I’ve been looking for a catch phrase to define folks, who blame anything on Climate Change caused by your mom’s SUV. So far folks came up with pseudo-science and alarmist. I thought about history and the story of the boy who cried “Wolf.” But how about doomsday proponents, when we should be having the time of our lives.

I watched a documentary about vitamins recently. This Australian scientist tried to give us broad knowledge about the vitamin industry, the pros and cons. During this program he explained that about 2/3s of all vitamins are made from Fossil Fuels. The Doomsday screamers think we can quit the evil oil industry when 90 percent of everything is built with fossil fuels including my computer, many medical devices, tools, kitchen appliances, you name it.

To me the bottom line is freedom and dancing in the streets where we should be.  It’s a good one, don’t miss it.


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