Continued From Page 1

NITRO CHOPPERS GIVES RETRO RISERS A REBIRTHNITRO CHOPPERS has launched their retro parts, offering an old look but with a new name ? Eagle Legs.
Carved out of billet aluminum, these beefy risers are sure to give that retro feel to any bike in 4, 6, 8 and even 10 inch monsters! Available in three finishes: raw aluminum, professionally polished or chrome.
Looking for more information or to place an order visit or email Get back to the way it once was with a new set of Eagle Legs.

THE CHIEF’S BIKE–A missionary who had spent years showing a tribe of nativeshow to farm and build things to be self-sufficient gets wordthat he is to return home.
He realizes that the one thing he never taught the nativeswas how to speak English, so he takes the chief and startswalking in the forest. He points to a tree and says to the chief,”This is a tree.”
The chief looks at the tree and grunts, “Tree.” Themissionary is pleased with the response.
They walk a little farther and the padre points to a rockand says, “This is a rock.”
Hearing this, the chief looks and grunts, “Rock.”
The padre is really getting enthusiastic about the resultswhen he hears a rustling in the bushes. As he peeks over thetop, he sees a couple in the midst of heavy romantic activity.The padre is really flustered and quickly responds, “Riding abike.”
The chief looks at the couple briefly, pulls out his blowgun and kills them.
The padre goes ballistic and yells at the chief that he hasspent years teaching the tribe how to be civilized and kindto each other, so how could he just kill these people incold blood that way?
The chief replied, “My bike.”
–from Rev CarlR

DAYTONA INVITATION–Here’s an invitation to our exclusive cocktail party and screening of TLC’s “Biker Girls: Born to be Wild” at the Adams Mark Hotel in Daytona Beach on March 2nd-We hope to see you there — Please don’t forget to RSVP as seating is limited. Also, Sasha Mullins will be in front of Choppersworld on Main Street most of the week so look for us there by the BAM booth.
Jill Mangino for Bikerlady Inc.
Custom Chrome, Bikerlady Inc. Inc.
PresentsAn Exclusive Cocktail Party & Private Advance Screening of TLC’S Biker Girls: Born to Be WildStarring Sasha Mullins AKA “Bikerlady” and Vicki Gray AKA “Racegirl”
March 2, 2004
Adams Mark Hotel
Daytona Beach, Florida

MILWAUKEE IRON IN DAYTONA Randy was wondering if you could put on there somewhere that wewill be set up @ the Black Hills Saloon. Wait, now he’s set up at the International Speedway. Chase him down.
Thank you!

JOHN REED DESIGNED CUSTOM CHROME PERFORMANCE KIT BIKE–The latest creation from Custom Chrome’s HR3 line of kit bikes is simply known as the “V”. It is 50% sport bike, 50% V-Twin and 100% passion. The heart of this new bike is a purpose designed “featherbed” style frame with a rubber mounted 110-inch RevTech engine coupled to a RevTech 6-speed transmission. The V is a feature laden streetfighter with the muscle and simplicity of a V-Twin power-train. It is the crossover bike the industry has always wished for. The V is the creation of world renown motorcycle designer-builder John Reed.
HR3 bike kits, from Custom Chrome, set the industry standard. They include every part needed to assemble the motorcycle, except for the paint, gasoline and labor. These bike kits have been proven out by thousands of builders that possess skill levels ranging from novice to master craftsman. HR3 bike kits are available exclusively through Custom Chrome dealers.
For your nearest Custom Chrome dealer: call 800-729-3332 or visit”.

Custom Chrome’s new offering for 2004. The California based distributor brings you the most comprehensive product offering in the Harley-Davidson aftermarket! At over 1,200 pages and over 22,000 part numbers, their 2004 Catalog features the new RevTech 110 Motor, Hard Core II, Ares bikekits and noumious frames and forks–everything from nuts & bolts to performance products. It’s the Custom Bike Bible for the year.
ONLY $9.95 + 6.95 Shipping**

All day I had an idea for the news. It was rolling around my brains but sure, as always, all the daily crap helped me forget. As soon as I sat in front of the keyboard I went blank. Screw the idea, let’s get this news rolling…
By tomorrow most of us will be in Daytona getting the booths ready. The whole Circus will be full blast balls out. For me, the beginning of Daytona is all the e-mails and phone calls from friends and builders and the yearly exchange of cell numbers to get in touch once there. I guess this year we will be really easy to find, just visit West Coast Choppers and cross the street, Billy Lane, Indian Larry, Fabricator Kevin, and Hank Young will be there as well. I guess it will be a pretty good compound of friends and cool chops. The Horse chopper show will take place the last Saturday at the Last Resort; Chopper Dave will be the judge. I also heard that the Rat’s Hole Show will be a good one, I really hope so, since in the past years it’s been kind of lame. The Peabody is small, but the gossip is that Discovery will be filming. If it’s true, it will be great, if it’s a promo stunt, it will get people there.
Both shows will be the same day, so lets see how we figure that one out. As always the Boardwalk show will take place Friday. I did the show thing one year, and got a couple awards, but I guess the bikes that win have to be super good, like Mike Maldonado’s stuff, or as flashy as sin…. I remember when Billy’s hub less bike was at the show and I believe it did not make the top 20, a bike that has created such publicity for him, not even noticed, go figure.
Not because I’m part of The Horse, but I believe the only honest show for the true old school chops is their gig, flashy is not welcome.

We can’t wait to see our friends from the several publications around the World. I tried very hard to have a new bike to show those guys, but I did not have time, so my bike from last year is over there. Then again with all the rain the only real shoot was from Freeway, so I guess Vibes will have another chance. I don’t know why but I really enjoy those magazines, maybe they show that like us, there’s choppers all over the world and everyone has their style. Speaking of magazines, we will be there with our local publication BikerSpot, which happens to have one of my chops (and a very hot chick) on the cover, here’s a sneak peek. The guys? will be giving away mags and selling shirts.
Speaking of magazines and builders and stuff, I might have said this before, but I’ll repeat it once more (after all I have to do 52 reports like this and there’s going to be some stuff I repeat, since I don’t have photographic memory) It amazes me every time someone sends me an e-mail or recognizes me in the street. I really don’t see myself as a famous (I rather say well known) person or bike builder. This all started because a friend was reading a book and he was surprised to see so many builders; amazingly there were 30 or so, which is a minimal amount of the real number of bike builders across the USA alone. I really don’t want to sound like I’m full of myself or tooting my own horn, but I feel very proud of being able to reach such a wide variety of people from all over.
Just here with this report, the number is totally astonishing. Sure we now have a select bunch of builders who are in the top echelons of the famous ladder, but if you really think about it, the number is not that big. Again, I really don’t know if it’s in the circles I frequent, but I bet some people will have some very well known local builders which are foreign to me. We can blame this phenomenon on TV, or magazines or whatever. The truth is, how do we measure “fame”? It’s a mind-boggling situation, sort of how do we know who’s a ” Master Builder”, and I’m talking within the closest circles of the industry, to the mere mortals. All they know is what they have seen on TV. I guess the Chopper world is like a tree, there’s a center and rings that spread further apart. The better known and respected by the circles close to the core, the better you are, while known by the way outer circles is good, just to sell shirts and be the talk at the water fountain. It might be arrogant of myself, but I already have a Discovery bike planned, why? I really don’t want to be taken off guard if the call comes. Hell, it might be a long shot, but it’s still a real possibility. One of those build off’s will automatically move you very close to that center core, but then again, even if it’s a smart business decision I really believe the fun part is being able to show the world what you are capable of doing, your surroundings, your lifestyle and your area.

Sure it’s fun to see the guys going to Sturgis, but how many times you have the chance to see the real Caribbean? I guess that’s why the Hawaii show will be a big hit; it’s totally different. Same as the magazines I mentioned above, it’s different from what we are all used to. The planet is big, really big. Daytona as circus like as it is, is a small example of what I’m talking about. It’s the event that people from all corners go, to see and be seen. Then all that information is processed and showed to the less fortunate that could not go. It’s a small bit of the motorcycle world all in one beach town. But let me not stray way too far from my line of thought. In this age of web sites, TV, and tons of magazines, how well known might a builder might be? In this case yours truly; if you add the hits here, in my web site and The Horse readers, it becomes a pretty considerable amount. I guess what I’m getting at is that while I’m not a Ness, or Billy Lane, or Indian Larry, there’s a huge amount of ways to reach people, other ways that did not exist a few years ago.
I humbly repeat that I don’t consider myself even close to those guys, but still I wonder what my position is in YOUR eyes (if you know what I mean) we all see things in different perspectives, while to many Jesse James is a TV personality and hero, I see him as a friend who is doing really good for himself. There’s an old saying in Spanish, ” todo depende del cristal con que se mira” or loosely translated into ” things vary according the glass that is seen through.Again this is an honest question totally lacking airs of superiority. I’m always humbled and happy with each achievement and always wondered how to portray these things without sounding cocky. I really hope that this writing is not taken as such. Once upon a time the sign for making it was a bike in Easy Riders, now it’s a Discovery show, things chance, parameters change, and hopefully, we as human beings and humble hard working people will stay the same.

I’ll see you guys next week and once again thank you for taking the time to read my delusions week after week.
If in Daytona don’t forget to show up and say hi…….
Jose Caribbean Bikernet report.

Continued On Page 3