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STEALTH REPORT–This past weekend the Carolina’s Super Swap and Bike Show came to the Charlotte Merchandise Mart. This was the first time for this event here in Charlotte and like with everything that takes place for the very first time there were some wrinkles that need to be ironed out. With some work this event has the potential to be a big deal. There were some big names at the show, Kendall Johnson and his Killer Klown crew were there along with Russell Mitchell and his crew from Exile. Kendall is really one of the good guys in the industry and speaking of Russell Mitchell, it was my pleasure to meet him.

He takes the time for his fans and I like to see that. I have always been into his bikes. I like his less is more attitude reflected in his bikes and I love that “Stealth” black paint he uses. Check out Russells picture with our new pitt bull puppy, J.C. I told you he took time for his fans!

I have a lot going on right now. The planning for the 7th Annual Run For Breath ” In Memory of Justin Pullin” continues daily. We are still looking for volunteers to make awards for the bike show. Kevin Baas and his shop class has agreed to help out with the awards. If anyone else out there would like to help out, you can reach me through “Your Shot.”
I hope to have a BIG announcement to make in the up coming weeks. It has always been my dream and it is about to become more than just a dream. I can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet so stay tuned!
Until next time!

2005 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES ANNOUNCED–February 2005 – – The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the Hall of Fame inductees for 2005.
Motor Maids Inc., J.C. ?Pappy? Hoel Lifetime Achievement Award
Keith ?Bandit? Ball
Soichiro Honda
Michael Lichter
Jim and Phyllis McClure
Scott Parker
The Walker Family
The induction ceremony will be conducted at the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame Induction Breakfast scheduled for Wednesday, August 10 at 9:00 a.m. at the Holiday Inn in Spearfish, South Dakota.
Breakfast tickets are available for a $20.00 donation, tables of eight for $160.00. Traditionally the Breakfast sells out so we recommend that you purchase your tickets well in advance of the event. Tickets can be purchased by phoning the Museum 605.347.2001 or on the Museum?s web page.
For more information on the inductees or tickets visit the Museum?s website at
NOTE: In previous years seats were assigned/reserved on a first come, first served basis. Effective this year, seats will no longer be assigned/reserved.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Back in the grind once more, the fun is over, and hell fun it was. Sorry for the short news last week. Anyway, let’s go…
I have been noticing lately, what is the beef with arrogant shop owners?I get to visit a lot of shops while traveling and most of the time the guys are super cool. They welcome us like long time friends, show us around and makes us feel at home, while the few, but obviously something that will always catch my attention, have this attitude. The bad ass biker chip on the shoulder, bigger than thou, true, sometimes first impressions are erred, but then again, sometimes first impressions is all we need to get the fuck out and never come back. I never will expect to be received like royalty, hell, most people don’t know me from another name in the phone book, and I have no pretentious hopes that they do, but at the same time, if I was just a customer, would I like to receive a bunch of ego bull right off the bat ?
Sure, I grew up with mechanics that you had to earn your place into their good side, kind of earning your place at the peak in Pipeline, they were grouches, but then again you were invading their work space, their shop, no showrooms here, just the nitty gritty. So I guess one does not compare to the other. It’s really weird to show up at a place and get all this attitude. Since we own shops and actually know what’s going on, most of the time when you look around this “attitude” shops will have a couple bikes, and much less tools and equipment that many of us have in our personal garage. Or just have setups like used car salesmen, bunch of presto fabbed bikes and bunch of new, shinny, bling bling add ons. Is there a relation between opening a new shop and gaining the attitude, or is it that we have lived with the bad ass biker image for way too long? Do what you want and run the biz as you fucking please, but if you are blind enough to think attitude will cut it, I believe you are wrong. Sure we don’t all have the appeal of a hundred dollar bill, and are not liked by everyone, and yes I cop some attitude once in a while at my shop (more so when my time is wasted by babble) but just because you are blind enough to not realize the person in the magazine that you are reading is the same person standing at your showroom, or you simply feel greater than the guy that is going to spend his hard earned money and has chosen YOUR shop. News flash….attitude and bad ass wannabe shit is way passe. Unless you can get away with it, or the amount of crowds hanging around the shop at all hours have made it necessary, more so if you have a rinkity dinkity shop with more decoration than actual built bikes and machinery to do so……..Word to the wise. So be cool, enjoy that you have people actually visiting your shop and not swatting flies with the latest issue.

On a much brighter note, as you know we have just arrived from Las Vegas, the guys from Hawaiian choppers magazine, Counts Kustoms and numerous others have put together a kick ass event, no fucking doubt about it. I will write a full story on the event here on Bikernet, but here’s a short write up of what went up, or down……
Presidents day week end, Las Vegas, a few good friends, and half of the hot chick population of California, the Hard Rock Hotel and very good friends who own shops in Las Vegas (and know the ins and outs) brews a very strong recipe for, disaster, and I mean disaster in the better of ways…….
I will shorten the extracurricular activities to the bar at the Hard Rock hotel, packed to the gills from 8pm to 6 am……..( I highly recommend the Hard Rock for your future stays in Vegas) Being received at places like Count Kustoms, Denvers Choppers and Las Vegas City choppers (thanks Count and crew, EL and Mondo) like we owned the fucking place was kick ass, being able to sit down, shoot the shit and just have a grand time with good friends and new friends alike, there was no “celebrity” shit going on, just cruising and being normal (well, as normal as we can be) and riding a couple rented bikes from HD (sure the low of the trip) up and down the strip, and make sure we did treat those bikes as if they were ours, if you know how I treat my bikes (the renters don’t).

I don’t know if it was the parties, the hundreds of good looking chicks (with impure intentions) the friends, the cool hosts and promoter, the hotel, or just a mix of all the above that makes this first year event a must attend. It was more like a good friend gathering and party marathon than an actual bike event, the way things should be. I’m already sending Steve a detailed list of suggestions for next year, how about an all party event, no rides no shows…. just hop on the bike and go to the next party, get up as late as you want and start the cycle once more…… I’m up for it….fo’ shizzle It’s a great way to receive spring, or to enjoy winter, whatever the season is, it was a bit chilly for this Caribbean soul, but then again anything under 75 degrees is chilly to me, although it was quite pleasant to ride, ’till we hit the freeway, or it rained. Images of the Hotel bar warmed us up. For an actual view of the bar attendees, keep your eyes peeled on my site. I will dedicate a gallery of just chicks in the bar, that is how good it was.
I really want to thank everyone that was involved with the event, locals, “celebs” and everyone else, I had a fucking ball. Can’t wait to find an excuse to head over there as soon as possible.
Well guys…. time to get the fuck out of here. Watch for the Biker Build Off episode March 1st with Hank Young and Cole Foster. Then March 29th there’s the one with Roland Sands and Arlen Ness filmed in Puerto Rico.
Jose ? Caribbean Reporter

TIM CONDER NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICS–You know, there are forces at work in this world that can’t be described. Often when pondering the deep thoughts of the abyss I fancy myself an open minded person. I see folks galloping through life only seeing the things their delicate synapses can hinder afloat. I think to myself, what are we missing? Why can’t we be open to the pleasures and dangers of our chubby lives? Is “Extreme makeover homes” the only TRUE reality show? I think not.
I like to eat alone at Dennys late at night. Often I meet destiny and choose to ignore it, but not last night.
A small rubinesque Burmese woman, about 3′ 11″ wandered in and sat at the counter. She protruded a taught and robust mannerism. One word came to mind. “Sassy”. I sauntered over and asked, “Is this chair sitting next to you?” in my smoothest Isaac Hayes. She looked deep into my hot dogs and said,
“I am from the sea”.
“Better believe you are…What?…” I said.
“The seeeeaaaa. Happy swimmy seeeeaaa.” she intoned as she floated away from her position at the counter, making a little wiggle motion with her nubby index finger. I was powerless.
She had this killer 120″ Shovelhead chopper outside, man it was SICK. It had 20 inch tall apehangers on it and it was kick only. I looked at her. I looked at the bike. Then in one swoop she flipped the kicker out, did a little hop and before I knew it she grabbed the throttle and swung down with a jerk…KABOOM!!! BADUMP BAHDUMPABAHDUMP BUMP BUMP!!!! That big rigid flattened the tires against the pavement with every revolution and before I knew it we were careening through town, me hanging on to whatever part of her that wasn’t busy and marveling at the deft way she rat raced through traffic.
We wound up in front of the Monterey Bay Aquarium at about 3 a.m. The moon made everything bluegray as we listened to the crackle and tick of a freshly shut down motor.
“I am from the seeeeeaaaaa…..happy swimmy seeeeaaaa” she said, pulling me to the rear utility entrance.
“B-But they’re closed, we’ll get in trouble” I said halfhearted but excitedly.
Most of what happened after is a blur. I remember water. Parts of me are a bit chafed. She’s free now, swimming happily in the tank. Sure… I feel funky, but I’m okay with it.
The Conderosa

12 CHAINSAW ENGINE BIKE– Anyone interested in a feature on this bike from Germany? It features a powerplant consisting of 12 chain saw engines. Let me know if you’re interested. It’s really off-beat.

BOB T. SADDLE UP– The new seat my other set of saddlebags makes the Road King look more Nostalgic…

Well I hope you are doing well, sounds like you have been busy. Hope you are getting some riding in. The Mag articles you are doing are great. What did you ever do with the “Another Weekend” I wrote?
Be Cool

Crime Scene Choppers Introduces Low-Rise Seat Pivot–
Low-Rise Pivot is Practically Invisible
Crime Scene introduced a new solo-seat front pivot designed specifically for the Hard-Ass? solo seat. The pivot is hand built from stainless steel and features a bronze pivot and precision ground pivot pin for longevity. The pivot includes CNC cut mounting brackets and all stainless hardware.

Crime Scene Choppers is the home of the polished stainless Hard-Ass? seat.
?When we designed the Hard-Ass seat?, said Joe McGlynn, owner of Crime Scene Choppers, ?we wanted to make sure that we could hide the pivot so that the seat could tuck down nice and low on the frame?. ?Too often solo seats end up mounted up high to accommodate the hardware; now we have an ultra low seat pivot that is designed to get the seat down low and be all but invisible when installed?.

Low Rise Pivot AvailabilityBoth the low-rise pivot and the Hard-Ass stainless solo seat are available through immediately. New products are being introduced every month, so check the website for the latest news.
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