It was another memorable weekend, beginning with Friday and some garage time. I repositioned the Joker Machine pegs on the marvelous mystical Blue Flame for a more comfortable ride. If you ever build a bike and want top-of-the-line billet components, try them. These pegs were designed with a 3-inch lip to form a footboard behind the peg for extra support. They put set screws on the interior edge of the milled pegs so you can adjust the angle of the pegs if your feet vibrate off.
Since I have a new Paul Yaffe updraft K&N air cleaner on the Mikuni carb, it sticks out farther, causing my long leg to wrap around it. So with 5/8-inch spacers, I moved the right-hand peg and brake assembly out for more comfort. Then I turned to the ’48 Pan. With the instructions for synchronizing the dual Mikuni carbs from Joe Minton of Mikuni America trying desperately to sink into my faltering memory, I went to work. Joe sent me a new set of jets, which I installed. Then I reassembled the carbs and installed them. This was the final adjustment phase in preparation for trial run.
That night the fog rolled in, a chill fell over the harbor and the candles burned bright in the Bikernet headquarters. Rumor had it that Agent Zebra had returned from the east. Sin Wu and I dimmed the lights in the headquarters and made private plans for our escape under the sheets.
Then the weekend started to heat up with more tinkering with the Panhead. I charged the battery and checked the oil. I took my bizarre handmade carb protectors off the carb and backed off on the idle adjusters until I knew that the throttles were closed. With two 6-inch segments of straight hanger rod, I stuck one under the lip and against the jets of both carbs to insure that the throttles were matched. Getting back from the carbs, I reached over the bike and turned the throttle. It was a static way to determine if the throttles were opening simultaneously. It worked. I adjusted the cables and the mid-range jet according to Joe. Then I wired a new Flanders high/low beam/horn switch from Century Motors in San Pedro, and kicked the bike to life. It was running lean and I adjusted the mid range until the carbs quit spitting, then began to turn in the idle adjusters in search of an idle, and watching my watch. Layla and I had a party to attend and time was running out. I also had a vintage gathering to attend the next day. I was hoping to ride the Pan. The Indian clock on the wall clicked as loudly as an air hammer as I started the Pan, hoped for a proper adjustment, killed it and tried again. Another deadline was looming, girls were waiting, whiskey was abundant. We better get to the news.

MAJOR CHANGES IN STORE FOR VR 1000 SUPERBIKE RACING PROGRAM–H-D Team Won’t Attend Upcoming Daytona Tire Test Due to Level of InternalActivity
Significant efforts are under way toimprove the Harley-Davidson VR 1000 Superbike racing program, said John Baker, director of racing. Due to the intensity of thoseefforts, the team will decline participation in the Dunlop tire test held atDaytona International Speedway beginning Dec. 11.
“The team will be ready for the start of the AMA season at Daytona in March,but not for the upcoming Dunlop tire tests,” said Baker. “When we finishedthe 2000 season, we had a choice to make: Would we move boldly ahead withthe intent of being one of the top teams in the AMA Superbike series, orwould we be satisfied with the status quo?
Harley-Davidson as a company haschosen to invest the resources necessary to develop the VR 1000 into acompetitive race bike in the AMA Superbike series. We’re in this to win.”
POSITION AVAILABLEIMMEDIATE JOB OPENING:Fat lady needed to travel to Florida and sing.
THE WORRIED GUN OWNER–This is VERY important. It concerns a $50 per handgun tax on your 2000IRS form 1040 and may require your fingerprints. Check it out at theSenate Web site. It is very much “for real” people!
You may have already read about this since it started back in February, butit’s worth another look and round of letters to the people in D.C.who “represent” us.
The secret nature of this bill becoming law is scary. This billcan pass WITHOUT the Senate voting on it. We will be notified a MONTHAFTER it has become law.

BUELL BLAST FEATURED PRIZE IN PEPSISTUFF.COM PROMOTION–( to get some excitement in yourlife? Buell Motorcycle Co. has the answer. Contestants in Pepsi-ColaCompany’s PepsiStuff promotion have a chance to win one of four Buell BlastMotorcycling experiences. Winners will receive a Buell Blast motorcycle anda trip to Harley-Davidson’s Rider’s Edge training school in Las Vegasor Albuquerque (see link above for more info).
The Buell Blast, an all-new single-cylinder motorcycle, appeals to aspirited group of individuals who are looking for an exhilarating newchallenge. The Buell Motorcycle Co. designed the Blast with new ridersin mind, whether young or old, novice or even a bit experienced. Alightweight motorcycle, the Blast delivers easy start-ups, a low center ofgravity and fuel efficiency (73 miles per gallon) all wrapped up in asporty, cool design.
In conjunction with the Buell Blast, Harley-Davidson and Buell MotorcycleCo. continue their commitment to attracting new riders to the sport byoffering “Rider’s Edge – The Harley-Davidson Academy of Motorcycling,” arider training program designed specifically to meet the needs of noviceriders. This course, taught by Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s (MSF)certified instructors, uses the Buell Blast to provide its students with anexperience intended to be not only educational, but entertaining andinspirational. Lasting about 25 hours, the Rider’s Edge NewRider Course offers small class sizes, interactive classroom exercises,plenty of riding practice and time to become familiar with different typesof motorcycles, accessories and riding gear.
SUPERBIKE EDITOR SEDUCES FASTDATES.COM MODEL–It was all so innocent at first. SuperBike magazine editor “Sonic”Cantile wanted to come to Califonia for a little fun and recreation.But once he met our curvey piece of equipment at a quietdesert hideaway, it turned into a no-holds-barred 24-hour endurancemarathon with our hot running babe, and all the explicit details splashedacross the pages of more than one cheesy oil-drenched tabloid. But we hadno regrets. See all the shocking photos and details at
* Wheelie King Doug Domokis is killed in an ultralight airplane crash.
* Former GP World Champ Alex Criville hurt in testing crash. Calendar model Jaime Presely’s newest movie premieresthis weekend. What’s next for this Trailer Park Trash star? We’ve got allthe juicy details…
The latest Calendar and Motorcycle Roadracing newsonline at http://www.FastDates/PitLaneNews.htm
And don’t forget to order your copies of the world’sbest selling motorcycle and pinup model calendars online at
10 – VIAGRA, The quicker dicker picker upper.
9 – VIAGRA, One-a-day, like iron.
8 – VIAGRA, When it absolutely, positively has to be there tonight.
7 – VIAGRA, Home of the whopper.
6 – VIAGRA, It plumps when you take ’em.
5 – VIAGRA, Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
4 – VIAGRA, Tastes great, more filling.
3 – VIAGRA, Ten inches long … and growing.
2 – VIAGRA, We work harder, so you don’t have to.
And the number one slogan being considered by VIAGRA:
1 – This is your penis. This is your penis on drugs. Any questions?
HUNS MOTORCYCLE CLUB– was started in Bridgeport, Conn., in the late’60s by a group of guys that regularly rode togother. The numbers grew andchapters opened throughout Connecticut and later to other states and Canada. The HUNS are best known for fighting the mandatory helmet and other unjustlaws.
Don “Pappy” Pittsley, a member of the HUNS Mother Chapter in Bridgeport, ranConnecticut Motorcycle Rights Organization and I was President of the mother chapter of the HUNS.
Pappy took care of the legislative end and I ran the protests. When Pappy died, I resigned from the club and took over Connecticut Rights. The helmet law in Connecticut was repealed shortly after that. In the late ’70s I moved to Florida and the HUNS eventually disbanded. Part of the by-laws of the club was that any member who resigned in goodstanding would be allowed to keep his colors and to also wear them in thefuture at any organization function.
One of those functions is the annual Pappy Run held each Memorial Day inConnecticut.
Though the club offically disbanded many years ago, many retired members arestill in contact with each other and get togother when possible. Connecticut is still helmet free!

BIKER BABE FROM THE BIG APPLE COME IN–There’s so much going on, Bandit. I now havefour employees under me. I hired the most incredible site developer and adesigner. Both are top in the field in NYC. They both admire my ambitionand believe in me so much. We are aiming for a 1/15/01 launchdate ( Finally!
I also have a partner, Claudia, who will be my right-hand (biz development,marketing, sales, event planning, associate editor of the site, etc.) and agal named Dale, who will be VP of Administration (finance, research, officemanagement, secretary, etc.) Of course they are both hard core riders!I have an upcoming photo shoot in a few weeks featuring the Confederatemotorcycle. I will also be getting new headshots completed and will do amass mailing to the NYC casting agents.

HARLEY LOVERS ALERT–I wanted to bring to your attention this Website thata group of Arizona State University marketing studentscreated for their marketing analysis of Harley-Davidson Inc. Our research and suggestions are postedunder the project findings link. We would appreciate allor any feedback.Thanks for your time.
Please visit
–Dan Mermelstein
WINO JOE REPORT–Rhouse Crew, there is a chance I will get a window of primo ridin’weather, so I might not check this E-shit till Sunday. Talk amongstyourselves. Just don’t hack on me ’bout my spellin’:) And “Mr.Prick,” noshort dick jokes; save your shit for The Turn Out Room, please:) Toy’all: Life is a work of art, designed by those that live it. Withrespect. Ride On! Wino Joe,USA
ELEANOR ROOSEVELT WROTE–Many people will walk in and out of your life,But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.To handle yourself, use your head; To handle others, useyour heart.
Anger is only one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault; If he betraysyou twice, it is your fault.
Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events;Small minds discuss people.
He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend,loses much more; He, who loses faith, loses all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, butbeautiful old people are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live longenough to make them all yourself.
Friends, you and me….You brought another friend….And then there were 3….We started our group….Our circle of friends….And like that circle….There is no beginning or end….
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift.It’s National Friendship Week. Show your friends how muchyou care….
20TH ANNUAL BEAUFORT TOYS FOR TOTS MOTORCYCLE RALLY– Dec. 16Some local children will have a brighter Christmas thanks toarea motorcycle riders. Southern Scooters, Kim’s III and Steel Stallions MCare promoting the event.
According to Stitch White, owner of Southern Scooters, the annual event isdedicated to the memory of Howell Jones.The Toy Run will start at Southern Scooters, Hwy. 116, #36, Laurel Bay Road, atnoon, Dec. 16. Donations, an unwrapped new toy (worth $10), willbe given to the Salvation Army.
After the run, there will be an Oyster Roast at Kim’s Place III for allparticipants. Other sponsors include Yamaha of Beaufort, Larkins MechanicalServices, Nighthawks MC, Bluffton Lights and Sights, Two Stroke Internationals, Top Gun Airbrush, Uncles Sams MC, Rock Solid Masonry, Discount Auto, Goodtimes, New Image, Maskarades, Lowcounty Riders, &VFW.
–Southern Scooters- (843) 846-2188
QUANTUM/AMERICAN UPDATE–Myself and others went to the Federal Courthouse in Orlando, Fla., todayto listen to motions made by parties involved in the Quantum MotorcycleCo.
Basically what I got out of it was that the parties are talking and tryingto solve some issues. Of course and rightfully so the landlord is interestedin his rent. The people that put up the money for the motorcycles want theirbikes. Money will be needed for the landlord and a crew to work to finish thebikes and that is what they are working on.
They are scheduled to appear Dec. 12 at 1 p.m. in FederalCourt, 135 W. Central Ave., Orlando, Fla., in Courtroom A on the 5thfloor and present a recomendation to the judge. All that have a interest in this matter are requested to attend.

JENNIFER SNYDER JOINS HARLEY-DAVIDSON FACTORY DIRT TRACK TEAM– Jennifer Snyder of Grand Saline, Texas,will join Rich King as the newest member of the Harley-Davidson factory dirttrack team. Snyder recently agreed to terms to ride factory-prepped dirttrackers for the 2001 AMA and Formula USA dirt track racing season.Snyder, 17, finished sixth in the final point standings of the Formula USAPro Singles Series. Although she competed in only seven of the races on the2000 schedule, Snyder displayed her potential with a fourth place finish atTexas Motor Speedway and a seventh place finish at Manzanita Speedway. She alsocame from the back of the pack to finish seventh at the series finale in DelMar.
Snyder began her racing career at age 11. Her father, Joe Snyder, createda track on their property so she could train and race. The Pro Singlesseries is where she will spend most of her time in 2001 but she will alsohave opportunities aboard the Harley-Davidson XR 750, in the AMA series, asshe becomes more familiar with the equipment.”This is a dream-come-true for me,” said Snyder. “I grew up watching ScottParker race and I followed his career closely. We both started racing at11 and he’s been a huge influence on me as far as my racing career isconcerned. I’m really excited to be a part of the factory team and racewith Rich King as my teammate. Lots of people tell me I’m pretty good for agirl. Hopefully after next season they’ll drop the girl part and recognizeme for my racing ability, period!”
In addition to her racing career, Snyder will be finishing her high schoolstudies this year and plans to go on to college.

A HERD OF BUFFALO– can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo. Whenthe herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that arekilled first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole,because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving bythe regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, we all know, kills braincells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells,making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.
That’s why you always feel smarter after a few beers.
NEW PRODUCT BOOM AT H-D–If any of you guys have been in a dealership recently and checked out their new 600-page accessory catalog, you’ll immediately see the dedication the factory is putting into developing its own line of custom parts, performance components and accessories. This is just one example of 10 new items we’ve introduced on the site. Check out the info in our new products section or in the Harley-Davidson department.
MORE ON QUANTUM/AMERICAN–We put up a good fight, but I just got off the last conference calland it looks like we have lost. The guys that put the company intobankruptcy do not want to go forward, they are not interested in putting upany more money.
On Monday I expect that the judge will determine that it’s a liquidation andappoint a trustee to liquidate Quantum’s assets. Rick and I will be workingthe weekend to see if there are any last minute things that may be done, butI am not very hopeful.
We needed $1 million to pull it off and for all of the creditor groups towork together, even after we sent a letter to all shareholders and creditors(who have the most to loose) advising them of the situation and asking ifthey were interested in contributing, nobody responded. We can’t do it aloneand nobody else wants to put up, so I guess it’s over.
The recent collapse of the stock market didn’t help, nor the fact that anumber of other motorcycle companies are also in trouble.Rick and I will eventually suceed in positioning American Motorcycle asAmerica’s No. 1 motorcycle company. It will just take us a little longer.

THIS IN FROM SOUTH CAROLINA–I’ve been to Christmas parties from Canada to Key West. Saturday night wasthe first “real” Carolina Christmas party I ever attended. Click and DianeBaldwin, owners of Carolina H-D, threw their annual party at their home. WhenI pulled up and saw lights strung up in the woods and several enormous BBQgrills belching smoke, I knew I was in the right place. All manner of H-Dnostalgia hung on the outside walls of Click’s roomy garage. Inside thegarage are several of Click’s Corvettes and the first bike he ever owned,looking much like it did many years ago when he last rode it. The walls arecovered with 30 years of his life on motorcycles. “If it weren’t for Diane,my whole house would look like this,” he said.Jeans and black leather was the attire. A covered porch that runscompletely around the building was the setting for the party. Some folksdid hang out in the house. There was thishuge firepit and I mostly hung out there. There was all kinds of liquor,but
I stuck to the 4-year-old moonshine. Picture it, standing around a fire,handing a jar of moonshine around on a wickedly cold, windy night. I likemoonshine. Goes down smooth and unless you get stupid, it’s a sweet buzz.The food was too much; the best prime rib I have ever had. The menu also included chicken, brisket, ribs, meatballs and every salad on the planet. The hostessgave me a huge plate to take home and complained I would not take more. Thehouse and garage were incredible. If this is how the rest of the holidayseasongoes, then it may just be a good one.
–“Crazy Horse”
SPEAKING OF PARTIES, DON’T MISS BANDIT’S DICEY SUPERBOWL EXTRAVAGANZA–at the Blue Cafe, Superbowl weekend, upstairs in the intimate Blue Lounge. There will be three private pool tables, terrific munchies from the 5-Ball chef, and intimate game watching on a big screen. Or you can watch the game and play pool, or fuck the game, sit downstairs in the patio and listen to Bourbon Jones. As the afternoon wanes, Chris Gaffney and the Cold Hard Facts will be rocking the downstairs, and if your team won and you want to stay and celebrate, James Intveld will sing the blues in the evening. That’s three bands, great food, the Bikernet staff and cuties, book signing and the game of the year. Plus you can park your scoot directly in front of the joint on the Promenade. That’s the Blue Cafe, Superbowl Sunday in downtown Long Beach for the 2nd Annual Bikernet Dicey Superbowl Blues Jam. If you would like to send an invitation to someone, click here
Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, “It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.” –Jack Handy
I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day. –Frank Sinatra
An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools. –Ernest Hemingway
A woman drove me to drink and I didn’t even have the decency to thank her. –W.C. Fields
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. –Henny Youngman
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? –Stephen Wright
When we drink, we get drunk.
When we get drunk, we fall asleep.
When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.
When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.
Sooooo, let’s all get drunk and go to heaven!
— Brian O’Rourke
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. –Benjamin Franklin
Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. –Dave Barry
Beer: Helping ugly people have sex since 1862. –Unknown
Remember “I” before “E”, except in Budweiser. –Unknown
To some, it’s a six-pack/ To me, it’s a support group. –Unknown
EXCELSIOR-HENDERSON LIVES–Comic relief was at hand Friday afternoon when broadcast reporters gatheredin front of the Supreme Court for the historic review. They had their backdroptraversed repeatedly by one (who could hardly be called a protestor)demonstrator – proudly hoisting aloft an Excelsior-Henderson emblazenedplacard.
We’re relatively sure this spontaneous display of First Amendmentindulgence did, in fact, go unnoticed by millions…E-H who?…but not forlack of trying.Paid publicity’s finest hour…seen live on CNN.
John “Wish I’d Thought of That” Siebenthalerreporting from BarcoLounger central
As the boys tussled on the floor, I reached under my desk and hit the silent alarm – the one that brings the Dark- Haired One running. She arrived with her first aid kit and a pair of handcuffs – just in case. She soothed the savage Bandit and walked him down the hall to his office for a quick meeting with his old friend, Jack Daniels.
By the time I arrived 20 minutes later with the Digital Gangster firmly in tow, Bandit was calm and happy with the Dark-Haired One planted securely in his lap. The boys made up and Bandit completed the judging without furtherincident. Me, I wandered back over to my office to start the clean up and brew another cup of tea. Just another day here at Bikernet!
Hey, look for the November winners this week, and keep those December entries coming!
GOOD OFTEN FOLLOWS BAD– Due to the recent situation with our presidential elections, I feel that there should be other things that should be “re”-done:
1. We need to contact the state lottery commission. To my horror, while watching the lotto results, I realized that I had picked the wrong numbers and that the lottery’s outcome was not to my advantage. Thus I am demanding a replay of the last lotto. Eight others and I are exploring a possible lawsuit because the numbers were confusing! There are too many numbers to pick and they are too close together. There needs to be a local replay of the lotto!
2. Some young friends of mine are contacting the local college board for a recall of last week’s midterms. To their horror, they chose the wrong answers to the test! They found that the multiple choice questions were too confusing thus leading various students to receive unacceptable grades. THEY demand a local retest of this exam until they get satisfactory results.
3. I demand to be re-interviewed! After my interview with my prospective employer, I realized I had answered some questions wrongly. The answers I meant to give were not given and I need another opportunity to answer the questions properly as I had wished to. I am contacting the local labor board to challenge the decision of not hiring me.
4. I demand that my ticket be revoked! To my horror, I realized that I was looking at my tachometer instead of the speedometer! It’s the manufacturers fault since they placed the gauges too close together! I thought I was only going 5 mph! I am contacting the DMV to revoke my ticket and will be filing a lawsuit against all auto manufacturers who are responsible for putting the gauges too close together!

CENTURY MOTORCYCLES ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY– Dec. 10, like, man, that is this weekend. We’ll be rockin’ sunny Sunday to the bone on Pacific Avenue and 17th at Century Motors, one of the oldest shops in the world. You’ll agree the minute you walk in the door. Be there, be there, be there. Don’t miss it. Ride your oldest, most decrepit bike. Cindy will love it and try to buy it from you. (310) 832-6190.
No, the above Indian won’t be there, but the first customized Excelsior will be, and it’s for sale.
SATURDAY NIGHT SIZZLE–With less than an hour to shower, dress and pick up the Dark-Haired One, I reached a lumbering idle. The bike thumped like a finely tuned locomotive. The idle was slow and secure for a 61-inch Panhead. Then it quit idling and revved. I had run this scenario past Joe Minton and he told me a story about a bike that wouldn’t idle, and in doing so suggested that my automatic advance distributor was sticking. I was out of time. I couldn’t get into the distributor and get to the girl on time. I was close, and even closer to a party for one of the Dark-Haired One’s best friends, all the way back to elementary school. It was a different crowd for me. Her young pals are a mix of union workers and railroad employees with young families. The birthday girl is Hispanic, sharp looking and wild, with a daughter who is the spitting image of her mom, and fire in a pink blouse. Her dark-haired pal was a tight package nick-named Birdie who was a guzzling fan of Jack Daniels, after my own heart. Half of the 60 people who came to the party brought her bottles of Jack of every style and size. It was as if I was a heroin addict at a cooker’s palace. I claimed to be the designated driver so that Layla could play with her friends with wild abandon, and I would make sure we survived the night.
The set was generally late 20s to 30, mostly married. Many smoked, plenty had kids and all worked in very secure environments. I listened while nasty looking young girls danced with other scantily-clad girls around the fire. While the girls spoke of threesomes and kids, the guys spoke of motorcycles. Mark, Birdie’s beau, has ridden the Six Flags Endurance Challenge three times on a BMW. Ted, the kid who works for the railroad, wants desperately to meet Jesse James and build a West Coast Chopper, but is afraid to go there with a checkbook. I encouraged him, telling him to get a frame and do it himself. Todd rides a Vespa/mod/scooter with 40 rear-view mirrors and can’t imagine riding anything else. Dennis is building a bike as soon as he can pick up a basket. It was fascinating. To a man, this young set was passionate about motorcycles, but very immersed in secure, straight lives. It was a scary evening for a man who never settled down and doesn’t understand the concept.
As the cops arrived, I packed Layla in the flamed Bird and split. At home I packed her full of water and aspirin and put her to bed, only to have her attack me in the morning. The hangover cure worked. Then I got a call from Hamster Phil, a custom painter who lives in an industrial building. I had an hour and fifteen to meet them on a back road on the edge of town, in an industrial strip in Wilmington. I took my clothes off and crawled back in bed. With 15 minutes to roll, I was out the door on the Blue Flame and heading to our designated rendezvous.
On an obscure street just north of the oil industrial kingdom of Signal Hill, we turned on a small industrial street that dead-ended into a railroad yard. We slid into a dirt and gravel lot owned by the Gunther family for over 100 years, which housed antique cars, bicycles, motorcycles, army vehicles, tombstones, tractors, cranes and enough shit to keep us gawking for hours.
I nearly bought a 1951 White fuel truck once used in Long Beach to refuel airplanes at McDonnell Douglas. It was a guy’s paradise. The deal was that if you come, bring something cool, and people did. From there we hit Walker’s Cafe for Coronas before we split up. Another packed weekend. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Finally, I would like to come out of my shell and mention sex. I bring it up a lot, not because I want to fill the site with pornography, but for two reasons: I think love and wonderful sex is one of the best experiences life has to offer. And damnit, a recent study demonstrates that the more sex you have the less chance you have of a heart attack. It’s special beyond description, and that brings me to my second reason. Motorcycles, choppers, Harleys and sex are meant to be. Building a beautiful motorcycle is tantamount to wonderful sex. The passion of riding like we do, the notion of the solitary vehicle opening the door to romance, is undeniable. As bikers and men we live in heaven, and we need to realize the absolute delirium that is in our hands each time we make love to a wonderful woman, or we build a new scoot or hit the road. For other men it may be flying airplanes, skiing down a soft slope, screaming around a speedway track at 150 mph (which I did about a year ago), and to many, the other end of the formula is a woman’s touch at the end of a day of accomplishment.
As far as I’m concerned, if I could mess with motorcycles and make love each day, life would be, well, heaven. So I must be there. Let’s Ride–Bandit