Continued From Page 3

NEW FORGE-TEC WHEELS RELEASED THIS WEEKEND–Just wanted to remind all of you to stop by the Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories Booth #270 to check out their incredible new product line. 13 styles will be introduced in Cincinnati, all in a wide variety of popular sizes and applications, with matching rotors, pulleys and sprockets. All wheels go out shipped with the rotors and pulley attached and torqued to OEM specs which eliminates a lot of guess work for you the dealer and ensures that wheels arrive to all Forge-Tec Motorcycle customers in perfect condition.

Currently, Forge-Tec Motorcycle is making complete wheels for Big Bear Choppers (their own designs), American Performance Cycles/APC, Swift Motorcycle Company and Hellbound Steel Motorcycles, just to name a few. Forge-Tec has also “joined” forces with world renowned builder, Kim Suter of KC Creations who has designed a line wheels called the Diamond 3D Series.
–Rick Raus
V-Twin Marketing

ABATE OF COLORADO FIGHTS HOUSE BILL 07-1117 Minors Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Use– HB-1117 is titled as: “Concerning The Requirement That A Protective Helmet Be Worn By A Person Under Eighteen Years Of Age During The Operation Of Certain Motor Vehicles”, introduced in the House 01/15/2007 ABATE of Colorado has always supported Freedom of Choice and the discretion of the motorcyclist as to the wearing of helmets, and opposition to outright regulation – this may also include the issue of parental guidance authority for risk management for children/minors. As knowledge of the introduction of the bill has become further known among motorcyclists, a great deal of the sentiment proffered has been “Well, that’s just for the kids and doesn’t affect me!”
This first thinking represents flawed evaluation; consider the following:
Identifying the Threat:1) This bill would create a NEW subsection in the Colorado Revised Statutes – one that DOES NOT EXIST NOW: 42-4-1502 (4.5) Riding on Motorcycles – protective helmet. The “protective helmet” subsection creates a regulatory action title, which (while the language under the subsection refers only to minors at this time) opens the door for expansion, amendment, and modification to the extent of becoming a “universal, all-rider” mandatory helmet law in the future.
2) This bill also requires mandatory helmet use, by minors, for motorized bicycles by creating a NEW subsection under C.R.S. 42-4-109 (6.5)
3) Bill requires DOT-compliant helmets under FMVSS 218
4) This bill represents an incremental step for mandatory helmet use
5) This bill, beyond its’ initial scope, could be amended ANYTIME during committee hearings or the floor voting process, to further include adults.
What happens and what is a likely scenario? Concerned citizens/the public and organizations/lobbyists may testify or comment before the committee, either in support of or in opposition to the bill. Considering that it is known at the capitol that motorcyclists have had an historically strong lobby against helmet laws, it is probable that Ms. Primavera knows this through her colleagues and has “lined up” considerable support and testimony for her bill. This may include, but is not limited to, representatives of the Brain Injury Center, Children’s Hospital, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, emergency personnel and trauma doctors, medical cost factors, Medicare cost factors (for the uninsured), tales of head injuries sustained by youngsters and appearances by the same, as well as other interested “safety” advocates – all of which is designed to influence the committee for a “pass” vote.
Assuming certain implications – Opposition to the bill in its entirety: A course of argument and action:
The bill sponsor and the State must clearly SUBSTANTIATE the State’s compelling interest and need, on a scale of critical-mass, to implement a regulatory action that upstages and subrogates the authority of parental teaching, education, and guidance of their children, to the State?
a. Seek justifications, of scale, requiring regulation, i.e. – motorcycling/motor-driven cycle roadway injuries to minor riders
b. Education is superior to regulation to achieve safety goals
c. Motorcycling community supports helmet use, but opposes government mandate
d. Voluntary helmet usage percentages have increased in the Western states (refer to NHTSA doc.)
The best time and place to kill a bill is in committee. Motorcyclists should, in large numbers, input their thoughts on this bill. Failure to do so represents Apathy, a Lack of Will and Resolve – it will be perceived as such in the Colorado legislature and remembered?
–from Rogue

TRIKE DEAL OF THE WEEK-FOR SALE– couldn’t think of anything cheap and simple that would lookgood, so I thought , it’s red, how about Radio Flyer. Everybody elsehas a theme bike. I need to send them a picture to show what I didwith that wagon, I still have the wheels and stuff.

LOOKIN’ FOR WE PETTY’S PALS–Hey thanks for your time, my dad rode and lived in the St. louis area but was killed by a drunk driver in ’83 while ridin down Highway 21. His name was Wes Petty. I found his friends a few years back but can’t now. They are the only chance I had at pictures of my father. They were going to get them together and never did. They had a place with a shrine to my dad called the Goon Saloon in the High Ridge, Arnold Missouri area.
If you could put this on your site, I would greatly appreciate it. If you decide that you can, I’ll gladly send you my contact info. Thanks again for your time and a bitchin website.
Bolton Crew

BELT DRIVE COVERS WITH INTERCHANGEABLE FACE PLATES– Check out these extremely cool BILLET BELT DRIVE COVERS and FACE PLATES recently introduced Pro-One. Precision machined from 6061-T6 billet aluminum and finished in Pro-One’s show quality chrome or flawlessly black anodized, the new covers can be fit with any one of a number of billet face plates machined with custom designs. Mix or match to accent you machine’s personality and style. Covers install with hidden hardware while face plates are secured with mini, flush mount Allen head screws. Easily and quickly change the look of your Pro-One, Roadmax, Primo or BDL belt drive with one or several of these unique covers and interchangeable face plates. For complete details call 800-884-4173 or visit

MC ADVANTAGES BRINGS RIDING INSIDE WITH MFX FAUCETS–MC Advantages is proud to announce their exclusive distribution of the MFXDesigner Motorcycle Faucet. This high-end plumbing fixture is designed fordiscriminating motorcycle enthusiasts who crave the wind in their hair andan adrenaline rush with a twist of the throttle all year round.
The MFX Designer Motorcycle Faucet features the conversation-starting shapeof a V-Twin cruiser tank and handlebars. The unit features triple chromeplating, solid brass construction and ceramic disc valves that will help itlast a lifetime. The removable inset tank medallions can also be replacedwith a custom engraved piece to set it apart as one-of-a-kind. The faucetcan be used in the kitchen, bathroom or wet bar. We’ve even seen it set upas a beer tap!
Get your MFX faucet today from your local MC Advantages dealer, or purchasefrom a dealer near you on MC Advantages’ Dealer-Driven Web Shop at . MSRP of $799.00
MC Advantages

ATTENTION FELLOW VIRGINIA FREEDOM FIGHTERS– “Efforts to repeal a state law requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets [in Virginia] are taking a new twist this year. Rather than take the helmet law off the books, opponents are trying to water it down.
HB2585 would allow bikers to forgo helmets on state scenic highways. On all other roads, police would be banned from stopping bikers for not wearing helmets.
They could only cite a cyclist for not wearing a helmet if he or she was stopped for another driving offense, such as speeding.
HB3077 would reduce the maximum $250 penalty for driving without a helmet to$25 and make it a civil offense that does not assess demerit points against the cyclist’s driving record.”
Virginia is requesting your out of state help with HB 2585 (Allows riders the choice of whether or not to wear a helmet on roads designated Virginia Scenic Byways). Full text of the bill can be found here: Please write our Delegates and let them know that you would spend your tourism in Virginia if allowed to choose whether or not to wear a helmet on Virginia’s beautiful scenic Byways. As always, please be courteous – we are looking pretty good on this bill, but feel the extra incentive of tourism dollars will be beneficial. –from Rogue MORE ON ASSALT WEAPAN ATTEMPT BY BIKERNET– It sounds like you are planning to run the Pan in altered and run without a faring, but you might consider a faring and bodywork to run APS too. A few years ago Scott Guthrie ran several back to back runs on a 200 mph Suzuki Hayabusa with and without the faring and body work at the Maxton mile. They discovered the bodywork was worth 14 mph at Maxton, so it should be worth even more at Bonneville. Airtech built sharp body for Wink Eller’s 200 mph Bonneville Harley. It’s on the Airtech website under the harley tab. Might be worth a look. –Rick We’re running in the open bike class this go-around.–Bandit 360-HUB BRAKE SINGLE SIDED SWINGARM–Check this out. Just recently the Baldwin-Wilson Development Corporation announced the release of the revolutionary “360 Brake.” Now look what has followed it up. A single sided swing arm application that comes complete and ready to weld to your swing arm. Incredible stopping power and the clean look the “360 Brake” is Known for. –Chet Burozski DAYTONA BEACH SPACE–Have you reserved your booth for Daytona Bike Week yet??? Well what areyou waiting for??? Space is going fast and more importantly Hotel spaceis very hard to find?but we have rooms reserved for our Vendors…attheir cost of course. Bike Week is being “Revolutionized.” If you are planning on setting up a display or vending space at BikeWeek 2007 Daytona Beach, FL you have to know what the Metric Revolutionhas planned. We have joined teams with Wyotech College located next toBruce Rossmeyer’s Harley Davidson. This location known as”Destination Daytona” has steadily grown over the past couple of yearsand is now the single largest venue during Bike Week and Biketoberfest. During Bike Week 07 we are turning Wyotech’s property into”The Metric Experience.” This will prove to be one of the most excitingvenues during Bike Week this year. Don’t miss your opportunity to getyour space at this location. EVENT AREA MAP: For more information please reply to this email or give me a call atthe number below.If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please reply tothis email and type REMOVE in the subject line. Milton Campis BILLY LANE’S BUILDERS’ BREAKFAST HITS DAYTONA–The 1st Annual Builders Breakfast made history last August in Sturgis with over 500 people attending the event and 29 of the world’s most recognizable builders. Due to overwhelming demand, beginning this March, there will be a Builders Breakfast held in Daytona during Spring Bike Week and Sturgis during the Rally as well. Dates and Events are as follows: Builders Breakfast Daytona For more info on Boggy Creek visit: Builders Breakfast Sturgis Times and ticket information will be posted at by week’s end. BIKE OF THE WEEK!2001 HARLEY DYNA LOW RIDERONLY $9,995.00!–A Harley for under $10K??? This is your opportunity of a lifetime! This beautiful 2001 Dyna Low Rider features a 95-inch Screamin’ Eagle motor upgrade ($5K in power plant enhancements) with Screamin’ Eagle Cylinder heads, tons of chrome, 2 into 1 exhaust system, passenger pegs, backrest and much, much more. Low miles and brilliant yellow paint with pin striping round out the package. Seriously, this 2001 Dyna won’t last long … the last bike deal we put up sold in less that 15 minutes! Call (714) 490-0155 now. AVON TYRE QUESTION OF THE WEEK–What about fix-O-Flat sprays. Is it cool? Will it throw a tire out of balance. What about that green mung tire fix? Avon does not recommend the use of any liquid material to repair or prevent flats. This can cause degradation of the inner liner along with corrosion to the wheel. It is also nasty stuff for the dealer to have to clean off during a tire change. This type of temporary repair can adversely affect the tire’s material layers and hide damage to the tire caused by a nail or other object. And most importantly the use of these products can create a heavy spot where it adheres to the inner liner of the tire and throw the tire “out of balance” which will cause handling problems. This could even cause tire failure and an accident if the sealant fails. –Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.) Continued On Page 5
Sales and Marketing Director
Baldwin Wilson Development Corp.
1531 E. Northfield Dr.
Brownsburg, IN 46112
W. (317)852-7867
C. (317)370-0920
F. (317)858-9287
Senior Account Representative
Multi-Media Marketing and Production, Inc
20283 State Road 7 Suite 400
Boca Raton, FL 33498
561-482-9370 ext 2042
Fax 561-482-9371
WEDNESDAY 3-7-07 held at Destination Daytona
Located at I-95 & US 1/Exit 273
Ticket Sales Benefit Boggy Creek
Tuesday August 7th, 2007
Broken Spoke Saloon on Lazelle Street
Sales Manager, North America
Hoppe & Assoc. (Avon Tyres)
800 624-7470 toll free
425-771-2115 phone
425-771-4246 fax (check this site for promotions)