Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–The Puerto Rico Bike Weekend is over, thank God! I don’t know if I could take any more beatings. While trying to finish the choppers we had, setting up everything and hanging out with our guests I slept like 4 hours in six days, yeap, so what the fuck is new?

Indian Larry, Paul Cox, Hank Young, Tim and Jameson were here to participate in the madness, Gennaro ? aka – Chicago Greaser was in charge of documenting everything for The Horse and sharing his photos with me so I can post them all over. I’m writing a story for it after I’m done with the news, so keep your eyes peeled.

One preview I can give is the ride over to the Western town of Rincon. I guess the guys found it an uplifting experience because of no worries about cops, lane directions, stop lights, stop signs or anything else. To sum it up, a 45-minute traffic jam was reduced to 3 minutes by doing what had to be done; the grin stuck to Indian Larry ‘s mug told the whole story. I guess we are used to the ultra defensive driving, which means, get there before anyone else no matter what it takes.

While juggling the whole deal I’m also moving Caribbean Custom Cycles to a new location, it’s about time since the older shop is too small. Soon I will have everything under one roof, including the stripper pole. To top it off, Hank Young of the Flying pan fame got a call from the Biker Build off series to be the next participant, while in Puerto Rico. I know who goes against him but will save it for a later date.

Like I said, we managed to finish two bikes and an almost, well let’s say two almost (one is missing the calipers and primary).I really want to keep on with the Puerto Rico story but I need to save some stuff for my Bikernet report on that, anyway, the guys were super happy to be here (while everyone else was freezing their butts in 20″ of snow) and promised to come back and even in despair of the freak tropical storm that hit the island it was a fun time for all. The burn out pit took some casualties of the rubber kind, the Don Q was freely flowing and the cops were super cool about the whole thing, I almost managed to swipe a cop bike into the pit.

All the visitors got a very good example of our islands hospitality, everyone here was more than elated to have builders of such caliber from the US (I guess they are tired of seeing my face) and there was no rush, no mobs, we did have carte blanche to do what the hell we wanted and let me tell you we really took full advantage of those privileges. I better shut up or I will give the whole story away.

Next year we expect a lot more people, and are planning on setting up containers to get people and their bikes from the US here. Yeap you too can escape the fucking cold and enjoy a rum and coke on the beach in Puerto Rico.

I got to start the work on the new shop, so I’ll cut this short and let the photos do the talking, before I forget, there will be event shirts available at my website pretty soon.
Back to work goddamitt! It’s going to be a sorry ass Christmas for me…..
Jose Bikernet Caribbean report…… and I did not fucking drown !

TWO PIECE HEAT SHIELD SET FOR 3-INCH DRESSER MUFFLERS–Samson announces new chrome Heat Shield to fit their Silver Bullet mufflers for dressers and Road Kings. It also has universal application and will fit all 3-inch mufflers.

6th WIFE SEARCHING FOR BANDIT–Hi, my name is Lena Fairless. My dad ownes Strokers of Dallas. I was looking for Bandit’s e-mail address. Iwas wondering if you knew it.
Thank you, XOXO
(Bandit’s 6th Wife!!)

RIVERA ENGINEERING, INC. ALL NEW DUAL CARB KITS FOR SPORTSTERS–1041-0023 Dual 42mm HSR Mikuni carburetor kit with polished carburetors, and polished Dual Runner Intake manifold. Fits all 1986-to present Evolution Sportster models.
1041-0024, Dual 42mm HSR Mikuni carburetor kit with polished carburetors, and CHROME Dual Runner Intake manifold. Fits all 1986-to present Evolution Sportster models.
Rivera Engineering, Inc.
12532 Lambert Road
Whittier, CA 90606
Tel: (562) 907-2600 Fax: (562) 907-2606

CRAZYHORSE REPORT–Ed Sherrer of old Virginia sent me photos of his completed bike with Crazy Horse paint. It was good news that I needed to hear. All is not serene in the Bortles household this week. The current raging debate concerns the BDL BeltDrive covers on the Crazy Horse gooseneck hardtail. Now I love the covers just as they are. They’re clean and sharp providing a neat cleaned up area at the bottom of the bike. Two perfect speres, one smaller than the other. Clean, clean, CLEAN dammit!!!!!!! But nnnnoooooo! The hillbilly bike builder can’t leave well enough alone. He’s out there right now, drawing circles and threatening to cut slots in them. YUK!

Great creeping lizards, I’m on the road for two weeks and come home to this. Desecration of my bike design! What’s next, him telling me that my chili is too spicy? That my chicken and dumplings are dumpy? If I give in to this, there may be no end in sight. I guess he got bored with polishing the carb while waiting for me to finish flaming the frame. I better get my ass in gear so he can start assembling that baby. He needs to leave that BDL alone. It’s perfect. Got that – husband? A man with too much time on his hands is a dangerous thing.

In other news, NASCAR Busch Grand national driver Mike McLaughlin is selling his custom built prostreet. This is one tightly constructed bike. You have to see this bike in person to believe it. Go to to see the details.
Ok, I gotta get back to that frame.
—Crazy Horse

CALIFORNIA–Do you know what happened in 1850?
California became a state.Back then, the state had no electricity, no money,there were gun fights in the middle of the streets, andalmost everyone spoke Spanish.
So it was just like California today.Only back then the women had real boobs.
–from Bob T.

Motors at Rusty?s
BIKERNET AUSTRALIAN CONNECTION–Bandit, I came across a ?63 Pan for sale in ?Just Bikes?. It had a 12-inch over front end with a slightly raked rigid frame; I struck a deal with John the owner over the phone and drove about 1200 klms to pick it up. I hooked up with John and had a feed, and drank way to many Southern Comforts at a great little pub in a one horse town in northern N.S.W. Australia. Turns out, I knew John from a few years ago which made the deal so much better. Crashed at the pub and after a big breakfast, loaded the pan on the trailer then John and I headed our separate ways.
Got the bike home, promptly unloaded it and went for a ride. It rode great but had a few bugs to sort out before I could do some serious riding. I looked up Rusty of RUSTY?S BAYSIDE Custom Cycle?s in Cleveland, just outside Brisbane, Queensland. He?s a fully qualified factory mechanic, originally from Africa and opened his shop on our shores in 1988. He runs a one-man show specialising in customising and restorations and is ?Old School? with a Pan in a softail frame as his own ride.

Walking into his shop you?re met with a variety of bikes he?s working on, old and new Pan motors and the odd Knuckle motor sitting around. He had a couple of ?ground up? rebuilds on the go, one being a very low H.P.U. swing arm frame from Germany with an inverted front-end by Italian Stortz -Cerini with a H.P.U. front and rear wheel with a 250 tyre. On top of the frame sits a stretched Battistins fuel tank and directly under the tank a ?113inch? S&S Knuckle style motor. I?ll keep you posted on this rebuild and send more photos as the bike progresses. Rusty?s email address is and I?ll keep you updated on Pan
Ride safe,
Glenn – The Australian Connection.

SAMSON’S BIRTHDAY CRUISE–Dealernews is going to run this picture to cover our Birthday Cruise. Tom from Dealernews wanted me to ID the people with Kenny, so do you want to be Bandit, Keith, K. Randall??? How about Layla?
Loved your article about Dave Hanlon. Can I put it on our
Nick Trumbo
Sales and Marketing Manager
Samson Motorcycle Products

Continued On Page 4