February 02, 2006 Part 1


10th logo Banner

For those of you who start your day at 4:00am–why? I had to drive Bandit to the airport today; we left at 5:00am and I am suffering. Instead of jumping back in bed, I woke the roomies living below us and dragged them out to breakfast with me. Here it is only 11:00am and I?m ready to call it a day. The news looms before me like a dark cloud threatening what should be a day to goof off, no Head Honcho in the house. I?ll get it done, but tomorrow and until Sunday, I?m taking it easy.

As I mentioned, Bandit is headed to Cincinnati for the V-Twin Dealer show and hopefully comes back with a ton of new things to talk about, besides women.

Enjoy the news–


DAVID UHL PAINTS ONE FOR THE LADIES–Celebrated licensed Harley-Davidson fine artist, David Uhl, has just released the latest painting in his “Women of Harley” series this one entitled Ruth. It’s been almost two years since his last “Women of Harley” painting, Rose, was introduced. Ruth comes after much anticipation and is now part of the exclusive collection consisting of Ruby, Betty, Pearl, and Rose.

“Ruth” is based on an artistic interpretation of a real person named Ruth Helm, a WASP (Women’s Airforce Service Pilots), who lived through those war years and is still around to talk about it. This 1943 rendition of a scene with her on Avenger field in Sweetwater, Texas, depicts her just after landing her war bird and preparing for a scoot on her terrestrial thrill machine, a 1940 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead EL bobber.

The P-51 Mustang represents one of the many WW II airplanes she is qualified to pilot and “It’s About Time” inscribed on the plane reflects the long-awaited recognition of the WASP for their contribution to the war effort.

Visit www.art-inc.biz.

russell r. lady in blk

From Russell R.

Hey Tim–Harley Davidson of Louisville just changed hands. The new owners are H-D Dealers from Bowling Green, KY and from the looks of their Bowling Green store they are going to be a breath of fresh air for those of us who live in Louisville. The previous owner was one of the worst profiteers I’ve ever seen. He added almost 25% to the price of every bike he sold, wouldn’t take orders for new bikes, and in general was a major dick. The other dealer in Louisville is cut from the same cloth.It’s impossible to get good service from either of them so most of the people around Louisville wind up taking their bikes to independent shops. If the new owners do the right thing they can get the H-D riders in Louisville back in the shop.

I personally went to Barnette’s in Texas for my 2000 FXST and then to Jim Bailey’s in Fort Wayne Indiana for my ’03 Roadglide. Both dealers treated me like they wanted my business and did everything right including, Jim took my order and sold me the bike for MSRP.

I received a call from the headhunter working for the new owners a week or so ago and there have been a couple of ads in the local paper looking for new staff. It looks like they plan to completely overhaul their new dealership and the staff.

Wally Z.


GEROTOR OIL PUMPS ARE BACK–Check the tech and specs in our tech department. The Devil installed it at Lucky Devil’s Metal Works in Houston.

Bros Club

GOVERNMENT ATTACKS THE BIKER KINGDOM–We need to send this out to others , and let our representatives hearfrom us about this upcoming article from the EPA , that it is unfair ,and unjustified . The government wants to attack the Motorcyclerealm , they’ve tried through the homeland security position with lawsthat could evade your rights to privacy , lead to prosecutions underridiculous accusations. Now they’re trying a new angle to strip awayrights , with a new set of laws to enforce , which give them otheravenues of pursuit . Motorcycles only make up less than .05 -1 % ofemissions while industries , and auto manufacturers still violate andproduce harmful emissions, with minor fines, or are allowed to continuewith less restraints because of money. Let’s be heard .

Motorcycle Riders Foundation
236 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Suite 510
Washington, DC 20002-4980
202-546-0983 (voice)
202-546-0986 (fax)
http://www.mrf.org (website)

woman rider logo

New Online Magazine About Women & Motorcycling Launches–WomenRidersNow.com designed to appeal to all riders.January 30, 2006 — (Livingston, MT) — A new online magazine capitalizing on the growth and interest in the women’s motorcycling market launches live on the Internet today.

http://www.womenridersnow.com WomenRidersNow.com is a motorcycling news and information network designed to be the definitive resource for all things women and motorcycling. “It’s not just a site for women riders, it’s a site about women riders so anyone interested in learning more about the growth, power and influence of women motorcyclists will want to spend time on WomenRidersNow.com,” says Genevieve Schmitt, founder and editor of WomenRidersNow.com.

woman rider dyna

The number of women buying new motorcycles increased a whopping 36 percent since 1998 making women the fastest growing segment of motorcyclists. Women account for 10 percent of buyers of new motorcycles according to a Motorcycle Industry Council survey. “Beginning and experienced female riders need an entertaining and educational resource that speaks to their motorcycling experience,” explains Schmitt. “With industry attention now focusing on women riders there also becomes a need to provide news and information about this important market segment. WomenRidersNow.com is that resource.”

Schmitt is the owner of Women Riders Now, a marketing and consulting company. She is perhaps best known as the founding editor of Woman Rider magazine, a national all-brands quarterly publication that lasted for four years. “When Woman Rider ceased publishing, there was such an outcry from riders, both women and men, over the loss of their favorite magazine. I felt compelled to continue providing that same type of information, but on a more frequent basis. An online magazine is the best way to do that.”

To contact Schmitt for an interview, please call 406.333.4491, or email Gschmitt@womenridersnow.com.

bob brown

BIG DOG MOTORCYCLES NAMES BOB BROWN VP–With Big Dog Motorcycles Since 2003, Brown Is Ideally Suited To Help The Company Achieve The Manufacturing Goals Required To Support Its Growth

WICHITA, Kansas (January 25, 2006) – Big Dog Motorcycles??, the leader in the high-style cruiser niche and the largest manufacturer of chopper-style motorcycles in the world, has better aligned Bob Brown’s role within the company with a new title: Vice President, Manufacturing.

Brown, who joined Big Dog Motorcycles in May 2003 as its first Manufacturing Engineer, was elevated to Director of Manufacturing in December 2004. He currently manages the company’s entire manufacturing operations including frame building, powder coating, polish, paint, motors, and assembly.

Sheldon Coleman, company founder and CEO, made the announcement.”Bob’s intimate knowledge of the day-to-day operations of manufacturing motorcycles combined with his sharp business sense and long-term strategic thinking makes him a perfect choice for this senior management role,” Coleman stated. “As Big Dog Motorcycles continues to improve our processes and moves closer to our vision of building the factory for the future, Bob will be a critical leader in implementing the necessary actions that will make us the most agile and efficient manufacturer in the industry.”

American Iron

BIKERNET ON AMERICAN INDIAN RELATIONS–There once was an Indian whose given name was “Onestone.” So named because he had only one testicle. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him Onestone.

After years and years of torment, Onestone finally cracked and said, “If anyone calls me Onestone again I will kill them!” The word got around and nobody called him that any more.

Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, “Good morning, Onestone.” He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into the forest where he made love to her all day and all night. He made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion.

The word got around that Onestone meant what he promised he would do. Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away for many years. Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird’s cousin, was overjoyed when she saw Onestone. She hugged him and said, “Good to see you, Onestone.”

Onestone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he made love to her all day, made love to her all night, made love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night, but Yellow Bird wouldn’t die!

What is the moral of this story?

Come on take a guess!

And the moral is:You can’t kill two birds with one stone!

-from Art Friedman


MAJOR PLAYER IN OUR FIGHT WITH THE EPA WANTS A SUCKER PUNCH SALLY–Jeff Hennie, head of Government Relations for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation contacted Bikernet this week. “I am soon to be in the market for a new bike and am looking at Sucker Punch, Jeff said. “Do you think you could put me in touch with those guys? I am meeting with EPA next week to discuss this rule again. The results from the survey have been huge so far and that will greatly impact our influence with the EPA. Stay tuned.”

quick throttle expo flyer

KICK OFF THE SEASON WITH 2006’s HOTTEST NEW V-TWIN EXPO–Quick Throttle Magazine, the largest FREE V-Twin Motorcycle Magazine in the country is now giving our readers a place to come to GEAR UP FOR THE RIDING SEASON.

Winter months here in Southern CA are wonderful. Rain in February is the extent of it but still, riders here don’t ride in the rain. The Season truly kicks off in March and April. What better way to kick it off then at the Quick Throttle Expo 2006. Riders can buy everything they need for their bikes or buy a new bike all under one roof.

Orange County Fairgrounds hasn’t had an Expo in 5 years and we all know how much riders in the OC love shopping locally. Especially in a venue that is prepared for possible rain. We have planned the Expo over Easter weekend but not on Easter Sunday. Friday is a holiday for some and most will have family visiting with nothing for the family to do.

Dads will have the opportunity to look at and buy motorcycles or accessories for their own motorcycle.

Moms will have the chance to buy a bike for themselves or just some new leathers and the hottest looking clothing and accessories for their next road trip.

Kids will have an Easter Egg hunt and a petting zoo to keep them busy while mom and dad are busy spending their tax refund check. There is something for everyone!

APRIL 14th & 15th, 2006
Orange County Fairgrounds

88 Fair Drive Costa
Mesa, CA 92626

For more information on the Expo check out the mag. or go to: http://www.quickthrottlemag.com oremail us at expo@quickthrottlemag.com.

ace of spades

BIKENET NEW ERROR!–In the Thursday news Rogue goes on about a TV ad campaign promoting looking out for bikes?It’s screening in the UK mate, not in Australia.We don’t have a DFT here either. it’s the RTA here.

AUSTRALIA URGES MOTORISTS TO LOOK FOR BIKERS– TV ads will urge motorists to look out for bikes. The Department for Transport’s ‘THINK! Take longer to look for bikes’ campaign starts on 30th January and is car Vs. motorcycle but the same logic also applies to cyclists.

–Laterz: jaq.

Custom Chrome Banner

CUSTOM CHROME TO LAUNCH NEW APPAREL LINE AT V-TWIN EXPO– Custom Chrome’s all new apparel line, HIGHWAY ONE, will be released at the V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati, February 4-6.

Lee Block, Brand Manager for the apparel line, will be on hand at the Custom Chrome booth #548 throughout the weekend to answer any questions. He will also be presenting 15 minute seminars on Saturday and Sunday at 11:00, 1:00 and 3:00 each day.


BIKERNET READER LOOKING FOR USED OR CHEAP RIGID FRAME–I need an old school frame bad. It’s my first project bike and need a frame to start.

–Christoper Nicholas

It’s mandatory under the Bikernet Code of The West that we find a brother a frame. Help him out.–Bandit


SENIOR CITIZEN PLEA–I am a senior citizen. During the Clinton Administration I had an extremely good and well paying job.

I took numerous vacations and had several vacation homes.

Since President Bush took office, I have watched my entire life change for the worse.

I lost my job.

I lost my two sons in that terrible Iraqi War.

I lost my homes.

I lost my health insurance.

As a matter of fact I lost virtually everything and became homeless.

Adding insult to injury, when the authorities found me living like an animal, instead of helping me, they arrested me.

I will do anything that Senator Kerry and Senator Kennedy want to insure that a Democrat is back in the White House come next year.

Bush has to go.


Saddam Hussein

BULLSHIT LAW MAY STRIKE NEW YORK–24″ Seat Height – They’re coming for you.Was reading the new laws listed on ABATE website for New York that are being considered. This one “address listed below” would require the saddle height of a bike to be a minimum if 24″ high. I went done to measure my rigid ’50 Pan and I’m safe only because I got a Bates style seat with seat springs! If I put the seat on the frame I’d be breaking the law.

I can just hear it now some mealy mouthed fuckin’ liberal trying to control what I ride! The author of the bill is this guy Harvey Weisenberg. He sites the pocket bikes for his concern but you know they are coming for us. http://assembly.state.ny.us/leg/?bn=A01073

Go to this website http://www.longislandabate.org/legislation.html and read all the other shit these assholes have planned for us except the one where they increase the handlebar height to shoulder length of the rider. There is one that would increase the fine for loud exhaust from $100 to a wopping $700!!! You think this new EPA laws are coming down because they are concerned about the environment? Ya right, there coming for you!!!!

I don’t know how many of these stupid fuckin laws they actually pass per year but these assholes pass this shit cause most people (cagers) point there finger at us and say “oh that looks dangerous” or “I’d like to nudge that biker over there with my car” that’s coming from the mouth of the Mayor of Myrdle Beach, SC.

— Weasel

lady illo rwb

Continued On Page 2

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