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LIFESTYLE CYCLES DYNO TUNING AVAILABLE– Looking to get the most fuel mileage possible or maximize your Harley Davidson’s power potential? Then come in to LifeStyle Cycles today and let us Dyno Tune your motorcycle.
LifeStyle Cycles is an authorized Power Commander Dealer and installer and our mechanics are DynoJet certified, so you know it’ll be done right! Regardless if your Harley is carbureted or fuel injected, we can help you get the results you’re looking for.
Give LifeStyle Cycles a call today at (714) 490-0155 and see what we can do for your bike!
Call our Service Department today at (714) 490-0155 and set up an appointment.

BIKERNET JIMS TOOLS OF THE WEEK, LATE MODEL T/C CASE SPLITTER TOOL– Use this tool to break the case sealant by pushing apart both case halves.Bolt this tool to the primary mounting holes with supplied hardware. Hand thread-in pushing screw (do not use impact tools). Flywheels will be pushed from the left case.
No.995 – Use on T/C, 88? & 96? 2006 to present Dyna? and 2007 FL & FXST.
Suggested Retail Price: $ 248.45

Crank Disassembly Removing Tool
Use to press flywheels from cases (Will also press cases apart and break sealant bond). Some case pressing will require a hard cap.
No.1047-TP – Use on Big Twin 1955-1999 Pan, Shovel, & EVO.
Use on Twin Cam1999-2005 FXD, 1999-2006 FL, and 2000-2006 FXST. Also works on aftermarket engines.
On Twin Cam 88 B Motor – This tool can only be used for removing the flywheel from the left case.
Suggested Retail Price: $180.70
–JT Lepien

THE PUBLIC BURDEN MYTH–I received this, from Mike Greenwald, recently and decided it was worth sharing just to make a point:The cost of crashes (accidents as some people refer to them) is astronomical. The insurance for a motorcycle in the USA is limited by the industry. They do not allow proper limits of coverage to cover the costs and yet in many states this insufficient coverage is not only mandatory but also insufficient.
1% bikers such as the Hell’s Angels, Outlaws, Bandidos (and the list goes on) mostly operate and celebrate in stealth. However, the emulator of the patch on the back of the vest promoting the bad boy image is Harley Davidson with their owners group called HOG. Many of these HOG members are delusional in American patriotism in purchasing their bikes and even more do not know how to ride them. Attribute this fact to the slipshod training available from the Harley dealerships and the industry funded Motorcycle Safety Foundation. The sole purpose of the MSF is to market motorcycles and the secondary purpose is to give licensing skills test waivers to its attendees. As a note of interest, deaths during training have risen significantly since the MSF has taken over training.
The charities are usually held harmless in the crashes and deaths here. Many of these benefit rides are dangerous and poorly organized for the rider. The headlines have been full of injury and death related to these events.
Unbelievable. Insurance companies are some of the most profitable entities in the world. They’re so powerful they can force governments to pass laws to improve their profits.
But get this, 177 billion will go to pay for our overeating epidemic and obesity related illnesses in 2008. We could all ride off cliffs and not cost this country anywhere close to that number. Where’s the myriad laws to prevent people from eating, like a calorie meter strapped to your wrist. Look out! Just leave us freedom lovin’ bikers alone.–Bandit

NEW CHROME BREMBO BRAKE CALIPERS FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON– Brilliant Custom Styling for Many VRSC and Touring Models.
MILWAUKEE (Nov. 30, 2007) – The new Chrome Brembo Brake Caliper Kit (P/N 42012-06A, $799.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories gives some added shine to the front brakes of many Harley-Davidson VRSC and Touring models.
The kit includes new original equipment Brembo calipers that have been highly polished and chrome plated to a brilliant finish that compliments a custom equipped with chrome wheels, rotors, fork sliders and swingarm. Fits 2006-later VRSC and 2008 Touring models. The kit does not include brake pads.
For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

REGGIE’S TRIKE PROJECT BY BUCKSHOT– Well, here it is! Got the kit yesterday after work, and rode it down the street at 2:00 this afternoon.

I still have to fabricate the right side shifter conversion, arm rests, and finish the paint job, but it’s by-God up an’ runnin’!!
Reggie’ll be back in the wind before ya know it!
We’ve been waiting for a tech on this project since Thanksgiving. We decided we couldn’t wait any longer to share these. It’s a cool, quick conversion.-Wrench, Bikernet Tech Editor

1ST ANNUAL RIDEMYRTLEBEACH.COM POLAR BEAR DICE RUN– 1st Annual Polar Bear Dice Run “The fun doesn’t stop because the temperatures drop”
Registration with free donuts and hot coffee at B&M Cycles from 10-11AM508 North Kings Highway – Ride leaves at 11AM, Saturday, January 5th, 2008
$20 per rider. $10 per passenger. 25% of the take awarded to highest and lowest rolls.50% will be donated to Citizens Against Spouse Abuse*.
Roll stops to include:The Beaver Bar, The Island Bar South, Wimmer Custom Cycle, The Island Bar & Grill.
Join us on the first run of 2008. Enjoy free HOT coffee, HOT dogs, HOT wings, HOT deals, and HOT cocoa, and HOT soup along the way. All particiants will receive a 10% discount storewide at both B&M Cycles and Wimmer Cycle during the ride.
All bikes and vehicles welcome. For more info call Big E at 843-251-1010.(This ride is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Polar Bear Club USA, Inc.)
–Eric Rutherford

GARAGE GIRLS BUILDING A BOBBER FOR A CURE–Jody Perewitz of Perewitz Cycle Fab, and Sara Liberte of RT’s North Hills Cycle are teaming up to build a “bobbah” motorcycle live on stage at three of the Northeast Motorcycle Expo shows produced by Kev-Marv Productions. Growing up as the daughter of icon motorcycle builder Dave Perewitz, Jody has been surrounded by motorcycles her whole life. It is no surprise that she has stepped into the limelight. Creating her own path in the industry, she has begun to mold her passion into some hot rides.In addition to designing and building motorcycles, Jody writes for the Perewitz blog,
Her partner in crime for this year’s charity build-off, Sara Liberte, has been confidently designing and building motorcycles for the last 10 years. Sara also has an artistic side that has produced the book “How to Repair and Maintain American V-Twin Motorcycles” and numerous photographs. She is a phenomenal photographer who has been capturing images of motorcycles, builders, and events for years.
The two female builders will be working side by side to create a custom bike for charity. Stop by to meet Jody and Sara, see them working and be entertained by their humorous antics as they build the bobber for a cure. You might even end up the lucky owner of this classic hardtail as “Bikers for The Cure” will be on hand selling $10.00 tickets.
All proceeds will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. “This is something we are proud to be a part of, Bikers for The Cure are dedicated to helping out in the fight against Breast Cancer, and we are looking forward to meeting everyone coming out to the shows” stated the two builders. The motorcycle shows will be in Hartford, CT on January 5th-6th, Reading, PA on Jan 25th-27th, and Boston MA, on Feb. 9th-10th. Stop by and witness two of the newest and hottest builders as they construct a bike for charity. You won’t regret it, but you will if you miss it.
For more information visit one or all of the following websites:

BIKERNET FARM REPORT– A Minnesota Department of Highways employee stopped at a farm and talked with an old farmer. He told the farmer, “I need to inspect your farm for a possible new road.”
The old farmer said, “OK, but don’t go in that field.”The Highways employee said, “I have the authority of the State of Minnesota to go where I want. See this card? I am allowed to go wherever I wish on farm land.”
So the old farmer went about his farm chores. Just a few minutes later, he heard loud screams and saw the Department of Highways employee running for the fence. Close behind was the farmer’s prize bull. The bull was madder than a nest full of hornets and the bull was gaining on the employee at every step.
The old farmer called out, “Show him your card, smartass!”

BIKERNET OPENS NEVADA BROTHEL IN TENNESSEE– In a small town in Tennessee, Biker named Bubba decides it’s time for his son, 14 year old Billy Bob, to learn the facts of life. He takes him to the local Sin Wu house of ill repute, which is fronted by a beauty parlor. Bubba introduces Billy Bob to the madam, and explains that it’s time for his indoctrination to manhood.
The madam says, ‘Bubba, you’ve been such a good customer over the years, I’m going to see to your son personally.’
So the madam takes Billy Bob by the hand and leads him upstairs where she completes his deflowering. Later, as they are walking downstairs the madam says, ‘Since this is your first time, I’m going to see that you get the full treatment before you leave, I’m going to give you a manicure too.’
Two weeks later Bubba and Billy Bob run into the Madam on the town’s main street.
Billy Bob is acting a little shy, so the madam smiles and says, ‘Well, Billy Bob, don’t you remember me?’
‘Yes, ma’am,’ he stammers. ‘You’re the lady that gave me the crabs and then cut off my fingernails so I couldn’t scratch ’em.’
–from Rogue

THIS WEEKEND IS THE FULL THROTTLE ALL CHILDREN’S TOY RUN!!!!!!– We will be setting up at Big Dog of Tampa and heading down to All Children’s Hospital. The will be no after party as this is all for the children!!!!
See you on the Toy Run!!!!!
–Tony Cianci
Editor – Florida Full Throttle Magazine
850 Dunbar Ave.
Oldsmar, FL 34677
800-889-8180 – Toll Free
813-814-1424 – Local Office

FLORIDA’S HANDLEBAR HEIGHT RESTRICTION– I read Bish’s take on the history of biker’s rights with great interest. I came across this article while searching for information about handlebar height laws for Florida. I had recently installed ape hangers onto a pair of Joker Machine risers that when combined, cause the bars to extend probably 4″ or so above the top of my shoulders.
I had no idea that Florida statute prohibits bars above the shoulder until I was stopped just this past weekend in Cottondale, Florida by a local officer. It was quite a show, with overhead lights, siren and even the loudspeaker shouting for me to “pull it over” as the patrol car raced up to within several feet of my rear tire.
I was promptly treated to a citation for violating the handlebar height law and given my copy with a broad smile and the warning that I could be ticketed again and again . . . ..I suppose until I remove the handlebars.
Frankly, the incident seemed far more like a strong message to stay out of Cottondale, Florida than anything to do with my handlebars.
My question is the Bikernet’s opinion about the best way to go about repealing the Florida statute for handlebar height restrictions? I noticed that several states, including North and South Carolina, Arkansas, Kansas and others recently passed legislation that no longer imposes restrictions. Is there a source of good information that I can use to help convince a sponsor at the capitol to see things a little more clearly?
–Russell R.
We suggested that Russell contact the MRF, ABATE and Rogue in Florida for legislative connections.–Bandit

BAG DADDIES EXHAUST FROM MARTIN BROS–The Next Addition to the Martin Bros Exhaust line.The all new Bag Daddies Exhaust, Fully Shielded, Baffled. Bolt on for Harley touring models. Part Number MBE-028
We would also like to thank all the guys at Hot Bike for the recent Trendkill Sportster install (Volume 40 number 1,2008). Picked up some nice HP and Torque.
That’s several new styles (available in a variety of coatings) for Touring, Softail, Dyna and Sportster bikes. We have even more coming soon and we are getting excited about the up coming year.
–Keith McCann
Martin Bros Bikes
1146 Explorer ST
Duncanville TX 75167

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