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The young Gabe, fresh from the Middle East, flew to SouthernCalifornia from Pennsylvania to discuss the project.
“Given the fact that we wanted this bike to becomfortable and manageable for Gabe, it had to have a lower seat height,”Rick said. “Traditionally, to accomplish this, bikes are lowered to thepoint that frames smack the pavement in curves. We wanted to express thespeed and sport of board track racing while being streetable, so low framerails were not a consideration!”
Ricklowered the rear axle height by 2 inches, effectively raising the bottom single-loopcradle, while providing almost 5 inches of ground clearance under the motor.
“Anyone who has built frames knows that this is a realfeat to accomplish,” Rick said. “This bike would feel at home on anasty hill climb as much as on the board tracks, and laughs at tall speed-bumpsor steep driveways.”

Rick left the rake at 30 degrees, which shouldallow stability at both higher speeds and enough balance for drop kneecornering, given the shortened rear end. With the lack of modernsuspension and elevated weight of the Harley drive train, de-raking furtherwould provide a dangerous experience and not be confidence inspiring. With this blend, Rick could create a bike that is a sheer blast to rideand won’t suffer from road limitations, nor end up being a bike that is onlylooked at and not ridden.
“Gabe paid us the ultimate compliment when commissioning us,” Ricksaid. “I wanted to pay him back with a bike that said ‘thank you for yourservice to our country’.” The real trick was to create a compact,uncluttered machine without gaps, while still housing modern amenities such asdisc brakes, road lights, a battery, etc. There are a lot of parts, butthey had to fit into a chassis that averaged only 10 inches wide and just over6 feet in length.”
The front end is a late ’30s-early ’40s Harley- Davidson hill climb fork thatcame from an old codger Rick horse-swapped with. He only had to fabreverse rockers for it and add his subtle touches, like squeezing thePerformance Machine two-piston caliper and bracket between the wheel and forkrails.
“We even had 1/16 of an inch to spare after milling thebracket,” Rick said.
The U.S. Chopper frame was lowered 3 inches in the back boneand shortened 4 inches in the rear. A support tube was welded to the backbonedue to the 3-inch chop drop. The tanks were relieved over the top of thePanheads and provided plenty of clearance to prevent hot rocker boxes fromtouching the cold gasoline. The oil bag was fashioned by hand to fit thisshortened and lowered frame, and it accommodates almost 5 quarts of KendalGolden Nitro 70 wt. which he runs in all U.S. Chopper old bikes.
The rear fender was hand-pounded by Dan at 7 Metal West outof 0.125 aluminum and shows a tortoise shell pattern underneath. Rick’shallmark rear fender struts use 1936 Harley saddlebag mounting accessories togive it a fine appearance and finish.
“I am a stickler for using all authentic OEM vintagedrive trains,” Rick said, “so what you see are tried and trueoriginal OEM parts for the transmission, clutch plates, clutch basket, primarychain, engine and engine components, etc.”
This classic would not be complete without genuinefloorboards to set boots on. U.S. Choppers manufactures a bar that holdsthe OEM foot controls to their frames, so that the frame can handle OEM shifterand brake sides or a plethora of aftermarket components, depending on yourfancy. When riding the streets, nothing is more comfortable thanfloorboards that matches the 1915-styled U.S. Chopper chassis for that period-specificlook and feel.

Gabecan’t wait to receive his bike. He’s excited to be working in another creativenerve center. Although the Shuttle program was shut down, Kennedy Center actionis hot and non-stop with a recent Mars Rover launch to set a remote controlledRover on Mars, and a new rocket system is in the works to carry folks intospace. There is a connectionbetween custom motorcycles and rockets. It’s all about functional creativity.
Name: US Choppers 1915 SWRT
Owner: Gabe Wingard
Builder: US Choppers
Year, Make & Model: Factory Board track Platform
Assembly/Builder: US Choppers
Timeline: 3 months
Year/Model: H-D Hillclimb
Builder: H-D
Type: Reverse Trail
Triple trees: N/A
Extension: 0”
Year/Model: 1954 Panhead
Rebuilder: Pacific Coast Cycles
Displacement: 74”
Lower End: Stock
Balancing: Fast Eddie
Pistons: 40
Cases: Stock OEM
Heads: 1964 Outside Oiler
Cams: Sifton
Lifters: SolidEFI/ Carb: Edlebrock
Air Cleaner: US Choppers
Pipes: Paughco
Ignition: Delco Remy
Year/Modifications: 1954 OEM H-D
Engine sprocket: Stock
Trans sprocket: 25 tooth
Wheel sprocket: 50 tooth
Secondary drive: Sprotor
Year: 1915
Designer/Builder: US Choppers
Rake/Stretch: 4.5” short wheelbase (58”) Frame height shortened 3”
Bars: US Choppers
Risers: N/A
Fenders: 7 Metal West
Gas Tank: US Choppers/Paughco
Oil Tank: US Choppers
Headlight/Taillight: West Eagle Japan
Speedo: Ha-Ha
Pegs: OEM H-D 1930
Electrics: Delco
Seat: US Choppers
Front/Size: 90/90 21 Rear Size:90/90 21
Wheels: Performance Machine Spun Rims
Front/Size: 21 2.75 Rear/Size: 21 2.75
Hubs: Performance Machine
Rotors: Performance Machine
Brakes: Performance Machine
Bodywork/Molding: None
Painter: US Choppers/ Striping by Ken’s Pinstripe
Color: OD Green w/ clear
Powdercoating: None
US Choppers
8941 Atlanta Ave #266
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
www.uschopper.com <http://www.uschopper.com>