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NUDIST BIKERS–Just for your info, there are more nudist biker groups. This is a banner for the Bare Buns Bikers at Lake Como Family Nudist Resort in Florida. We get to ride all year round. Our web site is
THE RANCH HAND–A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife. She was a very good-looking woman, and determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, so she placedan ad in the newspaper for a ranch hand.
Only two men applied for the job. One was gay and the other a drunk. She decided to hire the gay guy, figuring it would be safer to have him around the house than the drunk.
He proved to be a hard worker who put in long hours and knew a lot about ranching. For weeks, the two of them worked hard, and the ranch was doing very well. Then one day, widow told the hired hand, “You have done a really good job, and the ranch looks great. You should go into town an kick up your heels.”
The hired hand readily agreed and went into town one Saturday night. One o’clock came, however, and he didn’t return. Two o’clock, and no hired hand. He returned around two-thirty, and upon entering the ranch house, he the widow sitting by the fireplace with a glass of wine, waiting for him.
She quietly called him over to her. “Unbutton my blouse and take it off,” she said. Trembling, he did as she directed.
“Now take off my boots.” He did as she asked, ever so slowly.
“Now take off my stockings.” He removed each gently and placed them neatly by her boots.
“Now take off my skirt.” He slowly unbuttoned it, watching her eyes in the fire light.
“Now take off my bra.” Again, with trembling hands, he did as he was told and dropped it to the floor.
“Now,” she said, “take off my panties.” By the light of the fire, he slowly pulled them down and off.
Then she looked at him and said, “If you ever wear my clothes into town again, you’re fired.”
Art F.

How to Fool the Breathalyzer–Want to trick that breath machine into a false reading? Not that difficult: just vary your breathing pattern.
As I’ve indicated in earlier posts, these breath machines which determine guilt or innocence in DUI cases are not exactly the reliable devices that law enforcement would have us believe. Yet another example of that unreliability is the fact that the results will vary depending upon the breathing pattern of the person being tested. This has been confirmed in a number of scientific studies. In one, for example, a group of men drank moderate doses of alcohol and their blood-alcohol levels were then measured by gas chromatographic analysis of their breath. The breathing techniques were then varied.
The results indicated that holding your breath for 30 seconds before exhaling increased the blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) by 15.7%. Hyperventilating for 20 seconds immediately before the analyses of breath, on the other hand, decreased the blood-alcohol level by 10.6%. Keeping the mouth closed for five minutes and using shallow nasal breathing resulted in increasing the BAC by 7.3%, and testing after a slow, 20-second exhalation increased levels by 2%. “How Breathing Techniques Can Influence the Results of Breath-Alcohol Analyses”, 22(4) Medical Science and the Law 275. For another study with similar findings, see “Accurate Measurement of Blood Alcohol Concentration with Isothermal Breathing”, 51(1) Journal of Studies on Alcohol 6.
Dr. Michael Hlastala, Professor of Physiology, Biophysics and Medicine at the University of Washington has gone farther and concluded:
“By far, the most overlooked error in breath testing for alcohol is the pattern of breathing….The concentration of alcohol changes considerably during the breath…The first part of the breath, after discarding the dead space, has an alcohol concentration much lower than the equivalent BAC. Whereas, the last part of the breath has an alcohol concentration that is much higher than the equivalent BAC. The last part of the breath can be over 50% above the alcohol level….Thus, a breath tester reading of 0.14% taken from the last part of the breath may indicate that the blood level is only 0.09%.” 9(6) The Champion 16 (1985).
Many police officers know this. They also know that if the machine contradicts their judgment that the person they arrested is intoxicated, they won’t look good. So when they tell the arrestee to blow into the machine’s mouthpiece, they’ll yell at him, “Keep breathing! Breathe harder! Harder!” As Professor Hlastala has found, this ensures that the breath captured by the machine will be from the bottom of the lungs, near the alveolar sacs, which will be richest in alcohol. With the higher alcohol concentration, the machine will give a higher — but inaccurate — reading.
Posted by Los Angeles DUI lawyer Lawrence Taylor on 11/27/04; 5:29:26 AM Discuss Trackback [0]

1. Amarillo man found guilty of intoxication manslaughter
2. Fatal crashes caused by animals at all-time high
3. Victim awarded millions in suit
4. An interesting perspective on the airport “security” scam …
1. Amarillo man found guilty of intoxication manslaughter
A 20-year-old man faces up to 20 years in prison after a Randall County juryfound him guilty of intoxication manslaughter Monday in connection witha 2003fatal motorcycle accident.Joshua Lee Adams broke down shortly after the jury gave the verdict Mondayafternoon, doubling over in his chair and sobbing.Prosecutors alleged Adams was high on cough medicine when he ran into GeraldDurant Grooms on South Farm-to-Market Road 1541 and Plantation Road on thenight of April 14, 2003.Grooms, 37, was stopped on his motorcycle, preparing to make a left turn onto Plantation.Adams’ attorney, Randy Sherrod, told jurors in closing arguments the statefailed to prove Adams was intoxicated and that intoxication caused Grooms’death. He argued commotion by passengers in the back seat of the 1997OldsmobileAchieva distracted Adams, causing the accident.”It’s a terrible situation,” he said. “Don’t compound it by convictingsomeone who’s not guilty under the law.”Criminal District Attorney James Farren presented several witnesses whotestified Adams had used cough medicine, specifically Coricidin, to gethigh, andhe appeared intoxicated that night.”His actions alone were clearly what caused the death of Gerald Grooms,” hesaid.Jurors also found him guilty of using a deadly weapon, a special issue setout for them to consider in the charge.Jurors deliberated about three hours. The trial began Nov. 9, and thepunishment phase continues today. Adams, who was out on bond, was takento RandallCounty Jail. He faces two to 20 years in prison.
2. Fatal crashes caused by animals at all-time high
Fatal crashes caused by animals at all-time highBy Dee-Ann Durbin
WASHINGTON – Cars and motorcycles crash into deer more than 4,000 times aday, and it’s taking an increasingly deadly toll – on people.Last year a record 210 motorists were killed in collisions with animals,mostly deer. That was 40 more than the previous year and more than twice thenumber in 1993, according to a study by the Insurance Institute forHighway SafetyAccidents are most likely to happen in November, the institute said, becausehunters are out and deer are in their mating season, both of which cause theanimals to be on the move. Crashes are most likely to occur duringevening ornight, often on rural roads with speed limits of 55 mph or higher.”The deer population is growing, and there are more vehicles on the roadevery year,” Allan Williams, the institute’s chief scientist, saidWednesday.”There’s just a lot more chance for interaction with animals on theroads.”Deer are involved in about 75 percent of fatal animal-crash accidents. Inall, there were 1.5 million deer crashes last year, injuring 13,713people andcausing $1.1 billion in vehicle damage, the institute said.The study found most animal crashes involved one vehicle and deaths usuallywere caused when the vehicle left the road or a motorcyclist fell offthe bike.In relatively few cases, people were killed when the animal crashed throughthe windshield.Other animals that cause crashes include horses, moose, dogs, bears,cats andopossums, though none is responsible for a significant number. Cattle alsocause a small percentage of crashes, particularly in the West.Such animal-involved fatal crashes have been rising since the mid-1990s,according to federal data analyzed by the institute. Between 1993 and1997, anaverage of 119 fatal crashes occurred each year. Between 1998 and 2002, thefigure rose to 155.The institute said special signs during migratory periods, thinningherds andsigns that activate when deer are near roadways have shown promise inreducing crashes. Drivers also should be alert and slow down in theevenings,Williams said.But even with precautions, some crashes are unavoidable.”Sometimes animals just appear in the roadway and there’s not much chanceto react,” Williams said.Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable, especially when the riderfails towear a helmet. In the institute’s analysis of fatal crashes in nine states,65 percent of the 60 motorcyclists and all-terrain vehicle riders killedweren’t wearing helmets.”If an animal hits a motorcycle, the motorcyclist can go off the bikepretty easily,” he said.Of the nine states studied, only Georgia, Missouri and North Carolinarequirehelmets for all riders. Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina andWisconsin require helmets for teenagers, and Colorado doesn’t requirehelmets.The same study found 60 percent of the 93 vehicle occupants killed in animalcrashes weren’t wearing seat belts.
3. Victim awarded millions in suit
Herald Staff Writer
BRADENTON – A jury awarded an Ellenton man more than $5.6 million indamages Thursday for medical expenses, lost earning ability, and painand suffering in connection with a 2003 crash, court documents show.
Jurors determined that Warren Peterson III should receive $5,604,903 intotal damages for injuries he received when he was thrown off hismotorcycle during a crash along U.S. 41 in February 2003.
Peterson, who was 25 at the time of the accident, was driving a 2003Buell motorcycle along U.S. 41 when Harold Teravest, then 72, drove his2002 Chrysler van into Peterson’s path, according to Herald archives.Peterson struck the right side of the van before being thrown 39 feetfrom the crash site.
June Teravest, 72, of Michigan, died in the crash. The Florida HighwayPatrol cited her husband for violation of right of way.
Jurors determined there was negligence on the part of Teravest, but noneon the part of Peterson, according to the verdict form.
Teravest’s attorneys could not be reached for comment Thursday afternoon.
The verdict form shows the jury awarded Peterson $542,201 for medicalexpenses, and $1,062,702 for lost earnings and earning ability. Jurorsalso determined Peterson should receive an additional $4 million “forpain and suffering, disability, physical impairment, disfigurement,mental anguish, inconvenience, aggravation of a disease or physicaldefect or loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life.”
Peterson’s attorneys, Greg Hagopian and Kevin Gallagher, said they werepleased with the jury’s decision.
“The jury did the right thing on this one,” Hagopian said. “That’sexactly what we had recommended to the jury and thankfully they followedthe suggestion.”
Hagopian said Peterson’s leg was almost severed in the crash and hecontinues to recover. Hagopian described Peterson’s reaction to thejury’s decisions: “He said, ‘That’s great. But nothing’s going to makeme feel 100 percent.’ “
4. An interesting perspective on the airport “security” scam …
by Craig Roberts
November 18, 2004
I refuse to fly anymore. I refuse to be treated like a criminal. And I’mnot the only one. Because of the treatment of passengers at our airports bythe agents of the Transportation Security Administration, many Americansnow refuse to fly if they can drive, or simply decide to stay home. Thismeans fewer paying passengers on our airlines, fewer tourist dollars invacation spots, and less revenue being generated for our airports andairline infrastructure.
I am one of those suspicious characters that every single time I fly, get”selected” for “special screening.” I get to take off my shoes, spread mylegs and arms to get “wanded” and then get patted down. When I ask why Iwas picked out of line, I was told that it was simply “random screening.”The problem is that I “randomly” get selected every single time. A fewmonths back I flew home from St. Louis after delivering a vehicle to afriend. When I went through the security gate I was pulled out, spread out,and “shoed.” My shoes were then screened by a machine and an alarm went offshowing nitrates. Immediately I was surrounded by four big guys in whiteshirts and scowls. “Do you deal in chemicals?” one asked. “Where would youpick up explosives on your shoes?” asked another. I said I don’t deal inchemicals and I haven’t used explosives in years (no sense of humor ontheir part at this last statement). “Oh, when did you use explosives?”asked one scowler.
“When I was in Vietnam, as a US Marine, killing every commie I could get inmy sights!” was my first response, then “and when I was on the bombdisposal squad for the Tulsa Police Department” was my second.
They looked at each other, then one asked “so you’re a cop?”
“I’m retired. I spent 26 years as a police officer.”
“Do you have animals?”
“As a matter of fact, I have two horses, twelve chickens, two cats and aLabrador.”
They all looked at each other, obviously relieved, and handed my shoesback. “Well, that explains it” said one. “Walking around animal dung putsnitrates on your shoes.”
I couldn’t help wondering about anyone in a city who walk streets inhabitedby pigeons.
“Now, let ME ask YOU a question,” says I. “Why did I get pickedout–randomly?”
He showed me a checkered box at the bottom of my boarding pass and saidthat the computer does it, and when they see this they pull you out ofline. I asked why I ALWAYS had the checkered box.
“Well, you could be on The List.”
“What list?” I pursued.
“Let’s put it this way. You might have ticked someone off in Washington,like the FBI or another agency. I can’t say more. I’d get in trouble. Youneed to catch your plane.” He half grinned and walked off. I headed for thegate.
It was then that I knew what it was all about. I had written mygovernment-critical book “The Medusa File: Crimes and Cover-ups of the USGovernment” , and in doing so stepped on a lot oftoes. I knew the FBI had at one time tapped my phones, intercepted my mail,and tailed me–simply because I wrote about cases of government abuse,abuse of power and crimes committed by politicians and bureaucrats who usedtheir positions of power for their own agendas. And my treatment ofexposing the truth on who was really involved in the Oklahoma City Bombingcase and its connection to al Qaeda and Iraq–which was my last assignedcase before I retired–really slammed a few criminals in high places. Sonow I was on The List. So be it.
Let me confess what kind of “criminal suspect” I am: I served in the USMarine Corps from 1964-1968, twelve months of which I was in Vietnam as aMarine infantryman, hunting Vietcong for Uncle Sam’s Shooting Club. I waswounded in action and medevaced home. I was awarded six combat decorationsincluding the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, Vietnam Cross ofGallantry, Vietnam Service Medal and Vietnam Campaign medal. I went on toserve later in the Army National Guard, as an NCO, then obtaining acommission as the oldest member of my OCS class. I rose through the ranks,eventually transferring to the Army Reserve to serve as a companycommander, battalion staff officer, and finally an Intel officer. I retiredin 1999 as a lieutenant colonel with 30 years total service. I am now alsoa 60% disabled vet due to combat wounds which have worsened over the years.
At the same time my day job was as a police officer. I served 26 years withthe Tulsa PD, working uniform, plain clothes, SWAT, bomb squad and finallyas a police helicopter pilot for 3600 hours of flight time. I received thedepartment’s Medal of Valor, two Chief’s Medals, and the DepartmentCommendation Medal. Not exactly the profile of a terrorist suspect, eh?
My sin, evidently, was using the First Amendment. By writing books thatexposed government corruption I became a “suspicious character”–someone toadd to The List.
9/11 was the biggest turning point in American legal history since theKennedy Assassination. It was the driving force behind consolidation offederal law enforcement, creation of a new Homeland Defense Agency, andsubsequent creation of the Transportation Security Administration. Threeweeks after 9/11 I flew to Hawaii from Tulsa. The lines at the securitygates were horrendous, the waits terrible, but I knew that once everythingsettled down in a few months, it had to get better. However, at the time itwas very bad. When we began boarding in Los Angeles for Honolulu, I sawPearl Harbor veterans wearing their survivor hats being pulled out of linefor “special searches.” These vets were in their 70s and 80s–most withcanes and walkers. I asked one of the gate guards what was going on, and hesaid they were “random searches.”
I said “then why don’t you search the friggin’ Arabs getting on the plane?”There were several middle-eastern types in line–none of which were given aglance.
“Because we are ordered not to racially profile.”
“What? Gimme a break!” says I. “I was a cop for over two decades. We HAD toracially profile, as you say. After all, when the radio says that there’sbeen an armed robbery by a black male in his 20s, we didn’t go aroundlooking for, or stopping a white lady in her sixties!”
He looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and said “I know. But that’s ourorders from headquarters. We can get in trouble for pulling out Muslims andother people of middle eastern descent.”
I was both shocked and disgusted. This whole thing went along with notclosing off our southern border. How could you fight terrorism if youignored the obvious and pursued the ridiculous?
Since then the TSA and our airport security system has developed into amore efficient system of screening as far as how long it takes to getthrough the gate. But so did Nazi Germany. There, theGeheimestatspolizei–commonly referred to as Gestapo–became extremelyefficient. And feared. They had to answer to no one, could take anyone theywanted for interrogation, keep them as long as they wanted, and had toproduce no laws or authority when asked. They could simply say “it’s noneof your business. We do what we want. We have to show you nothing!”
The TSA can do all of the above. Witness the case of Helen Chenoweth-Hage,a former Congresswoman (R-ID) from Idaho. She attempted to board a UnitedAirlines flight in Boise and was pulled aside for additional screening.This included a pat down search and so on. She asked to see the regulationthat authorizes the gate agents to conduct this and was told that shecouldn’t see it. She refused to go through additional screening unless theycould produce the regulation, and she was not allowed to catch her plane.When asked later, the local TSA security director Julian Gonzales to theIdaho Statesman (10-10-04) that “She refused to go through additionalscreening and she was not allowed to fly.” When asked why the TSA did notshow her the regulation, he replied “because we don’t have to.”
This is known as Secret Law. They can pass it, but they don’t have to showit to you. At the same time, “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” You’redamned if you do, and damned if you don’t.
As a career police officer, and a counter-terrorist specialist trained bythe US Army, I can’t help but wonder what in the world is going on here.Terrorism is not being effectively addressed by such antics. Treatingaverage Americans, including women and babies, like criminals does littleto stem dedicated terrorists. It is like when I was in Vietnam, beingordered to detain and search other Marines and leave the Vietcong alonebecause we didn’t want to offend them.
Is there some secret conspiracy in the works that has the objective ofmotivating people not to travel? In Russia, as a form of control of thepopulation, they issued internal passports to discourage traveling outsideyour own “home area.” Here, dealing with Americans, it is done withsuggestive mind control. Make it so complicated, so annoying, soembarrassing, that no one WANTS to travel. It accomplishes the same thing.
Don’t worry about the airlines. They will go broke until there are only afew left, all subsidized and totally controlled by the government–likeLufthansa and el Al. We’ll be told it was because of unions, or rising fuelcosts, or other excuses, when in fact it will be because people will nolonger wish to fly unless they have to.
But, Citizen, remember: when you get to the airport, have your papers inorder and be ready to be searched. And don’t try any humor when beingsearched by saying something like “you missed a spot–can you get betweenmy shoulder blades a little to the left…?” The Airport Nazis have NOsense of humor.
Today’s air travel requirements remind me of an old black-and-white WorldWar II movie wherein a Gestapo agent at a train station approaches our heroand asks “You haf papers? You haf permit to be on Reich soil?”
I think I’ll just drive from now on.
? 2004 Craig Roberts – All Rights Reserved
Additional articles by Craig Roberts
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or

PICTURES FROM IRAQ Too Shocking & Graphic for Noble Mainstream Media.

BIKERNET PRODUCT PICK OF THE WEEK–We manufacture full-size V-Twin wall clocks (replica of H-D Evo engine).We have been manufacturing these in relatively small quantities for thelast 10 years, but recently made a BIG investment in new tooling to allowinjection-molding of 19 individual engine parts, which are assembled intoan ass-kicking piece of motorcycle art. We recently got a website up &running ( Our standard unit was featured in the Parts Boxsection of Easyriders Oct. ’04 issue.

Our units range from the basic unit with Seiko battery-operated clock, tothe full-on wazoo model with neon everywhere, including in the ends of thechromed steel exhaust pipes bent by Bassani.All V-time units feature a Zambini points cover. Because the V-time unitis actual size, customers can replace the points cover with any piecethat’s made to fit a real EVO engine.Our website will be updated in the next few days, to include pricing info,which ranges from $179 to $779, with most neon units in the $350-$400range.
All of our products are assembled right here in the U.S.A., in sunnysouthern CA.
We’re locatedin the heart of beautiful Socal wine country, in Temecula, California.Stop by for a drink.
Thanks for your time,
Dale Johnson
V-time Products
Temecula, CA
Ph: (951) 676-8047

Family of killed trooper denied access to patrol car– DAYTONA BEACH — A judge on Tuesday dismissed a civil action filed by the widow of a Florida Highway Patrol trooper killed while trying to apprehend a speeding motorcyclist.
The petition filed on behalf of Linda S. Haywood in circuit court Nov. 9 sought a court order allowing her attorneys to inspect the cruiser Trooper Darryl Haywood was driving when he crashed and died Oct. 2 on Interstate 4.
According to the petition, the FHP has kept the cruiser impounded since Haywood’s death and has refused Haywood’s representatives a chance to inspect the vehicle and a rear tire. The tire either blew or came apart before Haywood collided with another car and hit a tree, officials say.
Circuit Judge John W. Watson III dismissed the petition without prejudice and Haywood’s attorneys have 20 days to file an amended petition.
The accused motorcyclist, Donald Williams, 39, faces charges in Volusia and St. Johns counties
Continued On Page 3