Continued From Page 3

S&S? CYCLE AND GREEN FLAG MARKETING LLC ANNOUNCE THE DEBUT OF THUNDER TRACK RALLY AT ATLANTA MOTOR SPEEDWAY–LA CROSSE, WI (January 30, 2007) S&S? Cycle, Inc. and Green Flag Marketing, LLC have teamed up to bring Thunder Track Rally to Atlanta, Georgia on March 16th through 18th, 2007 at Atlanta Motor Speedway. This first-time event will be one in a series that will bring motorcycle riders together with NASCAR Nextel Cup races.
“Green Flag Marketing is proud to have S&S Cycle, as the primary sponsor of Thunder Track Rally,” said Ed Burton, President of Green Flag Marketing. “S&S has a reputation for Proven Performance? and we look forward to helping introduce their latest innovation, the X-Wedge engine, at the event.”
“We’ve been involved with other race sanctions over the years and having the privilege to be involved with Atlanta Motor Speedway and NASCAR, through Green Flag Marketing, is a great opportunity for us,” said Timm Fields, Director of Sales & Marketing for S&S Cycle. “S&S has a long history of racing, traced back to our founder George Smith Sr. As a leader in the powersports performance industry for nearly 50 years, our involvement with NASCAR is a great fit. We’re looking forward to sponsoring this event in Atlanta as we welcome motorcycle riders and NASCAR fans to this venue.”
“The response from motorcycle enthusiasts and companies throughout the industry has been overwhelming and we’re looking forward to making this event a success for everyone involved,” added Bill Calhoun, Vice President of Green Flag Marketing.
Rally riders can purchase premium ticket packages to the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series event that include race ticket(s), a caravan to Atlanta Motor Speedway, special entrance to the “Thunder Track Rally” hospitality tent, live entertainment, celebrity appearances, cash bar, food vendors, and more. Packages also include Rally souvenirs (embroidered patch, helmet decal, and hat pin) and secure motorcycle parking. One-day ticket package includes; ticket(s) to the NASCAR Nextel Cup Kobalt Tools 500, Sunday March 18th. Two-day ticket packages are also available and include; ticket(s) to the NASCAR Busch Series Nicorette 300 on Saturday, March 17th. For more information
BIKERNET NEWS CORRECTION–Please see the flyer on the front page of the American Freedom Riders homepage for corrected information regarding the FEBRUARY 24th rally to free agents Ramos and Compean.
The initial flyer said Feb 28th and that is wrong. The correct date is Saturday, February 24th.
Also, Monica Ramos (Nacho’s wife) will be attending and speaking.
Sorry – old age is setting in.

RED LIGHT WAITING PERIOD ATTACKED IN CALIFORNIA–How many times have you sat and waited for a traffic signal to turn? And waited. And waited.
Sure, the induction loop sensors can be recalibrated by road maintenance crews, but we have a common-sense solution designed to get you on your way, and save the state money at the same time.
Other states have made it legal to proceed thru an inoperative red light if/when SAFE to do so.
California riders can better assure ride enjoyment and forever eradicate the fear and frustration associated with inoperative traffic signals with a simple change of the vehicle code. Impossible you say? We already have “Right Turn on Red” and “U-Turn” laws on the books that are, in theory, quite similar to what is being proposed.
The Legislative Director working for a prospective Author of the new Red Light Bill asked us….
Q. Are there any statistics available to substantiate the problems that motorcycles have in activating traffic signals?
A. Yes, we now have an OFFICIAL data collection resource;
Please forward this QUICK 10 QUESTION SURVEY to ALL your riding friends:
We need at least ONE THOUSAND riders to complete our survey, to demonstrate the extent of the red light problem to California’s legislators.
The survey results can be viewed at:
For more in depth and up to date info, please visit our new webpage; Thanks for your enthusiasm on this project, and for all your help! –splatt NEW!! SEE Biker Nation TV Episodes ONLINE!– 1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. 2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire . 3. It’s always darkest before dawn, so if you’re going to steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it. 4. Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted. 5. Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else. 6. Never test the depth of the water with both feet. 7. If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments. 8. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes. 9. If at first you don’t succeed……skydiving is not for you. 10. Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. 11. If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. 12. Some days you’re the bug; some days you’re the windshield. 13. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. 14. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket. 15. A closed mouth gathers no foot. 16. Duct tape is like ‘The Force.’ It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together. 17. There are two theories to arguing with a women.Neither one works. 18. Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving. 19. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it. 20. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. –from Rev CarlR MONTANA BIKERS NEED YOUR HELP … TODAY … RIGHT FRIGGING NOW!—THIS IS NO JOKE … THIS IS NO DRILL—[Teri Mundahl ( of the Montana B.A.S.T.A.R.D.S.(Bikers Against Stupid Twits And Really Dumb Shits)is asking for YOU to help …] defeat the posted Montana Helmet Law. It’scurrently in the Montana Judiciary Committee and will be voted on at 8:00 amThursday, February 15. A NO vote here will kill the bill. We would love your help in contacting thecommittee members to remind them of the potential negative tourism impact.We have some of the most amazing riding in the country (Beartooth Pass &Chief Joseph Scenic Route are with in 60 miles of my home in Billings) andyou’d love to come ride the roads and spend your money here, but only if youcan choose what safety equipment you wear. Ask them to please VOTE NO ONHB-534, the proposed Montana Helmet Law. If you’d like to read the bill andsee the fiscal benefits they have dreamed up, please go to the websitelisted above and click on “Helmet Law” (under the big bulldog.)[]Please address them as Dear Representative. Be sure to tell them what Town &State, as that will have impact when when considering tourism issues. Mostof these are pretty good people, but they need a push. Like clogging theire-mail boxes with bikers wanting to Ride Free in Montana. Email contact info: Post comments and replies here: –Bruce Arnold THANK YOU BIKE SHOW VOLUNTEERS!!!–Special thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers who came out to help atthe BCCOM booth at the Vancouver Motorcycle Show and to all of those whooffered to help, but the shifts were already full. We couldn’t do it withoutyou guys!! This year we sold 145 memberships. Neil Armsworthy, Dave Bridge,Robyn Brown, Tim Darvell, Claude Desrosiers,Craig Fernandes, Robert Ford, Ken Francis, Gerard Janssen, Corinna Jenkins,Larry Jenkins, Virgil Kaulius, Brenda Hahn, Larry Hahn, Brad Hartwig, CraigHeale, Bob Hewitson, Jamie Hunter, Jason Ilnicki, Gisele L’Hirondelle,Philip L’Hirondelle, Evelyn Logan, Paul Malowany, Darry McGaw, Noel Nobrega,Judy Patrick, Steve Patrick, Gary Richardson, Maureen Sawatsky, DaveSievewright, Gord Swanson, Bruce Ward, Barry Weinbaum, Lorraine White,Jenifer Wolf, Larry Wolf, Mark Zambrzycki THANK YOU TO DEELEY’S!And you may have heard, Trev Deeley Motorcycles donated $1.00 from everyticket they sold for the Vancouver Motorcycle Show to BCCOM and we justreceived a cheque for $442.00. Thank you so much for your support! HAVE YOU RENEWED FOR 2007?If you have not already purchased your 2007 BCCOM membership, it is now timeto renew. If you are unsure whether or not you are up to date pleasecontact the office to confirm. Memberships are available through the BCCOMOffice at 1-877-580-0111 or (604) 580-0111 and you can also purchase themon-line here: Membershipswill also be available at our next meeting on March 7th. Thank you for yourcontinued support! APRIL 14-15 – WESTCOAST CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE SHOW–Mark your calendars now for April 14-15, 2007 because you will not want tomiss the Westcoast Custom Motorcycle Show at the Tradex Centre inAbbotsford! After a successful debut last year we will be back with a biggerand better show in 2007. Don’t miss your chance to see some of the hottestcustom machines in North America!This show is open to ALL BRANDS and will feature more than 30 classesincluding Foreign, Street, British, Asian, Italian, Vintage, Radical, and”Specialty.” There will be a $1000.00 prize for BEST BIKE! VENDOR SPACE & BIKE ENTRY INFOFor more information please call (604) 580-0111 or 1-877-580-0111. Forms arealso available on-line at CONGRATULATION FREEDOM FIGHTERS IN ARKANSAS–Helmetless motorcyclists need not fear arrest in Arkansas unless the sponsor of a measure to require helmets decides he can muster the votes in the state Senate to remove his proposal from a committee that declined to endorse it.The bill, by Sen. Kim Hendren, R-Gravette, ran into the same opposition that similar bills have faced since the state repealed its motorcycle helmet law in 1997. Only two members of the Senate Transportation Committee voted for the bill Monday. Hendren said some riders deride helments as a “magic ice chest.” But those supporting a requirement for helmets say it would cut down on hospital costs from injured cyclists, which can become the state’s burden.”It’s not a popular position,” Hendren acknowledged before the hearing. “I’ve had people who have said unkind things. I’ve had people who say I need to be replaced.”A Capitol police officer sat in on the hearing as motorcycle enthusiast Rodney Roberts portrayed the issue as one of personal freedoms. Roberts, who campaigned against the helmet law in 1997, showed the foam insides of one helmet, likening it to a cooler. During questioning by Sen. Paul Bookout, D-Jonesboro, Roberts said he wouldn’t wear a helmet if he knew he’d be hit by a car. Bookout shook his head. “This has become an emotional issue and the facts have very little to do with it,” said Roberts, a motorcycle shop owner from Little Rock. “It’s a real joke. You can’t say if the helmet is going to save you or the helmet is going to kill you.” In response, Sen. Bobby Glover, D-Carlisle, said the law could help save lives.”For you to have your freedom … there are going to be some people killed because there’s no mandatory helmet law in the state of Arkansas,” Glover said. For 20 years, motorcyclists were required to wear protective headgear while riding. But after the federal government relaxed its own helmet requirements, the Arkansas Legislature repealed the helmet law in 1997. Twenty states, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee, require helmets for all motorcycle riders.Since 1997, legislators have discussed reinstating the law, but the measure never gained traction in both chambers. In the meantime, hospital officials warned that not having a helmet law put more people at risk and left state coffers covering hospital treatments from traumatic injuries. –from Rogue THE BIKERNET RULES OF SIGNAGE–TOILET OUT OF ORDER….. PLEASE USE FLOOR BELOW In a Laundromat: AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINES: PLEASE REMOVE ALL YOUR CLOTHES WHEN THE LIGHT GOES OUT In a London department store: BARGAIN BASEMENT UPSTAIRS In an office: WOULD THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE STEP LADDER YESTERDAY PLEASE BRING IT BACK OR FURTHER STEPS WILL BE TAKEN In an office: AFTER TEA BREAK STAFF SHOULD EMPTY THE TEAPOT AND STAND UPSIDE DOWN ON THE DRAINING BOARD Outside a secondhand shop: WE EXCHANGE ANYTHING – BICYCLES, WASHING MACHINES, ETC. WHY NOT BRING YOUR WIFE ALONG AND GET A WONDERFUL BARGAIN? Notice in health food shop window: CLOSED DUE TO ILLNESS Spotted in a safari park: ELEPHANTS PLEASE STAY IN YOUR CAR Seen during a conference: FOR ANYONE WHO HAS CHILDREN AND DOESN’T KNOW IT, THERE IS A DAY CARE ON THE 1ST FLOOR Notice in a farmer’s field: THE FARMER ALLOWS WALKERS TO CROSS THE FIELD FOR FREE, BUT THE BULL CHARGES. On a repair shop door: WE CAN REPAIR ANYTHING (PLEASE KNOCK HARD ON THE DOOR – THE BELL DOESN’T WORK) –from Tim Oster LIFESTYLE CYCLE DEAL OF THE WEEK–Wanna hook up with something lean, sleek, aggressive, sexy and ready to ride? No, we’re not talking about your Valentine’s date for tomorrow, we’re talking about your new motorcycle from LifeStyle Cycles!Check out the incredible deals going on RIGHT NOW! CALL LIFESTYLE CYCLES TODAY(714) 490-0155 10th Anniversary Edition Texas ChopperLast One … Free 3.5 Year Extended Warranty! There are only 125 of these limited edition 2006 IronHorse Texas Choppers made, and this is you chance to own one. Chromed Shotgun soft-style frame with 4″ top tube and 8″ down tube Stealth swing arm, Radical 42 degree rake (38 degree frame rake plus 4 degree raked triple trees), Progressive adjustable air ride suspension, 280 mm low profile rear tire, 18″ reflex rear wheel, jet black with machine etched detail, 90 mm front tire, 21″ reflex front wheel, jet black with machine etched detail, Show polished 124 cubic inch S&S? engine, Diamond cut, powder coated heads and cylinders, 2 into 1 dyno tuned exhaust system with integral heat shields, 6-speed close ratio polished right side drive transmission with open primary belt drive system, Barnett scorpion clutch and outbound bearing support, Chromed hydraulic “easy pull” clutch, Reflexed machined powder coated pulley & carriers, Dual front brakes with chromed 4 piston calipers, VVS 1 Anniversary paint in candy reflex red, jet black and platinum metal flake accents, 5.75″ bullet headlight, painted to match, Diamond faceted forward controls, Chromed billet front fender mount, Patented super stretched chopper tank, Chromed custom v-handlebars, Low profile digital information center, Smooth chromed lower legs, Chromed billet side-mounted license plate frame, Black ostrich Phantom solo seat with 10th Anniversary logo, Vibration resistant LED turn signals … and much much more! Includes free 3.5 year extended warranty! Don’t miss out, only one at this price! $42,995.00
ABATE of California Board of Directors
Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow.
Do not walk beside me either.
Just pretty much leave me the hell alone .
TODAY AT (714) 490-0155
Continued On Page 5