Check out the Samson Exhaust story we have posted on the site. With painter Phil’s assistance, we picked the colors for the 1928 Shovelhead that’s being built at the Dallas Easyriders store. Our billboard was slapped up on Speedway Boulevard today to the glee of thousands of Speed Week visitors. Tomorrow, the Big Black Buell goes under the knife at the Harley-Davidson Fleet Center, where we’ll exchange cams, modify the carb and replace the exhaust with Screamin’ Eagle Performance headers. In addition, we’ve been experimenting with the ignition on the ’48 Panhead and returned to a manual advance distributor for a cleaner spark and a more consistent idle. In talking with Mr. Giggie from Compufire, he began to work on a single fire manual advance electronic distributor. Then the pre-Valentine’s Day storm hit with typhoon-like fury. The girls ran off and Valentine’s Day plans went to hell in a handbasket. Just when I thought I would be sipping Jack at Harold’s place by myself, a redhead strolled in to the headquarters and before I knew it, we were scratchin’ and clawing.

We best hit the news:

BUELL REPORT–Something that a lot of customers have been inquiring about is info on the new Buell shift linkage for 2001.The new shifter kit is cleaner looking and has a better feel when shifting. You don’t get all that rattling noise and sloppy feeling with the new linkage. In my opinion, the old linkage looked like an afterthought and the new stuff looks like it’s supposed to — trick, clean and functional.
There are two kits available now on an upgrade for the new shift linkage for X1s, M2 and S3/T Buells. MSRP is $99.95. 97-00 S3T Buells require a left fairing lower change also. P/N: M1000.MA MSRP $242.
P/N: 49092-01Y for X1 kit
P/N: 49074-01Y for M2 and S3/T kits
On to another subject here, and that is the membership in Buell BRAG, short for Buell Riders Adventure Group.This is automatically issued to a purchaser of a new, unregistered Buell.You can also join BRAG but you must own a Buell. There is an associate membership available for a passenger or family member of a full member.
Full memberships are good for one year and there are also two- and three-year renewals available.The BRAG deal is like H-D’s HOG membership in that it has just about all the same benefits, the Fly and Ride program, insurance, roadsideassistance, etc.You can contact BRAG at (888) 432-BRAG or go to the Buell Web site at Buell.com and click on the BRAG Web page for information on upcoming nationalevents such as Daytona Bike Week.
In the past at the national events there are usually lots of people from Buell to answer questions. It’s a good place to get information onrecalls that you might need done, if any.Places like Road America in Wisconsin in June are also a good place to see the latest “hot rod” Buells from riders all over the country.There is usually something going on at Hal’s H-D. Buell usually has a open house and big barbecue at the factory and offers rides to the race track, etc.
So to be totally in the loop, a Buell rider really needs to be a BRAG member. Check it out. It’s a good thing.
THE RIGHT APPROACH–Two married buddies are out drinking one night when one turns to the other and says, “You know, I don’t know what else to do.?Whenever I go home after we’ve been out drinking, I turn the headlights off before I get to the driveway. I shut off the engine and coast into the garage. I take my shoes off before I go into the house, I sneak up the stairs, I get undressed in the bathroom. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late!”
His buddy looks at him and says, “Well, you’re obviously taking the wrong approach. I screech into the driveway, slam the door, storm up the steps, throw my shoes into the closet, jump into bed, slap her on the butt and say, ‘You as horny as I am?’ . . . and, she always acts like she’s sound asleep!”
EPA CLARIFIES PUBLIC COMMENT PERIODRIDERS GET MORE TIME TO FILE COMMENTS–Washington, D.C. The intense response from the motorcycling communitygenerated in large measure by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation prompted theEnvironmental Protection Agency to clarify itsschedule for proposed rulemaking on new emissions standards for streetmotorcycles.
The practical upshot? Motorcycle riders now have more time to file publiccomments and more time to inform other riders — especially the smallbusinesscommunity — and get them involved.
Among the points of clarification made by the EPA:
1. The deadline for the proposed rule is Sept. 14, and the EPA willconsider comments and data [the agency receives] throughout [its]development ofthe proposed rule.
2. Under the consent decree, which impacts off-road, not street,motorcycles, the final rule would follow a year later, with at least onepublic hearing and additional opportunities for public comment after thepublication of the proposed rule and before development of the finalrule. The EPAanticipates working with stakeholders throughout the rule developmentprocess,and anyone can join the debate at any time in the coming months.
3. The EPA also told MRF that any action they take regarding highway motorcycles isnottied to the consent decree timeline, adding that the agency would considerputting street bikes on a schedule separate from that for off-road bikes.The call to action is clear — motorcyclists nationwide should take fulladvantage of this new opportunity.
1. If you haven’t submitted your publiccomments, do so:a. BY MAIL. Send paper copies of written comments (in duplicate, if possible)to: Margaret Borushko, U.S. EPA National Vehicle and Fuels EmissionLaboratory, 2000Traverwood, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105b. VIA E-MAIL. Send e-mail comments to: nranprm@epa.gov.
2. If you haven’t written to your congressman and U.S. senators, do so.Simplyprovide them a copy of your public comment.
3. Provide this alert toriders,dealers and custom shops in your area. Don’t forget sport-bike riders, theyhave as much to lose as cruiser riders. Review with them all MRF materialsonthe issue, and urge that they get involved by providing their comments tothe EPAand to their congressman and U.S. senators.
4. In all correspondence, refer to Docket A-2000-01, the “Control ofEmissionsFrom Non-road Large Spark Ignition Engines, Recreational Engines (MarineandLand-Based), and Highway Motorcycles.”
See our legislative page for MRF comments on the proposed legislation.
EXCELSIOR-HENDERSON’S FUTURE LOOKS DIM– Apparently this will be the final shake-out year for new motorcycle manufacturers that can’t make it over the hump. We want to say up front that we respect the dreams, the efforts and the ultimate challenge to build a new motorcycle, so it is with a great degree of remorse that we report on failing bike companies.
Florida-based E.H. Partners, the owner of The Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle Manufacturing Co., has given no indication that it will resume motorcycle production. It continues to lay off employees and requires cash only for motorcycle parts. And dealers are reportedly not receiving reimbursement for warranty work.
ULTRA MOTORCYCLE COMPANY CHANGES TICKER SYMBOL–according to reports on the street and in the press, Ultra is making headway in the market. Recently they announced that UMC has changed its ticker symbol from “BIKR” to “UMCC.” The change was prompted by the company’s formal name change to Ultra Motorcycle Co.
WILL TITAN SURVIVE?–Titan announced the court approval for new debtor in possession financing of $250,000, which should become available within the week. The company also expects to secure a second $250,000, and to secure a larger, longer-term loan shortly thereafter to carry the company through its reorganization anticipated for later this year.

JOHN SIEBENTHALER, THE MASTERMIND behind the new Daytona Bikernet billboard, is also responsible for the new twist gear advertising campaign. A biker and a giant in design and creativity, John has worked within the industry for growing companies such as TP Engineering and several years ago for Easyriders.
HARLEY-DAVIDSON INC. DECLARES DIVIDEND–Harley-Davidson Inc. (NYSE:HDI) announced that on Feb. 8 its Board of Directors approved aquarterly cash dividend of 2.5 cents per share, payable March 23 toshareholders of record as of March 12. The company currently hasapproximately 302.4 million shares of common stock outstanding.
Harley-Davidson Inc. is the parent company for the group of companies doingbusiness as Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Buell Motorcycle Co. andHarley-Davidson Financial Services Inc. Harley-Davidson Motor Co., theonly major U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweightmotorcycles and offers a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories,apparel and general merchandise. Buell Motorcycle Co. produces sportand sport-touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Financial Services Inc.provides selected financial services to Harley-Davidson dealers andcustomers.

SAVE AN ARTIST, BUY A CLOCK–C.J. the mad engraver once led his club of six into a bar packed with 75 of the nastiest, red freak riders on the coast. It was a trap, but they walked out alive. Throughout his career, he worked with the very best, from Von Dutch to Paul Jefferies. He has just launched a series of 10 polished rotor clocks for the true biker artist. Each one will be engraved and they roll out the door for just over a C-note. For more information, drop an e-mail to Bandit@bikernet.com.

CYLINDERS AND RODS–I have a set of Harley-Davidson Evo cylinders that I just took off one of myengines. They are stock bore, black wrinkle painted with polished fins. They shouldbe honed to .010 oversize for best results. I’m asking $200 for the set.
Also, I have a set of S&S connecting rods for $100 andJims billet aluminum lifter blocks with a set of big axle lifters for$200.
MAN MARRIES TV–An Australian man has, according to a British Web site called Megastar,married his television. The twice-divorced, 42-year-old man says,
”MyTV gives me countless hours of pleasure without fussing, fighting orbackchat. So I feel I’m better off marrying it rather than anotherdamn woman. One day it just came to me in a thunderbolt — mytelly’s the best companion I’ve ever had. This is one wife who won’tnag me.”
BEVERLY HILLS BIKE SHOW–This year, Craig Germeroth is in charge of a charity bike show on March 18at the Beverly Hills Mercedes dealership. So far we have about 20 HamsterBikes coming, including Arlen’s newest bikes. There will be tons of press and lots of high-dollar spectators.Otis Chandler is bringing bikes and cars.
This is the 7th year of the show.If it goes well, it will be by invitation only within two years. Many of thecars are worth over $1 million.
We alsowill need some judges. Booths are only $500. Bike entries are $30. Craig’s cell phone number is (818) 399-4242, if you have any questions, or you can e-mail him at lahamster@aol.com.
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