Harley-Davidson Iron 883

883 in gallery full
Nyla’s Diary Friday, February 6, 2009 – 10:30am. My day started early, 5:00am to be exact. I had to get Bandit and Doc Robinson from Heavy Duty Magazine in Australia, to the Long Beach airport for the annual pilgrimage to the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati, Ohio. We’ve had the most beautiful weather the past week, temps in the high 70’s – low 80’s, until today. Rain in the forecast for the next five days… The drive to the airport was uneventful.

Yes! guys are gone!!!

Tonight I go to the Robert Berman Gallery in Santa Monica for the unveiling of the Harley-Davidson Iron 883, along with ten tanks of that bike painted by various artists. Looking forward to going, not looking forward to driving in the rain. Spoiled California girl; I know it’s only water.

As Bandit would say, I’m burnin’ daylight so I gotta get to work. More later.

Friday, February 6, 2009 – 10:30pm. What a fun night. I took my daughter Karley and her boyfriend, Alex along for company. We arrived just after 7:30 to a rainy, flooded parking lot. We sat in the truck for a minute and watched as fashionably Chic couples danced around puddles, trying not to get their shoes wet. Most ended up ankle-deep in water and cursing, but got over it quickly. We found a safe passage and headed in.

The place was small and packed. So much artistic eye candy; you didn’t know where to look first. Two Iron 883’s graced the room, one at the entrance and one in the back and tanks along both sides of the room on pedestals. There was also blown-up photographs and original art from some of the artists; All incredibly good.

My first hello was to Paul James from Harley-Davidson. He’s such a nice guy and so passionate about all things Harley. I thanked him for the invitation then wandered around. We ooed and awed over everything and Alex even got to meet one of his favorite artists, Alex Pardee. What a nice guy.

I loved every one of the tanks. What a treat to see each artists interpretation, but I have to say the highlight of the night was Chopper Dave’s butt. I guess you had to be there…

Artists to Celebrate Custom Creativity for Raw and Elemental Bike– Harley-Davidson launches new motorcycle under $8K for young America at gallery opening
MILWAUKEE (Feb. 4, 2009) – Watch two worlds of rebellion collide when a band of low brow artists—including Shepard Fairey—display what rebellion means to them this Saturday at a public gallery opening titled The Art of Rebellion – all to celebrate a coming out party for Harley-Davidson’s latest dark ride, the Iron 883TM motorcycle.

The public is invited to experience history by getting a first look at the Iron 883 with a backdrop of a gallery opening and reception on Feb. 7 in Santa Monica, Calif. at the Robert Berman Gallery (2325 Michigan Ave.). Ten artists will display a custom-painted Harley-Davidson® gas tank in the event’s theme. The gallery of tanks as well as a piece from the artists own collection will be on display and available for purchase. Proceeds from the sale will benefit Art Matters, a charity that supports and encourages the exploration of new ideas and art. The first 100 copies of a limited edition signed Shepard Fairey poster will be given away at the event.

“At Harley-Davidson, we understand the concept of personalization,” said Paul James, director of product communication for Harley-Davidson. “This event brings together two worlds that represent breaking ground, pushing limits, and making something your own. The Iron 883 is a raw and elemental bike built for those with a passion for self expression.”

With a defiant attitude embracing the pure essence of riding, the new Iron 883 model is the latest Harley-Davidson Dark Custom motorcycle. The Iron 883 model continues the rebellious tradition of Harley-Davidson Sportster® motorcycles that have stood against the grain since their introduction in 1957, when the modern rebel culture was being bred from restless veterans and hot rod pioneers. A ticket to ride the Iron 883 starts at just $7,899 MSRP, leaving plenty of freedom for customization.

“The Iron 883 defies the plastic conventions of other motorcycles at this price,” said Mark-Hans Richer, Harley-Davidson Chief Marketing Officer. “It’s got old school style, a new school ride and gives the owner a platform for creative customization.”

As the latest of the Harley-Davidson Dark Custom motorcycles, the Iron 883 is stripped down, blacked-out, and ripe for custom creativity. The black powder-coated 883cc Evolution powertrain takes the Iron 883 deep into the heart of darkness. With Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) and performance tuning with a broad torque curve, the Iron 883 delivers plenty of power for the city scene. The pipes on the straight cut shorty dual exhaust flow the distinctive Harley-Davidson V-Twin sound. The rest of the Iron 883 gets a darker-suited presence with a black chopped rear fender, drag style handlebar, and a solo classic seat that fits the lone rider.

The Iron 883 is now available at Harley-Davidson dealerships nationwide. It’s sold in Black Denim and Brilliant Silver Denim. Check out more on Dark Custom motorcycles at www.harley-davidson.com/darkcustom.

Check It Out On You Tube

destroy tank


What is your impression of Harley-Davidson?

Harley Davidson is the free spirit of America with attitude and power to back it up. Pure Rock and Roll.

What do you think about Harley-Davidson getting involved with this community (art community)?

fuck yeah!

What was it like painting on a bike tank?

fun times.

How is your work an interpretation of rebellion (artwork on tank.. and your original artwork)?

Tattoos are inherently rebellious. I painted my tattooed arms wrapped around the tank, holding on tight, ready to ride…

hand tank

What is your impression of Harley-Davidson?

Their an American icon. I can’t help think of Hells Angels. I know that’s a stereotype but that’s what I think of.

What do you think about Harley-Davidson getting involved with this community (art community)?

I think it’s great because it gives artists more exposure. Harley Davidson enthusiasts might not see a particular artists work otherwise.

What was it like painting on a bike tank?

It was very odd. I paint with oils and they don’t dry quickly so I smeared the paint quite often.

How is your work an interpretation of rebellion (artwork on tank.. and your original artwork)?

I have this character called Luey. He’s a little devilish. He get’s drunk from drinking milk. So I thought it would be humorous to have Luey drinking milk as if it were moonshine. The jugs are a throw back to prohibition.

The painting is an omage to Greg Knoll who was a rebel big wave rider in the 50’s and 60’s. His trademark was his “jalhouse” trunks.


What is your impression of Harley-Davidson?

Personally…I love my Harleys, both of which are highly modified for ‘looks’.

What do you think about Harley-Davidson getting involved with this community (art community)?

It’s great.

What was it like painting on a bike tank?


How is your work an interpretation of rebellion (artwork on tank.. and your original artwork)?

1984 gave us 2 revolutions…Reagan and Punk in this country. Which one wins? You tell me.


What do you think about Harley-Davidson getting involved with this community (art community)?

I think it’s amazing. Harley Davidson’s iconic graphics, and overall attitude or style has had an obvious impact on fashion and art over the years, especially with the younger fans. And the ability to customize every little part on a Harley is an art form in itself, so it seems natural to take the next step, whether it’s in customization, marketing, or just for fun, and involve some creativity from a community artists who have been influenced by the brand themselves. I think it’s refreshing and admirable.

What was it like painting on a bike tank?

As a precursor, I am pretty horrible at adapting my artwork to 3 dimensional surfaces, but surprisingly the shape of the tank is amazingly sleek, and it was pretty comfortable, and I was practically cradling it like a baby while I was painting on it. I think I developed a weird bond with it, and I can see how people get attached to their bikes when they are building them.

How is your work an interpretation of rebellion (artwork on tank.. and your original artwork)?

I often think of rebellion as being an inner battle, like something inside of us is fighting to get out, usually our real emotions, beliefs, or passions. I think a lot of times situations present themselves that stop us from being who we want to be, or act how we want to act, do what we want to do. But when we finally allow our hearts to trust our souls, we let those true colors come out, whether anyone likes it or not.

I took this idea and applied it to the use of color. With dull black and whites representing something that is holding the subject back, like a shell, and the bright colors bursting out of this “shell” representing the rebellion.

For the tank, there is this dull gray hand who was keeping this brightly colored creature captive in his fist, but once the creature DID finally rebel it is now emerging out of the fist, no matter how hard the hand squeezes.

And as far as the original piece, the 15-year boy was molded into this sad, over-disciplined, self-loathing gray “shell” by his extremely abusive father. But when he finally couldn’t take it anymore, the boy rebelled and killed his father. That instant, an overwhelming release of “color” poured out of him and his life is now going to be beautiful.


What is your impression of Harley-Davidson?

Harley-Davidson is an icon. It’s bigger than just a motorcycle manufacturer. The name has become synonymous with the open road, with independence, with leaving conformity and responsibility behind.

What do you think about Harley-Davidson getting involved with this community (art community)?

I think it’s great that Harley is getting involved with the art community. People have been turning bikes into works of art for a long time, it’s good that Harley is actively embracing that and reaching out to artists.

What was it like painting on a bike tank?

Working on the gas tank was challenging, difficult (with my process, at least) and inspiring. I’ve always loved cars and bikes and there’s something about having that hunk of steel to work on that spoke to me. Unlike a flat piece of art, this will be viewed from all angles, so coming up with a design that works in all directions was tricky. Compound curves are fun to deal with too. It became my obsession and I spent many hours at a time on it. I totally enjoyed it!

How is your work an interpretation of rebellion (artwork on tank.. and your original artwork)?

All my life I’ve listened to rock and roll. To me, the best rock has always been rebellious, whether it’s rockabilly, psychedelic, punk, you name it. It’s a form of music that sounds best loud, distorted and rough. It’s been used to protest injustice, express anger and frustration, or even just to knock the wind out of convention.

The sides of my tank are the guts of a guitar amp; speakers, power transformers and vacuum tubes bright and hot from the work they are being forced to do. On top, the “Gain” knob from an amp, turned past ten for maximum volume and distortion. Finally, a guitarist caught up in the music and the moment.

The companion piece, “Blacktop,” is more personal. Riding as rebellion. The individual, the machine and the road – nothing else.


What is your impression of Harley-Davidson?


What was it like painting on a bike tank?

Actually, it was the first time I painted a piece to be viewed in-the-round. It was a shift from perceiving the painted surface as a crop from a larger field to seeing it as a 3-Dimensional shape unto itself. The shape of the tank is an elegant natural biomorphic form, which provided interesting new challenges for composition. It’s nature implies speed–designed to be propelled through space with great intention, efficiency and velocity. Using collage as a starting point with torn pieces of my own ink-on-paper work, the process became sculptural as the complex curvatures of the form threatened to deny the smoothness of the paper being applied (this awakened new creative problem-solving methods.) Collaging the entirety of the surface was an intimate way to explore every millimeter of it, which established a corporal relationship between it and me…something usually not the case when working on flat surfaces.

How is your work an interpretation of rebellion (artwork on tank.. and your original artwork)?

In recent years there has been an element of popular consciousness, which has intensified…the seething unrest. We have shared the feeling of despair concerning the ways of our nation’s leadership, and as our awareness of the horrors has increased, so have surged the inner feelings of angst and rebellion. We all want a new way, to break the shackles and forge ahead with a renewed hope of possibility. My work, although non-objective, is saturated with the emotional quality of rebellion. Forms strongly deny being tied down, labeled, understood from any fixed vantage-point. I propose in my work a new perspective on circumstances…that things are not as fixed as they seem.

beauty shot
NEW HARLEY-DAVIDSON IRON 883™ MODEL IS DRESSED FOR A DARK RIDE–New Sportster® Motorcycle Takes the Stage with Aggressive Attitude
MILWAUKEE (January 26, 2009) – With a defiant attitude embracing the pure essence of riding, the new Iron 883 model is the latest Harley-Davidson® Dark Custom™ motorcycle.
Harley-Davidson Sportster motorcycles like the Iron 883 have stood against the grain since their introduction in 1957, when the modern rebel culture was being bred from restless veterans and hot rod pioneers. Sportster motorcycles became the starting point for many legendary choppers of the 1960s, while also getting pumped up for championship dirt racing and dare devil stunt riding in the 1970s.
The Iron 883 model continues that rebellious tradition with responsive handling, smooth clutch effort and durable carbon reinforced drive belt while pushing the styling of motorcycling minimalism to the edge. Decked in black from fender-to-fender, the new Harley-Davidson Iron 883 motorcycle brings the beat of an 883 Evolution® engine backed up by a combo of gritty, old-school garage features like front fork gaiters, drag style handlebar and side-mount license plate holder. A ticket to ride the Iron 883 starts at just $7,899 MSRP, leaving plenty of freedom for customization.

“The Iron 883 defies the plastic conventions of other motorcycles at this price,” said Mark-Hans Richer, Harley-Davidson Chief Marketing Officer. “It’s got old school style, a new school ride and gives the owner a platform for creative customization.”

The black powder-coated 883cc Evolution powertrain with black covers takes the Iron 883 deep into the heart of darkness. With Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) and performance tuning with a broad torque curve, the Iron 883 delivers plenty of power for the city scene. The pipes on the straight cut shorty dual exhaust flow the distinctive Harley-Davidson V-Twin sound.

The black chopped rear fender with its combination stop/turn/tail lights shows more of the 150 mm rear tire and black, 13-spoke cast aluminum wheel, while the front tire also rides on a black wheel. The rest of the Iron 883 gets a darker-suited presence with black front forks and fender supports, fuel tank, oil tank cover, belt guard, drag style handlebar and mid mount foot controls.

A one-piece, solo classic seat with a height of 25.3 inches fits the lone rider, while a passenger seat and a backrest in complementing black finishes can be added as accessories.

Harley-Davidson Iron – add one

As the latest of the Harley-Davidson Dark Custom motorcycles, the Iron 883 is stripped down and ripe for custom creativity. Dark Custom motorcycle riders have the youngest average age for Harley-Davidson buyers. Soul mates of the Iron 883 include the Nightster®, Night Train®, Cross Bones®, Fat Bob® and Street Bob® motorcycles. Check out more on Dark Custom motorcycles atwww.harley-davidson.com/darkcustom .

The Iron 883 is available in Black Denim and Brilliant Silver Denim colors.

iron 400
Iron 883 features and highlights:
Rubber-mounted Evolution 883 cc V-Twin black powder-coated engine
Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
Black fuel tank with unique graphics
Black front forks with gaiters
Black belt guard and front fender supports
Black, 13-spoke cast aluminum wheels, 19-inch front / 16-inch rear
Black low rise drag style handlebar
Black mid-mount foot controls
Black low profile front fender
Black chopped rear fender with combination rear stop/tail/turn lights
Chrome staggered shorty exhaust with dual mufflers
Side-mounted license plate holder
One-piece, solo Sportster classic seat
25.3-inch seat height
Optional Harley-Davidson Smart Security System
Classic 3.3-gallon fuel tank


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