Well there I was, bags packed , a kiss goodbye to my wife, settled in for the 3 hour bus ride to Brisbane Airport, followed by an hour flight to Sydney International Airport, hassle my way thru customs for the 9 hour flight to Hawaii. As I sat waiting for the flight to get under way my mind drifted. I was thinking where did that 12 months go? It only seemed like yesterday that I went thru the same process and was on the way to last year's ” Choppers Only Show”, sponsored by Bikernet.com, held on the 4th of July weekend. I know it seems a long way to go for a bike show, and you're right, it is. But it’s worth it !! The people on this beautiful island have always made me feel welcome and ensure that I have a memorable experience, who wouldn't want to return to Paradise.

After a great flight I found myself at Larry's “Big Kahuna Bike Hire” right in the heart of Waikiki. We had a bite to eat, a quick beer and before you know it, we were cruising the Island, Larry on his his personal ride, a B.M.C. chopper and me on a Road King. We rode to ” Kustom Fab” Choppers on Sand Island, where Roger was busily working on the “Tiki Bike” a stunning rigid Shovel for the “Choppers Only Show”. We then headed back to town to catch up with Allan, who was good enough to put me up for the week and loan me his Nostalgia to ride. For anyone thinking of coming to Hawaii, this has definitely got to be the time to come, sensational weather, Waikiki is alive with bikes everywhere, builders and local folk burning the midnight oil to finish their rides in time for the show and the weekends festivities.

Steve Kalnasy of “Hawaiian's Choppers” magazine organized a fantastic party on Friday night to celebrate their 1st Birthday at the Honolulu Hard Rock Cafe with local bike builders and special guest builders from the mainland, Johnny Vasko aka “Johnny Chop” of L.A. and Jose De Miguel aka ” Chopper Freak” of Caribbean Custom Cycles, both were kept busy signing autographs, getting photos taken and just hanging out with the crowd which was huge. Music by “Starsky & Hutch” kept everybody rockin' and of course the Hawaiian Chopper Girls made the scenery just perfect. As luck would have it both Mat Hotch (Hotmatch Custom Cycles ) and Eddie Trotta, (Thunder Cycles – Florida) who were in town for the Choppers Only Show stopped by for a night out.

I had the best 10 days, riding around the Island catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. There were a few organised rides leading up to the show, Big Dog Motorcycles put on a great day, fed us all, before we took off for a ride in the sunshine. We also called in at South Seas Harley Davidson, where Dan Franco had a B.B.Q, music and heaps of giveaways. Johnny Chop and Jose were there signing autographs.

Nui of Grumpys Customs opened his new shop, a great crowd gathered to enjoy the sumptuous feast he'd prepared. And of course there was the big (really big) ride for the Choppers Only Show where again I was invited to ride with the Alii's MC right up there with Corey Ness and his son Zach. Very cool for an Aussie bloke!! Deacon put on yet another great day, Bandit & Layla had the Bikernet Stand all set with goodies to give away, they were joined by Tom Prewitt (painter extraordinaire) and Dennis of Cosmic Airbrush who displayed his island pinstriping talents. The Hawaiian Bikernet girls were having plenty of fun. Eddie Trotta, Mat Hotch & Chica were busily signing autographs and chatting with their many fans, who lined up in the heat for hours. Yet again, the calibre of bikes entered into the Show was something else. There's always the “car-park shows” at these events and they were certainly worth a second look.

Once more, I need to thank everybody for a fine Hawaiian stay, Bikernet hospilality was fantastic, again Allan and Larry were terrific hosts, and I look forward to seeing everybody at the next Choppers Only Show.