Daytona Beach Bike Week 2004

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The famous beach drew fewer riders to the 63rd annual event than in recent years, but for many that was a positive element. It made getting around quicker; parking places were easily found even on Main and Beach streets. You could walk the sidewalks without hassle. Vendors had more time to spend with customers, and you waited in shorter lines, if there was any.

Businesses and vendors noticed less traffic. All who I interviewed said their business was down, althought there was a constant stream of customers. They were busy, just no long lines as before. There were considerable lines to see Billy Lane, Indian Larry and some other well known builders. Fans waited to talk to them and grab autographed purchases.

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Locals and regulars were heard making statements like, “Biketoberfest was busier” or “It must have been all the rain from last year or the cold from the year before.” Some even went so far as to estimate attendance down to 300,000 – 350,000, from the 500,000 they normally claim.

Actually the Bikers were in Florida, just not in Daytona Beach. Well not all at the same time, anyway.

There has been a growing, spreading trend for riders to hang in other parts of the state, like Orlando, Miami and even Key West. Reports from these communities claimed more visitors than normal this year. These areas welcome the Bikers and want their business, and it seems to be paying off.

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Cocco Beach recognized the growth with local newspaper articles welcoming bikers and asking motorist to be watchful for them. The city stated how riders added to the economy and were welcome. I'd never witnessed this level of support before, but it was similar to reports from other areas.

An advantage of staying outside of Daytona Beach is Money and less aggressive police enforcement of things like handlebars, exhaust, etc. Don't get me wrong there are aggressive enforcement areas all year long in Florida, but most do not just pull over every 5th or 7th biker and hunt for infractions.

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There are plenty of parties, restaurants and other forms of entertainment everywhere, and of course, you can ride into Daytona for a day or two see everything you want and get the hell out.

The communities starting just outside Daytona tried hard to draw business, and they were successful at doing it.

Riders now are from more different backgrounds, social levels, etc. They're looking for more than what Daytona Beach offers and hunting elsewhere in Florida. Those who opted to stay in Daytona Beach had plenty to do. Harley Show, Rat's Hole, Ole Skool Chopper Show were just a few of the Bike shows. Free Concerts almost every night, all the bars had bands, drink and drink and party hearty.

On top of the non-stop entertainment, the weather was in the 70s and a couple of times 80s. No Rain anywhere. Great riding weather and a lot of people were taking advantage of it.

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Of course so were the cops. There was the normal squad in front of the Iron Horse and also on the south end in front of Club 44 who were reported giving out tickets at a steady rate. As were the motorcycle cops sitting on the east end of International Speedway Blvd. As bikers took advantage of the new bridge, the the boys in blue were waiting and pulling them over for speeding. Hey you play, you get caught, you pay. The local newspaper reported the police expected more arrests this year, including an increase in DUI charges. Florida is pushing their “You drink You Drive, You Lose Campaign”.

There was also a goon squad roaming around looking for stolen bikes and snatched one from a dude in New Smyrna Beach. He says they said the numbers looked suspicious so they took it to an impound in Daytona Beach. Took the ignition out, cam cover off, cut 2 pushrods to get the cam out, all to check out the numbers on the inside of the case. The NUMBERS MATCHED. They took his bike on Thursday, and it wasn't returned until Saturday. Still he paid towing charges and he had to trailer it back to his home.

As of this article he has not got the bike back together, as he doesn’t have the parts to fix it.

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Okay You Motorcycle Riding Lawyers Out There, Which one or Team of You are Going To Step Up And Help This Dude Out? THIS BULL SHIT HAS TO STOP! Bikers need to let Daytona Beach know that they are tired of how they are treated. If the city wants their business they need to shape up. If not riders will spend their vacation in one of the other areas that welcome them.

If that happens watch the big motorcycle company vendors get more involved.

All in all I had a great time. I hope you did too. Learning more about the area and what's going on where helps riders understand the event and what's available. Watch for articles here on Bikernet before you head to Daytona.

We will continue to keep you informed in hopes that your stay is more enjoyable. That's our mission.


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