Continued from Page 2
EASYRIDERS OF HOUSTON EARNS BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES’ 2000 DEALER OF THE YEAR AWARD–Easyriders of Houston led all 57 of Big Dog’s dealerships in total motorcycle sales. A strong Big Dog dealer since it opened three years ago, Easyriders of Houston has proved to be a model dealership in every respect, with a professional mix of strong motorcycle sales, top-notch customer service and a spacious sales facility that provides an inviting atmosphere for all motorcycling enthusiasts. In addition, Easyriders of Houston has assembled a superior management team in Bert and Debbie Williams and Lee Hayes. This team has shown considerable skill in marketing Big Dog and putting together a knowledgeable sales staff that understands the product.
HARLEY-DAVIDSON NAMES JIM McCASLINPRESIDENT & CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER OF MOTOR COMPANY– James A. McCaslin, 52, has been namedpresident and chief operating officer of Harley-Davidson Motor Co.He will assume the newposition on March 1.
McCaslin joined Harley-Davidson Motor Company in 1992 as vice president andgeneral manager, York operations. He was appointed vice president,continuous improvement in 1997. In 1999, he became vice president, dealerservices. He has a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineeringfrom General Motors Institute and a master’s in industrialengineering from Virginia Polytech. He also attended the advancedmanagement program at Harvard University.
LT. BALL, BIKERNET BOSS–OK sailor, I started readin’ my Christmas card. They want me ta keep’achart of my blood pressure; I did my 2-mile walk and took it and it was cool. Itstarted to rain, so I ain’t ridin’ to the American Legion. I thought if Ikicked back with your book and checked it again after an hour, it wouldeven be better; WRONG:) But maybe you should be happy with that. Now yagot scientific proof, your writing really gets to your reader.
— Ride On! Wino Joe, USA

BUBBA BLACKWELL REPORTS– Another day, Another Harley-Davidson World Record Jump…… This jump was Feb. 10 over 14 Freightliners. This jump was in myhometown of Foley, Ala. It was a sellout and helped raise funds for a kids’ park. The show was filmed for Extreme Machines, to air later thisyear on TLC.
–Thanks, Bubba
RALLY AT THE CAPITAL–There is a rally at the state capital on March 3 at 11 a.m. to protest Rep. Ruth Fisher’s not having a hearing on helmets.We will depart the McDonalds at 8 a.m., stop at the rest area in Everett to pick up the folks who live down there and be in Olympia by 11 to participate in the rally.If the weather is really bad, please feel free to drive a cage, but it would be best to make a show of it with bikes.I am asking Marc to lead us out of Everett to Olympia and the rally site, since I am not sure of the route.Please pass this info to everyone. The more bikes we have there the better.
OUR WEEKLY TRIBUTE TO BLONDES– A business man got on an elevator in a downtown office building. As he entered the elevator, there was a blonde already in the car, and she greeted him by saying, “T-G-I-F.” He smiled back at her and replied, “S-H-I-T.” She looked at him, puzzled, and said, “T-G-I-F,” again. He acknowledged her remark by again answering, “S-H-I-T. ” The blonde was trying to be friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said as sweetly as possibly, “T-G-I-F,” another time. The man smiled back to her and once again replied with a quizzical expression, “S-H-I-T.” The blond finally decided to explain things, and this time she said, “T-G-I-F — T-hank G-oodness I-t’s F-riday; …. get it?” The man answered, “S-orry H-oney, I-t’s T-hursday.”
ULTIMATE BILLET CLOCKS–That’s it. Real billet aluminum clocks by C.J. Allen, engraver supreme. There are only 10 of these puppies and they’re going fast for $150. I have two left in my hot little mitts. Send a check to Bikernet, P.O.Box 1168, San Pedro, Calif. 90733-1168. Each one is polished and engraved with the number.
THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE– is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our Web site at <
From TheGUNNY’S SACKRight out of the box this month folks I want to remind you that the 2001National Coalition of Motorcyclists Convention is in Orlando, Fla., May10-12. The host hotel is already filled for some nights, but if you have anytrouble getting a room at the Marriott, you can still get rooms next door atthe Sheraton Suites at (407) 240-5555.Be sure and mention NCOM for the best rates.This promises to be the biggest and the best yet. Our AIM attorneys’pockets help provide the funds that support the NCOM Convention every yearand we should take full advantage of it. You will learn more about motorcyclepolitical activity here than at any other place I can think of, plus gettingto meet hundreds of other folks working just as hard as you are for ourrights.
OREGON STATS: Some statistics are out on last year’s Oregon motorcycleaccidents. The numbers are not pretty.There were 38 fatalities for the year and 29 were the biker’s fault. Ofthose, 12 were single vehicle, four of them alcohol-related. There were 17multi-rig fatalities and six had rider alcohol involvement. The 10 alcohol-relatedfatalities had blood alcohol levels averaging .145. Oregon law says .08 issufficiently under the influence that you can’t drive safely. 65.8% of thesewrecks were caused by excessive speed. In other words, tragedies from poorjudgment, as I see it.
Why do all our cries fall on deaf ears? Just here inthe Sack alone, I don’t know how many times we’ve pleaded with our brothersand sisters to take a riding course and don’t mix alcohol with bikes.According to these numbers, there would be 29 people who would probablystill be walking and riding this earth if 10 riders had NOT RIDDEN afterdrinking too much, and if 19 others had not ridden past their ability.
ON NETWORK TV: The very distinguished newsman and host of ABC TV’sNightline, Ted Koppel, came out of the biker closet on Jay Leno’s show inFebruary. Ted rode out on stage on a Harley, in a leather jacket — AND abeanie helmet! He said he rode 30 years ago, but his wife made him stop whenthey had kids! Ted says they’re all grown now, and he can do what he wants! Ilike that attitude. The guy really does have a mind of his own and I’ll justbet his wife rides right along with him too.
PHOENIX, AZ: Titan Motorcycle Co. of America has filed Chapter 11Bankruptcy. Chapter 11 will allow them to restructure some of theirprocedures and capitol needs.Titan is continuing all normal business operations and will continueuninterrupted services to its dealers and customers. In the last few yearswe’ve seen much improvement in all the big ride manufacturers because of thecompetition provided by these kinds of companies. The latest I have isthey’ve found new financing. Good news indeed.

EUROPE: This is globalization as I see it folks:For some years now, FEMA (Federation of European Motorcycle Associations)has taken part in the different committees dealing with Transport within theUnited Nations. One committee they’re involved in has been given theresponsibility to set up the construction standards for the ”World Bike”(Whoops! World Bike?), another is establishing a worldwide Road Safetystrategy. With the Multi-Directive, the ”Euro Bike” standards had beenestablished and FEMA was successfully in the front line to make sure that thebike was one that motorcyclists would enjoy riding. Now, they are working tomake sure that the ”World Bike” will be free of unnecessary restrictions.The European process, where Parliament and Member States have to reach anagreement for a proposal to be adopted is very different from this country.Within the UN, however, Member States operate independently. This means theresults achieved by motorcyclists in Europe will not necessarily be takeninto consideration worldwide. Remember the U.S., Australia, and Asia all arepart of this mess.
On the road safety side, the UN strategy for motorcycles includespromotion of leg protectors in the design of bikes and mandatory fluorescentand reflective clothing. Oh man! FEMA managed to avoid making these thingscompulsory in Europe and now the people that promote this stuff are backtrying to impose their will Internationally! These people want motorcyclesrestricted into oblivion, period.
WASHINGTON, DC: Kawasaki’s recalling about 18,000 motorcycles because therear brakes can fail. The recalled motorcycles are 2001 KX series motocrossrides with model numbers KX65, KX85, KX100, KX125, KX250 and KX500.The bikes were sold from May to November of last year. No injuries as aresult of the break defect have been reported yet but Kawasaki says STOPusing them NOW and get them to your nearest dealer for the fix, or Kawasakiwill send owners the kit to fix’em themselves. If you’ve got one of theseKawi’s, call your local dealership or Kawasaki at (866) 802-9381.

BOMBAY, India: Scooters are falling on their faces here. More people arebuying the fashionable, upscale motorcycles now because the lowly scooter isseen as DOWDY. Uh oh! What next? Maybe BIG MOTORCYCLES? Could be! Motorcyclesgrabbed more than 50% of the overall two-wheeler market there last year, upfrom less than 10% just a decade ago. Scooter sales have fallen almost 37% inthe past nine months. Those trends aren’t expected to change. I don’t thinkI’d invest in a scooter company in India right now.
TOKYO: Japan’s second-biggest automaker, Honda Motor Co. Ltd, is planningto expand domestic sales of cheap motorcycles made at its plants in Asia tocash in on growing demand for cut-price vehicles. The company has released anew series of bikes powered by 4-cycle 50cc engines, targeted mainly at theyouth market to improve domestic sales of the rides.
–Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff
“I voted Republican this year. The Democrats left a bad taste in mymouth.” — Monica Lewinsky

THE BARTENDER–The bartender asks the guy sitting at the bar, “What’ll you have?”
Theguy answers, “A scotch, please.”
The bartender hands him the drink, andsays “That’ll be fivedollars,”
To which the guy replies, “What are you talking about? I don’towe you anything for this.”
A lawyer, sitting nearby and overhearing the conversation, then says tothe bartender, “You know, he’s got you there. In the originaloffer,which constitutes a bindingcontract upon acceptance, there was no stipulation of remuneration.”
The bartender was not impressed, but says to the guy, “Okay, you beat mefor a drink. But don’t ever let me catch you in here again.”
The next day, the same guy walks into the bar. Bartender says, “What theheck are you doing in here? I can’t believe you’ve got the audacity tocome back!”
The guy says, “What are you talking about? I’ve never been in this placein my life!” The bartender replies, “I’m very sorry, but this isuncanny.You must have adouble.”
To which the guy replies, “Thank you. Make it a scotch.”
South Dakota: Closer Than North Dakota
Tennessee: The Educashun State
Texas: Si’ Hablo Ingles (Yes, I speak English)
Utah: Our Jesus Is Better Than Your Jesus
Vermont: Yep
GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN–I decided yesterday to fire myself because ofsome terrible business decisions, coupled with daily sexual infractions. Then I had to re-hire myself due to the workload around here. Besides, when we discussed the news with the rest of the staff, Snake began drinking heavily, Zebra caught the next flight back to Europe, Renegade punched someone, Oz fell asleep and Wrench disappeared into the garage–no volunteers. I’ll hit the garage now and begin some tedious metal finishing job on the Buttera desk. The Blue Flame was featured in this month’s Hot Bike and they did a bang-up job. Check it out.
We here at Bikernet are aware of the economic slow-down in some segments of the country so we will be dropping prices on many of the products we carry. First, we’re offering a 10 percent discount on all Street Ware accessories and clothing. I hope to drop the postage and handling charges on all the HA leather line. We’ll be posting the info throughout the various gift shop areas.
Watch for an update on the Shovelhead project and next on the lift is a rubbermount Pro Street digger for Nuutboy. If you have any parts we could use, let us know. We need front end and drive line components. This weekend or next we have a couple of models coming to the headquarters to finish some slinky photography for the Ultimate Tech Tip. This is a sizzler. And they’ll be standing around nude waiting to try on a new line of Hawaiian shirts we’ll be carrying on the site. Some killer shit. In the meantime, let’s ride, Bandit.