The 2004 Easyriders tour rolled into Houston, Texas and the George R. Brown convention center readied to party on Saturday. A least that is when the event was scheduled, the mayhem that follows this tour as it makes it way across the nation began falling into place Thursday night. This year’s tour was making stops in Philadelphia, Indianapolis, San Diego, Houston & Atlanta. Traveling along was the Easyriders Centerfold Tour with custom creations being displayed by builders such as Billy Lane, Kendall Johnson, Indian Larry, Paul Yafee, Rick Fairless and others.

Seeing how this years event was being held in their own backyard, the Lucky Devil Metal Works road crew having shorter distances to travel, decided to show off more Metal Mastery from the shop. Due to a previously scheduled event I arrived at the Lucky Devil security perimeter a day early and was promptly greeted by “CycoBilly Hank” a recently adopted pit bull found wondering the streets and currently being used to keep the Devil’s deepest, darkest secrets hidden until the proper viewing time. And mainly just because he like to eat things…people, small cars, trailer tires. It’s all good to Hank!

First thing I notice is Franks bike “Jessica” sitting outside with no fuel tank, hum? As I delved farther into the bowels of the devils workshop I then stumbled upon the Texas Chop Off bike with no rear wheel, and Lucky Devil 001, the Devil’s first production bike, bloodied and bruised carcass just sitting there. Many of her parts, either laying around her or just plain gone! Granted I don’t own my own bike shop, but isn’t the concept to put them together? Especially if they are all entered in a bike show the next day?

Since this was not my problem I inquired as to the status of Friday night’s party? Kent and one of his customers who recently purchase a bar, more or less within stumbling distance of the Lucky Devil shop, had decided to have a party! The LD crew even invited the builders, vendors and such from the ER tour to come by and unwind after getting set up. Even so far supplying a 15-passenger van to deliver them to the party, so that having fun would not be an issue. Being that the Devil himself already informed me we had to take Joe T’s Triumph up in the morning, EARLY, I decided to behave. At least that was the plan.

By the time we made our way to the convention center, Bongo, the newest Lucky Devil fabricator was already there wiping down the bikes. Could have sworn I saw him at last night’s party? It’s great being young, sleep is not as important. Being as it was hours before the doors would open, I decided to get my bike shots taken without having to fight the crowds, this would leave more time to stalk my favorite photographic subjects, Cute Girls!

This plan, while good in theory, had some flaws due to the fact that many of the builders were still cleaning, shining and polishing. So a new plan was needed; I know! Deliver message from Bikernet CEO to Easyriders event promoter John Green, which should be easy. Once accomplished it was back to the bike images.

As you entered the GRB, the show goers were greeted by Indian Larry’s bike, followed closely by Dave Mann’s bike. They were not flashy displays; just reminders of some of those we lost this year.

Many of the well-known builders were there, as well as some you may not have heard of yet. But believe me, you will. I was impressed with the number of new builders on hand. The bike that took 1st place, Best of Show in the Judged category was a first time builder and a Lucky Devil creation took a 3rd place honor in the V-Twin Custom, Spectator Class. So far the folks at Lucky Devil are 3 for 3 taking home some recognition from the last 3 ER shows.

The Purrfect Angles were doing their part throughout the day to have fun, when they were not on the stage dancing and showing off the latest in ER apparel. They could be found signing calendars or just making the rounds. There was music supplied by The Guppies from Outer Space, as well as the Satisfaction, a Rolling Stones tribute band.

A twist to the entire event was the Discovery channel. Seems Houston was the final destination in a build-off between Kendall Johnson and Eddie Trotta, having began their journey some 800-miles away in the boarder town of El Paso. Now if you’ve ever made the journey down I-10 from El Paso to Houston, you know it is not the most scenic place in this great state. At least it wasn’t July or August. Nothing adds more to a long ride of nothingness, then 100+ degree heat.

Due to miscommunication on the time I had, I wandered up stairs to get a few shots from a bird’s eye view. The announcement was made that the builders were entering the building! By the time I made my way back downstairs to the rear of the exhibit hall the crowd had gather so tightly around the builders, you couldn’t have pried open a gap with the jaws-of-life. I tried the trick you see news photojournalist on TV doing, holding the camera above the crowd and firing away. If you need some pictures of the tops and backs of heads I’m your man.

Oh well, its early the event isn’t over till 10:00pm, still plenty of time. I’m sure they don’t even announce the winners till the evening. As the day wore on, I experienced a camera equipment malfunction (forgot to purchase batteries for flash) so I was off on a road trip to solve this technical issue. It was during this journey that apparently the winner (Trotta) was announced. By the time I returned bike was gone, trophy was gone and Trotta was gone! What the hell? I know they were sitting here when I left.

Of course every good bike show needs a pretty young trophy girl. Since one had yet to be found there had to be a contest. Once the field of lovely ladies had been narrowed down to the final two, there needed to be some sort of event to show who wanted this honor more? Being this is Texas and we couldn’t have a quick draw or shooting contest, the next best option was decided. A beer chugging contest to determine whom this great honor would be bestowed upon. The winner would place her empty beverage holder upon the top of her head. This would thereby ensure the cup was empty!

The day continued with more stalking of cute girls and meeting folks, like Billy Tinney, ER photographer extraordinaire. He told me Bandit gave him his job at Easyriders some many, many, many, many years ago.

As the evening was winding down and the crowds were beginning to thin, I started to notice these pockets of folks gathered throughout the GRB center. My first thought was it must be nekked or semi nekked girls. Yea nothing I like more then cute girls, Except Nekked Ones! However that was not the reason for these small packs of hooligans, it was due to Billy Lane making his way throughout the show. Seems Billy was doing the spectator thing stopping for pictures and such with some of the latest up and comers in the industry.

It was finally time for the bike show awards to be handed out in the Spectator and Judged categories. Not having the assistance of the assistant, a.k.a. Vanna, to help with recording the names and such of the winners, I located an alternative assistant passed out under a table in the corner. FYI this is not your best choice. Lets just say folks won, folks didn’t, but we all had one hell of a good time!
Rigid, all you were sent to do was find out who the winners were. You’re fired.

Till Next Time
Rigid Frame Richard