Count Down to Bonneville 2014


Your 5-Ball Racing Team is one week closer to  scrutinizing and the starting line on the salt in August. We have made major progress this past week in the quest for speed.  Above image is one of the first attempts at an intercooler. 

With Dr. Willie is slaving away, completing the ever shortening to do list. The 5-Ball Raycer is starting to look like all of the pieces have a happy, logical place. 

Willie spent the past few days kickin ass, changing the oil line fittings (the hardware is now safety wired) on the front of the engine to AN fittings, the Series 66 AerochargerTurbo has been on and off a couple of times while completing the last two oil fittings. Willie’s safety wiring is aircraft approved, nuts on the money. 

Bright and early Tuesday morning Marc Susman and his Crew dedicated a 5-axis machine, a programmer and operator to attack the final designing and machining of our latest air plenum. 

Note the interchangeable velocity stack, Marc machined two for upcoming tuning opportunities in New York. Master Tuner, Dan Thayer is the proprietor behind the helm of Thayer Sales & Service.  Dan will handle the tuning end of the, Randy Torgeson, 124 inch, S&S Cycle Twin Cam.  

Lurking behind the Susman air plenum we’re running a 62mm throttle body. Our Daytona Twin Tech closed loop computer will control all of the technical duties including fuel management, timing, etc. We ran this engine combination in a 2004 record setting Dyna for over 135,000 miles. 

While the Thursday News is going to print the Classic and Custom Rides air plenum will be in the final stages.  A 2 ¼” inlet will be added to the air plenum while the bonnet is welded in place allowing the Twins at in Long Beach a chance to connect the intercooler piping. 

A pick up date was confirmed Wednesday morning with Bikernet has shipped with Keyboard experiencing timely pick- ups and delivery. 

Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor
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