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CRAZYHORSE IS BACK ON BIKERNET– Just in case anyone thought I was gone for good, guess again. I’m still here, and so far I’m kicking. The above guitar was a tribute to legendary bike racer Jay Springsteen that I painted this fall. It’s been a long, crazy year. The traveling was brutal. As always the best traveling I did was on my bikes. Took a wild ride up to the Georgia Mts aboard my old sporty. Hooked up with a wild rider named Barb and proceeded to tear up a little road they call the Dragon’s Tail. Of course it took us all day to get there as we took the twistiest roads and finally got there just as the sun was setting.
After riding the Dragan twice, we poured on the throttle and hunched over the bars trying to get back to our motel, a 2 1/2 hour ride that we did in less than 2. It was so cold, at one point, going down the side of a mountain, I couldn’t even open my hand to grab the brake and had to shout at Barb to get out of the way as we pulled over.
Two weeks later we did it again, only we got lost going back to my house. Again hunched over the bars, trying to keep warm, in the pouring rain, in the dark, no tailight, large dead creature in the road comes out of the darkness. I had no choice but to pull up on the bars and ride over it.
Then came Sturgis and I hooked up with several friends, one of whom used to race, and I had way too much fun seeing just how far I could lean that gooseneck chopper over in the turns. Those were the bests parts of the year. Riding with friends. The rest was work and drama. The drama I can do without. The work, well, work is work.
All I know is that today I went into my paint booth for the first time in over a month and painted. Sure it was car parts, but soon I’ll be back to painting bikes and my world will be normal again. Well, as normal as a bike painter’s life can get. But it sure felt good today. being at my paint bench, mixing paint, cleaning guns.

My newest book is out. And people actually like it. I really tried to put 26 years experience in painting-hell into this book. Actually much of the bodywork hints came from a long dead friend who passed on his skills to me. Now I’m passing them on complete with photos. The basics from bare-metal to bodywork to trick basecoats. It’s has a heavy focus on bodywork and proper preparation for stress-free paint jobs.
One chapter covers molding a frame from start to finish. It even shows the process one bike takes from being a pile of fabricated bare metal through all the bodywork, base-paint, and artwork to become an award winning custom bike– soon to be featured in American Iron.
This book is an encyclopedia of how to prep and paint any kind of motorcycle part. Beginners can learn the right and easy way to get great results the first time.
Experienced painters can pick up a few new tricks to maybe make bodywork and painting a tad easier. There’s even a chapter that runs down, in great detail, the different kinds of paint, their pros and cons, and how to apply them from polyester to candy apple urethane. This is the only book out there that completely details how to mold a frame. Check it out at .
Meanwhile, Sara Liberte and I have started a blog. Look behind the scenes at the real world of bike painting and custom bikes. And it’s not just girly stuff although we have a female slant on it. Hey we are girls after all. Honest, funny, and real.

And be sure to wander on over to Reader’s Showcase. Oh we got some killer Shovels this month. This very sweet chop belongs to CJ Brooks and it is a work of art. This little chop hails from Texas. And we got more. Must be Shovelhead month.
Ok, right now I’m finishing off my third book, “How to Custom Paint Cars.” Doing this book was brutal. I didn’t want it to be a copy of the custom bike painting book. And it is not. All three books feature different step by steps, different techniques. More about Book 3 in the coming weeks. Hope all you Horse readers liked my Sturgis story. I love riding out there. For me it’s about the riding, seeing my friends. Bike shows yeah, it’s cool to see killer bikes, but nothing beats laying that bike into the wind, feeling the rush as the pegs scrape the pavement. Coming up over the mountain and seeing the hills all lit up golden from the setting sun. Makes life worth living. Then getting silly with friends at night and riding by starlight.
Ya’ll have a great Christmas out there. Hope Santa brings you what ever you want.

300mm SOFTAIL KIT fromBIG BOAR PRODUCTS–Top quality components, economically priced, and available in a standard left side drive or right side drive, makes our kits stand out above the rest. This comprehensive kit includes a strut-less steel fender, super-wide swingarm , new left rear frame member, 300mm tire, and all the offset parts needed (some welding required). Price: $3395, less wheel of your choice. The right side drive kit includes a new polished 6-speed right side drive transmission, strutless steel fender, super-wide swingarm and 300mm tire. Price:$4995, complete kit less wheel of your choice.
Big Boar Products
6289 Corporate Park Drive
Loudon, TN 37774
Phone 865-458-8640

SANTA GIVES NOTICE–I regret to inform you that, effective immediately, I will no longer serve Georgia, Florida, West Virginia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, Louisiana or Alabama on Christmas Eve. Due to the overwhelming current population of the earth, my contract was renegotiated by North American Fairies and Elves Local 209. As part of the new and better contract, I also get longer breaks for milk and cookies so keep that in mind. However, I’m certain that your children will be in good hands with your local replacement, who happens to be my third cousin, Bubba Claus. His side of the family is from the South Pole. He shares my goal of delivering toys to all the good boys and girls; however, there are a few differences between us.
Differences such as:
1. There is no danger of the Grinch stealing your presents from Bubba Claus. He has a gun rack on his sleigh and a bumper sticker that reads: “These toys insured by Smith and Wesson.”
2. Instead of milk and cookies, Bubba Claus prefers that children leave RC cola and pork rinds (or a moon pie) on the fireplace. And Bubba doesn’t smoke a pipe. He dips a little snuff, so please have an empty spit can handy.
3. Bubba Claus’ sleigh is pulled by floppy-eared, flyin’ coon dogs instead of reindeer. I made the mistake of loaning him a couple of my reindeer one time, and Blitzen’s head now overlooks Bubba’s fireplace.
4. You won’t hear “On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Blitzen…” when Bubba Claus arrives. Instead, you’ll hear, “On Earnhardt, on Andretti, on Elliott and Petty.”
5. “Ho, Ho, Ho” has been replaced by “Yee Haw” And you also are likely to hear Bubba’s elves respond, “I her’d dat”.
6. As required by Southern highway laws, Bubba Claus’ sleigh does have a Yosemite Sam safety triangle on the back with the words “Back Off.”
7. The usual Christmas movie classics such as “Miracle on 34th Street” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” will not be shown in your negotiated viewing area. Instead, you’ll see “Boss Hogg Saves Christmas” and “Smokey and the Bandit IV” featuring Burt Reynolds as Bubba Claus and dozens of state patrol cars crashing into each other.
And finally,
8. Bubba Claus doesn’t wear a belt. If I were you, I’d make sure you, the wife, and the kids turn the other way when he bends over to put presents under the tree.
Sincerely Yours,
–Santa Claus
–From Phat98
BIKERNET READER REVIEW–Just had to say that Bikernet kicks ass. I can’t tell ya the amount of time I spend there. I’ve been w/bikernet for some time, but just wanted to say thanks for the good work. Don’t leave the girls alone too long. I always look forward to Thursday News and Sunday’s Post.
Oh merry x-mas,

GREAT HAWAIINA BIKER BUILD-OFF-KUSTOM FAB TOOK THE HONORS–Hawaii’s first biker build off ended on Saturday December 17th at Honolulu’s Kapiolani Community College with Roger Kuwahara of Kustom Fab being crowned “The Big Kahuna”.
Beginning their builds in early September, Kuwahara and Las Vegas builder Shannon Aikau of Count’s Kustoms worked countless hours creating their contest submissions.
Along with their teams of competent, creative mechanics, the two motorcycle artisans employed every skill in their arsenals to produce bikes that would not only highlight the styles they are known for, but also to disrupt the very foundations of two-wheeled creation.
Shannon, armed with Count’s Kustoms trademark Sugar Bear Springer front end, and an uncharacteristic “big” 280 rear tire, complemented the 124″ S&S engine, and traditional flame paint job, which made the nearly 11′ long chopper awe inspiring, and undoubtedly the dream of thousands of Hawaii’s motorcycle enthusiasts.
Assembled in merely three days at Pacific Rim Cycle in Waipahu, Shannon’s build-off bike exemplifies raw power and classic lines. It wasn’t until Aikau broke the bike in on Oahu’s roads that everyone knew a beast had been unleashed in paradise.
In contrast to Shannon’s monster, Roger’s bike took the science of motorcycle building in a radical new direction. Known for his attention to detail, and theme building, Kuwahara went to the far reaches of his mind to create the “Fusion” bike.
Taking on the role of mad scientist, he employed a 92″ S&S Shovelhead to accompany 280 fat tire for stability, and one of the most radical paint jobs (by Cosmic Airbrushes Dennis Mathewson) to ever adorn a custom motorcycle. The motorcycle actually evokes thought and wonder. Why would someone go through all this trouble? Only Roger Kuwahara knows the answer to that question.
When the day of reckoning finally came last Saturday, over 1000 people voted on the two radical customs, and in the end, Kuwahara was presented the victor’s trophy.
Although only one builder can be crowned champion, there were actually three winners. Roger, Shannon, and Hawaii’s motorcycle enthusiasts.

The day was filled with great music, good food, cold beer, beautiful women, and some awesome motorcycles, and the thrill of being a part of Hawaii’s first biker build-off will be on the minds the throngs of spectators who came out for the days event. Like me, they are no doubt waiting on the next big show, but they (like me) will never forget the experience.
In early January, Hawaiian Chopper magazine will feature; in detail the builds of Roger Kuwahara and Shannon Aikau, and spectacle of The Great Hawaiian Biker Build-Off will live on in its pages. There will also be a DVD of the event released in February 2006, showcasing, in detail the builds and motorcycle event.
When all is said and done, The Great Hawaiian Biker Build-Off successfully highlighted two of the best up and coming names in the business of motorcycle building. The experience of friendly competition proved once and for all that motorcycles are art, and the builders behind the creations are genius.
To obtain a copy of Hawaiian Chopper magazine, or to purchase a DVD of the event, email Hawaiian Chopper at, or call 808-780-2998. You can also watch for updates.
–Steve Kalnasy
Hawaiian Chopper
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM PAT SAVAGE BAND–From Pat Savage, Baukje Westerlaken and Petar Bashir collectively known as The Pat Savage Band, from our families to you & yours, we wish you a very happy and safe holiday season. The holidays are a time away from our daily grind, to hang out with family and good friends. A great time for reflection, and for giving thanks for all our personal blessings. We’ve had a very good year and we hope you had one too with all its ups and downs. Here comes 2006 and a whole new ball game!
Please come by for a scoot to the website and see and hear our music, read the latest news and say hey in our guestbook! You are our family, friends, fans and associates. Lets all have a great New Year! And to you who ride H-Ds… Keep On Rollin!
Happy Holidays and the best New Year!
–Pat Savage, Baukje Westerlaken, Peter Bashir
Savageworks International
Ura 9 4056
Tananger Norway
Ph: +47 97 53 91 34
Fax: +47 51 82 95 45

NORTON MOTORSPORTS NOW TAKING ORDERS FOR PRODUCTION COMMANDO 961–Norton Motorsports Now Taking Orders for Production Commando 961Happy Holidays from all of us here at Norton Motorsports! What could say Merry Christmas better than a new Commando 961?
A letter from Norton President & CEO Bruce MurdockNorton Motorsports is taking deposits for the 2007 production Commando.
For over two years, Norton Motorcycles has been focused on the design and development of a great new Commando. We have struggled as we continue to fight the battle between financial pressures and building new Nortons that stay true to the brand.

Our current focus is execution of our test plan and the initiation of production processes.
In parallel, we are building a great business that can manufacture, sell and support at a level equal to the motorcycles themselves. One crucial component to our business planning is an accurate forecast of demand. To facilitate this, we are taking reservations for all 2007 production models including the Commando Signature Series, the Commando 961S and 961.
This is a great opportunity to become a partner in the rebirth of the Commando, as your reservation will help us take the next steps into the future of Norton Motorcycles.
Bruce Murdock
President and CEO
Norton Motorsports Inc.
Order Process and Details
We know you’ll have lots of questions so we put up a short list of FAQ’s to help you out. Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly with any questions.
How do I get one?
Place your deposit with Norton either online (click the link below) or by sending a request for a deposit agreement to Print, sign and send it in to Norton at 17835 SE 82nd Dr. Gladstone, OR 97027 with your check for $500.
I sent in my check and signed agreement. Now what? Keep your eye on the mail. Norton will be sending you a commemorative hat, sweatshirt and plaque to keep you looking good until your bike arrives.
Norton will then contact you prior to the delivery of your bike and finalize your commitment with a sales agreement and down-payment. From there the bike will be delivered as production is allocated.
When will the bikes be available?
Production is scheduled to begin in mid 2007. Norton will build the 100 Signature Series bikes first followed by the Commando 961 and 961 S models.
How can I see one?
All current bikes are committed to testing and design validation. Check out our website for photos of the bike as well as the press section to read up on what the motorcycle media thinks.
How much will they cost?
The Commando 961 will sell for $10,995
The Commando 961 S will sell for $13,195
Complete spec’s are available on our website.
What happens to my money?
All deposits will be held in an escrow account. Should
you choose to cancel your deposit will be refunded in full.
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