Continued From Page 3

CHOPPER WIRING DIAGRAM–Check it out on the home page for wiring tips. It will always have a spot in the Bikernet Tech area when you’re ready to finish that project.

DONAHUE V-ROD PROJECT REVEALED– The Vrod project was completed by Kyle Kucin and John Metz. We started out by tearing it all the way down and sent the frame out to Art at Performance Polishing in Zimmerman, Mn. It took about a month and a half to get the frame back and he did a great job. In the meantime we located all the other parts.
We wanted to do a big tire on the back and you can’t do a bike without custom wheels, so we went with Rick’s wheels. They come from Germany but we got them from Bridget at Custom Works in Daytona. We also got the matching rotors and rear fender from them. This setup lets you use the stock swingarm, and you can go as big as a 240 like we did.
There was a bit of modification that had to be done to the swingarm and belt guard and we had to make some wheel spacers for proper fitment. You also have to flip the tranny pulley over for the belt to sit out farther. From here we added custom components to set this Vrod apart from the rest. We picked up the rear smooth lowered shocks, the turn signal relocators and the Italian Rizoma bar and gauge setup from Ernie at Breathless Performance in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.
Headlight and turnsignals come from Headwinds and definitely looks better than the stock Vrod setup. All the other chrome goodies are right out of the 2004 Harley-Davidson catalog.
You can’t have a custom bike without custom paint! For this we went to my good friend John May in Denver, Co. He did a silver pearl marble with silver tribal flames and red pinstripes. Seventeen coats of clear seals the deal on this amazing paint job.
I like to think that you can’t have enough horsepower, but in this case we left the engine alone except for pipes, SE air cleaner and an SE race tuner. This bike sits very comfortable and is sure to turn some heads.
For more info you can contact Kyle at Donahue Harley-Davidson in Delano, Mn. 800-827-2530 or at

CHOPPERS ONLY HAWAIIAN BUILD OFF– It’s Friday morning Australian time, I’ve managed a few hours sleep after a 20 hour flight from Hawaii via L.A. Thought I would get a report in early on the Hawaii bike show. As most of the readers would know, it was a bike build -off between Arlen Ness and his son Cory combined with a ride and a bike show. I arrived in Hawaii at 3 a.m. got a couple of hours sleep, then spent the day relaxing around Waikiki, a couple beers here and there, a catamaran ride you know the normal tourist stuff.

On Sunday morning I picked a bike up from Larry at Big Kahuna Motor Cycle Rentals, kindly organized by Deacon, and headed out to the event. It was only 8:30 and there were already a couple of hundred bikers gathered. I wandered around, took heaps of photos and talked to the owners of some very fine machinery while watching the endless stream of bikes arriving. Arlen and Cory rode in and were immediately swamped by the ever growing crowd.
I caught up with Deacon and felt very honored when he hooked me up with Ed a member from the Alii M/C, the oldest club in Hawaii who invited me to ride with them. Deacon’s instructions to more than 1,000 bikers that the event was being filmed by The Discovery Channel and ‘Pleeeease!!! no waving to the helicopter while on the ride’, was met with a resounding roar!! We snaked our way around this sensational piece of paradise that is Oahu and arrived to a very enthusiastic crowd of 3,000 at The Hard Rock Cafe in Waikiki – then the party began. It was very obvious that Deacon, Chris and their crew had worked incredibly hard to put on a first class event. I had such a good time that plans are already afoot to attend the ‘Chopper Only Show ‘on July 4th with my wife Kerry.

Many thanks to Deacon for organizing a bike for me and to Chris and Joerline for finding me accommodations on such a busy weekend in Honolulu. Also thanksto Allen and Janette, great folks who took time out to show me around their Island. All in all a fantastic five days in Hawaii, met a lot of great people and saw some amazing country, like someone else said before me, “I’ll be back!”
–The Australian Connection.

MO’ PROJECTOR ROOM UPDATES–I just got some feedback on this. My contact put me on the phone with his guy. It seems that the package is very appealing to them so far. The fact that Fx’s cameraman from Lord of the Rings wants to be involved doesn’t hurt either. They will contact me within a week and would like to read the books. Please send down two sets of them. My idea is to send them one at a time, but if they insist, I’ll give them all three.
Personally Outlaw Justice is the one that most jumps onto the screen for me, but all of them are very strong.
They were hyped by the merchandise possibilities, which is good.
–Dirty Dan
BIKERNET GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT–Two women friends had gone for a girl’s night out, but had been decidedlyover-enthusiastic on the Bacardi Breezers. Incredibly drunk and walkinghome they needed to pee, so they stopped in the cemetery. One of them hadnothing to wipe with so she thought she could take off panties, use themand throw them away. Her friend however was wearing a rather expensivepair of panties and did not want to lose them, but was lucky enough tosalvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on one of the graves, andshe proceeded to wipe with that. After the girls took care of businessthey proceeded to go home.
The next day one of the women’s husbands phoned the other husband and said”Listen, these damn girl nights are gonna’ stop. Would you believe my wifecame home last night with no panties?”
“Tell me about it,” said the other guy, “Mine came back with a card stuckto her ass that said ‘From all of us at the Fire Station. We will neverforget you!’.”
–from Dave F.

DON’T MISS !!!!!THIS SUNDAY – FEBRUARY 29TH the EAST TEXAS MOTORCYCLE EXPO & SWAP MEET !!!!!–All Indoors at the – Maude Cobb Convention Complex – Exhibit Building – LONGVIEW Texas
ANTIQUE CUSTOM & TOURING MOTORCYCLE SHOWNo Entry Fee – Trophies for 1st & 2nd In Each ClassPeoples Choice Award – by crowd vote & MORE !!check for classes & entry info
WALL TO WALL – Motorcycle Related Vendors!!!
Mad Max and the Max Attack – 12:30 to 5″A band our age that?s wowed the Swap Meet Crowdsin Conroe & Abilene with GOOD Rock & Blues!!
GOOD VITTLES FROM: Bull’s AlleyUp from Austin for the 3rd Year by “Request”
Admission $8 for Adults – $5 ages 5-12 – under 5 FREE
SHOW HOURS: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
DIRECTIONS: From I-20 take the HWY 31 East exit, go approx. 5 miles and take a left on FM 1815. go one mile and take a right on Jaycee Drive/FM 2206 and the complex is on the left a half a block down.
BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT’S IT–While everyone has a blast in Daytona, we’ll have a surprise for you next week that will rock your boat. Bikernet is expanding.
This day slid away like riding in the rain. Tomorrow’s another big one with hopefully more refined focus. I was scattered today. Too much rain and no riding. Let’s see how the weekend pans out.
Ride Forever,