Other than the donor bike, everything ya see here can be ordered online through Demon’s Cycle’s web site. Bein’ a worldwide operation, they buy in bulk ta get the best prices, an’ pass ‘em on ta you an’ me. Even the crew at Demon’s is international, with V.P. Art Rodos, his brother George, an’ Biker Willy bein’ from Russia; G.M. Al Smith from “The Big Apple”; Big Sammy from Haiti; Jose Garcia from the L.A. “Hood”; Good Ol’ Robert from Hungary; an’ Mudflap from the wilds of Tennessee. They’re all good guys, an’ they’re ready ta help ya build the ride of yer dreams!

Can ya just go buy a scoot from one of the big name builders, an’ ride it home? Sure ya can, but where’s the fun in that, an’ aren’t ya gonna feel silly when some li’l hottie asks ya “who built it?” She probably wouldn’t know who the hell yer talkin’ about anyway, but if ya can tell her “I did,” she’ll damn well be impressed by THAT! Especially if ya built it for twelve grand, like Tom did, instead of spendin’ eighty grand at some fancy showroom. Hell, you’ll even have enough left over ta buy a car for when it rains!

If ya want ta take this jewel home with ya, yer shit outa luck, ‘cause it’s already been sold to an accountant in Aruba, but buildin’ yer own’s more fun anyway. Like Tom said the other day, “It’s all about fun! It’s fun to build your own custom bike, and it’s fun to ride it around and watch the girls looking you over wherever you go! We sell our parts and rolling chassis all over the world; China, Korea, Russia, Australia, and even some places we can’t find on the map… But we know that as long as Fed-Ex will deliver to wherever it is, there’ll be another happy biker.”

If yer not sure ya have the necessary tools, talent, or ambition ta build yer own scoot, Demon’s also has a video CD that’ll walk ya through the process. That is, if ya can keep yer mind off the little cuties that are doin’ the assembly, an’ on the bike they’re assemblin’!

Demon’s Cycle Inc.
378 S.W. 14th Ave.
Pompano Beach, Fla. 33069
Phone: 954-943-0000
Or on the net at: www.demonscycle.com.