Goliath CCI Bike Kit Build

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kids with Goliath
It was hard to imagine, when we stood in front of the garage doors, starring at a pile of boxes, that somewhere in there, somehow, a custom bike lurked. As it developed, except for a non-existent nut or bolt, the CCI Goliath kit was complete. The chromed quandary, could a novice builder, an average American rider (in this case a bumbling college art professor with limited mechanical experience), Ladd Terry, build a hard running 100-inch custom in a week to ten days?

tank right side
The answer was yes, in eight genuine eight-hour working days (not counting paint and powder coating by Custom Powder Coating In Dallas). Under the watchful eye of K. Randall Ball, aka Bandit, the parts contained within those boxes became a CCI Goliath motorcycle– from crates to a cruiser.

left engine looking down shot
Not just any cruiser, because the components that make up this rolling mechanical architecture scream “modified custom.” It starts with a solid foundation, including the potent RevTech 100-cubic-inch engine, a six-speed overdrive transmission and a Santee 230/250 frame made from 1-1/8-inch tubing. The engine has a two-year/20,000-mile warranty, and the gearbox is covered for 5 years or 50,000 miles. There’s another side to this powder-coated and pearlescent picture. The sheer enjoyment of being able to build your own bike. “It couldn’t be more educational and rewarding,” Ladd said listening to the sharp exhaust crack against the Bikernet.com Headquarters concrete. “What a blast.”

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Other components are also top-notch. The 18-inch rear wheel measures a full 8.5-inch wide and is made from solid billet. An 11-inch-wide steel rear fender with streamlined struts covers the Avon 250 rear tire. Billet RevTech brakes grace both ends with clear-coated stainless braided brake lines. Tall 8-inch Custom Cycle Engineering risers securely hold powder coated TT bars that sit atop the smooth billet triple trees, holding 41mm front tubes. A billet dash housing a VDO speedometer adorns the six-gallon Fat Bob tank. The hand controls are CCI chromed, the foot controls are chromed billet. The chain primary drive was enclosed for quiet and smooth operation. Gleaming chrome hangs everywhere. And the complete electrical system includes a high-torque starter and 32-amp charging.

engine right close
“It ain’t all about parts,” Ladd added, “It’s the experience, the rush of being able to build a tough performance cycle, and I need to congratulate the CCI crew for their organizational capabilities. I couldn’t have completed the task without them or the Tim Remus book on building kit bikes.”

right rear tire
“Hold on,” Ladd snapped as George Hayward, the benefactor for this Beach Ride Charity effort, dropped the clutch to peel out of the garage, “I want to add something.” A college professor always requests the final dissertation. “Even though this was a kit that could be followed to the letter, it allows the builders creative avenues to pursue.” We did, ultimately, build a one of a kind custom with the paint work, exchanging bars and risers, modifying the exhaust and fender rails, changing the pulley and additional small touches to make this ride an American Rider’s creation.

looking down on dash and handlebars
Not bad for a tight team with hand tools and the desire to build a unique machine for a children’s charity, the Exceptional Children’s Foundation in Los Angeles.

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