This is the dastardly delimma I face every day. Women or project bikes? This shot came from a new calendar created by ChopperDog Women contain the warmth of Christmas everyday. Whatta blessing. Let’s get to the news before I become frazzled with distraction: AS SEEN ON THE DISC0VERY CHANNEL–THE HORSE BackStreet Choppers will hold it?s world famous4th annual Smoke Out June 20-21 1/2 on the Rowan County Fairgrounds in Salisbury, NC about an hour north of Charlotte, NC. This is exit 74 off I-85. Live Bands, Beer, Food and Beer, “Old Skool” Chopper Show, Hot Chicks, Secret Guests, Secret Master of Ceremonies and thousands of the coolest ol? skool choppers you have ever seen!The hours are Friday, 2:00 pm to 11 pm and Saturday, 10 am to 11 pm. That’s a month earlier for all you wimps that can’t stand the heat. Register now and register as often as you like. That’s “pre-register.” There has never been a deal like this before anywhere in the world.Register before March 15th and get $10.00 off the gate admission of $25.00, plus a T-shirt of all things. We will give you a confirmation number and you will pick up the package at the gate. This non-refundable offer is your chance to secure a spot early at the greatest chopperevent of the year. Here’s the deal: If you register before March 15, it will be $15 and you get 1 of last years SMOKE OUT III t-shirts.Between March 15 and April 30th it will be $20 witha $5 coupon off any one of “our” T-shirts.We will have a NEW full color event shirt designed by Frank Kozik that will be the talk of Plattsburg.If you snooze, you’re on your own, and pay $25 per day like the rest of the last minute attendees. Send check or money order toThe Horse BackStreet Choppers PO Box 182501 ? Shelby Twp., MI 48318-2501 For more vendor and event Info call 586 566 0306 ask for Edge Go to www.thehorsemag.com for latest info. This is the hotel infoHotels and CampingThere are numerous hotels in the Salisbury, NC area. THE HORSE has worked to get a good deal on the hotels listed below. The recommended hotels will fill up quickly. Don?t wait. Also, YOU MUST SAY YOU ARE THERE FOR THE SMOKE OUT to get the discounted rate which can be as much as $20 less per night. Comfort Suites Photos from Kevin Harding (watch for his report in the next couple of days). THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL SOUTH FLORIDA PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL TOY RUN IN THE SUN WENT OFF THIS PAST SUNDAY, WITH ONLY A SLIGHT HITCH– THE DAY STARTED OUT AT THE POMPANO HARNESS RACE TRACK AND THE FOUR HOUR, THIRTY THOUSAND BIKE PARADE ENDS AT MARKHAM PARK, ABOUT TWENTY MILES WEST OF FT LIQUORDALE, WITH OVER FIFTY THOUSNAD PEOPLE ATTENDING THIS EVENT EVERY YEAR. THE TWENTY FIVE (OR MORE?) LOCAL AREA MC CLUBS DO AN OUTSTANDING JOB OF KEEPING THE PARTY, THE BANDS AND THE BEER FLOWING. THE BIKES SHOW WAS FILLED WITH 150 BIKES, MOSTLY FROM THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT, ALTHOUGH A FEW CHOPPERS GRACED THE GHETTO SIDE OF THIS SHOW. SADLY ABSENT THIS YEAR WAS A SHOWING FROM OUR BOY BILLY LANE. THE AWARD CEREMONY WAS POSTPONED DUE TO A BOMB SCARE THAT WAS CALLED IN JUST AS THE DRIZZLE CAME ABOUT FIVE PM. SOME WOMAN HAD BROUGHT A SUITCASE ALONG ON HER ROADKING AND HAD HER FRIENDS WATCH IT FOR HER AS SHE WATCHED EDDIE MONEY ON STAGE. THEY RESTED THE BLACK SUSPICOUS ARTICLE UP AGAINST A NEAR BY TREE AND WELL, IT NEVER MOVED THE ENTIRE TIME AND SOME PARANOID PERSON CALLED THE BROWARD COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT AND NATCH, THE BOMB SQUAD WAS ON THEIR WAY. THE ENITRE PARK WAS NOT EXVACUATED BUT THE OWNERS OF THE SHOW BIKES HAD TO COLLECT TROPHIES AT A LATTER DATE. WE ARE ALL AWARE OF THE TIMES IN WHICH WE ARE LVING BUT THIS IS JUST ANOTHER SCREW UP THAT WILL MAKE IT HARDER ON THE REST OF US NEXT TIME. NEXT YEAR SECURITY WILL BE WAY TIGHTEN, DUFFLE BAGS AND SUTICASES AREN’T NECCESSARY SO PLEASE, LEAVE THE LUGGAGE IN THE TRUCK! STEVE TYLER, OF AREOSMITH OPTED OUT OF THE PARADE THIS YEAR, SOMETHING ABOUT BEING SICK. THERE WERE THOUSANDS EAGER TO GET A GLIMPSE OF PAMELA ANDERSON,KID ROCK AND COMPANY BUT BETTER SOURCES TELL US THAT THEY WEREN’T EVEN THERE. DRAG SPECIALTIES SHOWED UP AS DID THE CAMELROADHOUSE WITH PRETTY GIRLS ABOUNDING. THE WALL OF DEATH DID THEIR CIRCUS ACT AND THE VENDORS SAID BUSINESS WAS BRISK. REMEMBER, SUPPORTING THE VENDORS MEANS THEY WILL KEEP COMING BACK. THE BANDS, LOCAL AND NATIONALLY KNOWN GODSMACK? PLAYED INTO THE DRIZZLE. EDDIE MONEY SHOWED REALLY CLASS BY DONNING A RAINCOAT AND SAYING IF IT DIDN’T BOTHER YOU, IT DIDN’T BOTHER HIM. THE DAY WAS FUN, FABULOUSLY PACKED WITH SCOOTERS OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. WHAT IS IT WITH THESE WOMEN ON GORGOEOUS BIKES THAT DON’T SMILE AS THEY PROFILE INTO AN EVENT? IF THIS WRITER HAD HALF THE TATAS AND YOUTHFUL BOOTY THAT THESE WELL CARED FOR WOMEN RIDERS HAD, THE GRIN WOULD REACH ALL THE WAY TO SPAIN! EVEN IN THE RAIN! THE EVENT RAISES BIG MONEY FOR THE JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL AND CAME THIS YEAR, ON THE SUNDAY AFTER H-D OF POMPANO’S “SUN RUN.” I DIDN’T MAKE IT TO THE DEALERSHIP AS I ATTENDED A SCOOTER RALLY (CUSHMANS, MUSTANGS, ETC) AND STILL HAVE FINAL EXAMS LOOMING IN THE TOO NEAR FUTURE. THOSE WHO WENT SAID ATTENDANCE WAS MINIMAL, THAT IT WAS ALMOST BORING AFTER THE FIRST HALF HOUR. THIS HARLEY DEALERSHIP WANTS TO GET A BIKETOBERFEST STYLE GIG GOING DOWN HERE AND WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU ABOUT HOW TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN. LOOK UP POMPANO H-D IN SOUTH FLORIDA FOR MORE INFO. IF YOU GET BORED, MAYBE YOU ARE THE BORING ONE!THERE’S LOTS OF TROPICAL LOCAL FUN RUNS IN MY BACK YARD.AND LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN, ON REALLY NICE SCOOTS.TELL THEM YOU READ ABOUT IT HERE ON BIKERNET.COM FIRST!OTHERWISE, I TOOK A ZILLION PHOTOS THAT I GET BACK ON THURSDAY AND WILL PROCESS ALONG WITH A SMALL TOKEN OF CHRISTMAS CHEER TO MY BIKERNET EDITOR AND LOWLY BIKER COMPADRES. HOILDAY WISHES FOR ALL AND LET JOSE KNOW THAT WE ARE ALWAYS ENTERTAINED BY HIS ANTICS,HIS LEVEL OF HONESTY AND SHEER ENTHUSIASM FOR OUR LIFESTYLE. I LIVE IT EVERY DAY, I WORK IN THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY, FREELANCE MY “BIKER” ARTWORK AND DREAM ABOUT THE TWO-WHEELED IRON HORSE EVERY NIGHT.I APPREACIATE ART, HISTORY, MUSIC, SCIENCE, LIFE AND LOVE.IT’S ALL ABOUT THE LOVE! SIGNED,(YES, THAT’S MY REAL NAME) SPEAKING OF SEX– You will love this one! On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparents’ house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her. When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, “He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning.” Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that two people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble. “Oh no, my dear,”replied granny. “Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong.” She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, “and if that damned ice cream truck hadn’t come along, he’d still be alive today. –from Bob T. JIM FUELING–Got a phone call that Jim Fueling of Fueling R&D (4 Valve Heads)has passedaway. You may want to see what you can find and mention it. I hope it’s not true. Jim was one of the mastermind innovators of the industry. He will be sorely missed. –ROGUE BIKERNET REPORTS ON DRINKING–A Floridian, a New Yorker and a Canadian are in a bar one night having abeer. The New Yorker drinks his beer and suddenly throws his glass in the air,pulls out a gun and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, “In New York our glasses are so cheap that we don’t need to drinkfrom the same one twice”. The Canadian [obviously impressed by this] drinks his beer, throws his glassinto the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, “In Canada we have so much sand to make the glasses that we don’tneed to drink out of the same glass twice either”. The Floridian, cool as a cucumber, picks up his beer and drinks it, throwshis glass into the air, pulls out his gun and shoots the New Yorker and theCanadian. He says “In Florida we have so many New Yorkers and Canadians that we don’tneed to drink with the same ones twice! –from Rogue Continued On Page 2
104 east Innes St.
Salisbury, NC 28144
(704) 630-0065 $53 for a suite.