My current build uses a Hushboy’s Infusion frame with a concealed Lockstop, internal forkstop arrangement.

Looking at the front end it quickly became apparent that there were a number of problems to be resolved.

1.The pre drilled holes in the lockstop were too close to the stem, (Pic1).
2.The front hole was directly over the stem locking screw, (Pic 1).
3.How to get a drill inside the springer front end to drill and tap the holes square and true, (Pic 2).

To overcome the first problem we made a new plate and moved the PCD out by 3mm thus moving each hole out 1.5mm further from the stem (Pic 3).
To deal with the problem of the lockscrew in the front we rotated the the holes 45 degrees from their original position, (Pic 3).

To ensure everything was drilled and tapped square a drilling jig and tapping jig were made from 2 X ¾-inch BMS 3 inches long, (Pic 4). Finally a Desouter, straight air drill provided the answer to placing a drill inside the springer to drill the holes, (Pic 5).

To control the depth of the hole drilled, a piece of windscreen washer tube was cut to length and slid up the drill to provide a positive stop, (Pic 6).

Once the 4 holes were drilled we swapped the drilling jig for the tapping jig and tapped the holes 8 X 32, (Pic 7).

Finally the new plate was installed using 8 X 32 Countersunk Socket head screws, (Pic 8).

Picture 9 shows the finished installation

All the components we made are shown in picture 10.
Waitin’ on this shot.

I hope this might help any of you guys building your scoot using a DNA Springer front end, or any springers for that matter. If you have any questions about this installation don’t hesitate to drop me a line: the_ferryman@hotmail.com.

There’s a part two to this install. The custom neck cup must be aligned in the frame neck and a hole drilled for a pin to secure the bearing cup from rotating. Let’s see how the Ferryman handles it.–Bandit

INTERNAL FORK STOPS CONCLUSION–The headstock on the Hushboys frame is very similar to the one in this pic, except the Hushboys one has the locksop lugs machined into it.
Instead of using a bearing seated in a bearing cup, the Hushboys frame uses Tapered Roller bearings nd the track mounts direct into the headstock.
Rather than pound the bearing track in, I put the track in the deepfreeze for a few days prior to installing it and then heated the headstock with a hot air gun.
The Headstock expanded due to the heat and the bearing track contracted due to being 20* below freezing.
The result was that I was able to tap the bearing track in fairly easy and as the temperature of both items normalised I had a shrink fit.