Then I came upon the blonde dolly on the red bike and her friend, or my future wife! While I do not know her name, yet, I am sure it will be on the police report she files against me. I even captured someone to click a pic of all three of us. Ain't that a great image; my future wife, a sweet blonde and me. That's my type of crowd.

Then I stumbled upon the Hooter's girl. She was working Jack's. I figured she was just braggin! Then there was the officer, sailor girl, cartoon girly Kim Possible, the beer selling honey (no JD). There were just so many sweet ladies everywhere.

Everyone had a great time. Hell, I either had one too many tumblers of Jack or gave one of them honeys a $13 dollar tip. Difficult to concentrate that night, I strained to stay focused on one set of shapely thighs. I got ready to leave and met the nurse. I am not sure how she moved, seeing how tight that skirt was. What a doll.

Well I'm off to stalk, I mean look for my future wife!