Bike Features


  The National Motorcycle Museum thrives on relationships with other museums, collectors, and even pickers, like Mike Wolfe, star of American Pickers. Motorcycles and memorabilia loaned for exhibit is how the Museum stays fresh and interesting, always bringing you something new. John Parham, president of the Museum asked Mike to put the bike on display,


Halia Racer by AFT Feature

This is maybe the third AFT bike Bikernet featured, mostly because of the quality craftsmanship, unique concepts, and ride-able styling. There’s also a religious counterpart to this strange equation. Jim Giuffra, the boss of AFT, and his wife, came up with a crazy notion to recruit young, hot-looking girls, who might want to learn a

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Down Under Softail

Classy.Stylish. Tasteful. Refined. These are but a few of the adjectives that come tomind while eyeballing this svelte chic who goes by the name of Haley. Oh, andthe bike’s not bad either. In the twoshort years since Blair Freeth opened Adelaide Bike Works the company has gonefrom strength to strength, with mechanical repairs, servicing motorcycles

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U.S. Chopper Board Track Panhead

This is an amazing vintage-styled bike with an equallyamazing story behind the build. Rick Krost developed a special board trackplatform eight years ago, after building bobbers, and restored bikes for acouple of decades. He had a plan, a vintage notion for a product line ofcomponents designed around his board track platform.   He developed this

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850 Norton for Sale

Editor’s Note: This is an interesting diversion. MaryLou Brewton flashed this for sale feature into the Bikernet Headquarters just before Christmas 2011. According to Hugo Wilson, Motorcycle Encyclopedia, Nortons were built prior to 1908 with Clement, Peugeot, and JAP motors. In 1908 they introduced their first production engine, a side-valve engine available in 490 cc

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Norwegian Bobber

A Note from the Photographer: I came across this bike when I was shooting cars for a Norwegian magazine this summer. I was driving all over the west coast of Norway with my two daughters. We ran out of bread one night, and I meet Kristina by the bread shelves, in a store at 9

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Nimi’s Bonnie Is Alright

You really meet the nicest people when you start hanging around motorcycle forums. There’s always good advice to be found, if you ever find yourself in need to solve a mechanical puzzle. You can also post classified ads, find tech tips, share photos of your bike and opinions about your favorite riding destinations.    

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Editor’s Note: Prince Najar did an admirable job with this feature, but I want to bang the gong harder. This builder and his crew is a one-of-a-kind team, who build state-of-the-art customs, multiple show winners, and market their talents in the most magnificent manner. This feature demonstrates the sexy style, yet it empowers women to


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