Continued From Page 1

METRIC THUNDER HAS VANCE & HINES BIG SHOTS IN STOCK– Metric Thunder delivers the latest 2007 Harley-Davidson exhaust pipe technology from Vance and Hines. These Big Shots Staggered pipes feature the Power Chamber design, which uses the volume of both mufflers to increase horsepower and torque. Each V&H pipe is finished off with 2 1?2″ diameter plasma-arc cut, full-coverage heat shields, making them blue proof systems with long lasting style. Everything is included for a hassle-free, perfect fit every time.
New For 2007
Pipes come with mounts for factory O2 sensors, which are the new for 2007. Metric Thunder has these pipes in stock now! Click here to save $90 on these premium grade exhaust pipes from Vance & Hines.

STEALTH INVESTIGATOR SEARCHES SHOP OFFICES–I have been under the weather for the past couple of weeks. It seems the old flu bug has bitten me. I am starting to feel better. I did not get one of those flu shots although “THE MEANEST” insisted I did so I have to listen to “I told you so!” Enough on my health report.
Back here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS we have had some bikes come in the past couple of weeks which is a very good sign being this early into winter. We have been working on the shop project bike and we have come up with a couple of pretty neat ideas for the bike. The bike we are entering in the Easyriders Bike Show here in Charlotte January 27th and 28th is ready. We are looking forward to the show since this is the second in house SBW bike we have entered in a show. The bike pretty much tells you what SBW is about. It is a very basic bare bones bike with no bells and whistles, and yeah you can ride it, what a concept!
You know it must be that time of year or the flu kicking my ass but I have been kinda grumpy lately. One of the things that make me this way is the “TALKERS.” By that I mean “I am going to do this or that,” and you never hear from these people again or see them. I think they talk to hear themselves talk. In this business you meet a lot of “talkers” and few “doers.” To me I form my opinion of a person as to whether or not their word is good. Anyone can say they are going to do anything but to actually do what you say forms your character. Enough said on this.
With the new year just getting underway we are planning a few events at STEALTH BIKE WORKS this year, more info will follow soon. So I guess that is a wrap for this week, I have to run to the bathroom, that flu bug is biting again!
Until next week, RIDE!

POLITRICKS-ABATE STYLE–Most of you are aware of Representative Frankel’s recent bill to reinstate the mandatory helmet law for all PA motorcyclists. The good news is he only got 14 co-sponsors on that bill. Five of them are retiring one way or another at the end of November. 13 of the 14 were no votes when the original vote took place back in 2003. The one yes vote was Thomas Caltagrione who signed on to the Frankel bill. When somebody does something that you don’t understand it’s a good idea to give them a call and get the story straight from them. While oddly enough it took long enough someone finally made contact with him to which he proclaimed surprise by saying, “I signed onto what?” He immediately withdrew his name from the bill.
In other good news it was reported today by several news sources that “There is a real, 100% plausible chance that Greene Counties Bill DeWeese will return to the Speaker’s office and Beaver Counties Mike Veon will be the Majority Leader.” Larry Ceisler, 8/9/06Governor Rendell added, “Democrats not only have a chance to take back the US House, but the Pennsylvania House of Representatives as well.”
DeWeese and Veon have been supporters of ABATE of PA since the early 80’s. This puts ABATE in a good position. Presently, the Speaker of the House John Perzel and the Majority Leader Sam Smith are also supporters of ABATE of PA and also supported the helmet modification. For us, it’s a win-win situation. No matter which Party winds up in control of the House, ABATE will still have friends in Leadership in control of the House.
–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE ARLEN NESS BIKE SHOW– Win Free Tickets and Swag for the January 27th and 28th 2007 Arlen Ness Bike Show in San Jose, CA. Enter your contact information and we will draw a name each week. Go to Arlen Ness Bike Show for more details.
Jani Albers wins 2 show tickets
Juan Gutierrez wins 2 show tickets
Michael A. Noble wins 2 Show Tickets
Bob Silva wins 2 Show Tickets
Margaret Lee wins 2 Show Tickets
Kevin Rogers wins 2 Show Tickets
Jim Demers wins a Diecast Motorcycle *
American Thunder Promotions produces the Arlen Ness Bike Show, the Donnie Smith Invitational Bike Show and the Donnie Smith Rochester Bike Show.

IRON WORKS PRESENTS 360-DEGREE BRAKE WITH PRODUCT OF THE YEAR–We just got word. Iron Works will be presenting us with Product of theYear in Cincy at the V-twin Expo by Easyriders.
Thanks again for everything,
–Chet Burozski
Sales and Marketing Director
Baldwin Wilson Development Corp.
1531 E. Northfield Dr.
Brownsburg, IN 46112
W. (317)852-7867
C. (317)370-0920
F. (317)858-9287

BIKERNET ART EXHIBIT FINDS MISSING BLONDE–He met her at the Roadhouse and they only had one night together but that’s all it took for the image of her long blonde hair and perfect ass to be burned into his memory bank. They didn’t say any goodbyes only that they would meet again someday. That next August on the way to Sturgis he found that blonde again but this time he was too late. She was already with four other bikers, drunk and naked in the hot tub…..on The Bunny Ranch.
Ride hard my brothers,
–Whiplash Biker Photog
BILL WOULD EXTEND MOTORCYCLE HELMET LAW–LITTLE ROCK – Senate Bill 40, filed Wednesday by Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, would require all motorcyclists to wear headgear while riding their bikes.
The bill would amend a 1993 law, which requires motorcycle passengers and operators under 21 years old to wear a helmet.To reply directly to the Senator: Senator Kim Hendren (R). 1501 Hwy 72 SE, Gravette, AR. 72736. . Business Phone : 479-787-6500. Fax : 479-787-6116 … email: Eric wrote on January 10, 2007 7:37 PM:”Even the highest quality DOT approved motorcycle helmets do not guarantee that they will absorb an impact over 17 mph – they are pointless and restrict hearing and peripheral vision. Ashley – you’re forgetting that bikers are taxpayers too and that most bikers have good jobs with medical insurance. You’re beating a dead horse with that one.” GA wrote on January 10, 2007 7:42 PM:”Using federal statistics, motorcycle riders are overinsured compared to the general motoring public. In the 1st full year of LA’s reintroduction of the helmet law, unhelmeted fatalities dropped to 46%; helmeted fatalities up to 54%; net increase 6%. But sure enough, no little old ladies turning into the path of pro-football quarterbacks. “ –from Rogue AUSTRALIAN SEAT MASTER CUTS HIS OWN SEAT SMOOTH–It was good talking with you both to-day, just finished this little chopper seat for my ’72 Shovel. –Glenn CATHOLIC CODE OF THE WEST DISCOVERED– This information is for Catholics only. It must not be divulged to non-Catholics. The less they know about these Catholic rituals and code words, the better off they are. AMEN: The only part of a prayer that everyone knows. BULLETIN: Your receipt for attending Mass. CHOIR: A group of people whose singing allows the rest of the Parish to lip-sync. HOLY WATER: A liquid whose chemical formula is H2OLY. HYMN: A song of praise usually sung in a key three octaves higher than that of the congregation’s range. RECESSIONAL HYMN: The last song at Mass often sung a little more quietly since most of the people have already left. INCENSE: Holy Smoke! JESUITS: An order of priests known for their ability to found colleges with good basketball teams. JONAH: The original “Jaws” story. JUSTICE: When your kids have kids of their own. KYRIE ELEISON: The only Greek words that most Catholics can recognize besides gyros and baklava. MAGI: The most famous trio to attend a baby shower. MANGER: Where Mary gave birth to Jesus because Joseph wasn’t covered by an HMO.(The Bible’s way of showing us that holiday travel has always been rough.) PEW: A medieval torture device still found in Catholic churches. PROCESSION: The ceremonial formation at the beginning of Mass consisting of altar servers, the celebrant, and late parishioners looking for seats. RECESSIONAL: The ceremonial procession at the conclusion of Mass led by parishioners trying to beat the crowd to the parking lot. RELICS: People who have been going to Mass for so long, they actually know when to sit, kneel, and stand. TEN COMMANDMENTS: The most important Top Ten list not given by David Letterman. USHERS: The only people in the parish who don’t know the seating capacity of a pew.

2-WHEELERS PRODUCT OF THE DAY– Tattooed Lady. She’s 4 inches high by 6 inches long of pure resin cast sex. I want one. They’re about 29 bucks.

TWIN CAM GEAR DRIVEN CAM SETS, WHICH ONE IS BEST?–A Bikernet Reader wants to know. Spanky wants to replace the chain driven cam system in his Twin Cam and sounds like he wants to replace the cams.The two that I know of are the TW-6G kit from Wood Performance and the S&S 510G (p.n. 33-5177). I have not run any S&S cams before. I even took the S&S 600 out of my 113-inch and put in a woods W-9B. I’ll say that my experience started with putting a Woods W-6 in my 80-inch EVO many years ago with excellent across the board results. With all that being said, I don’t think the S&S kit would be a bad choice for my stock bagger.
I’m mainly looking for just high mileage reliability. The motor pulls great with just the Thunderheader slip-ons. Only problem is the stock first year cam drive is starting to make a racket. Hell, it’s still got the original inner cam bearings that were recalled by the factory. Thanks for looking into this.

MORE NEWS FROM PRIMEDIA MOTORCYCLE GROUP–Greg Friend left yesterday to become the West Coast Editor of Barnett’s mag. Greg was the editor of Street Choppers and was forced to take over Frank Kaisler’s position as the editor of Bike Worksin addition to his SC duties. Primedia promised Greg more help with Street Choppers almost three years ago and never delivered. They did switch his production schedule to monthly and doubled his work load. Hopefully he can kick back some and finish his bike project.
No one has been selected as the editor of Street Choppers and Bike Works in his absence. We’ll see what happens next.

BUNGKING.COM, BUNG SOURCE FOR BUILDERS–Top notch bungs at back door prices. Finally a source for shop and garage builder alike, for those hard-to-find fabrication parts. At we offer a wide variety of lengths and diameters of threaded, counter bored, and NPT bungs. We’ve cut out the distributers and dealers to pass the savings on to our customers. At a price of $3.00 ea for most of our bungs you can’t go wrong, if you had them made by a machine shop you would have to order 50+ at a time to get that pricing. With us you only need to order 1. If you are a shop, the time wasted to set up to make a single part or a few just isn’t worth the labor price and headache, we offer assortments of most of our bung styles so you can always have the right part at your fingertips.
For most of you garage builders trying to look like a pro, simply finding a shop that will make you up just a few parts for you in a timely fashion can be a feat in itself. With us you won’t wait for months on end most of your orders go out the next day, priority mail so you will see them in a week or less from the day you order them.

Some of the parts that you can order separately or in assortments include:
-Threaded bungs
-Threaded bullets
-Counter bored Bungs
-NPT bungs
Along with bungs themselves we also offer kits for those looking to build certain commonly built parts for their bikes. In these kits we include all the bungs needed, pre-bent stock, as well as the hardware needed to create your own piece. In these kits we were trying to help speed the process and relieve the headache, since everything you need shows up in a box on your doorstep. Some of these kits include”
-Motor Mount Kit
-Fender Strut Kit
-Oil Tank Bung Kit
-Gas Tank Bung
We also try to add a few new parts every month so check our site frequently for new products being released. If you can’t find a size that fits you needs let us know we can usually custom make you a piece to fit your needs.
–Darin Morris

FRANKEL WANTS MOTORCYCLE HELMET IN PA–Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA – HARRISBURG — Although he’s likely to outrage thousands of motorcyclists, state Rep. Dan Frankel is renewing his quixotic campaign to reinstate a law to force them to wear safety helmets.
Pennsylvania’s previous motorcycle helmet law was repealed in 2003, after large crowds of angry riders gathered at the Capitol year after year to protest it.Mr. Frankel, D-Squirrel Hill, traveled to Washington, D.C., yesterday, and got strong support from a group called Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, which is working to get a helmet law enacted in Pennsylvania and 29 other states without one.
Advocates President Judith Lee Stone praised Mr. Frankel for championing the cause, saying: “There aren’t many legislators willing to stick their neck out on this issue.”The group also is seeking other controversial laws, including a “primary” seat belt law, which would allow police to cite motorists for not wearing seat belts without having to stop them for some other offense; 25 states, including Pennsylvania, don’t have such a law.
Other measures would ban teen drivers from talking on cell phones and prohibit them from having teen passengers for perhaps six months after they get driver’s licenses.
It’s starting already. Expect to see a lot of this soon.It is Very Important that Concerned Motorcyclist take a Firm Hard Stance right from the Beginning.I say if states try to bring back Mandatory Helmet Laws We Bring Back Massive Helmet Law Protests.I for one will be involve in Protests and or organize if Necessary. Who Wants To Join Me?

BULLET PROOF MAGNETO COVERS–Solutions Machinings high-performance magneto covers are machined from a block of solid 6061-T6 Aluminum accompanied with stainless Allen hardware, and features ABSOLUTELY WEATHERPROOF seals throughout. It is designed as an EASILY INSTALLED upgradefor all Fairbanks-Morse? bodied magnetos (i.e. Morris, Hunt, ARD). It also happens to be the ONLY after market magneto cover approved by MORRISMAGNETO.
Bakelite magneto caps have changed very little (if any) in over 50 years.Plastic covers can help to resolve the cracking and fragility of Bakelitecovers, but can also arc between coil towers, which can kill your magnetoquicker than a bullet. Both plastic and Bakelite caps utilize a cork sealthat can split or tear and really only slows water intrusion in even the bestcases. (And we all know that water and moisture are the number one killers of magnetos.)
Solutions Machining fully machined magneto cover has been subjected to rigorous independent laboratory testing designed to simulate FIVE YEARS of strenuous use in real life with various environmental stress conditions, such as severe temperature changes and exposure to rain, dust, and salt spray. Every cover meets or exceeds MIL-SPEC 810F requirements for water intrusion and vibration resistance.
With this cover, you can install it and forget it; which is probably one of thereasons you bought a magneto in the first place.THERE SIMPLY IS NO BETTER COVER AVAILABLE. PERIOD.You can now experience what TROUBLE FREE really means.You can view the results of the testing and read more about MIL-SPEC 810F here: In addition to the standard aluminum cover, Solutions Machining also offers you a choice of color and finish including anodized Black, Red, Blue, High Luster Brass, Triple Chrome Plating or a Mirror Polished Finish. If you’d prefer to add a personal touch, Solutions can also CNC engrave your custom logo or design right onto the cover of your choice as did Keino of Indian Larry Legacy. As a matter of fact, Keino was so impressed with the one that Weyland sent to him, that he is building a new bike around it and has decided that every custom magneto that goes through their shop will feature a Solutions Machining magneto cover. For more information or to place an order, you can contact Weyland at: –Solutions Machining –TBear
2844 Stirling Road
Suite L
Hollywood, Florida 33020
Continued On Page 3