

HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTOR COMPANY NAMED TO FORTUNE LIST OF 100 BEST COMPANIES TOWORK FOR– Harley-Davidson Motor Company has madeFORTUNE Magazine’s annual list of 100 Best Companies to Work For, coming inat No. 92. This is the third time in four years that Harley-Davidson hasbeen on the list.
More than 36,000 employees at the candidate companies filled out the GreatPlace to Work Trust Index, an employee survey that evaluates trust inmanagement, pride in work and the company, and camaraderie.
Details will be available in the Jan. 8, 2001, issue of FORTUNE, which hitsthe newsstands Dec. 25, 2000. Robert Levering and Milton Moskowitz,best-selling authors of The 100 Best Companies to Work For in America,assisted FORTUNE in compiling the list. For more information visit:http://www.fortune.com/fortune/bestcompanies/
New Bikernet Staff member.
WHOAAAA!!! ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU!!! If you get an invitation to view a Biker Graphics Site, YES A BIKER SITE, from someone you don’t know, DONT OPEN IT!!!! It’s a Virus! It nailed me just by opening it, fortunately my virus scan caught it, but it’s a VERY INTELLIGENT VIRUS that’ll put an icon in your “Favorites” bar, & an invisible program on your Start Up for Windows! Whoever created this fucker is too damn clever!
I killed the Virus, but it had an “Invisible back up” that attached to my Windows Start up, so after killin’ it, I searched my whole system & had to find the Invisible Back-up on the Start up MANUALLY!!!
AE: You can kill the Virus, but if you don’t manually Seach throughout Windows, You’re Screwed! It’ll back up the origanal Virus, & re-attach itself to Windows!!! NO SHIT!!! Damn! Sorry but I can’t remember who it was from Somethin’ like Slipery Petes Biker Graphics or Slimey Something??? I killed the whole thing, but forgot to write down who the sender was! Dumb move on my part, but I needed ta kill it ASAP & just dove in kickin’ ass & forgot to take names 🙁 SOOOO, BE CAREFUL of invites from Biker Graghics sites ya don’t know! Someone is targeting Biker Sites now! Go figure???

CHRISTMAS DREAMS–If you’re a dreamer, or even if you’re not. Oh fuck it. we’re bikers, we’re always dreaming about doing something to our bikes or building another one. This is a Cyril Huze creation. Check his catalog if you want some of your dreams to come true.

DEAR ABBY:I am a sailor in the US Coast Guard. My parents live in the suburb ofNew Orleans and one of my sisters,who lives in Baton Rouge, is marriedto a transvestite. My father and mother have recently been arrestedfor growing and selling marijuana and are currently dependent on my othertwo sisters, who are prostitutes in Detroit.
I have two brothers, one who is currently serving a non-parole lifesentencein Attica for rape and murder of a teenage boy in 1994. The other brotheris currently being held in Angola on charges of incest with his threechildren.
I have recently become engaged to marry a former Thai prostitute who livesin the Gulfporte and indeed is still a part-time “working girl” in a brothel. However her time there is limited, as we hope to open our ownbrothel with her as the working manager.
I am hoping my two sisters would be interested in joining our team.AlthoughI would prefer them not to prostitute themselves, at least it would getthemoff the street, and hopefully the heroin…
Abby, my problem is this: I love my fianc? and look forward to bringingherinto the family and of course I want to be totally honest with her.
Should I tell her about my cousin who voted for Gore?
–Signed,Worried About My Reputation
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–All is sort of quiet here in the tropics, the Toy Run took place lastSunday, but it’s been raining for awhile, You guys get snow storms and coldfronts, we get waves and rain. There was a party up in the mountainsafterwards, and by what they are telling me, lots of people at the party,not so many at the run. Guess they dropped the toy and went for the booze.We are trying to get our shit together and getting to mail shirts andstuff. Give us a call if interested in some cool Chopper or shop shirtsfrom Puerto Rico.Special price if you mention Bikernet.com. (sorry for the plug Bandit..)Just saw the new plates and brake light from Choppers Inc. Cool ass shit!An Iron Cross, and Spades brake light, with machined billet plate holder.
This was just a short report. I want to wish all the brothers out there Happy Holidays and the best ever New Year possible. Ride more, work less,money, health and a fuckin’brand new chopper to all.
By the way here’s mywish list for the old red fat dude….No helmets, to all of us who have to wear them without choice.A brand new kick ass chopper ! self explanatory.Sex, sex, and some more sex…..! super self explanatory.No accidents, no tickets, no thieves.Good riding weather, friends and times.Less crowded Daytona and Sturgis (while at it real prices for food, hotelsand stuff)Being able to cruise Main Street without taking an hour, full of mag photoguys and good looking chicks with big boobs waving.Getting your mug in any of the magazines.Getting your bike in any of the magazines.And finding that old barn bike for less than a thousandbucks………..while having them in your pocket…
Good luck and Saludos from the Caribbean……Jose
WARNING– I don’t normally pass along these warnings and alerts, but this one sounds serious. I hope you’ll read it and pass it along to all of your female friends. We can’t be too careful!
–Darcy Betlach
WARNING !!!!! If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your tits, DO NOT show him your tits. This is a scam and he is only trying to see your tits.
QUANTUM REPORT–COULD BE A FINAL CHAPTER–On December 15th 2000 I attended the Bankruptcy Hearing for AmericanQuantum Motorcycle of Melbourne Florida in the United States BankruptcyCourt in Orlando Florida. On that date they changed the Status of Court Case 0008472-Ob1 from Chapter11 to Chapter 7
Any one who has a claim against Quantum should contact the court and submitit. Employees being owed back pay should use form B10 (Official Form 10)(4/98) The next scheduled court date is December 27th in Orlando.
RHOUSE CREW–This ship of fools is gettin’closer to heading out on our first cruise:)We might have ta leave port without Flag onboard? Jim Buck can dig allthat Navy talk; for y’all, it means: even on my “chopper’puter” I getthe “blinkin’logo” of Roadhouse. So, low-end viewers will be able to hitour pages. And Magic Bob/Lil’Kat(my kids)have just got’a new house in thehills ta move to, before Christmas. But, we have LadyGrace to skipperthis E-vessel.
Y’all are “plank-owners”, or like in the gangs, CharterMembers. That & $3, will get ya’a cup’a coffee at Starbucks:)But we’re not on this ride for the money; not yet; right? So, work withLG, your editor, RoadHouseWench@aol.com; get her your bio/photo & firstarticle. She/we work office hours, Tues/Wed/Thru. Y’all are on the job24/7. Don’t stress; all that means is: try ta get’a local run once/mo &if ya want’a cover more stuff, or write shit, feel free. But find theshit the big bike mags won’t cover. Write like you’re just talkin’in’abar. We will have a “Turn Out Room”; if ya got’a bitch, or want’a goofon’a other staffmember; rip on! It won’t sink this ship & might be funfor our(hopefull)viewers.
–Ride On! Wino Joe,USAI’m off ta party with “Lucky” The Redhead; I might “get” lucky:)WJUSA

CHRISTMAS MORNING RIDEIf you live in the L.A. area and don’t have anything going on Christmas morning, I’m having a short Breakfast ride from the Bikernet Headquarters to the Queen Mary for Breakfast. Call (310) 521-9900 for directions or info.We’re thinking about making it a tradition for us homeless, penniless, family-less, Santa-less bikers. Or if you’ve had just about enough Christmas Humbug and want to escape for a few hours, before the relatives arrive.

T’was the night before Christmas – Old Santa was pissed,
He cussed out the elves and threw down his list.
Miserable little brats, ungrateful little jerks,
I have good mind to scrap the whole works.
I’ve busted my ass for damn near a year,
Instead of “Thanks Santa” – what do I hear.
The old lady bitches cause I work late at night,
The elves want more money – The reindeer all fight.
Rudolph got drunk and goosed all the maids,
Donner is pregnant and Vixen has AIDS.
And just when I thought that things would get better,
Those assholes from IRS sent me a letter.
They say I owe taxes – if that ain’t damn funny,
Who the hell ever sent Santa Clause any money.
And the kids these days – they all are the pits,
They want the impossible …Those mean little shits.
I spent a whole year making wagons and sleds,
Assembling dolls…Their arms, legs and heads.
I made a ton of yo yo’s – No request for them,
They want computers and robots…they think I’m IBM!
Flying through the air…dodging the trees,
Falling down chimneys and skinning my knees.
I’m quitting this job…there’s just no enjoyment,
I’ll sit on my fat ass and draw unemployment.
There’s no Christmas this year…now you know the reason,
I found me a blonde.. I’m going SOUTH for the season!!
Ho ho ho ho ho ho
Hey! BLACK MAGIC TATTOOS & ART HAS MOVED TO:Tattoo_You_Gypsy@yahoo.comfeel free to write or send photo’s or comments to the new addy.If you’re in the NW Washington area and want a quality tattoo call (425)344-3103 for an appointment! Gypsy


CENTURY MOTORCYCLES CHRISTMAS PARTY–Here’s a couple of images of the bash at one of the oldest bike shops in the country. That’s Cindy R. the owner there smiling as bikers from all over the South Bay devour her chow. Watch for the interview with Cindy in an upcoming interview in Hot Rod Bikes magazine. She has a story to tell. Actually more than one.

SUMMARY AS OF: 2/24/2000–Introduced.Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000 – Amends chapter 53 (MachineGuns, Destructive Devices, and Certain OtherFirearms) of the Internal Revenue Code to, among other things: (1) requirethe registration of handguns in the National FirearmsRegistration and Transfer Record; (2) provide for the sharing ofregistration information with Federal, State and local lawenforcement agencies; and (3) provide for the imposition of the five dollartransfer tax on handguns and a $50 tax upon themaking of each handgun.
PLEASE READ THIS, IT’S IMPORTANT NEWS TO ALL GUYS WHO GO CLUBS OR BARS ANDDRINK– Guys, be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from a girl.Good girls out there, please forward this message to your guy friends. Andgirlfriends, take heed.
There is a new drug called beer, that is essentially in liquid form. Thedrug is now being used by female sexual predators at parties to convincetheir male victims to have sex with them. The shocking statistic is thatbeeris available virtually anywhere!
All girls have to do is buy a beer or two for almost any guy and simply askthe guy home for no-strings attached sex. Men are literally renderedhelplessagainst such attacks. Please! Forward this to everyone you know…

BUELL REPORT–Be sure to check out Barrie Gerolamy. Excellent H-D head porter for allyears. Is also working on porting H-D and Buell throttle bodies.Also Tilley H-D out my way. But he is pretty busy getting ready for the racing season this year.Later, Paul
COAST TO COAST BIKER NEWS–By BILL BISH, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)
MINNESOTA A.I.M. ATTORNEY WINS RULING AGAINST GANG STRIKE FORCE In whatis believed to be the first time bikers have successfully gone head to headwith the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, the Law Offices of Stephen R. O’Briensucceeded in obtaining judgment in favor of Michael Kanne and the MinnesotaMotorcycle Club Coalition (Confederation of Clubs).Kanne and the MMCC sued the strike force on October 5, calling a searchthis summer at Kanne’s St. Cloud apartment illegal. Kanne, a member of theChristian motorcycle club Bond Slaves, is Secretary for the MMCC and has nocriminal record.
Seized were various items of personal property as well asthree computers, dozens of disks and tapes, club mailing lists and otheritems belonging to the Coalition.Kanne’s lawyer, Minnesota Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) attorneyStephen R. O’Brien filed a Notice of Motion and Motion for the return of allproperty and the unsealing of the supporting affidavit, the document whichjustifies the signing of the search warrant.”By refusing to divulge the supporting affidavits, the government hasshown no justification for the search,” according to O’Brien, who has servedas legal counsel for the MMCC since its inception.At a hearing on November 9, 2000, Judge Bernard Boland ruled in favor ofMr. Kanne and the Minnesota Motorcycle Club Coalition, immediately orderingthe return of all property seized during the search. The judge also ruledthat the supporting affidavit justifying the search warrant had to bedisclosed. This may enable O’Brien to bring a 1983 Federal lawsuit againstthe Minnesota Gang Strike Force.O’Brien recently sued a Crystal, Minnesota bar for refusing service to abiker, and was awarded a $720.00 judgment in what is thought to be the firstlegal test of Minnesota’s newly enacted Equal Access bikeranti-discrimination law.Once again he has gotten a ruling which favors Minnesota bikers, and forhis tremendous efforts over the years Stephen R. O’Brien was selected by theNational Coalition of Motorcyclists board of directors to receive the NCOMSilver Spoke Award for Legal at next year’s NCOM Convention in Orlando.
In long beach Superbowl Sunday, and here’s your invitation:You can download the invitation here.
MASSACHUSETTS CONSIDERS ”NELLY’S BILL” A bill to put ”motorcycleawareness” programs in the high school and private driver education trainingclasses has been filed by State Representative Bradford Hill, reports the MMAof Massachusetts.”It will be referred to as ‘Nelly’s Bill,’ in memory of Nelson Selig,Sr.,” announced Representative Hill.Selig, a 38 year old father of two from Ipswich was killed earlier thisyear while riding his motorcycle when a teenage driver crossed the centerline and hit his motorcycle head on.”With this bill we hope to bring greater awareness of the more than100,000 motorcycles on the roads of the Commonwealth each year,” said Hill,”and prevent some senseless tragedies.”Rep. Hill continued, ”according to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, over177,400 teenagers are currently licensed. In the formal driver trainingschools, no mention is made of motorcycles on the road. This bill wouldrequire about two hours of motorcycle awareness programs.””Even for experienced drivers, motorcycles are difficult to see if we’renot looking for them. Their speed is tough to judge. It’s time we recognizethey are on the roads, and we promote more ‘awareness’ and everyone ‘checkingtwice,’ looking out for them during the season,” said Hill.
A CHILD ON THE BACK OF A MOTORCYCLE: FUN OR FOLLY? In an October 23column in the Washington Post, a horrified woman told of seeing a small childhanging on to a man’s coattails as a motorcycle sped up the interstate at 70mph.Apparently the article prompted numerous responses, including this one:”Dear Dr. Gridlock: After reading your letter regarding the child on theback of the motorcycle, Maryland Delegate Jean Cryor (R-Montgomery) haspre-filed a bill for the 2001 legislative session that would prohibit a childunder the age of 12 from riding on the back of a motorcycle.”
RIOT SQUAD USES TEAR GAS ON STUFFED TOYS Police have ruined 700 toys dueto be given out to needy children on Christmas, by covering them with teargas during training.ABC News reported that officers in Clarksville, Tennessee, who weretaking part in a tactical exercise, rolled a canister of tear gas into thewarehouse that was storing the gifts, which were collected and donated by theBikers Who Care group.They thought the chemical would harmlessly disperse into the air, but itsettled on the toys instead, making them unsafe.All attempts to save the collection failed, and police worked with alocal toy shop to replace the gifts.

SENATOR CAMPBELL TRADES HARLEY FOR MACK TRUCK U.S. Senator BenNighthorse Campbell did most of the driving of the Mack truck that hauled thenation’s Holiday Tree from his home state of Colorado to the U.S. Capitol inWashington, D.C. Campbell, well known for riding his Harley-Davidson andspeaking out for bikers’ rights in Congress, has a Commercial Driver’sLicense and practiced his driving by transporting various tractor-trailerloads for several companies acr oss Colorado.
GERMAN TEEN CAUGHT IN 75MPH MOPED DASH A teenager who spent all his timesouping up his moped has been caught by the police on his first drive throughtown after reaching 75mph. The 15-year-old German boy had spent all hismoney and most of his time working on the moped and had managed to power themachine up to more than 70mph. In a dash through his hometown of Leverkusen,the schoolboy reached 75mph before being stopped by police who say he wasdoing thre e times the speed limit, as well as making a huge noise.He claimed that the speedometer only went up to 40mph and he had no ideahe was going so fast.From STEVE GARCIA’S ”Stuff”, ABATE OF CALIFORNIA

JAPANESE TV STATION SUED FOR STAGING BIKER RAMPAGE An imprisonedmotorcycle gang leader filed a 23 million yen damages suit against an OsakaTV station on December 1, claiming he was sent to prison for a recklessdriving incident that was staged for a program by the broadcaster.The 22-year-old man filed the suit with the Osaka District Court againstTV Osaka Co., the program’s director and others, claiming he was convicted ofviolating the Road Traffic Law because he organized and took part in thenighttime biker rampage in summer 1999 at the request of the director.Lawyers representing the plaintiff claimed he is serving a prison termbecause he had found the request very difficult to refuse.The lawyers also said TV Osaka violated ethics and rights-protectionrules of the National Association of Commercial Broadcasters by shooting aprogram that covered ”a crime whose scale and time were prearranged.”According to the suit, the motorcycle gang leader, who was notidentified, was asked by the unnamed director to arrange a group ride in Julyand August 1999 that would be covered by the TV crew.The man, who was on probation at the time for an earlier reckless drivingconviction, accepted the request despite misgivings and asked anothermotorcycle gang to take part, according to the suit.The TV crew shot the cyclists’ wild and noisy nighttime jaunt, in whichthe plaintiff took part, in August 1999 and broadcasted it the followingmonth. The man was later arrested and received a four-month prison term inMay. He is still in jail because his probation on the previous conviction wasrevoked.Police also turned over to prosecutors their case against the TVdirector, alleging that the director encouraged the bikers to violate thetraffic law, but the Osaka District Public Prosecutor’s Office decided not tofile charges.THE JAPAN TIMES
WILLPOWER DRIVES ARMLESS THAI MECHANIC Gontong Puntaeng was born withjust small stumps for arms, but if you need your motorbike fixed he comeswell recommended.The largely self-trained Gontong has fixed hundreds of motorbikes withhis feet in the past 10 years in Thailand. Before that, he spent five yearsrepairing bicycles.”After several years of carefree youth, I quit wasting time and decidedto get a job by training myself to fix pushbikes,” the 37-year-old mechanictold REUTERS reporter Nopporn Wong-Anan from his grease-flooded workshop inSuphanburi province, 120 km (75 miles) northwest of Bangkok.His garage shop is a tin-roofed one-story shelter in which half the spaceis taken up as a living area for Gontong and his family.”I turned to repair motorcycles because I thought it would give me moremoney.”Gontong has perfected the use of his feet to tighten even small screws oruse an electric saw without assistance.He says he learned his trade from scratch but was helped by a 10-daytutorial on mechanics run by a government-run vocational center.”I once disassembled almost every part of a motorcycle and put them backtogether.”His monthly earnings are not large, even by Thai standards, but enough tolook after himself and his mother.` ”There have been good and bad days, but on average I make around 1,500baht ($40) a month,” he said.Handicapped and disabled people in Thailand usually get no specialfinancial support from the government, although some go to special stateschools.Many handicapped people live with and are supported by their parents,while others end up selling government lottery tickets or begging in thestreet.Gontong said his appearance sometimes deters potential customers atfirst.”The first time people see me and how I look…they don’t believe Icould do the job,” Gontong said while taking apart a metre-long plasticcover from a scooter frame with his toes.”But when they see me working they have confidence that I can fixthings, and many people from neighboring areas have started to bring theirbikes to me as well.”But Gontong doesn’t just fix motorcycles — he also rides one.He has a scooter which he modified to allow him to control theaccelerator with his foot. He uses strings attached from the stumps of hisarms to the handlebars to steer the scooter.If he needs spare parts, he can ride off on his scooter to buy them inperson.He won three certificates from Thailand’s Labour Ministry four years agofor his skill at repairing bikes and his ability to teach others.Gontong says he has no interest in taking up sport and competing in thenext paralympics.”But if there was a motorbike feet-fixing competition, I am sure I couldwin,” he said with a smile.Gontong says he is proud of what he does.”Sometimes I feel discouraged and depressed, but when I think of myselfagain, I am proud to be able to perform my work and to see that many peoplerespect what I do,” he said.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: ”The world is a dangerous place to live; notbecause of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t doanything about it.” –Albert Einstein
BUSH WINS ELECTION… He and Cheney are having lunch at a diner near the White House. Cheney orders the “Heart-Healthy” salad.
Bush leans over to the waitress and says”Honey, could I have a quickie?”
She’s horrified! She says, “Mr. President, I thought your administration would bring a new era of moral rectitude to the White House. Now I see I was wrong and i’m sorry I voted for you,” and she marches off.
Cheney leans over and says “George, I think it’s pronounced ‘QUICHE

AUSTIN/BLEU BAYOU H-D RACING SIGNS SZOKE FOR 2001 SEASON–Austin/Bleu Bayou Racing has signedCanadian Superbike runner-up Jordan Szoke to ride the team?s Harley-DavidsonVR1000 for a one-year contract, covering the 2001 AMA Superbike season. Thepast year saw Jordan on the Canadian Superbike podium five times in sevenoutings, with four wins. The team, formerly known as Bell County/Bleu BayouH-D Racing, has also received a boost with the addition of AustinHarley-Davidson as a primary sponsor. Effective immediately, the team willbe called Austin/Bleu Bayou H-D Racing.
In addition to rider and sponsor changes for the upcoming season,Austin/Bleu Bayou H-D Racing and Harley-Davidson Motor Company have agreedto collaborate on their AMA Superbike efforts for 2001, with the MotorCompany providing VR1000 privateer bikes and technical support toAustin/Bleu Bayou H-D Racing.
Austin/Bleu Bayou H-D Racing is a motorcycle roadracing team thatparticipates in the AMA Chevy Trucks U.S. Superbike Championship, thehighest level of professional motorcycle roadracing in the U.S. Teamheadquarters are located in Temple, Texas. For additional information onAustin/Bleu Bayou H-D Racing, call Scott Brooks at (254) 773-3365.
HARLEY-DAVIDSON? VELO GLIDE–There’s an old Harley? saying: “If I had to explain, you wouldn’t understand”. The same is true for the Harley-Davidson Velo Glide. What do you see when you look at the Velo Glide? Sure, it’s a bicycle, but if that’s all you see take a closer look. The Velo Glide is pure Harley-Davidson. It’s not about getting from Point A to Point B the fastest or the most economically. The Velo Glide makes a statement and it does it with style. It just feels right, even if you can’t explain why. Stand back and your appreciation grows. Your expectations are exceeded. There’s definitely more here than meets the eye. But, then again, they aren’t for everyone.
TWO ALIENS– landed in the Arizona desert near an abandoned gas station.They approached one of the gas pumps, and one of the aliens addressed it. “Greetings, Earthling. We come in peace. Take us to your leader.”
The gas pumps of course, didn’t respond. The alien repeated the greeting. Again there was no response.
The alien, annoyed by what he perceived to be the gas pumps haughty attitude, drew his ray gun, and said impatiently, “Greetings earthling. We come in peace. How dare you ignore us in this way! Take us to your leader, or I’ll fire!”
The other alien shouted to his comrade, “No, you don’t want to make him mad!” But before he finished his warning, the first alien fired. There was a huge explosion that blew both of them 200 meters into the desert, where they landed in a heap rather abruptly.
When they finally regained consciousness, the one who fired turned to the other one and said, “What a ferocious creature. It damn near killed us! How did you know it was so dangerous?”
The other alien answered, “If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my travels through the galaxy, when a guy has a penis he can wrap around himself twice and then stick it in his own ear, you don’t mess with him.”

SAMSON EXHAUST–Just after the first of the year we will be highlighting Samson Exhaust, a sponsor of Bikernet, and exhaust pipe technology. Watch for it. Since pipes are as critical to tuning as your carb, we plan to get to the bottom of the mystery, and bring the data directly to you.
MERRY CHRISTMAS & Ho Ho Ho! I was sitting in my offic humming Christmas carols when Bandit dropped by with my Christmas bonus. The platter of bagels on my desk was growing stale and dry after the morning holiday festivities, but I had been too caught up in the day’s business to attend to its removal. The cream cheese was congealing and had taken on the appearance of a pile of melted ice cream. Cleaning up the mess was the first thing I’d get too after Bandit left.
“Sundance, the bike show is one of our visitor’s favorite new areas. You and the Digital Gangster have really created a great feature”, he started. “We want to promote the bike show as much as we can, so I’ve committed you to riding in nine toy runs between now and Christmas.”
Bandit beamed at me like a man who had just received a gift certificate to a Las Vegas bordello, and I cringed. My holiday schedule was already tight, and I would never be able to make all of Bandit’s events in a few short weeks.
“Bandit, you know we have the reps from Chrome Specialties coming to visit this week. We’re doing the town, and I’m greasing the skids for the 2001 contract. My dog is still at the vet, and I have to fly out of here on Wednesday to get to Chicago for Christmas. When exactly do you think I will fit all of these toy runs into my schedule?” I was having a hard time keeping the irritation out of my voice.
“Come on Sundance, what’s one or two extra toy runs? You can handle it. By the way, here is your Christmas bonus. Santa is getting you a new Daytec frame this year. Ho Ho Ho!” He turned on his heel and disappeared chuckling down the hall. “You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout…”
I considered using the cream cheese spoon as a mini catapult to jetison the contents of the container toward the receding back of the jolly old elf, but the thought of cleaning up the mess later stayed my hand.
Nine toy runs! How was I going to manage it? The only answer was the great team we have here at BikerNet. I would have to call on my colleagues.
First I figured out which toy runs were scheduled after Wednesday. Even Bandit would have to admit that I couldn’t be in two places at once! That calculation dropped my dilemna down to five toy runs. OK, five might be manageable. I called Sin Wu and asked her to drop what she was doing to head to the toy store for me. “I need five great toys. Oh, and pick up four more for us to send to the toy runs I can’t ride in, OK?” As always, Sin Wu knew just what I needed and came back looking like a tall, sleak version of one of Santa’s elves.
Next I checked on times and locations, called each of the organizers for details, and started calling in favors from the rest of the staff. Agent Zebra was in town for the holidays, and he owed me big time. Luckily, it didn’t take much arm twisting to get him to take my place at toy run #1. “You know I’m happy to do anything I can for the kids.” The Digital Gangster was just as helpful with toy run #2 in Kent, Washington. Needless to say, by the end of the week, all of the BikerNet staff had made it to a fun and worthy toy run, and me, well, I made my plane.
I hope those toys will really make some child’s Christmas a little merrier this year, and the stale bagels reminded me to make my annual donation to the Harvest Food bank for the homeless.
The BikerNet staff is a great team! Everybody pitches in when someone needs a hand. They love to ride, and they live to make people happy through their riding and the tales of their experiences.
And Bandit, well, he was happy to see everything work out so smoothly. He called me on the air phone. “Sundance, I probably shouldn’t have thrown all those toy runs at you just two weeks before Christmas, but thanks for covering them all. I won’t dump on your schedule like that again. Will you forgive me please?” “Of course”, I said. “Don’t worry about it. Have fun back at HQ with the girls, and I’ll see you after the first of the year. Merry Christmas, Bandit!”
I smiled as I snuggled down in my seat – my eyes growing heavier and heavier, the drone of the airplane engine lulling me to sleep. “Yep, together we are the strongest biker team on the internet.” As I drifted off, I noticed snowflakes out the window. “I’m so lucky to work with these guys…. hmmmm,looks like a white Christmas this year.”
–Love ya! Sundance

New from the Outlaw Motorcycle Company:
Inspired by the latest aftermarket motorcyle wheel designs, these CNCMachined, Billet Aluminum yo-yo’s are one of a kind! They are beautifullystyled and machined and also play smooth as silk. The axel is made of aprecision ball bearing that is pressed onto a stainless steel stud andfitted into a rolled threaded axel hole. This design eliminates wobbleand was designed for VERY long sleep times (one minute sleep is easilyachieved.)

The engineered body gap and taper make for one big time responsive yo-yo. We also provide shims to optimize the body gap and changethe return characteristics so beginners and experts alike can set it up fortheir own personal tastes.
Hard anodized brilliant red on one side, silver finish on the other. The two-tone look is STRIKING! You are never to old for one of these. Theymake fantastic gifts and are great conversation pieces. Everyone fromthe guy who just wants one to put on his desk or hang in his shop, to theserious yo-yo geek (that’s us……) will treasure these!
Each one is serialized and available in limited quantities just in timefor Christmas.A collectors item for sure. These promise to be a favoritefor all who own them. The photo doesn’t do it justice. You HAVE tohold one to truly appreciate the beauty, styling, and precision engineeringin this piece.
Theyare available for secure online ordering in the gift shop here.
MERRY CHRISTMAS–That’s it, there’s more Christmas shopping to do, and Sin Wu is standing over me peeling out of her threads as if it was Christmas morning. There’s a new Panhead tech up on installing dual Mikunis. More fiction has crept into the odessy file. Watch for the ultimate tech tip. It’s one you’ll read over and over. It’s our Christmas gift to all who know how to have a good time.
Let’s Ride, Bandit