Continued From Page 1

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM STEALTH SHOP INVESTIGATION IN NORTH CAROLINA–Hey 2006 is almost over! I hope all of you had a GREAT Christmas!
Things are laid back this week at STEALTH BIKE WORKS. Everyone is recovering from Christmas and getting ready for NEW YEARS. Not much going on. The Easyriders Bike Show comes to Charlotte January 27th & 28th. WE will be putting a bike in the show.
There is a lot coming up in 2007. We start planning the Run For Breath “In Memory Of Justin Pullin” next month. We are planning a couple of new things as far as SBW goes for the new year. More info on that a little later. Last I heard the new bike build off’s will air in Febuary. That will help break the winter cold a little.
This weekend I will be heading back to Virginia to see my Mom and Brothers and some good friends. I did not make the trip Christmas so I decided to go this weekend. It will be good to see them.
All of us at Stealth Bike Works would like to wish Mr. Bandit and everyone at Bikernet a GREAT New Year. We would also like to extend the same to all of the readers.
Until next week, RIDE!

PABLO COMMENTS ON LATEST BONNEVILLE ASSALT WEAPON DRAWING FROM CHRIS KALLAS–Been looking at latest on the website. The sketches got me thinking. I started digging in my old file cabinet. I found a old S&S brouchure on their Tramp III bike. It’s called “An Experiment In Going Fast”.
These pic. might be good reference info. for you. They also used a girder front end. Made from aircraft tubing. Also shown is the frame being made at Dennis Manning’s shop.
S&S might still have copies of this old 4 page brouchure. It’s from about 1982 or so. Check out the RB racing website –Pablo A BIKERNET NEW YEARS LESSON IN THE CODE OF THE WEST– I’ve been a long time fan and had a questions about something that’s been bothering me for a while. Here’s who I am, in order to provide a bit of background. “Motorcycle enthusiast” is probably the best term to describe me. I have no idea how to turn wrenches and know that I’d rather get a scooter that would force me to learn the hard way. “Book smart” with little or no common sense or street smarts (I’m fond of saying that I usually let stupidity carry me through when fear should be stopping me). I’m not a biker or a bro – to me, those are honorifics that would have to be given to me by someone who is a biker or who calls me bro first and only after I earn that right. No scoot right now, but still trying to keep abreast of the biker world. Been to Sturgis twice (and nowhere else), had a blast both times – with the exception of the thing that is on my mind. Married to a woman who has years of experience with biker culture and is miles ahead of me with understanding what’s up – she was the one who helped me get my motorcycle endorsement and paid for a couple years of Easyriders, Biker and In the Wind. That was where I first read your work, and discovered who Indian Larry was. Should I give up any hope of being a biker and leave it to being an observer, watching but never being, just to make sure I don’t screw anybody else? Or is this one of those terrible conicidences, something to think about and remember, but not something to prevent me from going further? — Matt Thanks for taking the time to write. You need to read the code of the west in Bandit’s Cantina. The first rule is “Get up and dance.” You can’t do anything in life without that one rule. If you get up and start to move, feel every ounce of that freedom. Then sit back and ask yourself if you enjoy it? If you did, keep rolling. You’ll know when and where to stop. Don’t let anything, mistakes, blunders, falls, anything, to stop you. We only go around once. If you want to do something, ya gotta move. If not you’re burnin’ daylight, and daylight is precious. You’ll noticed I didn’t put any particular move or goal in this ramble. One of the wonderful things about being a biker is the myriad of options. The choice is yours. Whatever you do, do it with pride and the understanding that there are no judges, only your sense of freedom and self-inflicted restrictions or obstacles. Report in in six months. I want to know what happened. I heard a quote the other day: The past is just History, the future is a mystery and today is a gift. Don’t waste it. –Bandit BROKEN SPOKE AND STURGIS COUNTY LINE SPONSORS BIKERNET–We’re working with Jay Allen, a Bonneville racing freak, on his efforts in Sturgis this year. The Broken Spoke and County Line locations are sponsoring Bikernet and we’re sponsoring the Broken Spoke and County Line party locations. Our Blackhills homebase will be located at Jay’s new Sturgis County Line location. That’s where we’ll eat, sleep, party and hang out. We’ll throw a bike show for riders only. The Girls of Bikernet will be there, plus Bikernet Radio for live interviews. Hang on for more reports. SPEAKING OF BIKERNET RADIO–Thunder Bob caught up with Tom Monroe, Saddlemen’s point man for Sales and Marketing, at the last round of the AMA Supermoto Championship in SOCAL to discuss the Thunder Saddle Contest sponsored by Saddlemen. Saddlemen saddles are built by a design team that works regularly with show-bike builders on innovative, one-off custom sleds. The innovation and technology, which is developed for the custom saddle, is naturally filtered into the production line. That’s why Saddlemen consistently delivers new products and ideas to motorcycle seating and luggage. So far Metric Thunder’s Thunder Saddle contest has given away two saddles valued at $650 each. The contest runs for an additional six months with a total of 8 saddles handed out at a value of $5,200 in awards. Click hereto listen to the show. LIVIA, EDITOR OF BIKER BEAUTIES MAGAZINE, SIGNS AS ENKAY POLISH GIRL–Livia from Biker Beauties Magazine is the new Enkay Polishing Ad Girl. You’ll see several variations of the new ads featuring Livia popping up in magazines all over newstands in the coming months. Check out Enkay’s website at SPECIAL EDITION YEAR-END CLEARANCE!–We have just a few 2006 Peace Officer and Fire Fighter “SpecialEdition” motorcycles left! If you are an active or retired LawEnforcement Officer or Fire Fighter, you are eligible to purchase oneof these fine motorcycles at unheard of prices! Fire Fighter “Special Edition”: FLSTFI Fat Boy with lowering kit, stock #886727, $14,995 + fees. Peace Officer “Special Edition”: You will never find a lower price on these “Special Edition”motorcycles! Contact Rachelle Pennington right away to takeadvantage of this offer. Call 310-539-3366. Offer good only on the 2006 model stock numbers listed above. Feesand taxes apply. You must be an active or retired Law EnforcementOfficer or Fire Fighter with ID to purchase one of these motorcycles. Motorcycle photo for illustrative purposes only. It may not berepresentative of the stock numbers above. – BIKERNET PRE-YEAR END HIGH CULTURE PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–It was the year of brotherhood for this photog but the 5,000 mile rides, the bikes, the babes, the sunsets and the margaritas are also forever burned into my lens. Have a Happy and Safe New Year’s and Best Wishes for 2007. –Whiplash Biker Photog CHOPPERS AND BOBBERS WHEELS–Oxnard, CA- Advanced Metalforming Technologies, Inc. (AMT), an industry-leading manufacturer of high-end aluminum wheels and blanks supplier to many of the industry’s leading wheel manufacturers has recently started manufacturing motorcycle wheels under their own brand name?Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories. All processes are completed in-house, utilizing only state-of-the-art equipment and highly sophisticated process technologies. All Forge-Tec wheels are rotary forged utilizing one of their proprietary forge presses using only “virgin” aircraft grade 6061 aluminum?.there’s no recycled aluminum in their products. Forge-Tec has 13 new styles, including the new Ruckus (pictured) available in a wide variety of popular sizes and applications (including the new 23″ x 3.5″ front wheel and 20″ x 10.5″ rear wheel), with matching rotors, pulleys and sprockets. All wheels go out shipped with the rotors and pulley attached and torqued to OEM specs which eliminates a lot of guess work at the dealer level and ensures that wheels arrive to their customers in perfect condition. For further information on complete wheels, please contact Forge-Tec Motorcycle directly at 805-982-9820. Forge-Tec Motorcycle Wheels and Accessories, 950 Richmond Ave., Oxnard, CA 93030. Dealer inquiries invited! “Pictured here is the Ruckus” V-TWIN TV MEETS RUCKER PERFORMANCE–Rucker Performance will be featured on V-TWIN Television on January 2, 2007 on the SPEED Channel. V-TWIN goes behind the scenes of Rucker Performance, one of the top builders in the motorcycle industry. Check out this episode of V-TWIN TV featuring Rucker Performance on the SPEED Channel. Tuesday, Jan. 2, 10pm and 2am. LIFESTYLE CYCLES NEW YEARS PARTY–Come out and ring in the New Year Orange County Style!All your friends from LifeStyle Cycles well be there!See you on the 31st! JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK–One of our News Years Resolutions is to introduce Bikernet Readers to the JIMS tool of the week. These things take time. We received a CD with JIMS trannys, then a CD of tools we couldn’t open, then this CD with four images and no text. So what’s this tool designed to do? Not sure. Go to the JIMS site. They make tools for everything. 30 STEP FIREARMS REFRESHER COURSE–1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. –from Buckshot”> EASYRIDERS V-TWIN BIKE SHOW ROCKS SACRAMENTO CONVENTION CENTER IN JANUARY, BE THERE, BE THERE, BE THERE–(Newbury Park, CA) – November 2006 – Easyriders Events proudly announces the second stop on the 2007 Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour at the Sacramento Convention Center on January 13th and 14th SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM. Show hours are Saturday, from 10am-10pm and Sunday, from 10am-5pm. All ages are welcome to this family-friendly event showcasing the best custom motorcycles in the world. A complete schedule of events is available online at Bike Show attendees can expect to see the best of the best custom-built motorcycles in the world combined with hundreds of motorcycle-related merchandise and service exhibitors. Thousands of custom designs will be showcased throughout the Tour, with top honors being awarded in Kansas City, Missouri on May 5 at the Invitational Bike Show. Bike Show competitors in the all-new Pro Class will be vying for more than just top honors; they’ll be competing for one of six places on the 2008 Easyriders Centerfold Tour, which affords the opportunity for any bike builder to reach an unprecedented level of national exposure. As featured on Country Music Television’s new hit show, Foxworthy’s Big Night Out, the Purrfect Angelz (a.k.a. The Home Wreckers) will perform live at each Bike Show location and are available for photo shoots with bikes entered in the competition. In addition to the top-notch choreography and fashion shows put on by the Purrfect Angelz, the Fryed Brothers Band, which has been called the “epitome of biker bands,” will entertain the crowd with several live musical performances throughout the weekend. Miss Easyriders 2007 will also be at the Sacramento Convention Center to meet and greet the crowd. Dorian Swanner, owner of Carolina Custom Products, Inc., is building a ground-up custom motorcycle to be given away to one lucky attendee at the end of the 2007 Bike Show Tour. This custom motorcycle is a Carolina Custom drop seat chopper with a polished S&S motor, Baker 6-speed transmission, 300 rear tire and features exotic sheet metal with custom paint. Swanner has also designed and created custom trophies for the 2007 tour, which are sure to beautify any winner’s trophy case. Additionally, Ralph Randolph of Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Co. is feverishly building a one-of-a-kind motorcycle to be given away at the 2008 Easyriders Rodeo Tour Grand Nationals in Chillicothe, Ohio. Both giveaway bikes will be on display for the public at all 2007 Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour locations. Additionally, world-class creations from Paul Yaffe of Paul Yaffe Originals, Kendall Johnson of Kendall Johnson Customs, James and Dave Kaye of The Detroit Bros., Ralph Randolph of Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Co., Bill Rucker of Rucker Performance and Austin Weiss of Streamline Designs will be displayed for up-close viewing at each of the Easyriders V-Twin Bike Shows. “Each of this year’s builders has been selected and personally invited to join the ranks of ‘Centerfold Tour’ predecessors like Billy Lane, Rick Fairless and Ron Finch. The excitement is in the diversity of these phenomenal motorcycle builders,” explained Easyriders Events president, John Green. BIKERNET.COM AND Lucas Motorcycle Oil Products proudly sponsors Easyriders Events. For additional information regarding the 2007 V-Twin Bike Show Centerfold Tour, Carolina Custom Products Motorcycle Giveaway, Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Giveaway, Exhibitor Information or Bike Show Competition Entry, please call our offices toll-free at 1-800-962-9857 or visit us online at For media passes to any of the 2007 Bike Show locations, please call our offices toll-free at 1-800-962-9857. Continued On Page 3
FLSTCI Heritage, stock #983127, $14,995 + fees.
FLHRI Road King, stock #983126, $14,995 + fees.
FLHRI Road King, stock #886726, $14,995 + fees.
FLSTFI Fat Boy, stock #079081, $14,295 + fees.FLSTFI Fat Boy, stock #983101, $14,295 + fees.
Wed 10am. and Sat 8am.
(Eastern Times)
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it’s about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. “Free” men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don’t know your rights you don’t have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights reserved.
11. What part of “shall not be infringed” do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies: rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
16. You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911 – government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control — it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the “gun control laws” we ALREADY have, don’t make more.
24. When you remove the people’s right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.26. “A government of the people, by the people, for the people…”
27. “An armed society is a polite society.”
28. “Gun control is a firm stance and a steady hand.”
29. “Ted Kennedy’s car has killed more people than my gun.”
30. ” Never bring a knife to a gun fight.”