
On one hand life is nuts and frustrating, but on the other hand it can be completely nuts but inspiring. Today is a perfect example. Hopefully the mainstream media will ultimately get it.

It’s about Climate Deniers. I’m not a scientist. I’m not a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, but the more I read, listen and watch about man-made climate change, the more I wonder who are the real deniers? Are they the guys who deny our roll in Climate Change? Are they the guys who deny the Agricultural Industry impact on our planet? Are they the peeps who deny global cooling (yes, in the early ‘80s there was a highly publicized threat)? Or are they the people who deny global warming? Or are they the folks who deny that our climate has been changing for millions of years whether we like it or not?

Wow, let’s hit the Bikernet Weekly News, which is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, Iron Trader News, Choppertown, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and

Aeromach Shipping New Solo Rack for Victory Octane

Aeromach USA, LLC, a one-man motorcycle parts manufacturer located in Charlotte, N.C., is now shipping its Tribal Solo Rack for 2017 Victory Octane motorcycles.

The Octane rack is made of ¼-inch laser-cut aluminum with steel mounting bracket. The rack is finished in flat black powder coating. All stainless steel mounting hardware is included.

“The demand for Octane parts is growing and our solo rack is one of the first parts we will be developing for this exciting new motorcycle,” says Paul Aiken, owner of Aeromach.

Retail price is $125.99 and it can be ordered at many dealers, online at, or by calling 800-990-9392.

Aeromach USA LLC

Paul E. Aiken, 800-990-9392

DO US A BIG FAVOR– We need more e-mail addresses. This is a chance to receive notices about new content on Bikernet. No, they don’t come every goddamn day, but just twice a week. IT’S FREE, just click here and fill in the blanks.



It will blow your mind. The film that changes the climate
of debate on global warming.

Concerns about man-made global warming have consumed nearly all other environmental issues as proponents claim increasing carbon dioxide will result in a global catastrophe unless nations drastically reduces emissions.

Global warming has evolved to be blamed for a range of issues beyond just rising temperatures or sea levels. Now rising CO2 emission are said to cause floods, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes and even maladies like prostitution, bar room brawls, airline turbulence and less snow or more snow, depending on the season.

More than a year in the making, Climate Hustle is now smashing onto the scene to rock the climate debate and set the record straight.

Produced by “CFACT Presents” and hosted by Climate Depot publisher Marc Morano, the film features prominent scientists from around the world who used to warn about the dangers of man-made global warming but have reexamined the evidence and have now grown more skeptical or become outright skeptics of man-made climate change fears.

The film is not a one-sided documentary with only one narrative presented. Instead, Climate Hustle comes alive to the viewer with archival video clips and news footage spanning over 40

The film presents both sides of the climate debate in an engaging and pop
culture-friendly way that walks viewers through the dire climate claims being made and examines them one by one.

Queensland new anti-biker laws passed – no club colours in public

A suite of proposed laws to replace controversial anti-biker legislation in the Australian state of Queensland has passed the state’s hung parliament.
Labor’s Serious and Organized Crime Legislation Amendment Bill passed late on Tuesday night , 44 votes to 41, with support from the two Katter’s Australian Party MPs and Independent Billy Gordon.

The laws will largely replace the Liberal National Party’s (LNP) anti-biker measures that were introduced after the now-infamous Broadbeach brawl in late 2013.

Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said the framework struck the correct balance.

“The bill delivers a reform package that is both legally robust and operationally strong,” she said.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said her party’s plan would focus on the criminality of individuals rather than the name of their club or group.

“Our laws will enable law enforcement officers to target the other forms of organised crime posing a problem in Queensland … like paedophile rings in this state, like boiler room fraudsters,” she said.

“Our laws are tougher, stronger, more robust and better able to be used by our law enforcement officers.”

Police Minister Bill Byrne said his party’s plans represented “the gold standard in consultation, transparency and intellectual rigor”.

But opposition MPs said the government’s review process was flawed because it simply questioned how existing laws could be repealed rather than examined their effectiveness.

“It was a closed shop review with a pre-determined outcome,” Maroochydore MP Fiona Simpson said.

“What a debacle.”

LNP leader Tim Nicholls defended his party’s decision to act “quickly and decisively” after bikies crossed a line.

“The bikies will be back into bat, they will be back at the crease ready to hit out again,” he warned.

For the LNP’s Tracey Davis, the impact her party’s crackdown had on catching drug dealers was pertinent.

“As a mother of a daughter who got caught up in substance abuse, methamphetamines, I will do everything and support any piece of legislation that goes towards getting drugs off our streets,” she said.

The government’s plan will increase the maximum penalties for child sex and fraud offences and replace the anti-association rule with a NSW-style consorting offence.

It will also make it illegal for club colours to be worn in any public space, rather than only in licensed premises.

The opposition’s Surfers Paradise MP John-Paul Langbroek delivered a warning to Ms Palaszczuk as he opposed the reforms.

“We’ll make Labor wear their soft on crime attitude like a crown of thorns all the way to polling day,” he said.

The laws previously received endorsement from Police Commissioner Ian Stewart as “the strongest laws that possibly exist in Australia to tackle organized crime”.

Automatic Brake Light Technology

Self-illuminating, deceleration-triggered brake lights that measure g-force and automatically light up when your vehicle slows down!

Automatic. Smart. Safe.

Motorcycles | Automobiles | H-D Trucks | Bicycles

No wiring modifications. Easy to Install.

We Exhibited at 3 Trade Shows in September & October

We had great success at the Interbike, Barber Vintage Festival. We were surprised at the level of interest, especially from international distributors. We are working now to fill those orders and ramp up production. JJ received the same response when he demonstrated the Stoptix 1157 lamps at INTERMOT and EICMA in Europe.



Publishing leader Bonnier Motorcycle Group and Motorcyclist magazine today announced the national television premiere of the episodic motorcycle series “On Two Wheels,” which will air beginning Tuesday, December 6. The acclaimed show, which has experienced strong growth in its online form, is a lifestyle and travel series highlighting the adventuresome spirit of motorcycling in various exciting locales.

The first three episodes of “On Two Wheels” will air on beIN Sports at 7:30 p.m. eastern standard time on December 6, December 13 and December 20.

What began as a monthly web show covering everything from scooters to superbikes, “On Two Wheels” has grown to a syndicated series on platforms including MSN, Yahoo!, AOL, RiderTV and YouTube, where the show has more than 125,000 subscribers. Motorcyclist produced 12 episodes of “On Two Wheels” in 2016, which will soon be available in millions of homes via the cable network beIN Sports.

Co-hosted by two of the industry’s most enthusiastic riders, Motorcyclist magazine’s Ari Henning and Zack Courts, “On Two Wheels” aims to entertain, inform and inspire riders from all corners of motorcycling. In the first episode, host Greg White (Fox/SPEED) explores Henning and Courts’ unique friendship and working relationship, before focusing on a shootout comparison between a scooter, automatic motorcycle and conventional motorcycle.

Bonnier Corp. is owned by Sweden-based Bonnier AB, a multichannel media conglomerate operating in 15 countries.

We’re looking for Frames & Sheet Metal for our February ’17 Issue Buyer’s Guide. All you have to do is submit a high res photo and a short description (120 words or less) including price and where to buy it to
This is a free media opportunity for manufacturers of Frames & Sheet Metal. The deadline is Friday, November 9th. Limit five Submissions per company.

Eat it, drink it, or burn it as fuel?

Technical Editor Kevin Cameron shares his wealth of motorcycle knowledge, experiences, insights, history, and much more.

The introduction to a book on bartending once began, referring to ethyl alcohol, “Mankind has been systematically poisoning himself for 50,000 years.” To this we can add the present controversies over E15 and higher-percentage gasoline-ethanol blends.

Plastic Ducati gas tanks have absorbed ethanol sufficient to swell, making it almost impossible to free them from the frame rails. Plastic or rubber fuel system parts can do the same, causing carburetor or fuel quantity floats to sink and possibly resulting in leakage.

Upon removing carb float bowls, we may find sludgy green deposits. Operators of passive-fuel-system engines (those that cannot automatically adjust their own mixture) say they’ve had “ethanol lean-out”, leading to overheating and seizure. How?

Ethyl alcohol contains only 2/3 as much energy per gallon as gasoline hydrocarbons do, so the more alcohol you add to motor gasoline, the leaner your mixture becomes.

With E10, the lean-out effect is 1/3 of the 10% ethanol, or 3.3% – easily covered by the safely rich condition of most street-operated carburetion. Carburetors had to be set rich enough to be safe in the coldest anticipated conditions (air density increases but fuel density remains constant, which is a lean condition), so they operated comfortably rich in warm weather.

But with E15 and higher levels of alcohol addition, the percentage of lean-out becomes greater and the cooling effect of excess fuel is lost, causing combustion temperature to rise. This is the problem of carbureted engines run on E15 and higher.

Clearly, if E15 is a pump option only, the buyer can take care to select a fuel safe for his/her vehicle. But a fear exists that availability of E15 signals a Federal trend away from fuels (E10) that are relatively safe for engines with passive fuel systems. This would imply a future in which such vehicles could be operated only on expensive specialist fuels such as racing gasoline.

There are limits to ethanol use even in the case of fuel injection. As we add ethanol, the mixture leans, but the oxygen sensor in the exhaust detects the change and enriches the mixture in proportion. Sounds good – where’s the problem?

The problem is that vehicle makers size their fuel injectors for the anticipated fuel. If the fuel changes so that greater volumes must be injected, eventually the flow limit of the injector is reached. Beyond that point, the oxy sensor, computer, and fuel system can no longer keep up with the drop in fuel energy as we add more and more ethanol. Again, the result is enleanment. To cover this possibility, vehicle manufacturers generally forbid the use of alcohol blends higher than E10.

Some vehicles are not limited in this way – the so-called ‘Flex-Fuel’ vehicles. Their fuel systems are designed to be able to cope with high-alcohol blends such as E85. The added cost of this fuel flexibility is buried in the generally higher price of such vehicles.

As you may have noticed, Flex-Fuel vehicles are often large. Normally, if a maker wants to produce a high-profit luxury SUV, which uses twice the fuel of the usual econobox, it must comply with CAFÉ standards (CAFÉ = Corporate Average Fuel Economy) by producing a great many more economical vehicles so that the average economy of that maker’s fleet averages out to meet the standard. But a deal was made; if the heavy vehicle was built as Flex Fuel (making possible operation on lower-emissions alcohol-rich blends such as E85), then 100 such heavy vehicles could legally be counted as a smaller number. Who could resist?

But wait – how did we get into adding ethanol to motor gasoline in the first place? Back in the late 1970s and early ‘80s there were hundreds of thousands of old carbureted vehicles on the nation’s highways. In their carburetors, fuel metering needles and the orifices in which they operated had worn in use, making fuel mixtures richer and increasing emissions of unburned hydrocarbons. Was there a way to fix this?

Yes there was – to dilute motor fuel (especially in smoggy urban areas) with a low-energy-content ether – MTBE. Thus began the use of so-called “oxygenated fuels.” What this term actually means is that such fuels are partially burned (that is, partially combined with oxygen), somewhat reducing their content of chemical energy.

The MTBE program began with great enthusiasm and purpose, constructing specialized plants for making the stuff. Then came a terrible blow; MTBE was not decomposed by soil bacteria as normal fuel hydrocarbons were. It persisted in ground water for long distances, appearing in drinking water. Screech, the MTBE program was quietly halted. In its place was put ethyl alcohol.

Ethanol is an excellent fuel, which strongly resists detonation. The power gain achieved on 100% alcohol (which has long been used in Australian motorcycle racing) comes not from its energy content, which is low (see above), but from its high heat of evaporation. As alcohol evaporates, it takes heat from the air with which it is mixed, refrigerating that air and increasing its density such that a greater weight of fuel/air mixture will fit into engine cylinders.

Although alcohols cause slow swelling of the familiar plastic ‘Plexiglas’, they are listed as very compatible with nitrile rubber, a common seal material. This apparent easy solution is denied us by the fact that gasolines now contain large percentages of aromatic compounds (toluene, xylene, xylidene) which are not compatible with nitrile rubber. Choice of fuel system elastomers is tricky.

Further, quoting from the Owen and Coley “Automotive Fuels Handbook”, “Methanol and ethanol are corrosive to many of the metals that are used in conventional fuel systems such as terne plating used in fuel tanks (a lead/tin coating on steel), aluminum, copper, brass, magnesium and die cast zinc. “Elastomers and plastic components can also be attacked. Carburetor and fuel gage floats are often made of plastic and have been known to swell and stick. Fiber gaskets can be softened and fuel hoses and pump diaphragms can swell or harden and crack.”

What this means is that the nature of motor gasoline should not be arbitrarily changed by government administrators without the most detailed consultation with the vehicle industry. Because motorcycles are greatly outnumbered by cars, it is possible that this consultative process may not include their manufacturers.

Why not just require all vehicles made after a certain date to be Flex-Fuel? First of all, any added system adds cost. An engine optimized for E85 would have a compression ratio too high for operation on ordinary gasoline, but with compression set at the high limit for gasoline fuel, when running on E85 we’d be throwing away some fuel economy which higher compression could have delivered. A vehicle returning a fuel mileage of 30-mpg on gasoline would deliver more like 22-mph on E85. The take-away here is that engines cannot be optimized across the range from common E10 to E85. A compromise is always present.

We have recently seen a proposal to build engines which could break this compromise – engines able to vary their compression ratio while operating. Certainly this is possible – the standard laboratory CFR knock-test engine has had this feature for seven decades – but it would add substantially to the cost, weight and complexity of engines.

The following label has been approved by EPA for placement on pumps capable of dispensing E15 fuel:

Like so many other things, the E15 controversy has acquired political aspects. Quoting from a USDA site; “Strong demand for ethanol production has resulted in higher corn prices and has provided incentives to increase corn acreage.”

Another USDA site gives figures for 2016 averaging just over 38% as the fraction of US corn now devoted to ethanol production.

You get the picture. Environmentalists are delighted at this use of corn because it satisfies their desire to see renewable energy sources replace fossil sources. The petroleum industry sees a gallon of fuel ethanol as 2/3 of a gallon of gasoline they don’t sell. A factory farming organization will naturally seek to increase the percentage of ethanol in motor gasoline. Think of being a Congressperson, deafened by the roar of all this lobbying. Is there any such thing as “right”? Or has right come to mean “what I want” while wrong means “what my opponents want”?

Still others see conversion of corn to ethanol as the institutionalizing of hunger in the form of “burning food.” Could it be, as claimed by some big-picture pundits, that the world-wide rise in food prices in part cause by conversion of corn to ethanol led to the social unrest and revolutions now referred-to as “Arab Spring?”

It’s giving me a headache. What do we do? We read and understand what it says on the pump before filling up. We write to our Congresspersons to let them know our concerns.

Happy motoring.

–By Kevin Cameron
Cycle World

–from Rogue

Bikers for Trump secure space for inauguration amid several planned protests

Groups planning to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration next month monopolized the National Park Service permits to use public spaces around Washington during the event — until Bikers for Trump showed up.

Bikers for Trump founder Chris Cox said he had to negotiate with National Park Service officials to find space for the motorcyclists because anti-Trump groups had scooped up nearly every location for their “disruption” events surrounding the Jan. 20 inauguration.

By S.A. Miller – The Washington Times

The 35,000 Troops Deployed in the Middle East Think So. Read On…

“…My name is SSG T.J., US Army. I received a care package from you all today and I can’t put into words how much it means to me and my fellow soldiers, nor can I describe the positive impact it has on the morale of my unit.

All the candy, socks, and supplies are wonderful and definitely needed but what really hits home for us are the letters. It’s easy to forget why we do what we do especially after being in the service for several years. But words like that remind us all of the reason that we raised our right hand.

Thank you to everyone involved.” – Email received on December 3, 2016

You can sponsor the shipping of Care Packages to our
Deployed Troops with your gift of $15/package.

Donate today and we will include a
beautiful card with your name and message
inside each package you sponsor.

Please join our mission to say “Thank You” and send 250,000 Care Packages this year.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

[page break]

Princeton physicist William Happer says that “if global warming were any other branch of science it would have been abandoned a long time ago.”

Climate scientists are, of course, obsessed with man’s carbon dioxide emissions. But Happer says this is essentially nonsense.

“All of the geological evidence indicates that CO2 is a minor player” in previous eras of warming, he said last week in a Climate Depot podcast. “We’ve had ice ages with 10 times more CO2 than we have today. That’s not supposed to happen, according to current computer models, but it did happen.”


An exclusive collaboration that combines our West Coast vibe and quality-crafted workwear with Jackthreads’ NYC streetwear inspired, all black aesthetic.

Made for both coasts…and everywhere in between: Year-round, staples built for an on-the-go lifestyle, whether you’re in the city streets or on the open road.




Some of the core issues holding our industry back are stifling EPA and CARB regulations. We want to bring shops and the industry up to speed on efforts to curb regulation.

In addition we will show a short film titled, “Climate Hustle.”

Keith R. Ball, from and members of the industry will share their findings and efforts exclusively at the V-Twin Expo.

“The motorcycling, auto and truck performance industries are under fire,” said Keith. “But there is hope. Come and find out what’s happening.”

MGS was one of the masters of high-end, exotic motorcycles during the hay-day. Here’s an example.

But recently at a bike show the MGS team showed up with a classic ’72 Triumph bobber and we were blown away. Here’s contact for MGS. These guys are true craftsmen, whatever they touch.

–Markus Cuff
Certified Bikernet Feature Photographer

MGS Customs


Several sources are now officially reported what we have speculated over the last day or so: Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is being named head of EPA by President-Elect Donald Trump.

My colleague Scott Segal, Head of Bracewell’s Policy Resolution Group, shared the following thoughts for the record:

I have watched Scott Pruitt develop over his six years as Oklahoma attorney general into a measured and articulate student of environmental law and policy.

The office he headed was present and accounted for in the battle to keep EPA faithful to its statutory authority and respectful of the role of the states in our system of cooperative federalism.

These skills will serve him well not only in leading EPA but also in participating meaningfully in the legislative and regulatory reform efforts promised by the next Administration. Given that we are almost two decades overdue for an overhaul of the Clean Air Act, there is interest on both sides of the aisle to look at that statute.

Some have suggested that Pruitt hands might be tied because he participated in litigation against the Agency. This is a silly position. When you add up all the states that have participated in litigation on the Clean Power Plan alone it amounts to almost the entire United States.

Further, Gina McCarthy herself sued the EPA as a Massachusetts state official only to eventually lead the Agency herself. There is no conflict in representing your state on litigation dealing with rules of general applicability and then serving your nation as a federal official.

You can reach Scott (202-262-5845), Jeff Holmstead (202-828-5852) or me if you have additional questions.

Frank Maisano
(202) 997-5932

And especially motorcycle wine. MotoDoffo– Temecula Wine Co. also collected a vast array of Italian antique bikes. Watch for our report in the near future.

Here’s a ’47 MotoGuzzi 500cc GTW -‘The Deli Slicer’ [1947-1949]


JIMS No. 5530 Remote Fuel Supply for Fuel Injected Motorcycles

Fuel tank removal is often required for service and diagnostics. Additionally, the tank may need to be off while the engine is running. This presents a problem for fuel injection systems that have the fuel pump in the tank.

To deal with this, JIMS now offers a complete “plug and play” solution. A compact, remote fuel tank that is pressurized with air to supply fuel to the EFI system.

Designed to safely handle the required pressure, JIMS Remote Fuel Supply can run a motorcycle without being connected to an air supply. Once pressurized, the tank is completely mobile and can be easily hung from the handlebar or attached to a workbench or tool chest.

JIMS No. 5530 Remote Fuel Supply includes all necessary OEM fittings to plug directly into the fuel line on all Delphi Fuel Injected Harley-Davidson models except for V-Rod. The suggested retail price is $339.00 and it can be seen in action on our YouTube page, JIMS USA.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (805) 482-6913.

–Clark Kirkendall

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

OFFICIAL Harley-Davidson Tour Maps

Looking for the perfect Bikers Map for each state. Great Biker routes only suggesting hotels motels restaurants stop offs etc…I couldn’t decipher what your H-D Tour Map entails as there were no pics or how to buy one.

Or routs across country. Would love to have one!

–Ted Petersen
Costa Mesa, CA

Simple, see your local dealer.

Karma can be a bitch. At least that is what us nice guys tell ourselves. We cling to the idea that Mrs. Fate has a scorecard she tries to keep even for us.

The problem is she can be a bitch, and she is rarely a good teacher. One of my friends works in the service industry and even though he will be scheduled to arrive at 10 am at a customer’s house he routinely blows them off to go for breakfast with co-workers (who themselves are suppose to be somewhere), play with his dogs, or watch television.

Karma comes when the tables are turned. He rants and raves about how the cable guy was suppose to be at his house at 9am but never showed until the end of the day. He curses out their customer service demanding their techs arrive when promised. The problem is he blew off his own work and his own customers waiting for him. The next day he is back to his old ways. He never sees the connection.

You see for a lot of people they live their lives with the expectation that everyone lives the same way. The guy who always eats everyone else’s lunch from the staff room fridge assumes everyone else eats other people’s lunches.

He simply doesn’t understand. To him you are just mad because no one brought something you like – that you should be less picky. The guy who never returns his weights to the rack, the girl who never signals, the buddy who is always late.

When the tables are turned they may kick and scream but ultimately all that has happen is they have been validated for their own behavior.

During this recent US election I would frequently hear the phrase “he says what everyone is thinking.” The truth is that they are only saying what you are thinking. And while the election proved that there were large pockets of like mind thinkers the majority of people disagree.

At the end of the day, at the end of the week karma hasn’t taught anything. People are people and are set in their ways and it will take a lot more than a little karma to right them.

-bad Uncle Monkey


“If you have an opportunity to be right or to be kind, then be kind and you will always be right.”

“The naked baby born and the dead man cremated is the reality. In between these, your cravings, possessions, wealth, property, fame, desire, pleasures, pains, are unreal and merely as significant as dust particles in an infinite universe.”

“Charity begins at home. Perfect yourself instead of seeking perfection in other individuals, organizations, products or services.”

“You can’t receive with a closed fist.”

“Be still. Be calm. Be grateful. Your turn to access the cosmos will come in good time.”

On internet discussions, Facebook crap and flame wars: “When in doubt, ask yourself, what would a cat do? Probably, ignore you and mind his own business.”

Photo from home gym of Ujjwal Dey.

–From Zen Master Ujjwal Dey
Supreme Editor of

Do you have any private travel planned for this holiday season?

If so, I wanted to inform you that we are currently offering the following Jet Cards:

20-Hour Introductory Cards starting at $95,860.
25-Hour Cards with one complimentary flight hour.
50-Hour Cards with additional complimentary flight hours.
Enroll before the end of the year and receive an additional 3-month rate lock. Lock 2016 fuel rates now and hedge well into 2018. Please remember that pricing is all-inclusive and funds never expire.

Bandit, would you like to see our 2016 Pricing?

Doug Jellison
Associate Director of Business Development
Private Jet Services
5 Batchelder Road
Seabrook, NH 03874 USA
T +1 (603) 760 7350
M +1 (603) 918 4061

I’m not going anywhere on a private jet.–Bandit

Can you believe we are just around the corner from the holidays? If you are working on a gift guide or editorial on new products, I wanted to provide some ideas from Fixate Designs. If you are not working on it, please let me know who is or forward this along. It would be greatly appreciated.

Fixate Designs just introduced an all-new line of high-performance silicone wedding bands. In fact, the company just launched in November 2016, so these are really new. The idea behind silicone wedding bands is to give people more freedom and flexibility in everyday life and allow some people to start wearing a wedding ring again.

You see, some people are prohibited from wearing wedding bands at work due to safety concerns, other’s are afraid of damaging expensive metal jewelry, other’s can’t wear them because their knuckles or too big, or otherwise find them uncomfortable.

Our low-cost solution allows people to show their commitment every hour of every day and they are safer than metal bands.

We’d love for you to consider the gift ideas below for your upcoming holiday gift guide or other editorial. You can download hi-res images of each product here and there is also an attached press release with more details.

41810 McAlby Ct.
Murrieta, CA 92562

Mr. Rodney Farley,
North Little Rock, AR

Dear Rodney:

Thank you for contacting me about legislative solutions to combatting the profiling of motorcyclists. It’s good to hear from you, as always.

Like you, I believe law enforcement activities should not have an adverse impact on the lives of law-abiding citizens. I am committed to helping facilitate a peaceful, respectful environment between our citizens and the men and women who enforce our laws. Our law enforcement officers have an obligation to protect our constitutional rights while they keep our communities safe.

As you may know, earlier this Congress, Representative Reid J. Ribble (R-WI) introduced a resolute to promote “awareness of motorcycle profiling and encourage collaboration and communication with the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent instances of profiling” (H.Res.831). Two states—Washington state and Maryland—have already adopted legislation to incorporate motorcycle profiling into law enforcement training. This bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations.

Please rest assured that I am committed to the safety of Arkansans, and I will keep your views on this issue in mind should this legislation come before the Senate for a vote. And I hope that you will continue to keep me informed of your opinion. A well-functioning representative democracy relies on active, engaged citizens like you to inform and hold their elected leaders accountable. I always find input from my constituents on matters of public policy to be both insightful and useful as I work to represent your interests.

I am truly honored to serve as your Senator; please know that your interests and affairs have my unceasing attention. Always feel free to call my office at (202) 224-2353 or visit

–Tom Cotton
United States Senator

STASH OF THE WEEK NEWS— Going gonzo, after Hunter S. Thompson’s widow, Anita, announced plans to sell strains of marijuana cultivated from the remnants of the writer’s personal stash. “I’m looking forward to being a drug lord,” she said.

–The Week Magazine

THE LOWBROW TRIUMPH PARTS CONNECTION– I started Lowbrow Customs in 2004 when I was working on my 1970 Triumph Tiger and couldn’t find the parts I wanted.

True to our roots, we continually add more custom and OEM-replacement parts for your vintage Triumph (as well as BSA and Norton!) motorcycle. Be sure to check out Lowbrow Customs for the parts you need, and for the free tech support we offer, with vintage Triumphs as a specialty!

Hippie Raymond Hamilton wrote a carol.

Flip the gear, loosen the throttle, Santa Claus wears a Jack Daniels bottle.

Change is near, and a new year, ride a Harley, never ever fear.

Ho ho ho, get up & go.
Wear a smile, cause it’s worthwhile. home to the Goa hippie –Raymond Hamilton.


Episode Premiers Thursday, December 8 at 10:00pm EST on Velocity

Triumph Motorcycles endeavour to reclaim the motorcycle land speed record in 2016 was thoroughly documented for Guy Martin’s hit TV show ‘Guy Martin: Fastest Man On Two Wheels’. The 45-minute special episode will air on the Velocity network Thursday, December 8 at 10:00pm EST (7:00pm PST), giving viewers a chance to see the inside story behind Guy’s fastest challenge yet.

With Guy Martin piloting the purpose-built 1,000+ HP Triumph Infor Rocket Streamliner, the aim is to exceed the current record that stands at 376.363 mph. While testing continued throughout the year with the hopes of a record attempt, course conditions stood in the way of going for a record run. A speed of 274.2 mph was recorded at the iconic Bonneville Salt Flats though, making the streamliner the world’s fastest ever Triumph.

The Triumph Infor Rocket features a carbon Kevlar monocoque construction and two turbocharged Triumph Rocket III engines producing a combined 1,000 bhp at 9,000 rpm. Developed between Triumph, Hot Rod Conspiracy and Carpenter Racing, the motorcycle is 25.5 feet long, 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall. Powered by methanol fuel, the bike is competing in the Division C (streamlined motorcycle) category.

Triumph has a history of breaking the land speed record, holding the title of ‘World’s Fastest Motorcycle’ from 1955 to 1970. The record-breaking Triumph Streamliners included: Devil’s Arrow, Texas Cee-gar, Dudek Streamliner and Gyronaut X1, the former achieving a top speed of 245.667 mph. Today’s record, held by Rocky Robinson since 2010 riding the Top Oil-Ack Attack streamliner, sits at 376.363 mph.

The iconic Bonneville name was conceived following Johnny Allen’s land-speed record runs at the Salt Flats in September 1956, when he reached the record-breaking speed of 193.72 mph. The first T120 Bonneville model was unveiled at the Earls Court Bike Show and went on sale in 1959.

To see the full range of Triumph motorcycles, visit

[page break]

Ethanol, another stupid idea mandated by Washington.

“Global warming is the biggest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it.”– Meteorologist and founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman.

I swear that if you gave a group of lawmakers a lawnmower they would assemble a snow-blower that stalled every 30 seconds. Such is the case of ethanol, an idea whose time should have never come.

When I was the editor for Outstanding Investments in the early 2000s, I sat down with my uncle who operated a mixed farm for decades. With the internet, a piece of paper, a pencil and his 42 years of farming experience, we set about finding the then-current price of ethanol. We did the same with oil from the pump jack to the gas tank and even included the average discovery cost. According to our numbers, a gallon of ethanol was twice as expensive as a gallon of gasoline. Well worth it, the hardcore greens would say, if you stopped them on their bicycles and asked them.

Late last month the Government Accountability Office (GAO) announced that biofuels, the major one being corn, are costly, take a long time to produce (a growing season to be exact) and will neither make America less dependent on Middle Eastern oil or lower CO2 emissions. For the price of a phone call I could have told them this 15 years ago.

But the last thing the government wants is input from the public, even if it is correct. Their way creates a whole new program, in this case the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program, which has set a grandiose target of 857 billion barrels by 2022, something that the GAO now says is impossible.

You would have thought somebody would have said you would need to plant 80 percent of cropland in the United States to hit that target, but nobody did. The GAO’s conclusion: “There is not nearly enough of this fuel to meet the program’s targets — nor will there likely be enough in the near future.”

But this is the kicker; research by the government found out that biofuels emit more carbon dioxide than gasoline!

Nowhere could I find the number of people working for the RFS, but they are eating high off the taxpayer’s hog. From 2013 through 2015 the federal government plowed more than $1.1 billion into research and development of advanced biofuels.

It is mind boggling to think about how much money the RFS has gone through since its creation in 2005. Enough money that it would help rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure or, as a neocon would measure it, enough to buy an aircraft carrier, planes and all. And that is not even the worst of it.

More than half the corn grown in America is used for ethanol, taking up 50,000 acres that could be used for corn, which makes up 95 percent of the total feed grain consumed by livestock. More corn thrown into the gas tank makes for higher corn prices at the table. And it is not just corn; the vast acreage for growing fuel, increases the price of beef, pork, poultry and even fish. Inflation across the country is offset by the deflation resulting from the $10 billion a year charged to motorists to pump watered down gasoline into the fuel tank.

If you didn’t think it could get any worse, it does. Ethanol added into gasoline results in up to 10 percent lower mileage. And as any hot rod driver will tell you, gas mixed with ethanol causes a noticeable reduction in performance.

Chet Thompson, president of the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, stated the obvious; that the EPA plan is “completely detached from market realities and confirms once again that congress must take immediate action to remedy this broken program.”

This will be an early test for President-elect Donald Trump. Either he supports grain growers or the petroleum producers. If he is honest in making the best deals he can for America, the dollars and cents equation and not lobbyist arguments will dictate the cessation of biofuels immediately.

This dog won’t hunt

Unfortunately biofuels are just one chink in the Green’s armor. The fundamental fact would strip them naked if there is no man-made climate change. This should be borne out by the fact that temperatures have not risen in the past 15 years and the temperatures that over the past couple of decades are well within the ranges earth has had over the past millennial.

If you have had the misfortune to see Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, for which he has received every award except the Medal of Honor, you might remember the segment where, across this gigantic screen behind him, CO2 levels and the earth’s temperatures going back 900,000 years is said to be shown. Gore points out that as CO2 increases so does the earth’s temperature. Not so say many scientists, most of them retired and therefore not in fear of losing their jobs if they speak out against climate change.

What they point out in Gore’s two lines is that it is temperatures that lead CO2 levels. This is such a small inconvenient truth for the former vice president who is a perfect crusader for the globalists to push their agenda for less independence and greater interdependence around the globe. For the past eight years he has had a lot of support from the world’s most powerful voice, President Barack Obama. Just weeks after ISIS had murdered 130 people in a series of attacks in France in 2015 Obama said: “Today, there is no greater threat to our planet than climate change.”

Funny, but most people would think that someone with a black balaclava and an AK-47 is a little more worrisome than a government-spun weather fantasy.

On its face climate change is nothing but a ridiculous fairy tale and people would know that if they invested less than an hour in reading the facts.

According to Skeptical Science, Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans. Ian Pilmer, renown Australian geologist and a professor emeritus of earth sciences at the University of Melbourne, contends that, “Over the past 250 years, humans have added just one part of CO2 in 10,000 to the atmosphere. One volcanic cough can do this in a day.”

None of which distracts Gore who has a complete ignorance of science but is well-informed on building personal wealth. Gore grew up rich on Washington’s Embassy Row and then went on to Harvard where he avoided not only the Vietnam draft but also math. After losing an election he went on to make $200 million selling his sky-is-falling routine. And it’s an easy sell.

Obama pulls a number out of a hat that says that 99.5 percent of scientists agree that there is man-made climate change. I doubt you can get 99.5 percent of any group to agree on anything, even the best way to make toast. It is a made up number.

It was a questionnaire mailed to several hundred scientists or quasi scientists, of which only a third replied.

And consider this, one that even the Greens cannot dispute, are the facts stated in the March 27, 2009, issue of The Daily Signal:

Out of the entire atmospheric makeup, only one to two percent is made up of greenhouse gases with the majority being nitrogen (about 78 percent) and oxygen (about 21 percent). Of that two percent, “planet-killing” carbon dioxide comprises only 3.62 percent while water vapor encompasses 95 percent. And of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, humans cause only 3.4 percent of annual CO2 emissions. What does this all boil down to?

The truth is climate change has become a religion and an extremist one at that. Some of the behavior of hard core environmentalists is similar to Islam.

According to a March 11 article in London’s Sunday Telegraph:

Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five death threats since he started questioning man’s impact on climate change. Richard Lindzen, professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, said, “Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves labeled as industry stooges.” Nigel Calder, a former editor of New Scientist, said, “Governments are trying to achieve unanimity by stifling any scientist who disagrees. Einstein could not have got funding under the present system.”

But you will not find these facts on climate change because the mainstream media, like Obama and other former presidents, answer to the globalists.

It is hard to believe that 45 years after Watergate we trust the president of the United States. I suppose it is easier that way and, after all, society provides enough narcotics in pills, booze, weed, gambling and sports we just don’t care. Like the Jews that must have known they were being taken to their death, it had to help that they believed Germany would not do such a thing.

Soon we will know which side of the road Trump is on. Will he be independent and sign laws that make things better for Americans, or will he be a figurehead for the nefarious globalists? Two things should tell us the answer early next year: Trump’s decision on the Keystone Pipeline and whether the Trump administration allows for the spending of billions of dollars combating climate change, something that exists but has nothing to do with man.

Yours in good times and bad,

— John Myers



“Our goal is to get to the point where we can capture individual insights on where employees are spending their time and money and improve the quality of their lives.”

–Udey Way
The most Magnificent Editor of the Bikernet Trike Way


The whole “Is the planet really warming?” And if so, is humankind having much of an effect?” seem immensely complicated to me.
If humans really are adversely affecting the planet it is not from riding fucking motorcycles.

It, plain and simply put, would be due to overpopulation. Period. Full stop. No argument.

But I enjoyed what you posted.
What the future brings, who knows?
At least you have a President-Elect who might turn things around now.

Tech Editor
Heavy Duty Magazine

We wrapped up the memorial for my 94-year-old ma the other night on Nyla’s Chowder Barge.

Here’s most of the family. Nyla did a helluva job and everyone had a good time. It was an interesting night. It’s cool when someone dies. They basically don’t need to face the bullshit anymore, but I found it odd. I suppose the term legacy floats to the surface. But there was something more. I didn’t feel right around her being gone. She was an artist and a world traveler. A lot of folks came to this gathering and I could feel how many folks will always remember her. That means a lot.

There’s an issue of Cycle Source coming up around Shovelheads. Hang on.

We started the Yelvington touring reverse tech at Bennett’s Performance. It’s interesting technology but we needed an H-D part and it was Monday. We were stuck. We may revisit it next week.

It’s the David Mann Chopperfest this weekend and a myriad of other projects, but we’re trying to take it easy. Yeah right.
Ride Free Forever,

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