Continued From Page 1
Big Bore Report –
Part 1 –

Put about 550 miles on the new Dyna and it was slow. So… This week wetook it all apart, attached is a picture. We are in the process ofinstalling: 6200 RPM ignition box and new coil, 44 millimeter SE CV carb,211 cams, 1550 big bore cylinders, 10.5:1 compression ratio dome top bigborepistons, High Torque Compression Chamber (HTCC) high performance heads, SEroller rockers and a few other little do dads to make her just a tiny bitfaster. The little 88 inch is now a mere 95 inch motor so it should have a couplemore horses. 🙂 She should be back together by this weekend and aftertheshort break in I will let you know what the Dyno specs end up being. I ampushing for 100HP and 110 foot pounds of torque.
Cheers, – Kyle

Part 2 –
The project is nearly done. Motor is all built and I ran it on the Dynotoday and came up with some pretty impressive figures. Attached is a copyofthe Dyno run. There is a serious dip in the torque and horse power in the2,500 to 3,500 range but I hope to fix that by changing my exhaust to aThunderHeader. 🙂
Cheers, – Kyle
I recently came across an article writtenby Dale McFeatters of Scripps-HowardNews Service. In a column he wrote, he blasts bikers in general and doesn’tsee why we or anyone else would want anti-discrimination laws to protecteveryone regardless of religion, lifestyle or mode of transport, or anyotherthing such as race, creed or national origin. The Sack has spacelimitations or I would reprint his entire article so I could give him FULLcredit for being a biased fool who thinks his own rights are the only ones.
He’s upset, for some reason, because bikers in many states have fought inthelegislature for biker anti-discrimination laws. Some in fact did so viatheir state Confederation of Clubs. So this guy says all we want is to beestablished as a separate class of people. He dislikes the wealthy ridersbecause he thinks they want people to think they’re in “BIKER GANGS” whenthey ride their Harleys, but that they don’t want to be treated like “gang”members. HOGWASH! I’d bet my last dollar this fool has never been on abike, let alone been anywhere near a “BIKER GANG.” And guess what? NOBODYwants to be treated badly, biker or not. It’s all ridiculous to me, havingonly something over 50 years riding, and still to come across someonesupposedly intelligent even using the term “BIKER GANG.” Maybe I’ve missedsomething or he knows a hell of a lot more about scooter people than I do.
He also complains about one particular 300-pound biker called “Vermin.” Wellfolks, I weigh something near 240, they call me “Gunny,” and I’m not toopretty either. I still don’t like it when I ride up to a restaurant on mybike, especially when my wife is with me, and we don’t get service because”The Hells Angels” just arrived. Hollywood and some magazines have done anumber on us (AND on the Hells Angels), and we aren’t supposed to be upset?Sarcastically, he says next we’ll need laws to protect SUV owners. I’ll bethe doesn’t drive one or I guarantee he’d be bellyaching about that.
There have been several attempts in different states to modify existingdiscrimination laws. Minnesota so far is the only one that has beensuccessful. The law there protects all people, not just bikers, and itmakesit illegal to discriminate in public accommodations based on motorcycle modeof travel or attire.
What we all want is equal treatment according to the laws of the land.Don’tprofile us because we ride motorcycles and wear leather for protection fromstupid drivers such as Mr. McFeatters may be. There fool, I profiled YOUbecause of your audacity in writing such drivel.
Here’s another small example of this man’s intelligence when it comes toclubhouses. This TURKEY really did his homework: “They have their ownplaces, windowless, concrete-block establishments on the outskirts of townwhere the bar stools are bolted to the floor and the beer is served inplastic cups because of repeated unfortunate incidents with glass bottles.”If he didn’t have such an attitude, I’d bring him to one of those clubhousesfor an education. He also is angry because a Vespa rider is suing becausehewasn’t served somewhere.
By the way, Vespa riders are welcome in my house anytime. Their knees areinthe wind too. I don’t care what you ride as long as you ride. If you arediscriminated against I want to know about it. I don’t care if you ride aDOODLE-BUG. Uh-oh. I guess that remark dates me. Any doodlebug riders outthere, e-mail me, would ya? E-mail me at – tell me yourdoodlebug story. I’ll print some of them!
But back to this clown McFeatters: Most all bikers I know are educated, owntheir homes, have raised LAW-abiding children, have kids in college, andlikely earn as much or more than Mr. McFeatters. That includes those folkshe calls “GANGS.” Some of us even have more than one place to live. DON’Tprofile us unless you know what you’re talking about.
And by the way, Mr. McFeatters, the cost of our rides has nothing to dowithnot being served or not being able to get lodging after riding all day andhalf the night because of DISCRIMINATION. We want ALL people protected fromred-neck idiots who think this world is made for them alone. If YOU thinkYOU were discriminated against because YOU ride, you should contact yourlocal AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Attorney by calling our nationalnumber, (800) ON-A-BIKE, or look it up at AIM Attorneyshandle more than just accidents. ??Nuff said.
Bikernet Caribbean Report
I just got in from the shop. It’s 3 a.m. and we are still on amad rush to finish WCC No. 2 before Christmas and some other bikes we have atthe shop with minor mods. The two EXP’s are done and in the showroom, aswell as an FXR. The Sportster is in the paint booth and time is runningout. Man, I can’t even find time to go buy presents for my family, but whatthe hell, I can’t complain.
I can’t remember what I promised last week but here’s a photo of WCC No. 2 with the sheet metal (almost) in place.

We were trying to make a card for our readers at Bikernet, but again, timewasn’t in our favor. Maybe we will manage a belated one. I’m guessing Bandit should be in Europe by now, if USS Rust Bucket is stillfloating. It’s an incredible feeling when you see land after a couple weeksat sea. I know, been there done that. At least he was doing 15 knots. We cruised at 8 tops. The only down side is that you get used to being at seaand civilization seems weird after a while, more so in a sail boat whereeverything is quiet.
Last but not least, we at Caribbean Custom Cycles want towish all our readers, the crew at Bikernet headquarters and everyone else avery Merry Christmas, peace, health and a new chopper under the tree.Now we go to the news.
Yep, it’s still raining. Most bike activities have been dampened by it, atleast it’s cooler (75-80 degrees) and everything is very green.
Today we received a call from our connection in the Dominican Republic. It seemslike the 240-250 tire fever has hit the shores of this island. More so, thefirst V-Rod was sold there at the ridiculous amount of $32,000.I’m guessing some people will buy anything at any price as long as the”factory” name is on it. Go figure!
The Toy Run took place Sunday. It had been raining since Saturdaymorning, and it seemed like people decided to stay home (smart thing todo). But still, there were about 200 people in attendance (big drop though,crowds have been in the thousands in past events).I can’t remember aToy Run where we did not get soaking wet.
We heard that our only competitor, Mansos Motorcycle, has opened a new shop.People tell me it’s around 7,000 square feet and very well stocked. I’mglad for them. What’s good for motorcycling is good for all.
We just received some cool shirts from The Horse, designed by Kozik. They havean iron cross with the U.S. flag and above says Infidel. The front has theHorse’s logo (I’m guessing that’s Kozik’s message to Osama yo’mama). CallThe Horse if interested.
Speaking of The Horse, the January issue is out and has some cool bikes, hot babesand Billy Lane’s hubless tire. Get it at your local chopper shop.
Time to go get that needed rest. The shopping rush will start prettysoon and longer days and nights will follow. I guess we won’t bereporting next week, or maybe yes, since it’s the day after Christmas. Weare also working on the Web site and we have a new e-mail address. It, please feel free to use it. Once more, MerryChristmas to all and have a good night, I know I will. And like every week,to the Weasels…… We wish you twice what you might wish for us.
Jose Caribbean Bikernet chopped out agent.

It seems that when the Lord was making the world, he called man over and bestowed upon him 20 years of normal sex life. Man was horrified. “Only 20 years of normal sex life?” But the Lord was very adamant, that was all man could have.
Then the Lord called the monkey and gave him 20 years. “But I don’t need 20 years,” he protested, “10 is plenty for me.” Man spoke up eagerly, “Can I have the other 10?” The monkey graciously agreed.
Then the Lord called the lion and gave him 20 years, and the lion, like the monkey wanted only 10. Again, the man spoke up, “Can I have the other 10?” The lion said that of course he could.
Then came the donkey and he was given 20 years. But like the others, 10 was sufficient, and again man pleaded, “Can I have the other 10?” The donkey said that yes, he could.
This explains why man has 20 years of normal sex life, plus 10 years of monkeying around, 10 years of lion about it, and 10 years of making an ass of himself.
Bikernet Joke
An elderly married couple scheduled their annualmedical examination on the same day so they could traveltogether. After the examination, the doctor then said to theelderly man: “You appear to be in good health. Do you haveany medical concerns you would like to ask me?” “In fact, I do,” saidtheold man. “After I have sex with my wife,the first time I am usually hot and sweaty, and then, after Ihave sex with her the second time, I am usually cold and chilly.” Afterexamining the elderly lady, the doctor said, “Everythingappears to be fine. Do you have any medical concerns that youwould like to discuss with me?” The lady replied that she had noquestions or concerns. The doctor then asked: “Your husband had anunusualconcern.
He claims that he is usually hot and sweaty after having sex thefirst time with you and then cold and chilly after the second time.Do you know why?” “Oh that crazy old son-of-a-bitch!” she replied.”That’s becausethe first time is usually around July and the second time is usuallyin December!”
On To Page 3