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AMERICAN MOTORCYCLIST ASSOCIATION SHAKE-UP–AMA CEO Rob Dingman is putting his personal stamp on the organization. Dingman dismissed three long-serving individuals, two employees and the AMA’s legal counsel, over the span of four days last week.
AMA legal counsel Tim Owen was the first to be dismissed. Owen was not an AMA employee, but he’d served the association for the past 17 years. Last Tuesday, December 4, Owen was called into Dingman’s office and told it was his “last day on the job.”
On Friday, two of the longest serving AMA employees were let go. Greg Harrison, senior vice president of membership and marketing, and Bill Wood, senior director of communications, were asked to leave the AMA headquarters at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 7.
According to someone familiar with the dismissals, they “changed the locks, canned them and then ordered them escorted out of the building so they couldn’t talk to anyone.”Harrison had been with the AMA for 28 years. Much of that time was spent editing “American Motorcyclist,” the AMA’s magazine. The magazine was currently being edited by Wood, a 25-year AMA veteran.
The dismissals follow the departure of AMA board chairman Dal Smilie. Smilie left the organization last month. He’s told friends that it was done for family reasons, but others remain skeptical.
Attempts to reach both Wood and Harrison were unsuccessful. Harrison, through an intermediary, said he would have no comment at this time. Another magazine staff member also declined to comment through an intermediary.But several people within the organization said it was permeated by a culture of fear, with many other long-serving employees worried about their job security. The widespread belief is that anyone associated with the former management is being put on notice that it will no longer be business as usual.
“The AMA’s an institution, not an organization,” one longtime observer said. “I think they’re attempting to deinstitutionalize it by getting rid of anyone.”Attempts by Cycle News to reach AMA Vice President Director of Communications Kerry Graeber were unsuccessful.
–from Rogue
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

BOURGET’S NEW FOUR-WHEELER INTRODUCTION– Bourget’s Bike Works introduces four-wheeler BEST known for its custom bikes, Bourget’s Bike Works chose the automotive specialist show SEMA to launch its 2008 model Shredder F-80. The Shredder F-80 is the industry’s first limited production V8 powered Quadracycle.
Bourget’s Bike Works suggests the Shredder provides the look and feel of an open riding position similar to a motorcycle, with the ride, performance and handling of a high-end sports-car. While it bridges the gap between two types of vehicle, it is designed to appeal to buyers wanting to ride a bike without the risk and worries of balancing on two wheels.
Features on the Shredder include Include a 375 hp, 350 Fuel Injected Chevrolet engine, Turbo 350 transmission, Winters Quick Change rear end, Four wheel independent suspension, 4 wheel Brembo disc brakes, all carbon fiber body, and Bourget’s custom 17″ x12″ wheels with Avon 330 Tires.
“Building motorcycles has always been my passion, but after 15 years, I’d become a little bored and needed to challenge my creativity!” says Roger Bourget, President of Bourget’s Bike Works, Inc. “Not everyone who wants one of my bikes is a super experienced rider, able to balance, corner & shift in perfect time. After numerous customer requests I experimented with building Trikes, but, that wasn’t getting me excited! I’d been wanting to build a Quadracycle for some time and now after 3 years of racking my brain and hard work, I’m excited!
“The Shredder F-80 is fully automatic, fully balanced on 4 wheels, and can be leisurely cruised or performance ridden. The Quadracycle can be customized to the rider just like my bikes. You can build it with a fuel efficient 4-cylinder Eco-Tech for cruising on up to a 625 hp Brodix small block for an experienced, performance driven buyer. The Shredder F-80 should get people excited about motorcycles again.”
“Regardless of your riding experience, your age, or your gender the Shredder F-80 will move you to the next level of performance, comfort, stability and quality. Bourget’s is currently in the beginning stages of developing the Quadracycle Shredder F-80 with an electric motor. We may be going green before you know it!”
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Tel: 623 879 9642
Fax: 623 879 9629

BIKERNET ROLLIN SIXES CHRISTMAS T-SHIRT DRIVE FOR SERVICEMEN– Hey brother Bandit, If you haven’t sent out the Assalt Weapan 5-Ball goody bag, can I donate mine to your T-shirts for troops campaign?
pete(from) florida
We’ll take care of you and the troops this week. See more about the campaign in Chapter 1 of the news.–Bandit

BIKERNET INVITED TO2008 MastersAugusta National Golf ClubApril 7-14, 2008An Invitation from Benjamin Abrams, PGA–You are cordially invited to join me and my golf professional colleagues at the 2008 Masters. The Masters Tournament has for decades been considered the ultimate in ALL of the sports’ world. I have been fortunate to have experienced many fabulous places and events in the world of golf, and without hesitation I consider the Masters at the Augusta National Golf Club to be the very pinnacle of golf destinations. The Masters, as most of you know, was started by golfing legend Bobby Jones in 1934. It has captured a place in the imagination of all of us that love this great game. Strolling those magnificent grounds in person will immediately show you why television does not do the course justice, much less the intensity of the tournament itself.
I haven’t touched a golf club since Barry Cooney threw one at me. I’m lost.–Bandit

CONFEDERATE MOTORCYCLES ANNOUNCES NEW APPAREL LINE– Just in time for the Holidays, a new classic t-shirt emerges from the luxury motorcycle company.
BIRMINGHAM, AL — Confederate Motor Company, the American design company that creates the prestigious Hellcat, Hellcat Combat and the new Wraith, announces the launch of a new apparel line. High-quality classic t-shirts are the first of the new apparel line to be available to the public.
The apparel line, which will also include designer leather jackets, belts and boots and stylish helmets and continues the vision of our company – to create the world’s ultimate street motoring experience – an experience that includes fashionable attire.
The first product available to the public is the Classic t-shirt in vintage white. The perfect fit crew t-shirt with exposed grey chain stitching on each colorway is 100% cotton, with a thin low gauge loose knit. The shirt boasts of an excellent ability to stretch and recover, a necessity in the motoring industry.
Currently, these classic branded t-shirts are part of an exclusive limited edition of only 500. Each shirt features the Confederate motorcycles brand and your choice of the well-known David branding icon (internally coded “underground rebel”) or the recognizable Hellcat or Wraith icons.
The limited edition t-shirt can be purchased for $75 or three for $150. To see these shirts, please visit our website [ For additional information on Confederate Motor Company, the Hellcat, Hellcat Combat or the Wraith, please visit THE GERALD JESSUP STORY IN THE CANTINA–High Quality stuff there sir!….bravo! The more I’m involved in racing, the more I realize how extraordinary the people are. This man possess the drive and ambition to put his life on the line to do something he loves. At 71, un-fuckin-believable. There are more stories similar, but every one amazes me. There is a guy, Royce Eaton, 73, races with us in WERA Vintage every race, badd-ass Ducati, in Florida, in July even!…His wife is still his pit crew!….and he runs 2 bikes, the Duc, and a modified Honda 350. Mr. Jesup is an inspiration.. I can only pray I’m doing what he is doing at 71.. instead of crapping my pants somewhere. –Charlie Young BUBS BONNEVILLE RULE CHANGE COMMITTEE REQUESTS, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE– just a quick reminder that the request for rule change form must be submitted by the 12th (tomorrow) of December.I have attached the form again for your convenience.I have replied via email to all those whose forms I have received. If you did not get an email from me- I may not have received your form. Please call me at 530-272-4310 between 7.30am and 4pm and I will check that I have received the form. I will accept all forms that are submitted by midnight tomorrow the 12th. Thanks for your time and contribution. –Delvene A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS-Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, BUB Enterprises,, Pingel Enterprises, Potter Lumber, HDT USA, NRHS V-Twin Performance, Buell Bros Racing, Bennett’s Performance, Bakker Motorsports, I know we’re pushing it, but I thought we should share the word anyway.-Hiway, 5-Ball Racing Team Member WALMART MAGAZINE SALES SLICED– Thought you would want to hear about big doings down in Bentonville, AR – home of WalMart. It seems WalMart is making big moves to toss the smaller magazines off their racks. In case you didn’t know, WalMart sells as much as 30% of many magazine’s total newsstand sales. They want the magazine wholesalers to stop shipping almost half the magazine titles they are now receiving. As best I can gather, WalMart’s cut out half the motorcycle magazines. Our American Iron Magazine and RoadBike are fine, but we hear WalMart has cut off the following magazine completely:American Rider, IronWorks, Ride Texas, Rider, Hot Bike Bagger, Robb Report Motorcycling, Motorcycle Classics, Motorcycle Cruiser, Street Chopper, Cycle World Specials and Iron Horse. Things could get tough for these magazines without being able to sell in WalMarts. And right before the holidays! –Buzz Kanter Another publisher in the industry, Jeff Tinnion, pointed out that Hot Bike Bagger has not been removed and Street Chopper was reduced to a bi-annual (twice a year) publication. BIKERNET RACING PLANS FOR 2008– Glad Bikernet is planning to run Maxton next year. Running at Maxton is a bit different than Bonneville (basically a mile long drag race on a, not so smooth, course with a slight curve at the start). Not really as bad as it sounds but it requires a different set-up than Bonneville to really go fast. I’m looking forward to seeing the assalt weapon in person at Maxton. Merry Christmas CHRISTMAS DEALER SPECIALS FROM STRIP CLUB CHOPPERS– Happy Holidays to all of our dealers from Strip Club Choppers! Here are our gifts to you: Every order receives: For every $100 you spend with us, you will get the following: This offer is only good with in stock items, and while supplies last. Contact Tonya Strait at 714/908-5534 with inquiries as to what is currently in stock. We can ship same day as you place your order on in stock items if you order before 3PM Pacific Standard Time. If you wish to cancel your subscription, simply click once on the link below. V-TWIN EXPO ANNOUNCES 2008 SEMINAR SCHEDULE AND TOPICS– Agoura Hills, CA-The 8th annual V-Twin Expo is just around the corner, February 2, 3 and 4th, 2008 in Cincinnati, Ohio. For those dealers planning to attend, be sure to mark your calendar for one of the most important seminars you will attend. Survival of the Fittest features panelists made up of your peers answering questions that will help you not only survive in 2008, but grow your business. V-Twin Exclusive — Exhaust Systems: What you need to know Is the noise issue going to hurt all of motorcycling? Are catalytic converters a reality? What is the motorcycle aftermarket industry going to have to do? These issues plus many more will be discussed with industry panel experts. The V-Twin Expo will welcome over 500 exhibitors in 2008 and thousands of v-twin dealers in Cincinnati at the Duke Energy Center. The V-Twin Expo remains the one show to attend for v-twin dealers. “I attend the v-twin expo every year, it is the single most informative event there is. It gives me and my staff personal time with the people we deal with every day over the phone. It’s nice to put a face with a name; also it gives my store the competitive edge it needs” said Duane Easter of Cycle City in Tennessee. 2008 V-Twin Expo dates are set, be sure to mark your calendars and register to attend this industry leading v-twin trade show. February 2, 3, and 4th, 2008. Registration is just one click away at: CRO CUSTOMS PROJECT BOBBER FOR SALE–This bike was built as my personal ride in 2003-04. This bike is bullet proof, it has made the El Diablo trip 2 years in a row without an issue._It has been seen in several mags, including Dice, Iron Horse, and The Horse BC. This bike was painted by Marcus from Lucky Seven Customs. Marcus is the paint wizard who does all of Matt Hotches bikes._This bike was voted one of the top 10 bikes at the Smoke Out West 2006. Here’s more tech on it:_1980 H-D Shovelheads, S&S polished cases, S&S Super E Carb with new Goodson Air Cleaner, Sifton Cam, Wiseco 10:1 forged pistons, Morris M5 polished Magneto. Heads and cases polished by JJ at WCC (I have the paperwork), Custom wrapped pipes_5 in 4 Kicker only tranny, polished 3″ BDL, with custom machined 1/2″ offset tranny plate, Moon eyes polished oil bag (small dent on lower left side), Custom Kraft Tech 180 width stock rake frame, 18-inch 200 rear Hallcraft 80-spoke self-balancing rim with NEW venom Avon, 21″ Hallcraft 80-spoke self-balancing front rim, Avon tire,_1947-48 BT springer front forks, speedster bars, One off handmade gas tank, Handmade rear 8.5″ fender, Exile rear sprotor brake, Custom 1950’s Turner mic. taillight, Hand tooled leather seat, Police style tank shifter. –Caleb PRO-ONE ALL-IN-ONE–Pro-One has developed a single, all inclusive gauge that provides indicator light functions for lighting, turn signals, high beam, neutral and digital speed readout. Best of all this compact, self contained, super sanitary unit measures only 2 _ inches in diameter and does not require the use of additional outside modules. Just hook up the wires and you’re set to go. The gauges make for perfect primary monitoring or a great backup for touring machines. Additionally Pro-One offers what thy call PRO-POD gauge mounts specifically designed for use with 2 1/16″ Dakota Digital gauges. Available in chrome or black anodized the all-in-one instrument retails for $539.95 and the PRO PODS go for $109.95. For complete details call 800-884-4173 or catch them on the Web at TWO WHEELERS HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA–Here are some new Tin Signs for your garage just in time for the holidays from Price $19.99 –Donna Maupin NEW BUILDER PROGRAM FOR CMT TV– “The Chopper Challenge” is a new CMT TV series that shines the spotlight on the master craftsmen who create the most sought after, two-wheeled works of rolling art. This “branded” reality series will debut May 12, 2008, to 84 million homes via Viacom’s CMT network and GMR Entertainment has been retained to handle all brand integration. Each week, a celebrity master bike builder creates a sponsor-inspired, fully handcrafted, custom logo-branded motorcycle. Equal parts custom design, competition and reality grit, “The Chopper Challenge” is as entertaining as it is unpredictable-and is aimed at the 18-49 demo, as well as the 35 million current motorcycle owner/operators in the United States. We are offering your brand the opportunity to be fully integrated, in one 60-minute episode of “The Chopper Challenge,” by having one of our craftsmen build a custom Bikernet bike! Category-exclusive brand integration elements include a minimum of 15 minutes of on-screen product integration with the option for spot inventory. (Please see the attached overview for additional info). As you may know, brand integration traditionally requires a hefty media spend, but because we represent the producers of the show, we are able to bypass this commitment. –Michael Paoletta It’s only $100,000. I’ll take two.–Bandit BAGGER APE HANGERS–Here’s your chance to give that subtle Bagger a little flavor and a lot of attitude. Paughco has just introduced a new collection of APE HANGER handlebars specifically designed for Dresser/touring models. The bars are fabricated from 1 _” tubing and swedged down to 1″ for a sanitary yet very hardcore appearance. They are dimpled for all late model controls, come drilled for internal wiring and fit perfectly into stock clamps. Available in both “Z-Bar” and round styles the bars are 40″ wide with a 15″ rise and 10″ pullback. Oversize dimensions require fitting of 6″ over stock length cables and brake lines. Designed to fit 1997 and later FLT and Street Glide machines the new bars go for $249.95 and are offered in black or chrome. For complete details call 775-246-5738 or catch them on the Web at
Event Manager
BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials Information
PH: 530 272 4310
FAX: 530 477 7489
– FREE Standard Shipping (Expedited shipping available with associated costs)
– FREE Shot Glass
– FREE Pint Glass
– FREE Football Jersey ($50 value!), I.E., spend $500, and get 5 FREE Football Jerseys.
– FREE Strip Club Choppers Gatorz Poster.
Saturday, February 2nd ~ 3:00-4:00pm
Room 232 Duke Energy Center
serious inquiries only.
VP of Marketing
GMR Entertainment (formerly AWE)
220 East 42nd Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10017
O: 212-479-1021 | F: 212-515-1945
Continued On Page 3