ me awreck by it.
–J.J. Solari

THE ARIEL RESTORATION SAGA–I was in love you see…..
Years later…..almost there. Been saying that for too long now but I’m hopingto have it together and ride from Santa Cruz to Halfmoon Bay this May forthe second Legend of the Motorcycle concours deelydop. Although the bike’snot concours quality by any stretch of the imagination, I’d sure love to see itsitting in the parking lot with full saddlebags, a bedroll and oil leaking allover the place.

The next part of the dream is to get it back home, strip allthe shit off it, put in back on a trailer and haul it to Bonneville to see if I couldbreak into the 50 mph club while watching the serious stuff like your flathead,etc. A man’s gotta have a dream and that’s mine.Burt Munro Lives!

DOMAIN NAMES FOR SALE–I purchased the following domain names when I was involved in the hotaces project, because I thought they would be valuable in the future. I would like to sell them and was wondering if you know anyone in the online gambling business who might be interested in purchasing them – they are:
–Sandy Wright
Lyric Marketing & Design
Graphic Design…Marketing…Photography
2300 Ables Drive
Plano, Texas 75093

THE ANNA JAMERSON EXPERIENCES-AN ASTONISHING UFO ABDUCTION CASE– After a lengthy hiatus, the Intruders Foundation (IF) will resume its regular program of seminars with a presentation by Anna Jamerson, one of the authors of CONNECTIONS, in which she will discuss her extraordinary UFO abduction experiences. Anna and her friend Beth Collings met in the late 1980s, and subsequently discovered that they were both undergoing UFO abductions, and that, amazingly, they had been brought together as children in a series of ongoing encounters evidently engineered by the UFO occupants.
Anna Jamerson is a highly intelligent, articulate woman who spoke movingly about her encounters at our second all-day IF conference in 2000 at the New York Hall of Science. On January 27, she will recount what is in many ways perhaps one of the most dramatic and complex series of UFO abductions ever. Her joint abductions with Beth Collings comprise the central section of C.D.B. Bryan’s much acclaimed book, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FOURTH KIND, and her talk at IF will be accompanied by a remarkable group of illustrations by her gifted co-writer, Collings.
The events she will detail mostly occurred at a horse farm she owns, but one incident apparently involves an underground alien installation of some sort. Ranking with the Betty and Barney Hill case, the Linda Cortile abduction, and the 1975 Travis Walton incident, Anna Jamerson’s account is of the utmost importance to the history of the UFO abduction phenomenon. Her book, CONNECTIONS, is one that should be in the library for anyone interested in the subject, and will be available for sale at the seminar.
The seminar will be held on January 27th at the new meeting rooms of A.R.E., located on the SECOND FLOOR at 241 W. 30th Street (between Seventh and Eighth Avenues), New York, NY. The price of the seminar is $30 for non-members and $20 for members of IF, seniors and students. Reservations must be made by telephone at 212-645-5278, and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Payment must be made in advance to secure the reservation. Make checks payable to the Intruders Foundation, P.O. Box 30233, New York, NY 10011. Seating is limited. Book early! Only 60 reservations will be accepted!

NATIONAL MENTAL HEALTH CARE WEEK– This coming week is National Mental HealthCare week. You can do your part by remembering to contact at least one unstable person to show you care.
Well, my job is done!
–Joseph Franks

S&S NEXT GENERATION V-TWIN-X-WEDGE!–With EPA and CARB restrictions becoming more and more prevalent, S&S Cycle looked to the future and designed a new OE specific engine more in line with environmental expectations. This next generation v-twin is a departure from S&S’ traditional engine design and a step toward the future of air-cooled, pushrod operated v-twins.
In October of 2002, a small group of S&S Product Development team members were given a green light by the S&S senior management team to start on a new engine design to ensure that S&S OE customers would have engines available when the emissions laws tightened up. It needed to be an air-cooled v-twin, with pushrod operated overhead valves and meet the upcoming 2008 ARB and 2010 EPA regulations. The S&S Product Development team accepted the challenge and began engineering the engine of the future.
By October of 2003 the first prototype design was under way and a running test version spent time on the S&S dyno in December of 2004. So, in just two years a concept became a design, which turned into a running prototype. In just five more short months, April 2005 saw another prototype installed in a chassis and ridden around Wisconsin. When the prototype had reached production intent, two different dyno tests were performed-one to simulate highway operation at 3200rpm for 800 hours and another that ran a 200-hour duty cycle on a dyno that varied engine speed and load from idle to full-throttle. This rigorous testing was necessary before any further development could be done. Once the S&S Product Development team was satisfied with the engine’s durability, they finalized the functional design.

The engine, code-named Fred around the S&S offices during development, is the all-new S&S X-Wedge (pronounced “cross” or “ex”)-a 56-degree, closed-loop fuel-injected, three-cam, overhead valve v-twin designed to deliver the performance expected of an S&S engine, but still comply with EPA laws. One key engineering feature is the versatility of the design to create a range of engine sizes. Included are specifications or the 117ci X-Wedge to be released later this year, but in the future bore and stroke sizes can be maximized to create a 139ci engine. The 56-degree v-twin utilizes three serpentine belt-driven, large base-circle cams; two exhaust cams and a common intake cam achieve almost straight pushrod angles that combine with automotive-style rockers and roller tappets to create an incredibly quiet, EPA noise conscious valve train.
Induction on the X-Wedge is done with the new S&S single-bore throttle body pumping fuel and air into a wedge shaped combustion chamber contained in a head with a five stud bolt pattern and increased fin area for maximum cooling abilities. The head has the fuel injector mounted directly in it for even more efficient combustion. A non-structural rocker cover that will allow various OE builders to design a look specific to their brand covers the aforementioned automotive rockers.
The cylinders use the five-bolt pattern, have no oil return holes and are common design for front or rear placement. Their round shape reduces bore distortion and computer designed progressive fin spacing increase the cylinders cooling capabilities. The cylinders are die-cast over the most aggressive liner seen in the industry to ensure heat transfer and permanent adhesion between the cast iron liners and the aluminum surrounding them.
Naturally, case design improvements were implemented including beefier engine mounts, single oil pump sump location and integral tappet blocks and common front and rear tappet covers. The case holds a massive one-piece forged crank that uses automotive plain style main and rod bearings. By increasing the crankshaft mass, additional strength is found and vibration reduction is achieved, even when the stroke is pushed out to 4 3/8″. The X-Wedge will not fit in a standard frame. Specific engine mounts are required, but it will match up to the common primary and transmission designs currently on the market so OE manufacturers will not have to re-engineer the driveline to utilize the technology X-Wedge offers.
There has been much speculation about the new S&S X-Wedge engine, and we are proud to finally present the details of this groundbreaking product.
Bore (range) = 4.125″
Stroke (range) = 4.375″
Displacement (range) = 117 CID
Cylinder head design = 2 valve Cross Wedge
Valve sizes = 2.0″ Intake and 1.6″ Exhaust
Pistons = Forged with no notching, common front to rear, .927″ wrist pin diameter
V angle = 56.25 degrees
Cam Drive = Gates 30 mm wide system with automatic tensioner
Valvetrain = Hydraulic roller tappet with pushrods
Rocker arm ratio = 1.7:1
Crankshaft = Forged one piece
Rod type = 7.400″ forged split design with 7/16″ bolts
Bearing Type = Tri metal plain style rod and main
Main bearing journal dia.= 2.36″
Rod bearing journal dia. = 2.20″
Oil system = Dry sump with internal gerotor pump
Induction and Engine Management = 2-1/16″ throttle body with S&S closed loop VFI
Fuel injectors = 34.8 lb/hr @ 3 bar fuel pressure
Complete engine weight = 163 lbs
Crank and rod assembly weight = 42.75 lbs
4 bolt engine mount system using 7/16″ fasteners
Compression ratio = 9.75:1

MMA MASSECHUSETTS INITIAL LEGISLATIVE AGENDA FOR 2007– 1) to allow motorcycle insurance ‘choice’ for motorcycle owners to shop forinsurance rather than be restricted to the current ‘fix and establish’system;
2) to dully fund the Commonwealth’s Motorcycle Safety Program,increasing thecontribution from $2.00 to $5.00. Increased revenues would be used tosubsidize the Beginner Rider Course for riders under 21, allowing acredit of up to$150.00 off the course fee. This bill will be known as ‘Danny’s Bill’,in memory of Danny Woods, 20, of Saugus, who was killed in August 2006
3) to assess insurers 5% of their profit from earned motorcyclepremiums togo to additional motorcycle awareness programs to reduce accidents andinjuries
4) to reduce motorcycle tolls to 50% of private passenger car rates,based ontolls being collected on the basis of roadway wear and tear;
5) to allow helmet choice for those 21 and older;
6) the re-filing our ‘motorcyclists matter’ bill, to increase civil andcriminal penalties of those drivers who drive criminally reckless orOUI, violatingthe right of way of ANY road user, resulting in serious bodily injury ordeath
7) an off-road trails maintenance bill, as proposed by the New EnglandTrailRiders Association;
8) that no banning of motorcycles on any public way that receives local,state or federal funding for its construction or maintenance be allowed;
9) an off-road trails bill for education, enforcement and season long usageof public parks; (as proposed by the New England Trail Riders Assocation);
10) the re-filing of SB 1344, as enacted by the Senate in 2/2006. SB 1344: AN ACT RELATIVE TO STANDARDS FOR PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR FOR OPERATORSOR PASSENGERS ON MOTORCYCLES: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives inGeneral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1.Section 7 of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 1994Official Edition, is hereby amended by striking out all beginning withthe word ?Every? and ending with the word:- gear.
SECTION 2.Every person operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger or in asidecarattached to a motorcycle who is under 21 years of age must wear protectiveheadgear conforming with the such minimum standards and construction asprescribed by the Registrar, and no person operating a motorcycle shallpermit anyother person under twenty-one years of age to ride as a passenger on suchmotorcycle or in a sidecar attached to a motorcycle unless such personis wearingprotective headgear as prescribed by the Registrar.
The Committee also directed the MMA’s legislative director to submit agrantapplication for motorcycle safety and awareness funds to the MassachusettsAuto Insurers Bureau, to aid in reducing accidents and injuries for 2007.Riders and motorcycle businesses are encouraged to submit their ideas forbills to Paul W. Cote, MMA Director of Government Relations(, for consideration in the upcoming 2007-2008 season.

STAGING INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLORADO FREEDOM RIDE–American Freedom Riders – January 13 staging instructionsFinally we have the schedule and the staging details worked out for the ride to the federal courthouse on Saturday, January 13th.
This event was organized on short notice and getting permisson from the federal authorities in El Paso for Agent Ramos to attend took some doing. Our special thanks to Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo for his helping hand in this matter. The good news is that Nacho Ramos will be riding to the event with us.
We will stage at Denny’s Restaurant on Bell Road in the first block west of I-17 at 10:00 am. We will be there for a period of time organizing into ride groups and preparing for a grand entry into the downtown event. Agent Ramos is riding with us and we will make our arrival to the protest very dramatic for the press coverage.
If you are coming from the south and can’t get up to the staging area, go directly to the federal building where you will be given instructions on where to park. These riders will go out to meet and join the main group so everyone makes the grand entrance together. Please do your best to go to the staging area as it will make things go much smoother.
Any of you who have not yet ridden with us – now is the time. We need to show the Justice department that these agents are supported by legal American citizens.

LOOKING FOR VINTAGE H-D SADDLEBAGS–Any customers/ friends want oem vintage 1948-54 FL leather saddlebags? They could make the difference in the “most original” catergory.The ebay Item number: 200065083890

THE FASTENER TIP OF THE WEEK–I thought I would first start on discussing different head markings on bolts and what they mean.What does those slashes and numbers generally mean on a hex bolt? It very simple, generally speaking on a clear zinc plated bolt you will notice 3 hash markings on the head this represents grade 5 which carries a tensile strength of 120,000 psi. A gold color zinc plated bolt has 6 hash markings on the head. This represents grade 8 which carry a tensile strength of 150,000 psi. Is their a stronger bolt than grade eight? Yes there is a F-911 hex bolts and 12-point flange bolts that are rated between 180,000 & 190,000 psi tensile strength.
Now to really screw things up for all of us who have Harley Davidson’s, the V-rod has many metric fasteners. If you have ever looked a metric hex bolt you might notice the markings 8.8, 10.9 or 12.9 this does not mean grade 8,10 or 12. The grade 8.8 refers to the tensile strength which is generally 116,000 psi, grade 10.9 is generally 150,000 and grade 12.9 is generally 175,000 psi.
Now what about stainless steel bolts? Well 18-8 stainless is great for corrosion resistance and polishes up to a brilliant finish but is not extremely strong. Generally speaking most of the stainless fasteners are 18-8 and carry a 100,000 tensile strength. Do they make a stronger tensile strength stainless? Yes, and the answer is ARP or Automotive Racing Products has stainless fasteners rated at 170,000 psi tensile strength .
Part 2 of this article will be on plating of fasteners and what to look out for when trying to do it yourself. Derek
–Stankovich @DMP
All questions and feedback can be sent to
or 1 888 MR BOLTS.

Continued On Page 4