Welcome Back–for another exciting episode of Bikernet Weekly News. It?s been a busy week for both Bandit and I, but the good news is we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things are looking good at Primedia , i.e., Hot Bike, Hot Rod Bike and Street Chopper numbers are in and so far, so good.
The new issue of Hot Rod Bikes is hitting the mailboxes of subscribers and soon to hit your local mag. pick-up place. Check out the attitude of Russell Mitchell on the cover and in Hot Bike.

As for Street Chopper, all I can say is, good job guys! But don?t take my word for it, you can subscribe and see for yourselves.

The news is good, but a little short. Next weekend is the Indy Dealer show then that?s it, bring on the fun events. Daytona around the corner and East Coast habitants can head south defrost. OK, here?s the news–

BIKERNET MODEL OF THE WEEK–My name is Livia. I live just south of Roanoke Virginia but I travel to a lot of the car and bike shows with my cousin Sam Dixon who is a photographer and shot all the photos I am sending. He’s been helping me get started and has been helping me get out there where people can see my photos.
I am most commonly available in Florida, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina, however if I know ahead of time that a shoot is somewhere else I can most likely get there. I’ll be at all the major bike shows this year… Laughlin, Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona and a few others incase you have any shoots at the events.
Anyone who?s seriously interested can contact us for Livia?s email address.

PROFESSIONALS–A biker walks into a bar. He sees a good looking, smartly dressedwoman perched on a bar stool.
He walks up behind her and says, “Hi there good looking, how’s itgoing?”
Having already had a few power pops, she turns around, faces him,looks him straight in the eye and says, “Listen Buddy! I’ll screwanybody, anytime, anywhere, your place, my place, it doesn’t matter.I’ve been doing it ever since I got out of college. I just flat loveit.”
He says, “No kidding, I’m a lawyer too! What firm are you with?”

CHOPPERS BUILDERS HANDBOOK–Hey Bandit check out this guy’s site.
I was searching for info on building a frame table and stumbled across this gold mine of chopper building info. I don’t know if he”l allow you to share it with your readers but it might be worth asking him. He sounds like a guy who is happy to share his knowledge and experiences with anyone who is interested.
Nick Roberts

THE MONKEY AND THE LIZARD– A monkey is sitting in a tree smoking a joint when a lizard walks past and looks up and says to the monkey “hey! what are you doing?”
The monkey says “smoking a joint, come up and have some.”
So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they have a few joints.
After a while the lizard says his mouth is ‘dry’ and is going to get a drink from the river.
The lizard is so stoned that he leans too far over and falls into the river.
A Crocodile sees this and swims over to the lizard and helps him to the side, then asks the lizard, “what’s the matter with you?”
The lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting smoking a joint with the monkey in the tree, got too stoned and then fell into the river while taking a drink.
The crocodile says he has to check this out and walks into the jungle, finds the tree where the monkey is sitting, finishing a joint, and he looks up and says “hey you!”
The Monkey looks down and says “daaaaaaam dude…….how much water did you drink?!!”
Chris T.

MUD WRESTLING–Good thing she didn?t go to Bike Week. She would be in Big Trouble.You would think they would give her some slack for being in Iraq.
Guard member demoted for mud-wrestling party. A female member of a National Guard military police unit was demoted for indecent exposure after a mud-wrestling party at the Army-run Camp Bucca detention center in Iraq, a military spokes man said Sunday.
The party occurred Oct. 30, as the 160th Military Police Battalion, an Army Reserve Unit from Tallahassee, prepared to turn over its duties to the Asheville, N.C.-based 105th Military Police Battalion. In the course of the transfer of duties, ?some individuals in their exuberance decided to put together a mud-wrestling thing,? Johnson said Sunday.

RIDE GUIDE TO AMERICA–Written by motorcyclists for motorcyclists, this enriching travel guide is the perfect companion for enthusiasts who understand that the destination is just a good excuse for planning another perfect journey.
The new ?Ride Guide? features more than 35 special trips spread across the United States, from California?s Big Sur Highway to the awesome Rocky Mountains through the Texas Hill Country and Virginia?s Shenandoah Valley to Maine?s rocky shoreline. These are favorite rides from popular motojournalists like Clement Salvadori, Greg Frazier, Bill Kresnak, Lance Oliver, Grant Parsons, Marty Berke, Dale Coyner, Neal Davis, and Bruce Hansen, all brought together in one book to be read for inspiration and referred to for trip planning details.
Each recommended route is brought to life with full-color photos of the attractions along the way?scenic vistas, oddities, and must-see places. Topographical maps show the highs and lows of each ride and easy-to-follow point-to-point directions project distances and keep you on track with just a glance. All of the trips are designed to accommodate various riding styles, from sightseeing two-up travelers to sport riders running the curves and polishing their skills.
Also included are some of the best travel articles from American Motorcyclist magazine. Tips on packing, touring, and riding well offer seasoned advice. And, a helpful resource directory of equipment suppliers lets you find quickly what you need to make your next trip complete and enjoyable. Life is short. Buy this book and get on the road to see the best of this wonderful country of ours.
Sftbd., 6 x 9 in., 288 pages, color. Copies are available at your local bookstore, dealer, or directly from the publisher:
Whitehorse Press
107 East Conway Road
Center Conway, NH 03813-4012

TEXANS? BEWARE–News about a recent Road Block – it’s very important for all Texas riders to read this report and be informed as to who you need to contact immediately if you witness any similar stops being made in your area.. ~Suds
Message from Fast Eddie, Gryphons MC Prospect…
Last week there was a Road Block on the northbound side of 1382, between I-20 & hwy 67. There were also cars being stopped on southbound side. It was broadcast on radio (102.1) and alot of motorists were calling in to report this roadblock. The cars that were seen working this road block were Cedar Hill PD & Dallas County and alot of unmarked plain white police vehicles. On my way to work last week, between 7:45 &:15 during rush hour traffic, Dallas County had the nerve to block one of the main veins from I-20 to 67.. on 1382.. to do a drivers license & insurance check. They were not checking everyone, it was a random check. also known as profiling. They didn’t check mine since I was in a company vehicle so they were probably sure my info would be up to date. To begin with morning rush hour traffic is very bad timing, when you’re already running late for work. Second, the location where they chose to do the pullover is in the middle of construction where it’s impossible turn around. At this point on 1382, the median is at least a football field wide. Traffic was backed up for miles. This was not the first time they have done this. I witnessed other incidents such as this on several other occasions within the last year. Another incident I witnessed within the last month is a different kind of set-up on the southbound side of 1382. They set up a string of about 6 police cars in a row on the southbound shoulder of the road.. then one officer will stand watching the traffic & checking inspection stickers of cars passing by. Then he will radio to the cars on stand-by to go after any expired stickers. This had nothing to do with drinking and driving and was a major hassle to get through.
message from Big Kid, Gryphons MC, TX COC…
This biker’s story has been a good an example of the freedoms that we are losing. We need to put a stop to all stops without probable cause. Whether it be profiling of individuals on a free and open roadway or bills in Austin like HB-50, the Road block bill. The RB bill will give law enforcement the right to set up and detain Am citizens all across the great state of Tex without justification or probable cause. If you’r tired of losing your freedoms, as i am, when you see one of these unconstitutional roadblocks Please notify your area COC officers or TMRA2 member immediately. When calling in please include these details.. car number, city, badge number….
We all need to stand vigilant to put an end to these unconstituional stops. If we don’t stand up for freedom, who will.
Big Kid
Gryphons MC
Texas Conf of Cubs DFW Region Vise Chair

NEW 3-D FLAME SHEET METAL FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON FAT BOY–Embossed Fenders and Tank are Primed for Custom Painting
MILWAUKEE (December 29, 2004) ? Take a custom Harley-Davidson Fat Boy to a new level with 3-D Embossed Flame Sheet Metal from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories. The steel fuel tank, front fender and rear fender have a flowing flame design that?s embossed in the initial stamping process to create a raised, three-dimensional surface with a clean, smooth edge that?s ready for custom painting. All three pieces are coated with factory primer.

The 3-D Embossed Flame fuel tank (P/N 61663-05, $699.00) fits 2001 and later fuel injected Softail models (except FXSTDI) and 2004 and later carbureted Softail models (except FXSTD). The 3-D Embossed front fender (59636-05, $199.00) and rear fender (59629-05, $199.00) fit 2000 and later FLSTF/I Fat Boy models.

FOUR CORNERS RALLY IN THE ROCKIES–It is time once again to begin planning for the upcoming rally season. Four Corners Rally in the Rockies would like to welcome back past attendees, and invite those of you who have yet to discover THE rally for labor day weekend. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read some of the rave reviews printed by the the many magazines that attended who have all dubbed us one of the best rallies in the country. Ask anyone who has come our area and I’m sure many will agree that the riding simply doesn’t come any better! And this year we will have even more events, even better entertainment and an even bigger beer tent. It’s huge in fact. And once again our vendors will be sold out to enhance your shopping pleasure.
There are a few changes we need to announce. First of all, we are going to limit our “all inclusive” tickets to 5,000. As some of you know, we kept running out of T-shirts last year, and this will eliminate a lot of headaches for both you and us. Obviously with that limit we WILL sell out of them. This means you need to order early. Secondly, due to the enormous amount of people camping, we will be reserving camp spaces for a nominal fee. This is good news for those who need to know that you are guaranteed a spot, as camping disappeared at an alarming rate last year. But, you have to have an “all inclusive” arm-band to camp. Did we mention you need to order early?
We hope that you are as excited as we are about the 2005 gathering and wish to express our gratitude to those who have made it what it is and what it’s becoming. This means you. We truly could not have asked for more enthusiasm and support. Help us keep the dream alive, a major rally run by bikers for bikers. Check the website for ordering info and updates as our plans firm up. http://www.rallyintherockies.com. If you need rooms, please call early, rooms go fast!!!! Call 866-to-rally for rooms.
Hope to see you soon,
Four Corners Rally in the Rockies
Continued On Page 2